This is the blog for Marc and my honeymoon in Thailand and Indonesia, 2016-2017! Les mer
  • Dag 10

    Adventures in Bangkok, Part 1

    18. desember 2016, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    We've only been in Bangkok for three days, but we have covered a lot of ground - literally!

    We stayed at the Bangkok tree house (see last post) which is in a very secluded part of the city. That is because it's in the "green lung" district of the city, literally in the jungle. That means it took close to 3 hours to get to the temples, by foot to the ferry, then taxi to metro, then foot again, but it was worth it.

    First, we visited Wat Pho, one of the oldest and highest graded Buddhist temples in Thailand. It was built in the 17th century. The temple complex houses the largest collection of Buddha images in Thailand, including a 46 m long reclining Buddha! See the pic.

    We were lucky to meet my friends here and see the temples with them. That means we had a local hook us up and help us get around, and even be our local guide and translators for the day. Thanks so much, Gordon, for the fantastic memories!

    They even gave us a crash course in Thai culture and the Royal family. What's interesting about the culture is that Thailand had a royal family. The recent King, Rama IX, has been in power for six decades but died two months ago. He was revered almost as a god. We even saw a big memorial by the palace and lots of locals dressed in thick black traditional clothing to pay their respects and mourn. Apparently, many night clubs even closed after his death because of how much this country worshipped him.

    Having locals with us really helped when we decided to get Thai foot massages. Wat Pho is renowned for its massage school, one of the first and best in Thailand. We were able to skip the tourist lines that had half an hour wait times because our fantastic guide took us around the corner to the student center where the was no line!

    The massages at the student center were great. First, they give you these comfy pajamas pants. And after an hour of being twisted, cracked, hit, and acrobatically rotated by the masseuse who used her legs and every muscle in her body to massage us, we still felt super peaceful (no joke... That's a Thai massage!). Marc's pic below proves it.

    We also had another friend in Bangkok that we we able to explore with and celebrate Marc's birthday, too: Matthieu! He met us at one of the highest rooftop bars in the city for cocktails, Vertigo. We got a great view of Bangkok by night from the 60th story! And we drank passion fruit cocktails to get the true flavor of the city.

    Our last adventure this week in Bangkok (before our stay in Chiang Mai, a northern city) was the floating market. Here, local food and clothes markets are often set up on the river. Some are accessed by canoe taxis, but we walked. We sampled everything from passion fruit smoothies to fish balls on a stick to coconut custard cooked in banana leaves! We even heard some karaoke!

    Then we flew to Chiang Mai for an elephant adventure. Stay tuned for the next post about the elephant sanctuary and then another from Bangkok after our trip to Chiang Mai, for Svet's birthday!


    Depuis notre base dans le poumon vert de Bangkok, il nous a fallu prendre un ferry, puis un taxi jusqu'au métro, pour arriver après deux changements dans le cœur historique de la ville. Pas très pratique, mais pas trop mal comparé aux 3h que les habitants passent dans les bouchons en moyenne chaque jour !

    Et le trajet vaut le coup ! En compagnie de nos amis qui habitent sur place, on a pu visiter les temples de Wat Arun et Wat Pho (très réputé pour son école de massage, on en a fait l'expérience 😃), et siroter des cocktails sur le toit d'un hôtel de luxe avec vue panoramique sur Bangkok du haut des 60 étages (merci Matthieu !).

    En passant près du palais royal, on a vu toute une foule venue rendre hommage au roi décédé le mois dernier. Il y a des mémoriaux partout dans Bangkok et beaucoup de gens portent des vêtements ou un ruban noir. Le roi était très apprécié et révéré : les thaïlandais lui attribuent plusieurs milliers de mesures qui ont contribué à améliorer leurs conditions de vie depuis que le roi est monté sur le trône il y a 70 ans.

    Avant de partir pour Chiang Mai, on est allés au marché flottant près de notre hôtel-cabane. Comme le reste du "poumon vert", le marché attire surtout des gens de Bangkok qui viennent passer le week-end à l'écart de l'agitation du centre. Loin des marchés flottants attrape-touristes, ici les étals ne sont pas sur des bateaux mais au bord des canaux. Ingrédients, plats cuisinés, vêtements, artisanat, et même karaoké, il y en a pour tous les goûts ! On s'est régalés de boulettes de poisson frit et de crème de coco colorée au pois papillon bleu.

    Prochaine étape : les éléphants !
    Les mer

  • Dag 9

    Bangkok Tree House

    17. desember 2016, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    (en français : voir ci-dessous)
    Our hotel in Bangkok deserves its own post. Stay tuned for more posts on what we actually DID in this city later.

    When we woke up this morning, our soundtrack was this-

    We recommend you play it while reading. ;-)

    We are spending a total of five nights in this literal tree house build on the river and most easily accessible by ferry. Most of those nights we are spending in a "normal" room, and on Marc's birthday, we got the penthouse of the jungle! It's a "view with a room", or an open air tree top bed protected only by real bamboo flooring and palm tree walls. The pictures speak for themselves. But to really explore the details, I highly recommend seeing their website,

    This tree house is inspired by an American book from the twentieth century about simple living and personal reflection in a cabin surrounded by nature. And that is exactly what we feel here -- especially since it takes over an hour to get to the city center and most touristy spots. The rooms and exteriors are made largely of glass, mirrors, and natural, local woods like bamboo. You feel like you're living in the jungle itself and the walls reflect it on all sides (even in the bathroom which has a glass bottom and shower inside a bamboo hut with an opening on the river!)

    We have seen so much wildlife, from hummingbirds outside our door, to giant Komodo dragons down the sidewalk (see last pic)!!

    Now let's talk about the restaurant here. This hotel is very green from its construction to its power generation and food preparation, as you'll see if you read the "green alphabet" on the website. That only makes the food here amazing, not to mention healthy, organic, and very exotic!! See the pics of our breakfast table including an exotic fruit tray (with dragon fruit!) and the blue butterfly pea flower tea that becomes violet when lemon is squeezed into it! Commonly, Thais eat a rice porridge (made vegan or with pork) for breakfast too, which has a very flavorful broth. We are in heaven for all the senses.

    I asked Marc whether he'll ever have another birthday that can top this. He said, "only if it's in orbit!"


    En se réveillant au coeur du "poumon vert" de Bangkok ce matin, voilà les sons qui nous entouraient : On vous recommande d'écouter tout en lisant pour vous plonger dans l'atmosphère !

    On est bien installés pour quelques jours dans une cabane accessible bien plus facilement par la rivière Chao Praya qui entoure Bangkok que par les petites rues qui traversent la forêt tropicale. Hier, pour mon anniversaire, on a dormi à la belle étoile sur une plateforme "vue avec chambre" d'où on peut contempler au loin les gratte ciels du centre ville, dont la plupart restent cachés par les cocotiers qui nous entourent. Plus d'infos ici:

    Comme le montrent les photos, c'est une cabane de luxe! Ces chambres en miroirs, salles d'eau en bambou, et plateformes sur pilotis sont inspirées par un livre sur le fait de méditer au milieu de la nature, et c'est effectivement ce qu'on ressent, loin des hot spots touristiques. (Qu'on va visiter aujourd'hui, une fois reposés du long vol.)

    La faune est tout aussi exotique, comme le varan en photo et la grosse araignée qui nous a accueilli dans la douche en bambou en arrivant :-)

    Côté cuisine, Svet décrit ça mieux que moi, mais on se régale de thé bleu au "pois papillon", qui devient violet une fois assaisonné de jus de citron vert, de currys, de fruits tropicaux, sans oublier les cocktails, et ça n'est que le début !

    Pour un anniversaire encore mieux que celui ci, il faudra qu'on aille en orbite !
    Les mer

  • Dag 1

    hi from DC; getting ready for Thailand!

    9. desember 2016, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 2 °C

    Hello friends, Chers amis, (en français : voir ci-dessous)

    We are excited to announce our honeymoon travel blog! Thank you SO MUCH for your wedding gifts that made this epic trip to Southeast Asia possible.

    And epic it is: in the next 6 weeks, you'll be able to follow us to the urban jungle of Bangkok, the real jungles of Khao Yai and Khao Sok, Chiang Mai's Elephant sanctuary where we will volunteer, more volunteering in an isolated paradise island to do marine turtle conservation, and one final night in a floating bungalow. And because you can't stay in Thailand for that long without a visa, we have to (darn!) spend 10 days in Bali, Indonesia in a coffee plantation resort. Check out the pics below to get an idea of our itinerary.

    Today we are writing from our future home after the trip, DC, 5 days before departure. We are here to find an apartment so we're not homeless after our trip. 😃

    This blog will have regular updates on our location, activities, and of course, pictures!!
    We intend to update this blog weekly, but internet access in remote places may complicate this plan.

    We are excited to share our journey with you all. We leave for Thailand next Wed., Dec. 14. Stay tuned for our first post in Thailand, scheduled for Dec. 17, once we arrive in Bangkok and get situated.

    Cheers and check back often!
    Svet & Marc


    Bienvenue sur notre blog de voyage de noces ! Mille mercis pour vos cadeaux de mariage qui ont rendu ce super voyage possible !

    Au programme pour les 6 semaines à venir : on vous invite à nous suivre dans la jungle urbaine de Bangkok, la vraie jungle do Khao Yai et Khao Sok, le sanctuaire de Chiang Mai où on va aider à réhabiliter des éléphants exploités pour le tourisme, ainsi que l'île quasi-déserte et paradisiaque de Kho Phra Thong où on va aider à la conservation de tortues marines, sans oublier une dernière nuit dans un bungalow flottant. Et comme on ne peut pas rester en Thaïlande aussi longtemps sans visa, on va être "obligés" de partir 10 jours à Bali (Indonésie) début janvier où notre hotel sera dans une plantation de café. Les photos ci-dessous vous donnent une idée de notre parcours.

    Aujourd'hui on vous écrit de notre future ville d'adoption, Washington DC, 5 jours avant le départ. On vient d'y trouver un appart où dormir à notre retour. 😃

    On va poster régulièrement pour vous sur ce blog de nos nouvelles et, bien sûr, des photos ! On espère vous tenir au courant chaque semaine, selon l'accès à internet. On part mercredi prochain 14 déc., et on va essayer de vous envoyer des nouvelles d'ici le 17 une fois arrivés à Bangkok.

    A très bientôt, et revenez souvent !

    Svet & Marc
    Les mer

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