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    • Day 12

      Von Mattertal ins Lauterbrunnental

      July 25 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Erstmals benutzen wir einen Autoreisezug, von Goppenstein nach Kandersteg dadurch sparen wir viele Kilometer Umweg.
      Nach kurzer Talfahrt besuchen wir den Blausee mit seinen schönen Forellen und seinem sagenhaften blauen Wasser.
      Im Lauterbrunnental finden wir bald ein Platzerl am Camping Breithorn.
      Nach kurzer Pause gehen wir noch zu dem Trümmelbachwasserfall.
      12 SF pro Person zahlt sich aus,
      Gewaltige Wassermassen stürzen teils im Berg zu Tal.
      Mit einem Schrägaufzug im Berg beginnen wir die fantastische Tour auf Guten Wegen, durch Tunnels und auf Stiegen bergab, sensationell, im Berg mit Beleuchtung...
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    • Day 13

      Touritour 2 🫣

      July 3 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Leider waren auch heute die Wetteraussichten eher bescheiden. Also ging es nach einem späten Frühstück zu den Trümmeler Wasserfällen. 10 im Berg versteckte Kaskaden, Wahnsinn. Danach kam der angekündigte Regen. Die Jungs haben sich ihre MTB geschnappt und ich die Laufschuhe geschnürt. Und es ging etwas on den Talschluss. Ab morgen ist das Wetter stabil ( sagt man hier so 🤭🥴🫣)Read more

    • Day 43

      Die Trümmelbachfälle

      April 12, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Die beeindruckendsten Wasserfälle im Lauterbrunnental sind die Trümmelbachfälle, die man in einer Grotte besichtigen kann. Ein absolut atemberaubendes und belebendes Erlebnis. Andrea und ich sind begeistert.Read more

    • Day 20

      Trummelbach Waterfall

      July 13, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Visited this amazing waterfall. Cost CHF14 for adults and kids CHF6. Well worth the trip. Takes about 1hr to get to the top and there is also a lift if you don’t want to walk up the stairs.
      We walked up and back down. The sheer force of the crashing waters is unreal.
      Super glad we did this.
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    • Day 43

      Ein Abstecher nach Lauterbrunnen

      April 12, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Heute Vormittag mache ich mit meiner Caminofreundin Andrea einen Abstecher in das Lauterbrunnental, das nicht am Weg aber in der Nähe von Interlaken liegt. Absolut traumhaft und zurecht ein Touristenmagnet. Angeblich gibt es dort 72 Wasserfälle, wir sehen wohl nur einen Bruchteil davon.Read more

    • Day 5

      Trümmelbachfälle Lauterbrunnen

      July 23, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Mit seinen zehn Gletscher-Wasserfällen durch einen Tunnel-Lift zugänglich gemacht, sind die Trümmelbachfälle einzigartig in Europa. Der Trümmelbach entwässert allein die riesigen Gletscherwände von Eiger (3970m), Mönch (4099m) und Jungfrau (4158m) mit bis zu 20.000 Litern Wasser pro Sekunde aus seinem Einzugsgebiet von 24 qkm, das bis zur Hälfte mit Schnee und Eis bedeckt ist. Das Jungfrau-Aletsch-Gebiet ist von der UNESCO zum Welt-Natur-Erbe erklärt worden. Der Trümmelbach ist aufgeführt im "Bundesinventar der Landschaften und Naturdenkmäler von nationaler Bedeutung".

      Für uns ist der Besuch dieser Wasserfälle das Highlight des Tages. Man erlebt Wasser als Urgewalt und wandelt durch beleuchtete Höhlen, wo uns Balkone und Abzweigungen immer wieder zum Wasserfall führen. 12 CHF Eintritt pro Person sind auf jeden Fall sehr gut investiert.
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    • Day 5

      The very mountains shook...

      July 19, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      Today, after I walked to the campground store across the street for coffee, we traveled 1/4 mile to the entrance to Trammelbach Falls. This is a World UNESCO site and the only waterfall in the world that falls INSIDE a mountain. After a short hike, you enter a cable car type elevator and go up six stories. From there, you hike straight up for four more stories inside the mountain, which is filled with mist and the deafening sound of the rushing water that has carved fantastic formations into the rock. Then you hike ten stories down passing through wet stairs in the center of the cliff and sunny places where the rock has worn through. The very mountain rumbled with the force of the pounding rivers that meet there. Our ten day travel pass was purchased today, so tomorrow we begin adventuring in the Alps. This gets us on almost all buses, trains, cable cars, funiculars and boats for “free”. Next stop “Top of the World”.Read more

    • Day 65

      Trümmelbach Falls

      July 12, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Taken right from Wikipedia

      Trümmelbach Falls (German: Trümmelbachfälle) [...] are a series of ten glacier-fed waterfalls inside the mountain made accessible by a tunnel-funicular, built 1913, stairs, and illumination.

      To try to add more commentary to that, this waterfall seems to have been formed when water found a soft part of the inside of a mountain. Making most of the falls hidden from human view. Someone drilled a hole out of the mountain to create pedestrian walkways and a series of stairs to observe the falls first hand. It was amazing how we were in 80+ degree weather, then would walk 10 yards inside the caves and suddenly be in refrigerator temperatures. It changed quite quickly.

      It wasn't a small waterfall either, as you can tell from the videos, it was quite powerful.
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    • Day 45

      Trümmelbachfälle and last🇨🇭day🥺

      June 23, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      This is a long one, so you really don’t have to read. The pictures say enough 🤞❤️ I have started to use this app honestly as a diary of the things that have happened on my trip so I can look back at it and the photos that match the stories :)

      When I got to Lauterbrunnen from the top of the mountain I walked to a waterfall and you took a lift in a tunnel up and got to see different pats of the fall. At the top , there was a huge amount of water coming out and it was so fast. It sprayed onto you when you leaned over the tunnel (it was inside and lit up by lights and a small bit of natural light from parting in the rocks above it) and so I wore my rain jacket so I could go closer. It was so so loud you could hear it from ages away. I got some cute older people who I caught the lift up to the top with to take a picture for me so here I am with a bit of the waterfall next to me !
      On the bus back we passed a restaurant that was chilling drinks in a little stream which was very cute and smart.

      It had been sunny all day which was amazing (as this was the same day as the other hike) and so it started pouring on the train back. My train to Zug got cancelled, then the next train stopped before Zug because a tent had fallen onto the tracks in the wind. All of this was told to me over the loud speaker in German but I have become quite good at realising something is wrong when the people around me start sighing or walking away from the platform or looking up other train timetables. Everyone is really nice and most people speak English so I asked the lady who was doing a sudoku next to me what the speaker had said and she told me we all had to get a bus !

      Another girl then overheard me saying I was going to Zug and said she was too so we caught the replacement bus together. She was really sweet and told me about how she grew up in Germany but her dad was from Dubai and her mum from India, and she told me about how she found it living there as a resident and how she had moved to Switzerland so she would have more freedom and to be able to work. She told me about her cat too who is apparently a deva and how her husband got another cat because he was jealous and his cat is quite the gentlemen. Anyway , it was really late by the time we got there but she walked me to my bus stop because she was going a similar way so that all made the trip quite fun even though it took me 5 hours to get home instead of about half that.

      I didn’t do much yesterday (the 24th). It rained all day so I FaceTimed some friends and fam, watched some tv and tidied up to pack my bags. There was also some sort of plane show that happened during me eating my lunch so that was pretty cool (a bit scary at first- it was so loud and seemed unusual because all of the neighbours were taking photos) but I later saw a sign about some sort of plane festival so I guess I just got a sneak peak <3
      The sun came out in the afternoon and so I went on a walk in both directions around the lake at the perfect time to see the sun making the trees and buildings and windows and water golden. It was so beautiful. The photos are in the second half of this post :)

      This morning I went for a very early swim in the lake and the water was warmer than the air. It was so so luvlyyyy. Then I packed my bags and got on the train to Milano Centrale to then go to Rome again. I will miss Switzerland a lot and will most definitely come back 🤞🌼
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    • Day 8

      No cash, no problem

      July 22, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      When I didn't have cash for my goods at the campground store across the street, the clerk asked where I was staying. When I said, "Heidi's " she replied, Oh jah, Heidi. Just pay when you have cash." She sent me on my way with the groceries. To kill time before our paraglide, we bussed to Lauterbrunnen and hiked up the iconic Falls there. Had to stop part way up and sing in the tunnel! T minus two hours to flight!Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Trümmelbachfälle, Trummelbachfalle

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