Villares de Órbigo

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    • Day 23

      Hospital > Murias

      October 23, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Getting far too lax about this walking business - left at 10am and even had a mid-way beer stop 😂 And as iff after a loong sodden stretch a tent just materialised with a fire and a whole donation-based FEAST laid out! Had a bowl of two types of fancy granola with coconut and rice milk. Would have squeezed my own orange juice but my hands were so numb didn't think I'd have the motor function. Then conquered the most fun bridge so far - basically a rollercoasterRead more

    • Day 35

      Hospital de Orbigo to Astorga

      October 8, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      What a difference a day makes!
      After yesterday's boring slog, today was a different walk entirely.
      The wonderful man at our hotel provided us with a simple breakfast ( usual croissant but heated!) Coffee and orange juice and off we set again to a beautiful morning. With the sun rising behind us the light was warm and almost casting a reddish hue. All the fatigue of yesterday's walk forgotten. As we were leaving a hard case Irish woman asked us if we were shaking in our boots referring to the big win Ireland had over Scotland. We replied cheekily that we were not a bit worried!
      A German girl from Berlin walked with us for awhile and everyone in good spirits. We saw livestock for the first time in a while and even cows that had been milked and goats and a few cattle. One village we passed through had a group. of men and their beagles getting ready for a pig hunt . We were just pleased it wasn't something out of Hunger Games! Lee in his orange top would have been a target!
      The country was undulating hills and had some lovely shade at times from groves of holm oaks and other vegetation. The villages we passed through seemed more affluent then the dire ones of yesterday and the odd new house had been built and even some rose gardens.
      We had coffee in a plain cafe after about 15 km and soaked up the Sunday morning atmosphere with locals enjoying the cafe culture. In the middle of nowhere there was a stall of food and coffee and for a donation we could help ourselves. The lovely German girl running it was shelling chestnuts and then going to make praline. She had a gorgeous big mastiff dog who had to be tied up as he would follow pilgrims to Astorga. The girl had a slight bohemian persona and was going to stay all winter there in a caravan. Apparently it gets downto -10 in winter.
      Today was 28 C.
      On we walked and the day was getting hotter but far in the distance we could see the city of Astorga with the Cathedral standing out against the blue sky.
      After a bit of a hot walk through the pavements of Astorga we came to Wendy's hotel and 3 gorgeous woman were there to greet us. The reception lady used Google translate to give us all the info and couldn't have been more helpful even finding a bed for Bill tomorrow night in Foncebadon. The rooms are great and we even have a sofa, a rare luxury. When we told them we didn't want
      breakfast in the morning as we wanted to get away early, the ladies were most upset so talked us into staying for that.
      Then it was down to the square near the cathedral and it was buzzing with all the locals out in their finery enjoying long lunches.
      There is a big Gaudi influence here and of course the magnificent Cathedral which dates from the 15th century. We have yet to visit the cathedral as the pull of beers rose and food overtook us.
      So now it is rest time and we will venture out in the early evening to explore this pretty city.
      We also need to attempt to vote but proving harder then we thought.
      Love all your messages and support and it seems a long time for you to be following this adventure. We are still laughing though and enjoying the slow pace of life where all you are worrying about is the path ahead of you. 262 km to go and have walked 528 km.
      Buen camino
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    • Day 21

      My way to Astorga

      August 20, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Sorry to my English followers but , today I will write in German for a reason! Heute bin ich das erste mal gerne alleine gelaufen! Anfangs war es kühl und mittlerweile ist es schön sonnig! Mitten in der angenehmen, hügeligen Landschaft kam mir erst ein Lied vom Tarzan Musical (gesungen von Phil Collins) in den Kopf, das ich meinen Kindern zum Einschlafen vorgesungen habe, als sie klein waren! Und dann ein Lied, das mich an meine wunderbare Frau denken ließ! Man sagt, irgendwann hat einen der Camino soweit und man muss heulen- bei mir war es heute so weit! Ich hätte gedacht, aus Erschöpfung oder so, aber mir wurde heute besonders bewusst, was mir hier wirklich fehlt und das sind neben meinen Freunden meine Kinder, die Familie und heute ganz besonders meine Frau! Wie sind heute 17 Jahre verheiratet: Ich liebe dich, mein Schatz! Das hier ist für dich:… (unser Lied)Read more

    • Day 26

      Shed meat

      April 17 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Every now and again you come across a Camino angel who has set up a rest spot for us. It's usually a stall or a shed, sometimes, such as this, someone's garage. There are chairs, sometimes there's a stamp for our credentials, often there's some food and drinks, very occasionally a bathroom, and everything is donation based. I wandered in looking at the photos, not looking for anything else as I'd only put 50m between me and my last bathroom break, disguised as a coffee break.

      A man came out from his adjoining kitchen and settled himself behind the table with the stamp and ink pad on it, ready to receive my credential. On learning I'm Australian he took me slowly around the space pointing out every skerrick of Australiana he'd amassed, including postcards (kookaburra and Mt Gambia), $5 and $10 notes, and on his necklace, a wooden kangaroo.

      He imitated a kookaburra and noted it was a long way away, then scurried into the kitchen telling me to wait there. When he came back out he was holding a slice of cured meat he'd clearly just cut, gesturing excitedly to his thigh. I made appreciative noises which incited him to go back, get a big knife, and open a different door off the shed, again telling me to wait.

      After a minute or so he came out and beckoned me in with the knife. Proving the point that white women die first in horror movies for a reason, I was too polite not to, so followed the man with the knife into the dark, wondering if that meat I had before was maybe from a human thigh?

      I was reassured, therefore, to see the trotter on what he was now carving me bits off. On showing me its severed, eyeless head, he explained it was a boar he'd shot himself. I successfully advocated for the cat circling both our ankles, and it was given a small amount too.

      One hand full of boar, I shook his with my other, and chuffed off.
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    • Day 170

      Hospital de Orbigo til Astorga

      September 27, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Dagens etappe er slutten på den Spanske Meseta Central, en høyslette som dekker over 200.000 kvadratkilometer sentralt i Spania, og utgjør mer enn 2/5 deler av Spanias samlede areal. Høysletten ligger på 650 til 800 moh. og er et rikt jordbruksområde.
      Vi var flere som forlot Albergue San Miguel i dag tidlig, ut i en klar høstluft, vindstille og 12 grader - med en vakker soloppgang. En perfekt start på dagen. Landskapet endret karakter og ble mer lukket enn dagene forut - mer kupert og mer skog.
      Dagens etappe var av det hyggelige slaget - 18 km på greie stier og grusveier. Halvveis til Astorga traff vi på et sted uten om det vanlige. En person hadde kjøp en tomt midt mellom ingensteds og etablert en leir, der han serverte diverse mat og drikke mot donasjoner. Uten strøm og vann - off the grid - levde han av pilegrimer og det de/vi var villige til å betale. En hyggelig kar, med en fri tilnærming til livet. En flott opplevelse.
      Jeg møtte også en noe stasjonær pilegrim, se bilde. Det er flott at noen tar slike initiativer. Det lyser opp hverdagen.
      Ved 12 tiden var jeg framme i Astorga og Albergue Myway. Et hyggelig sted, rent og pent. En flott overraskelse var å treffe Noren, den australienske dame som jeg har truffet fra og til. En veldig hyggelig dame.
      I kveld blir det felles middag, så senker roen seg til en ny dag i morgen. Da starter bakkene, fra ca. 700meter opp til 1500 meter. En ny dag å se fram til - etter en fantastisk flott dag.
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    • Villar de Mazarife to Villares de Órbigo

      October 10, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      A short day today, just 17km.

      We had a good early breakfast at the albergue and were out the door about 8am. By the time we left the town there was enough light to see.

      We walked about 7km beside a dead straight stretch of road. There was almost no traffic so it was not so bad. Then after a snack it was 3km more on a dirt road between corn fields to Villavante. We had coffee and croissants at the Santa Lúcia albergue there.

      5km further on we found Hospital de Órbigo, with a long medieval bridge leading into the town. Lunch there in a restaurant after a fruitless search for an ATM (cajero), and replenishing a few necessities from the supermarket.

      Not concerned about the ATM as we go through Astorga tomorrow. It is a bigger town and sure to have one.

      And finally 2km out the dirt track brought us to Villares de Órbigo. It’s a very quiet rural town. We were greeted by Martha who runs the El Encanto albergue. Great place and very pleasant hostess.

      More great cool cloudy walking weather, if a bit humid toward the end. It looks like it will rain here tonight, but weather for 6 days ahead looks pretty fine and dry.

      We had the pilgrims’ dinner at Arnal’s Restaurant and Bar up the street. Huge bowl of soup, large slab of steak with salad, bottle of vino tinto, 26€ for 2. Should help avert iron deficiency for the road ahead.
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    • Day 5

      Albergue Villares de Orbigo

      May 25, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      I decided to stay in the village Villares de Orbigo, got a bed in a beautiful Albergue, again without booking. Everyone is saying I am lucky, but that is what the Camino is about. Trying out the local beer, but again realised that I am not a beer drinker. It is a beautiful little village.Read more

    • Day 26

      Number 14 and a broken paw

      April 17 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      It was also an excellent day for small friends, with dogs in particular redeeming themselves. I've caught up with the mother and daughter walking with their dogs, and they let me know that the little one keeps walking with me because he's trying to herd me and keep us all together. God bless him.Read more

    • Day 28

      Villares de Órbigo

      April 11 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Another good walking day through wide, flat scrubland and farms. The agricultural landscape is a welcome change from the urban sprawl along the route out of León.

      The Meseta is coming to an end: snow-covered peaks can be seen in the distance, a sign of what is to come.

      Tonight’s stay is at the Albergue Villares de Órbigo, a small establishment run by a Dutch and Welsh couple.

      [Day 24, 26 km walked, 508 km from St Jean Pied-de-Port, 276 km to Santiago.]
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    • Day 3

      Quick break

      June 12, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Days are full of short breaks as we gradually wander our way along. Problems with lack of insoles, blisters, heavy packs etc. We are dealing with every problem as it comes. These pilgrims look a bit worse for wear though!Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Villares de Órbigo, Villares de Orbigo, 24288

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