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    • Day 5 - Pres de Vidy to Vevey

      June 8, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      The day began with waterfront walk. There were lots of people out exercising and going to work. I met #trailangels Stephan and Monica who bought me an ice cream and we have a neat chat about a charity they are involved in #Help-for-Hope. Then the day got reasonably hard as it was straight up not just one but twice. It felt like I climbed Everest but it was only a total of 500m ( I’m sure the sun wasn’t as hot as in the vineyards. 26.6km todayRead more

    • Day 55

      Day 53 - Cossonay to Lausanne

      June 11, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      The day started warm. Even at 5 a.m., I was quite comfortable sitting outside before the sun came up, with only my slides on and no jacket! I had a late start because it was Sunday (and breakfast is not served before 8 a.m.) and was grateful when the roadside walking, through farmland, changed to riverside walking (La Venoge). I got to Lake Geneva at 1:45 p.m. and got to walk almost 9 km along its shores. I don't know why, but I was surprised to see swans on the lake. I saw a terrific number of people today (the most I've seen this trip). There were loads of people all along the path today, walking, running, cycling - all getting out in nature on the weekend. Of course, being a beautiful, warm day (and the weekend), Lake Geneva was a big attraction. It was very hard to pick my photos today as I took so many. Note: My waymarkers are now a yellow diamond with a black border and are nowhere near as frequently as I would like. I have to refer to the app constantly! P.S. I look at those mountains and feel very intimidated. I weary today. P.S.S. the only downside was the SWARMS of midges or gnats that were all along the lake path!Read more

    • Day 35


      July 10, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      We have had a lovely couple of days with Pierre-Yves and Claudia. They were incredibly kind. Evenings were a bit dangerous as Pierre-Yves is a very generous host.
      Hopefully we can return the favor soon.
      Waiting to catch ferry to France and the Alps
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    • Day 6

      Last Step - Olympia Museum Lusanne

      August 16, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Irgendwie war mir nicht nach bummeln in der vollen Stadt, dafür hat mich das olympische Museum mit seiner Parkanlage am See angezogen.

      Das war eine sehr gute Idee!

      Obwohl das Museum schon 30 Jahre besteht ist es hochmodern und spannend aufgebaut. Ich war teilweise richtig gerührt von den Geschichten und Entwicklungen, die man sehen kann. Und wieder hatte ich eine super nette Begegnung mit einem amerikanischen Sportler in meinem Alter. Wir sind uns 4 mal im Haus begegnet und jedes Mal verquatscht 😀

      Ach wie gut, dass ich inzwischen die „Angst“ verloren habe, englisch zu sprechen.

      Nun sitze ich am Bahnhof und warte auf meinen Zug 🥹
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    • Day 34

      Lausanne - OL museum

      August 1, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Endnu en gang dukkede der et spændende museum op på vores rute uden vi havde planlagt det. Vi besøgte i dag det Imponerende flotte moderne olympiske museum hvor OL's historie vises.
      Masser af objekter, dragter mm fra OL gennem tiden.
      Ismét egy izgalmas múzeum tűnt fel az útvonalunkon, anélkül, hogy terveztük volna. Ma a lenyűgöző modern Olimpiai Múzeumot látogattuk meg, ahol az olimpiai játékok története látható.
      Rengeteg tárgy, jelmez stb. az olimpiákról az idők folyamán.
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    • Day 82

      The distances we walk.

      October 4, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      When we first started walking pilgrimages in Europe, we were still working, and time was at a premium. We had to walk pretty long days to complete our pilgrimages in the time we had. We regularly walked 30k (18 miles) in a day; our longest day was 43k (27 miles). And we had a great time on those pilgrimages.

      But, you pay a price for those long days. You don’t stop much to see things on your route, and when you finish, there isn’t much time to see what’s going on at your end point. Walking 24k (15 miles) at the 4k/hour pace we used to plan on can take as long as 8 hours after rest stops, navigation checks, lunch, etc. When you finish, you just wash up, do laundry, eat, and hit the sack.

      These days, we generally walk shorter stages. Certainly, this is partly because we’re not as young, strong or fast as we once were, but it is also because we like to have more time to explore. Today was a good example.

      The traditional stage of the Via Francigena out of Lausanne goes 21.2k (about 13 miles) to Vevey. We could certainly walk that far, and have walked further on this trip, but we broke it up over two days, walking the first 11k (7 miles) today and stopping in Epesses. The walk was glorious and we had plenty of time to resume our studies of the wines of Switzerland.

      Most of the walk was along the shores of Lac Leman, which meant it was really flat. We walked through parks, along well maintained pathways and sometimes on the beach. The weather was perfect. We had plenty of time to stop at a bakery and have wonderful onion based tarte for lunch.

      Towards the end, we climbed up among the terraced vineyards to our hotel. We were there long before our room was ready so we dropped off our packs and went exploring.

      There are very well maintained pathways through the vineyard terraces, used to work the vines. We followed them up to a town high above the lake where we checked out a restaurant we had seen on the map. We had a glass of Calamin wine on their terrace overlooking the lake. When we asked where the wine was from, and was it local, the server chuckled and pointed to the vines directly below the terrace we were on!

      We then descended back through the vineyards and checked into our room, where we did a few chores.

      When it was time for dinner, we went back up through the vineyard terraces but instead of returning to the restaurant we went to a wine bar we had noticed, thinking this would be more educational. There, we studied 6 wines, all from the immediate vicinity, the Chasselas district, under the extensive tutelage of the bar owner. The wines were great and we developed a great respect for Swiss wines. They have some wonderful varietals and are doing some great things with them. The bad news is that none of the wines we tasted are available at Total Wine! It’s a small region and they don’t export much to the U.S. To drink them again, we’ll just have to return to Switzerland!

      Anyway, the point of all this is that if we’d walked the full 21.2k, we’d have passed Epesses without a glance, never tasted any of the Chasselas wines, and probably wouldn’t have had much time to explore Vevey when we arrived. We’re really grateful we have the time to stop and smell the roses. And taste the wines!
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    • Day 9

      Travel Day to Lausanne

      July 16, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      Yesterday was largely a travel and chore day. We checked out of the hotel in Grindelwald, caught the train to Interlocken, and then settled in for a long scenic train ride on the Golden Pass Express to Lausanne.

      Laura hustled off to the Laundromat, while Caty and I took the metro over to Ouchy and checked into our hotel. We had a simple lunch at a Kebab stand, and walked along the pier looking at boats on lake Geneva, and seeing the Olympic clock.

      Shortly after Laura rejoined us, it was time to take Caty over to Geneva to catch her flight to Rome to spend the next few weeks in Italy with her dad. I seem to have caught my obligatory vacation-cold, so I stayed in the hotel for a nice nap. When Laura made it back, we enjoyed dinner at the hotel's restaurant. You can definitely tell we've arrived in the French-speaking portion of Switzerland, as the menu changed from sausage/potatoes to a more varied selection. We enjoyed a bottle of wine alongside dinner, which made it a great meal.

      After dinner we took a brief stroll along the waterside before calling it a night.
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    • Day 22

      Lausanne - Ouchy

      August 6, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Vor der Weiterfahrt nach Hannover haben wir noch einen Zwischenstopp in Lausanne am Genfer-See (Hafen von Ouchy) gemacht und uns im See erfrischt und einen lecker Chêp in der Crêperie D’ OUCHY gegessen. Ein herrlicher Tag und Abschluss unserer Sommertour 2022.Read more

    • Day 1

      Départ de Lausanne

      April 28, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Voilà, nous sommes repartis sur la route à vélo, pour un petit voyage d’environ deux semaines ( à priori), en direction du Sud avant de bifurquer vers Lyon. Voilà le niveau de précision actuel… Le reste dépendra de la météo (nous avons les mêmes affaires qu’en Afrique de l’Est donc les nuits sont un peu fraîches en tente), de la motivation et des rencontres sur le chemin. Après avoir remis en état les vélos, allons-y pour la première étape : la traversée du lac Léman en bateau, puis cap sur Annecy.Read more

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