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    • Day 13–15

      Reise nach Sansibar

      November 16, 2023 in Tanzania ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Am Flughafen in Arusha läuft es doch ein wenig anders ab als gewohnt.
      Tickets werden mit Kugelschreiber ausgefüllt, der Wartebereich ist Draussen bedeckt mit Blachen und für das Boarding wird mit Tafeln der Fluggesellschaft nach den richtigen Passagieren gesucht.
      Aber es klappte alles problemlos und nach 1.5 Stunden Flug in einem Flugzeug, welches eher einer Sardinenbüchse gleicht, kommen wir in Sansibar an.
      Begrüsst wurden wir mit einem Massai-Tanz.
      Der erste Tag in Sansibar genossen wir in der wunderschönen Hotelanlage mit Baden, Sünnele und Essen.
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    • Day 2

      Ankunft auf Sansibar

      October 27, 2022 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Nach dem Nachtflug mit einigen Startschwierigkeiten und technischen Zwischenfällen sind wir endlich morgens am Abeid Amani Karume International Airport, auch genannt Kisauni Airport (engl.: Zanzibar Island Airport) angekommen und wurden nach Kiwengwa, im Osten der Insel, in unser Hotel Sultan Sands geshuttelt.
      Auf dem Weg haben wir dann auch direkt unsere späteren netten Bekannten Melanie und Kai kennengelernt.
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    • Day 9

      Besuch einer Schule und relaxen...

      November 3, 2022 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Heute genießt Mama die wunderschöne Hotelanlage inklusive des Traumwetters...und betätigt sich, wie immer wenn wir keinen Ausflug machen, beim Aquafitness mit unserem Lieblingsanimateur Hussein.
      Vanessa macht einen geführten Spaziergang ins Nachbardorf und schaut sich eine Schule, die vom Kindergarten bis zur 8. Klasse geht, an. Ansonsten steht heute nur Entspannen auf dem Programm.
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    • Day 11

      Letzter Tag im Paradies

      November 5, 2022 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Den letzten Tag genießen wir noch einmal am Strand, mit Wassergymnastik, gutem Essen und auch nochmal einer kleinen Einheit Planschen im Meer. Dann heißt es aber Koffer packen, denn es geht morgen früh raus...Read more

    • Day 91

      Exploring Kiwenga Beach

      August 5, 2023 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      We have breakfast included in the price of the apartment. It was very good, with coffee, fresh fruit, toast, croissants, cereals, and eggs cooked as you want. After breakfast, we spent the morning writing and listening to the radio. We spoke to Freda about the lack of a kettle, a barbecue, and TV streaming service, despite these things being advertised as included. We also reported a leak in the bathroom. She said she would discuss all of these things with Lara when she woke up!

      Later, Lara went to the shop and came back with a kettle for us! She came to look at the leak and said she would get a plumber here on Monday. I think we’ll have to live without the other two items!

      Afterwards, Raman, who works here, walked with us down to the beach to show us where our free sunbeds are. It’s a lovely spot. We didn’t use them today. Instead, we had a long walk up and down the beach. We were accosted by several Masai salesmen along the way, but they were friendly enough and not too pushy once we’d made it clear we weren’t buying! After our walk, we returned to ‘our’ beach and went for lunch at the Italian-owned beach bar there. We had a drink and shared a cheese and ham flatbread toastie. The drinks came with delicious salted snacks that were definitely designed to make you drink more! It was all very nice, but we definitely won’t be able to afford to do it every day!

      We then walked back to the apartment via the local shop we’d investigated yesterday. We bought a few more bits to add to our meagre larder! Back at Maisha Marefu, we tried out the pool. It’s a small infinity pool, perfect for cooling off after the heat of the day.

      This evening, we had pasta with mushroom and tomato sauce for dinner and watched Romancing the Stone to get us in the mood for Cartagena next year! 😂
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    • Day 98

      Beach days

      August 12, 2023 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      We spent the next few days relaxing at the beach. We loved just relaxing and watching the world go by. 'Our' beach had a pier next to it with a restaurant and bar at the end of it. The area was very popular with kite surfers, which gave us something to watch! We also had cows wandering along the beach from time to time 😂🤣Read more

    • Day 99

      The Art of Travel

      August 13, 2023 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      I spent one of our beach days reading The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton that I found in the apartment. This book has been on the periphery of my consciousness for a long time, but I’ve never read it. The author talks not just about where we travel but also about how and why. So many ideas in the book resonated with me.

      The first chapter explores the anticipation of travel – how we imagine the perfect image shown to us in the brochure and ignore the practicalities of getting there. Having anticipated somewhere for so long, the reality of the place can sometimes disappoint. The anticipation is so delicious that we can sometimes start thinking about the next place we will visit rather than relishing the place we are in. We need to enjoy the moment.

      I think the book struck such a chord with me because I have been interested in all things travel-related from a very young age. This was not just distant shores and exotic foreign cultures, but modes of transport and transport hubs. The romance of airports and train stations always fascinated me. This interest is described in the book.

      Alain de Botton talks about curiosity – ‘that elusive stage where we are bored by nothing’. I recognise this in myself but have never put it into words before. I have always been curious and have never been bored!

      The author devotes one chapter to John Ruskin, who encouraged people to draw. He wanted us to take notice, to take time. He also advocated writing about our travels, a process he called ‘word paint’. He said we should ask ourselves questions and be precise in analysing what we see and how it makes us feel. (He’s knocking on an open door with me – though I don’t always do what I know I should!)

      Towards the end of the book, Alain de Botton talks about always having a travelling mindset, the chief characteristic of which is receptivity. It also means:

      • Approaching new places with humility
      • Carrying with us no rigid ideas about what is interesting
      • Irritating locals by standing on traffic islands and in narrow streets admiring what they see as strange small details
      • Risking getting run over because we are intrigued by the roof of a government building or an inscription on a wall
      • Finding a supermarket or hairdresser’s unusually fascinating
      • Dwelling at length on the layout of a menu or the clothes of the presenters on the evening news
      • Being alive to the layers of history beneath the present
      • Taking notes and photos

      The author concludes by reminding us to explore what’s around us, even in our own neighbourhoods that we have walked through thousands of times.
      ‘Before taking off for distant hemispheres, notice what we have already seen.’


      Pictured below are some of the other books I read while we were in Zanzibar.
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    • Day 90

      Goodbyes - and the next chapter

      August 4, 2023 in Tanzania ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      We got up in time to have breakfast with those who were heading back to Stone Town to continue with their trip to Nairobi and, for some of them, on to Uganda and Rwanda. We waved them off at 9am and then went to sort out our stuff and enjoy a last hour or two in the resort.

      At 11am, we took a taxi to our next accommodation in Kiwenga. We travelled with Ian, who was also staying in Kiwenga for a few days, and Mona, who was going further south. It was sad to say goodbye to Mona. She has been such a good travelling companion. Hopefully, we’ll meet up when we get to Nairobi.

      We got dropped off at Maisha Marefu (meaning ‘long life’ or ‘cheers’ in Swahili) Apartments at just after 12noon. We were welcomed by Lara, the Italian owner, and her local assistant, Freda. First impressions of the apartment were very good. We paid what we owed and then unpacked properly for the first time since Cape Town. The thought of not moving for the next 11 days is really nice!
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    • Day 90

      Lunch at Yako

      August 4, 2023 in Tanzania ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      After settling in, we went to explore the local area. We stopped at an Italian-owned restaurant, Yako, for lunch. We shared a delicious thin crispy pizza with prosciutto. The waiter was very friendly and pointed us in the right direction for a supermarket.

      We were trying to shop for a few meals, but the supermarket proved to be very expensive. We spent £30 on just a few items. We might need to rethink our self-catering idea! We tried other shops on our way back to the apartment and picked up a few more bits, including the tiny bananas I really like. We also got caught in a short but very heavy downpour!

      Back at the apartment, I wrote a few notes. We had very sophisticated beans on toast for dinner 😂 and spent the evening watching ‘The Boat that Rocks’!
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    • Day 15

      15. Tag Bräunungsgrad erhöhen

      October 2, 2016 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Heute war nochmal ein Tag zum faulenzen. Wir haben nicht viel gemacht, weshalb es auch nicht so viel zu erzählen gibt. Der Tagesablauf war ungefähr folgender: Aufstehen, Eincremen, Anziehen, Strandtasche packen, Frühstücken, am Strand sonnen, lesen, schreiben, Cocktails trinken, Bao spielen, im Pool erfrischen, Actioncam unter Wasser testen, ... (wobei sich die letzten 9 Punkte in unterschiedlicher Reihenfolge diverse Male wiederholten).

      In Sansibars gibt es Ebbe und Flut. Besonders die Ostküste ist von den Gezeiten stärker betroffen als die Westküste oder der Norden, wo sich das Wasser praktisch gar nicht zurückzieht. Bei Ebbe ist das Baden eigentlich unmöglich. Der Gezeitenunterschied beträgt in etwa sechs Stunden zwischen tiefster Ebbe und höchstem Flutstand. Uns hat das aber weniger gestört, da man bei Ebbe tolle Spaziergänge machen und die Frauen beim Anbau von Seetang beobachten kann.
      Die hier angebauten Algen sind reich an Agar und Carrageen und damit sehr beliebt bei Lebensmittel- und Kosmetikindustrie und die Menschen leben hier von deren Handel.

      Wir konnten ca. ab 14:30 Uhr im Meer baden, da die Flut langsam kam. Gegen 16:30 Uhr war das Wasser komplett da und man konnte regelrecht auf den großen Wellen reiten. Es hat Spaß gemacht.

      Ansonsten haben wir nur noch zu Abend gegessen und sind danach ins Bett. Ich weiß auch nicht warum, aber wir waren abends immer so müde, dass wir jeden Tag spätestens gegen 21:00 Uhr eingeschlafen sind. Vielleicht liegt es auch daran, dass es hier immer ab 18:00 Uhr dunkel wird. Am Äquator ist Tag und Nacht ja das ganze Jahr über jeweils 12 Stunden lang. Wir haben uns denk ich automatisch diesem Rhythmus angepasst.
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