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Los 10 mejores destinos de viaje Geneva
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    • Día 13

      Geneva Day 13

      7 de mayo de 2023, Suiza ⋅ 🌧 61 °F

      A gray, rain in the air, morning, Rain expected this afternoon. Off to see how close I can get to see the finish of the marathon in downtown Geneva. The half marathon went off at 8A and the full marathon at 9A. Nice for the runners to have the overcast skies and not too warm. The runners were finishing up the half marathon (13.1 miles/21 km).when I got there. Got a spot by the rail about 100 yds from the finish line. Lots of fun to watch the later finishers with the determination on their faces to finish. My favorite was a gal who finished wearing 3” pink high heels! In the pics below here is a video of the men’s winner on 2:09:40 - Emmanuel Gisamoda a Tanzanian. Also a pic of the women’s winner, Meseret Dinke from Ethiopia. Hard work for little remuneration.

      On to the museum for the day Musee Ariana: a museum to glass and ceramics. A lovely showcase of old ceramics mostly from Europe. A feature temporary exhibit was a Japanese fellow - spectacular pieces of modern fused glass. The setting was also exceptional; a previous home of the founder. The beautiful starry vaulted ceiling, pale pink columns around the upper level and spacious rooms were perfect for galleries. Quite the setting.

      I walked from downtown to the museum,again going past the UN. On the plaza people were setting up a small stage with audio. I asked a gal at the information booth what was going on. She told me that they were getting ready for a March for Life (a protest against antisemitism) later in the afternoon. After the museum, I walked back that way and a increasingly large group was forming with flags and waiting for the speakers to start. I listened for awhile, all in French, so not long. And it was raining. They were going to march downtown after the speeches. Appropriate place to address a world wide issue.

      Home finish up the planning for the next week of travel. Plan is to tram/train to Annecy, France (only 25 miles away), and pick up car for the remainder of the trip. Spend 2 nights in Annecy and then to an area NE of Lausanne. Found an Airbnb in Val de Charmey - near Gruyeres. All of this thanks to the gal who owns the condo I am staying in. She is a traveler and has given me all kinds of information about this area - and I have never been there, so happy for some new territory to explore.
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    • Día 15

      Geneva Day 15

      9 de mayo de 2023, Suiza ⋅ 🌧 61 °F

      A busy last day in Geneva. The good news is that I successfully completed a 2 day project and mailed some clothes home! I will not bore you with the details, however from getting a box, hours on line trying to complete forms I could not print, dealing with Swiss post, FedEx and UPS (UPS is “opus” in French should you ever need to know) and after a 2 tram and a bus jaunt across town this morning, and a VERY wonderful Swiss UPS fellow who did all the forms for me, I mailed the package!!! (for $93). 😂😂😂. My suitcase is now more manageable and all the colder weather clothes are on their way to Bodega Bay, I hope.

      Feeling very proud of myself, I headed back to town and the last museum that was on my list - The Art and History Museum. Agin the museum was in a beautiful old building however a museum that needs technology updating. They had a lot of wonderful art but the displays were lacking. A lot of old post Renaissance painting, which are way pretty dark, we’re in ill-lit rooms, making them darker. Very little English except for a panel in each room explaining contents. No audio, which to me any more, is essential. However their collection of Impressionists was impressive - Monet, Pissarro, Sisley, Cezanne filled one entire gallery. An array of Swiss artists over the same period and lots os art of the mountains in the area, especially Mount Blanc. They say on the website they are soon renovating, will take awhile, but the building as beautiful.

      Off then to explore another area of the City I had not yet been to the Carouge. An upscale restaurant and shop district. My condo owner had given me several restaurant recommendations there. Found a great outdoor cafe and had the MOST WONDERFUL lunch. Carpaccio with terrific French bread and salad. Best carpaccio I have ever had!

      Off to get my condo owner some Swiss chocolate that she said she loves and home to wind down and pack for leaving tomorrow. And to beat the rain home.

      PS. The last pic below I’d the Jet de Eau on a, not so sunny, day.
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    • Día 12

      Geneva Day 12

      6 de mayo de 2023, Suiza ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      A minimal tourism day. I leave Geneva on Wednesday and do not yet have any plans for what I am doing or where I am staying for a week before I pick up Carol in Milan. Spent some of the morning giving that some research and thought. Will work on it more tonight.

      Off to the other side of town to take in the home of the International Red Cross. Actually it is right across the street from the United Nations where I was yesterday. You can see the impressive building from the street. (Cover pic). Had a fascinating several hours exploring the very well-organized and interesting museum. As some of you may know, the International Red Cross (IRC) is a product of the Geneva Convention following WWI. The official name is the International Committee of the Red Cross. This is the International oversight for world wars, famines, major weather responses, etc. our American Red Cross is the National Red Cross and first responders to US disasters. Other countries are called Red Cross agencies and some are called Red Crescent Societies. I do not think there is a tie into the National and International organizations. Still trying to figure that out.

      The museum is divided into 3 sections which are the mission of the IRC: Defending Human Dignity, Restoring Family Links, and Reducing Natural Risks. I really learned a lot about the work of the organization. I tended to think of them as responses to an emergencies and natural disasters. They do that work but MUCH more. Prevention work for disasters, reuniting families during and after wars, enabling communications for unite relatives during a disaster of any sort. The picts below are only a few representative samples of communications, (see the photos) pictures of children separated from parent in the Rwanda war. The file one is the files that still exist on missing people during WWI and are still used for research today! All hand written cards. An enjoyable couple hours.

      Wandered back into town, a busy Saturday with lots of people out shopping. The downtown area has any store you want from H & M to Prada. For the “girls” reading this, fashion has been interesting. Lots of dresses - more mid length to maxi (still some mini but nor as many as I used to see) and lot’s of wide leg pants, especially the Asian girls - who are all skinny and they look great on them.

      Late lunch was an aubergine panini from a street vendor cart - very good. A stop for a bottle of wine and a poke bowl for dinner. Home to watch the post coronation broadcast (Found CNN in English on the TV 😂👍) , figure out the washing machine and planning next week.
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    • Día 4

      Genève jour 2

      28 de junio de 2023, Suiza ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Après notre première nuit à Lancy (banlieue de Genève), je suis allée courir un peu. C’est toujours un plaisir pour moi de découvrir un nouvel endroit à la course. J’avais en tête d’aller au bord de l’eau, plus précisément à l’endroit où le Rhône et l’Arve se rencontrent. C’est vraiment spécial, les deux couleurs d’eau qui se mélangent graduellement!

      Nous sommes ensuite partis rejoindre grand-maman à Genève pour une journée de tourisme dans la ville. Après avoir fait le tour des boutiques luxueuses, de la place Molard et de la vieille ville, nous sommes allés visiter la cathédrale St-Pierre. Magnifique bâtiment avec beaucoup d’histoire, cette cathédrale repose sur d’importantes fouilles archéologiques datant de l’ère romaine.

      Nous sommes retournés à l’extérieur pour longer le lac Leman. Le jet d’eau était éteint à ce moment là à cause du vent. Un petit arrêt dans une buvette pour luncher avant de retourner visiter les fouilles sous la cathédrale. Le site est immense et rempli d’artefacts et de découvertes fascinantes. Mon grand maniaque d’histoire en a eu pour son argent!

      Après la visite des ruines, nous sommes montés au haut des tours de la cathédrale pour une vue d’ensemble sur Genève.

      Mon grand a pu se procurer la montre Swatch dont il parlait depuis des semaines et visiter la boutique de couteaux suisses.

      Après un délicieux repas dans un resto indien et un gelato au Gelato Mania, il était temps de retourner à la maison reposer nos jambes épuisées de plus de 30 000 pas!
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    • Día 4

      Kathedrale Saint Pierre

      2 de agosto de 2022, Suiza ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Mit dem Bau wurde im 12. Jahrhundert begonnen und nach einer Pause 100 Jahre später fortgesetzt. Die Kirche enthält also romanische und gotische Elemente. Der Innenbereich kommt sehr spartanisch daher, was auf den Bildersturm in 1535 zurückzuführen ist. Malereien und Dekorelemente wurden zerstört, die Kirche somit reformiert. Ich bin froh, dass in anderen Ländern trotz Etablierung der evangelischen Kirche die Zeugnisse der katholischen "Herrschaft" erhalten geblieben sind. Die zwei Glockentürme können für 7 CHF bestiegen werden, was ich dann auch gleich gemacht habe. Von oben hatte ich einen tollen Blick auf die Stadt und die angrenzenden Berge, die zu Frankreich gehören. Danach bin ich durch die Altstadt zur Tram, um ins Grüne zu fahren.Leer más

    • Día 2


      19 de agosto de 2022, Suiza ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Popolino era stanco e ha voluto fare il giro in trenino Citysightseeing per poco più di 11€ ci siamo goduti un tranquillo tour tra le attrazioni principali della città.

      Cosa mi è piaciuto di più di Ginevra?
      Il giardino Inglese con affaccio sul lago

      Cosa mi ha fatto dire WOW 🤩?
      la grandezza del lago e la limpidezza dell'acqua

      Cosa si mangia di buono a Ginevra?
      Mi sono fermata solo qualche ora perciò non ho potuto provare la cucina del luogo ma sicuramente da provare la famosa cioccolata svizzera che potrete comprare nelle tante cioccolaterie artigianali sparse per la città.
      Ho anche provato la quiche al formaggio che non mi è piaciuta molto ma devo dire la verità non mi sono impegnata a cercare.

      Per concludere consiglio assolutamente una visita a Ginevra magari inserita come tappa in un tour intorno al lago.
      Dal treno ho potuto godere di scorci meravigliosi dei dintorni. Ci tornerò
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    • Día 1

      Äääääääntligen framme!

      29 de noviembre de 2019, Suiza ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      Efter en resa lika lång som en tur till Mauritius kom vi fram till Genève! Snyggt att man åker gratis buss in till stan och väldigt olikt Schweiz att ge nåt gratis.

      Vi hoppade av vid Bel Air och rasslade oss upp över kullerstensgatorna till 6 rue Jean Calvin där vi möttes av Lech. Typ 100 år gammal, nästan blind men så mysig; gick igenom alla regler och tips från en lista skriven med fontstorlek 106 och med hjälp av förstoringsglas... det gick inte undan precis.

      Efter den mycket nogsammma genomgången och lite småprat stack vi ut för att hitta proviant (läs vin och chips) vilket vi gjorde i den lilla tobaksaffären runt hörnet. Mycket välsorterad! En kort paus, sen middag - vi fick boka om middag med Annika och Yves till söndag pga sen ankomst, så det blir bara vi. Mys!
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    • Día 21


      1 de octubre de 2019, Suiza ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      A late train led to a spontaneous stop in Genève, so took the chance to have a walk around while waiting for my bus to Annecy. Gorgeous, although perhaps a bit posh. The old town was nice, but not as cozy as in other cities. My favorite was probably the lake, with it’s crystal clear water and beautiful parks! Also bought some Swiss chocolate😋😋Leer más

    • Día 2


      30 de noviembre de 2019, Suiza ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Idag och imorgon går loppet Course de l’Escalade i gamla stan. Med en repa precis utanför vår dörr - Lech vår 100-årige värd är måttligt imponerad... och det var lite småspännande att försöka ta sig hem med hopp över liten avspärrning och ”luckrush”... Nu ska här sovas middag, man blir trött av sportande (den rätt rediga lunchen kan också spela in).Leer más

    • Día 3

      Paris - Genève

      27 de junio de 2023, Suiza ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Après une nuit réparatrice à l’hostel, il était temps de quitter Paris pour se rendre à Genève. À cinq, la chambre « privée » à l’hostel (avec notre salle de bain et pas d’inconnus avec nous!) fut une véritable aubaine. Ce n’est peut-être pas le grand luxe, mais c’était parfait pour le temps qu’on allait y passer.

      Nous sommes donc partis pour la gare de Lyon afin de prendre le TGV qui nous amènerait jusqu’à Genève, où nous attendait grand-maman. Le parcours en train fut très doux, paisible et tranquille, avec de l’espace pour les jambes et la possibilité de se lever. Et en trois heures, nous étions à destination!

      C’est avec émotion qu’on a retrouvé grand-maman à la gare Cornavin. Nous avons ensuite fait un petit détour en ville pour aller à l’office du tourisme et déambuler un peu (mais pas trop, parce qu’on avait encore nos valises), avant de prendre le bus pour Lancy, en banlieue de Genève, où nous avons loué notre appartement.

      Une fois les valises déposées et une petite épicerie faite, nous sommes repartis en bus vers le Lignon, où demeurent Marc (le fils de grand-maman, la femme de mon père) et sa femme Linda. Quel bonheur de souper avec Linda, de visiter les environs de leur appartement (le Lignon est un énorme complexe de logements, comme une ville dans une ville) et de manger un morceau de gâteau tous ensemble!
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    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Geneva, Genève

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