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    • Dag 27

      The mountains of Switzerlans!

      27 mei 2015, Zwitserland ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      First we set from France for a 6 hour journy on our busabout tour bus to the amazing views and nature of Switserland. First stop, the small but very beautiful town named after a bear, Bern. Wow. Just wow. Such a beautiful town... you hear the sounds of bells ringing every 15 minutes (including at night) from the surrounding churches, to tell the time, or weddings or even funerals. Them town has a lovely aqua lake which streams throughout the city, and you are even allowed to drink and swim in it in Summer! However it was wayyy to cold! We didnt do much stuff which cost the frank (currency of switzerland) was very expensive! So pre made pasta salad from the local supermarket was what we survived on! We did lots of walks around Bern, such as through a rose garden, the botanical gardens, and the 6km walk around the Lake! Unfortunetly the Bears which are located around the lake were not seen, as the town were recostructive their new home, which no longer is in a pitt. Very disapointed about the bears, but very hapoy we stopped in the small town! Next stop Lauterbrunnen.

      Lauterbrunnen...what can i say... how do i describe such an amazing town... well first of all, for those who have read the Lord of the Rings... this spectacular place was one of the writers inspiration to write. Tall mountains with snow on top, and you cant even see the top as clouds hide the peak. We arrived at 6pm that night, so we went to the local resaurant with our new Australian friend! Very expensive, however i was lucky enough to try rosti, a swiss potato dish for free, as they accidentlt gave me two meals!

      Lauterbrunnen is already 800 metres above sea level..and the well known swiss alps mountain 'jungfrajoch' is a 2.5 hour journy by train even further up from the mountain. On the first complete day we got the train uo the mountain, costing us 130 frank each which is almost $400 togeather! Very very expensive... but deffinetly worth it. Although it was a cloudy was still amazing to see all the mountain..and well real snow, unlike Australia with their snow guns! We walked 3km up the mountain...with wearing almost nothing at all since we packed for summer weather (leggins and a big jacket for me). The air was so thin, it made you very tired, and weak! Just shows how much our boys rely on oxygen! We saw ice sculpters of bears and penguins, and even a big ice tunnel which you could practical slide on with your sneakers! Once we returned to Lauterbrunnen, Jason had a cat nap, while i decided to do some exercise... what a mistake it i cramped while doing squats! Just shows i use my muscles enough on this holiday! For dinner we went to a pub and had soup, burgers and chips, with nice swiss cider to finish it off!

      The next morning it was raining, however this did not stop up! We visited the spectacular mountain waterfalls 'trummel bachfalle', which are water fall caves inside the mountain! I was soaked after this adventure, causing me to have to walk back with wet socks, and need to get changed, before doing a small day trip inti the city of interlaken! Interlaken has a beautiful long lake with mountains which surround it! We also got to have a nice burger at a local takeaway shop, and visit all the tourist shops! Switzerland are known for their watches and obsession to know the time! So there are watch shops every 20m! And not cheap... about 250 franks each...and still i see tourist by them!

      Tonight we cooked leftovers on the stove, and are going to an exclusive pub for only busabout and contiki members! We are leaving early in the morning at 8am, for next stop Munich, followed by a small town in Austria!

      Speak then xxx
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    • Dag 4


      24 december 2017, Zwitserland ⋅ 🌫 0 °C

      Travelled from Paris to Zurich and then to Lucerne where we caught the scenic train to Interlaken. We changed the train at Interlaken to go to Lauterbrunnen . Thanks to Swiss pass our journey was super easy.
      We stayed in Lauterbrunnen for the night -a charming little town which is in a valley and surrounded by mountains on either side! The town was completely lit up for Christmas . Must check this out if you have time !
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    • Dag 15

      austria to swtizerland

      3 juli 2018, Zwitserland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      today we leave beautiful austria and head to Switzerland. stopping in Lucerne for lunch and a quick walk around the city. then back on the rad to Lauterbrunnen. we pass 3 amazing lakes aong the way. stopped at lake brienzersee cuz mick couldnt help himslef and had to go for a swim in this amazing blue color lake. back on the road... arrive at camp lauterbrunnen just below jungfrau mountain. had dinner here where we had fondue... was pretty good, but dont think id have it for dinner again.
      also we got a ticket today for being om a toll road without a vignette that allows you on toll road $40 vignette... $120 ticket. ouch.
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    • Dag 16

      Jungfrau mt. switzerland

      4 juli 2018, Zwitserland ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      today we got up at 6am to walk to the tram station to take us up to the top of Europe...Jungfrau mt. the views were amazing. and the way the train worked was pretty kool. works almost like a sprocket. the trip took about an hour. we got to the top and started to wander around, in to the ice caves, out to different lookouts.... it was freezing. i was wearing 2 pairs of pants, 3 layers of shirts, a jacket, snow gloves and a beanie and my hood. however when they opened up the outside area to walk around the sun was shining and it was fairly warm. the views from the top of this mountain were pretty amazing. and we got to see how lindt chocolate is made too, and they gave us 2 free samples, but the guy at the counter was aussie and he gave us like 10 truffles... score! we headed back down the mountain after lunch and walked to a waterfall near hour camp. made dinner at the campsite and spent the rest of our evening planning out the rest of our tripMeer informatie

    • Dag 13


      1 juli 2018, Zwitserland ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      today we woke up and went for a drive to find coffee.... except nowhere in austria is open on a sunday! we finally came across the train station and luckily the had a bakery open. finally some food and coffee....p.s. i dont think ive had a proper breakfast this whole trip yet, just bread and pastry :/
      after breaky we headed into the mountains for some paragliding. wow, what an amazing experience. cant even describe how awesome it was. started off running dwn a straight down mountain to get going (skeeetttcchhyyy) half way down the pilot asked me if i like roller coasters, of course i said yes, and off we went on a wild adventure. twists, and turns and flips. wow it was crazy and so kool! after paragliding we headed further up the mountain to a waterfall where we had local tyrean food. couldnt tell ya what it was called but it was pretty good. beed broth with cheese and bacon dumpling meatballs(tastes better than it sounds) and like a potato stirfry with steak. yum. after lunch we walked to the waterfall and splashed some water on us cuz we read a sign that said al these health benefits from the waterfall. lol. then off we headed towards area 47 where we camp for rhe night
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    • Dag 6

      Aareschlucht, Gletscher & Lauterbrunnen

      18 april 2019, Zwitserland ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Die Nacht am See war schön und warm. Nach einem ausgiebigen Frühstück bauten wir unsere Sachen ab und verstauten alles. Nach einer warmen dusche verabschiedeten wir uns von unsere netten Gastgeber, den Ur-Schweizer Martin und seiner Tochter Agnes. Auch diese sagte uns wir sollten lieber Nachts bzw. mit dem Autozug weiter nach Italien, da es zu Stau kommen wird auf dem Weg dahin....Wir überlegten uns das noch.
      Erstmal starteten wir nach Meiringen zur Aareschlucht. Eine riesige Schlucht mit einem türkis blauen Fluß, die Aare, die in den Alpen entspringt. Leider auf Bildern nicht so schön zu sehen.
      Nach dem 45 minütigen Spaziergang durch der Schlucht ging es auf 1400 Metern Höhe zu den Gletschern. Dort lag noch Meter hoch Schnee und außer ein paar verrückte Skifahrer war dort niemand zu sehen. Wir sind dort durch den Meter hohen Schnee gewandert und mit jedem Schritt im Schnee versunken, dass hat Spaß gemacht, durch die schönen Landschaften und Wasserfälle bei herrlichen Sonnenschein.
      Nach der Mittagspause in den Bergen ging es dann weiter nach Lauterbrunnen, ein kleiner Ort umringt von hohen Bergen. Auch dort machten wir einen Spaziergang. Danach ging es dann los Richtung Italien. Nachdem wir Google Maps gecheckt haben entschlossen wir uns durch den 17km langen Tunnel inkl. Stau zu fahren. Ca. Anderthalb Stunden Stau haben wir in Kauf genommen und auch so ging es nur schleppend voran.....sodass wir uns entschlossen kurz hinter Lugano, es war bereits 21 Uhr, ein Hotel zu suchen. Das war nicht ganz so einfach. Wir waren zwar noch in der Schweiz, aber es war die italienische Schweiz. Niemand dort spricht deutsch oder englisch, sehr merkwürdig. Nach fast einer Stunde suchen wurden wir dann fündig. Ein Glück, fix und fertig sind wir dann auch schnell eingeschlafen....
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    • Dag 7

      Oops...accidental nap...

      21 juli 2019, Zwitserland ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

      Where did the last two hours go? Must have been all the stairs and the excitement of our trip to the top of the world. We caught a bus after our train ride down and then stopped at the restaurant at Trummelbach Falls. The sandwiches on fresh bread are to die for. We slid them into my pack and walked home on the trail. Along the way we noted that the tourism folks have thought of everything needed for comfort. I thought the pictures on the porta potty said it all.Meer informatie

    • Dag 3


      30 augustus 2023, Zwitserland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Visite du village de Lauterbrunnen et sa cascade

      On en a profité pour réserver le restaurant où l'on voulait dîner mais qui était complet, ce sera pour demain soir 😎

    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Lauterbrunnen, ラウターブルンネン, Лаутербруннен, 라우터브루넨, 3822, 盧達本納

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