Tarakea Motamburu

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    • Day 7

      Horombo Hut to Kibo Hut

      December 12 in Tanzania ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      Nach 2 Nächt ufdr Horombo Hütte uf 3700 simer hüt ufgstiege uf 4700 it Kibo Hütte. dert gits de bereits am 1700 zNacht u när ab is Bett - wüu "tagwach" am 2300 - start für ufe Kili am 2400.

      Die Hüttene ufdr Kibo si nid ganz sooo schigg, vorauem uf 4700 ou nid so geil. arschchaut u luftfüechtigkeit vo 99%, heisst we t kleider u schueh nid nass vom räge si, de vor füechtigkeit. Richtig agnähm bi Temperature ume null punkt.
      u wies dr zuefau so wot, hets üs vou verschiffet ufem wäg 😅😅😅 tutti nass - geil 🤩👌🏻

      Wc alage da si o no grüssliger aus bide angere hüttene. mir hei üs agwöhnt Lulu vor "Veranda" z mache 😅🤫
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    • Day 18

      To the roof of Africa - Day 7

      October 5, 2023 in Tanzania ⋅ ☀️ 5 °C

      From Third Cave to Kibo Hut Camp:

      Heute geht's zum Base Camp der Northern Circuit Route, der Kibo Hut - Start ist 08.00 Uhr.

      Ein spektakulärer Trail führt hoch über den Wolken ausschließlich in eine Richtung - nach oben..... 950 Höhenmeter.

      Vier Stunden dauert die Wanderung mit dem beeindruckenden Mt. Mawenzi ( 5149 Meter ) an unserer linken Seite - der schroffe Riese, erinnert mich an einen gewaltigen Haizahn und zeitgleich an Skull Island ( King Kong ).

      Wir laufen wie Schnecken in Zeitlupe - immer Pole Pole!

      Aber ganz genau so, lässt sich auf weit über 4000 Meter die Atmung am Besten kontrollieren - gerät selbige erst einmal außer Kontrolle, ist es in dieser Höhe extrem schwer, wieder runter zu takten.

      Nach dem Lunch ist Summit Briefing und am langen Tisch im Speisezelt, wird's auf einmal ungewöhnlich still.

      Was unser Hauptguide Florence berichtet, verspricht mindestens 15 Stunden Strapatzen und sieht man sich den Trail am Berg selbst an, wird schnell deutlich, warum der Aufstieg kein Spaziergang wird.

      Alleine bis zum Gilman's Point auf knapp 5700 Meter, geht's sechs Stunden auf meist lockerem Geröll steil nach oben - mit bis zu 42 Grad Steigung ( Foto Nr. 6 ).

      Bis zum Uhuru Peak, dem Dach Afrikas, sind dann noch weitere zwei Stunden zu gehen - also, insgesamt rund acht Stunden..... nur für die Gipfel Etappe!

      17.30 Uhr wird Dinner serviert und danach geruht - Wecken dann um 22.00 Uhr, der Aufstieg beginnt exakt eine Stunde später.

      Der allabendliche Gesundheitscheck mit dem Pulsoximeter, ergibt 87% Sauerstoff Sättigung bei mir.

      In 4750 Meter Höhe und für mein Alter ein prima Wert - was auch immer die nächsten Stunden daraus machen.

      Das, wird ganz gewiß die bisher mit Abstand körperlich und vielleicht, auch mental herausfordernste Nacht meines Lebens - mit völlig ungewissem Ausgang.....

      1145 Höhenmeter bis zum Gipfel!
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    • Day 7

      zum Feiern zu müde, Schüttelfrost

      July 13 in Tanzania ⋅ 🌫 7 °C

      Als ich am Gipfel stand konnte ich mir nicht vorstellen, wie ich es schaffen könnte, wieder runter ins Basecamp zu kommen. Glückshormone scheinen eine Rolle gespielt zu haben, dass ich doch irgendwann vor meiner Hütte stand. Aber alle Rückkehrer haben nur eine Stunde Zeit, in der sie die Hütte nutzen dürfen. Dann müssen sie weiter. John erklärte mir, warum. Die Bergrückkehrer machen den Betreibern häufiger Schwierigkeiten, weil sie zum Beispiel verletzt sind oder an der Höhenkrankheit leiden. Deshalb nimmt er die meist nicht auf. Wir mussten ins darunter liegende Camp und der Weg dorthin sind 9 km. Mir tat alles weh: Hals, Nacken und Rücken weil ich gebückt den Anstieg bewältigen musste, Stirnlampe und Blick auf Johns Schuhe gerichtet. Schultern und Arme, weil ich auf den Rat meiner Guides hörte und erstmals Stöcke benutzte und die Beine sowieso. Ich muss wâhrend der 9 km irgendwie auf Automatikgetriebe gestellt haben. Noch einmal ein Blick hinauf, auf diesen weltberühmten Berg. Der Nationalitätenmix ist ein Wahnsinn. Für 5 Dollar Schmiergeld war ich wieder allein in der Hütte und brach zusammen. Ich bekam argen Schüttelfrost und hatte nicht mehr die Kraft, um 18.30 Uhr in die Essenshütte zu gehen. So überraschte mich mein Team mit einer Torte, die Justin für mich gebacken hat. Und sie sangen für mich. Ich weinte wieder, hab supergut geschlafen, bis Justin um 5.50 Uhr mit dem Frühstück kam.Read more

    • Day 6


      July 12 in Tanzania ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      Ich kann's gar nicht glauben. Die Wanderung heute ist schon bissi zach aber John ist ein Typ mit einer Lebensfreude, die mitreißt. Meine Hütte ist die bequemste bisher, mit Tisch und Sessel und das beste: funktionierendes Licht und Steckdosen. Voll der Luxus: Steckdosen!!!! Meine gestrige Hüttenkollegin (Lisha aus China) sagte als sie die Augen in der Früh öffnete: "I decided to end suffering, I go back to my Hotel and take a hot shower." Sie hat in der Nacht sehr gefroren. Ich hab davon aber leider nichts mitbekommen. John ist wieder fit. Heute sind wir durch Halbwüste und Steinwüste gegangen. Vom Basecamp aus kann ich den Gipfel nicht sehen aber den steilen Pfad, der mich ab heute in der Nacht zum Gipfel führt. Simon, halb Chinese, halb Amerikaner, wurde heute in der Nacht von einem Jeep abgeholt. Mittlerweile wissen viele, dass ich Medizin habe und sie haben mich zu Simon gerufen. Auf die Frage, wo es ihm weh tut, zeigte er immer dorthin, wo die Bauchspeicheldrüse ist. Ich gab ihm etwas Schmerzstillendes und etwas gegen Übelkeit. Armer Kerl, er hat sich gewunden.
      John hat mir gerade erklärt, dass Kranke immer in der Nacht abgeholt werden damit es keiner sieht. So, jetzt heißt es: erholen, denn es trennen mich nur mehr sechs nächtliche Gehstunden vom Gipfel!!!!
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    • Day 47

      Old Rongai Gate

      January 11 in Tanzania ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Das Abenteuer Kili -Besteigung geht los. Da die starken Regenfälle der letzten Monate die Straße zum Gate beschädigt haben, gehen wir beim Old Gate los. Wir treffen unsere Träger und Giu verteilt kleine Wilkommensgeschenke, die sehr gut ankommen.Read more

    • Day 47

      Simba Camp 2.671 m

      January 11 in Tanzania ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Das erste Camp ist erreicht. Die Wanderung führt durch Föhrenwälder, Gemüsefelder und dann durch ein Gebiet, in dem es letzten Herbst heftig gebrannt hat. Doch die ersten Gräser und Stauden kämpfen sich bereits wieder durch. Und die Fackellilien leuchten besonders in der sonst verkohlten Umgebung.Read more

    • Day 1–8


      October 26 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      The 8-Day Mt. Kilimanjaro hiking via the Lemosho Route is designed to provide an immersive experience, taking climbers through diverse ecosystems and picturesque landscapes while allowing for optimal acclimatization. This extended itinerary enhances the chances of successfully reaching Uhuru Peak, ensuring a memorable journey to Africa's highest point.

      Day 1: Lemosho Gate to Mti Mkubwa Camp

      • Distance: 6 km (3.7 miles)
      • Elevation: 2,100 m (6,890 ft) to 2,750 m (9,020 ft)
      • Duration: Approximately 4-5 hours
      Your adventure begins at the Lemosho Gate, where you will register and meet your guides and porters. The trek starts with a walk through lush rainforest, where you can observe the diverse flora and fauna. After about 4-5 hours, you will arrive at Mti Mkubwa Camp (Big Tree Camp), set among giant trees. Enjoy your first evening under the stars with a hearty meal prepared by your team.

      Day 2: Mti Mkubwa Camp to Shira 1 Camp

      • Distance: 8 km (5 miles)
      • Elevation: 2,750 m (9,020 ft) to 3,610 m (11,840 ft)
      • Duration: Approximately 5-6 hours
      On this day, you will ascend through the rainforest and into the moorland zone, marked by the unique vegetation of giant heathers and lobelias. The trail offers stunning views as you approach the Shira Plateau. Arriving at Shira 1 Camp, you can explore the surrounding area and enjoy panoramic views of the summit. This camp is a perfect spot for acclimatization.

      Day 3: Shira 1 Camp to Shira 2 Camp via Shira Cathedral
      • Distance: 8 km (5 miles)
      • Elevation: 3,610 m (11,840 ft) to 3,840 m (12,570 ft)
      • Duration: Approximately 5-6 hours
      Today's trek takes you to Shira 2 Camp via Shira Cathedral, where you will have opportunities for spectacular photographs. The terrain is relatively gentle, allowing for a comfortable hike as you enjoy the breathtaking views. You will pass several rock formations and possibly see wildlife like the black-and-white colobus monkey. Arriving at Shira 2 Camp, you will set up camp and enjoy dinner with views of the mountain

      Day 4: Shira 2 Camp to Barranco Camp via Lava Tower

      • Distance: 11 km (6.8 miles)
      • Elevation:
      o Ascend from 3,840 m (12,570 ft) to 4,600 m (15,091 ft) at Lava Tower
      o Descend to 3,960 m (12,995 ft) at Barranco Camp
      • Duration: Approximately 7-8 hours
      Today is a critical day for acclimatization. You will ascend to Lava Tower, a significant landmark known for its striking rock formations. After lunch at Lava Tower, you will descend to Barranco Camp, allowing your body to adjust to the altitude. The views of the surrounding glaciers and valleys during the descent are stunning. Upon arrival at Barranco, enjoy dinner and prepare for the next day's adventure.

      Day 5: Barranco Camp to Karanga Camp

      • Distance: 7 km (4.3 miles)
      • Elevation: 3,960 m (12,995 ft) to 4,035 m (13,200 ft)
      • Duration: Approximately 4-5 hours
      Today begins with the ascent of the Barranco Wall, a thrilling climb that provides exhilarating views of the valley below. The climb is challenging but well worth the effort, as the summit becomes more visible. After conquering the wall, the trail leads to Karanga Camp, where you will set up camp. This shorter trek allows for additional acclimatization, preparing you for the next stage of the climb.

      Day 6: Karanga Camp to Barafu Camp

      • Distance: 8 km (5 miles)
      • Elevation: 4,035 m (13,200 ft) to 4,673 m (15,325 ft)
      • Duration: Approximately 4-5 hours
      The trek today leads you through the alpine desert as you make your way to Barafu Camp, the base camp for your summit attempt. The path features rocky terrain with stunning views of the glaciers and the summit. Upon arrival at Barafu Camp, you will have time to rest and prepare for the night ahead. Dinner will be served early to ensure you are well-rested before the long trek to the summit.

      Day 7: Barafu Camp to Uhuru Peak and Descend to Mweka Camp

      • Distance:
      o Barafu Camp to Uhuru Peak: 5.5 km (3.4 miles)
      o Uhuru Peak to Mweka Camp: 12 km (7.5 miles)
      • Elevation:
      o Ascend from 4,673 m (15,325 ft) to 5,895 m (19,341 ft) at Uhuru Peak
      o Descend to Mweka Camp at 3,068 m (10,062 ft)
      • Duration:
      o Ascent: Approximately 6-8 hours
      o Descent: Approximately 7-8 hours
      You will begin your summit attempt around midnight, navigating the steep, rocky terrain under the stars. The hike to Uhuru Peak is physically demanding, but reaching the summit at sunrise is a breathtaking experience. After celebrating your success and taking photographs, you will begin your descent back to Mweka Camp. The trail leads you back through the alpine desert and into the rainforest, allowing you to appreciate the diverse ecosystems once more.

      Day 8: Mweka Camp to Mweka Gate

      • Distance: 10 km (6.2 miles)
      • Elevation: 3,068 m (10,062 ft) to 1,640 m (5,380 ft)
      • Duration: Approximately 3-4 hours
      On your final day, you will trek from Mweka Camp to Mweka Gate, marking the conclusion of your trek. The descent through the rainforest is a wonderful way to reflect on your journey and enjoy the lush surroundings. Upon reaching the gate, you will receive your completion certificate, commemorating your successful ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro.

      Price includes:

      • Trekking tour according to the itinerary
      • Accommodation in tents and hotels as indicated in the itinerary
      • Professional English-speaking guide
      • Personal porter
      • Meals as indicated in the itinerary
      • Drinking water
      • Transfers as indicated in the itinerary
      • Camping equipment – tents, sleeping mattress and camping furniture
      • Portable toilet and toilet tent
      • National park fees
      • Rescue fees

      Price excludes:

      • Flights (international and domestic)
      • Meals not indicated in the itinerary
      • Beverages other than water (alcohol and soft drinks)
      • Visa, tips, personal expenses, travel insurance
      • Sleeping bag (can be rented, please ask us at the time of the booking)

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    • Day 1–7


      October 26 in Tanzania ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C


      The 7-Day Mt. Kilimanjaro hiking via the Machame Route offers an immersive trekking experience, featuring diverse ecosystems and breathtaking landscapes, from lush rainforests to alpine deserts. This extended itinerary allows for optimal acclimatization, significantly enhancing climbers' chances of successfully summiting Uhuru Peak while enjoying the stunning vistas along the way.

      Day 1: Machame Gate to Machame Camp

      • Distance: 11 km (6.8 miles)
      • Elevation: 1,800 m (5,900 ft) to 2,835 m (9,300 ft)
      • Duration: Approximately 5-7 hours
      Your journey begins at Machame Gate, where you will register and prepare for the trek. The trail leads through a lush rainforest, characterized by towering trees and vibrant flora. As you hike, look out for wildlife, including monkeys and various bird species. The terrain is moderately steep but manageable, offering a perfect introduction to your adventure. After a rewarding day, you will arrive at Machame Camp, where you will have dinner and rest for the night.

      Day 2: Machame Camp to Shira Camp

      • Distance: 9 km (5.6 miles)
      • Elevation: 2,835 m (9,300 ft) to 3,750 m (12,300 ft)
      • Duration: Approximately 4-6 hours
      Today’s trek features a gradual ascent as you leave the rainforest behind and enter the moorland zone. The stunning views of Kilimanjaro and the surrounding landscapes will motivate you as you hike. The unique plant life, such as giant lobelias and senecios, adds to the beauty of the hike. Arriving at Shira Camp, located on a plateau, you can enjoy panoramic views of the summit and explore the Shira Plateau.

      Day 3: Shira Camp to Lava Tower and Barranco Camp

      • Distance: 10 km (6.2 miles)
      • Elevation:
      o Start at 3,750 m (12,300 ft)
      o Ascend to 4,600 m (15,091 ft) at Lava Tower
      o Descend to 3,960 m (12,995 ft) at Barranco Camp
      • Duration: Approximately 6-8 hours
      This day involves a significant elevation gain as you hike to Lava Tower, a popular acclimatization point. The rocky landscape offers a unique contrast to the previous days' lush greenery. After lunch at Lava Tower, you will begin your descent into the Barranco Valley, where you’ll set up camp at Barranco Camp. The stunning views of the Barranco Wall provide an impressive backdrop for your evening.

      Day 4: Barranco Camp to Karanga Camp

      • Distance: 7 km (4.3 miles)
      • Elevation:
      o Start at 3,960 m (12,995 ft)
      o Ascend to 4,035 m (13,200 ft)
      • Duration: Approximately 4-5 hours
      Today begins with the ascent of the Barranco Wall, a steep climb that rewards you with breathtaking views. The climb is challenging but manageable, and once at the top, the trail levels out, allowing you to catch your breath. Afterward, you’ll descend slightly into the Karanga Valley, where you will set up camp at Karanga Camp. This shorter day allows for acclimatization while preparing for the next leg of the journey.

      Day 5: Karanga Camp to Barafu Camp

      • Distance: 8 km (5 miles)
      • Elevation:
      o Start at 4,035 m (13,200 ft)
      o Ascend to 4,673 m (15,325 ft)
      • Duration: Approximately 4-5 hours
      The trek today takes you through the alpine desert, characterized by sparse vegetation and dramatic scenery. As you ascend to Barafu Camp, you will enjoy views of the glaciers on the summit. Upon reaching camp, you’ll have time to rest, hydrate, and prepare for the summit push. Dinner will be served early to ensure you get sufficient rest before the long ascent.

      Day 6: Barafu Camp to Uhuru Peak and Descend to Mweka Camp

      • Distance:
      o Barafu Camp to Uhuru Peak: 5.5 km (3.4 miles)
      o Uhuru Peak to Mweka Camp: 12 km (7.5 miles)
      • Elevation:
      o Ascend from 4,673 m (15,325 ft) to 5,895 m (19,341 ft) at Uhuru Peak
      o Descend to Mweka Camp at 3,068 m (10,062 ft)
      • Duration:
      o Ascent: Approximately 6-8 hours
      o Descent: Approximately 7-8 hours
      You will begin your ascent around midnight, navigating the steep, rocky path to Uhuru Peak. Reaching the summit at sunrise is one of the most exhilarating experiences of the trek. After celebrating your accomplishment and taking photos, you will start your descent back to Mweka Camp. The trail will take you back through the alpine desert and into the rainforest, allowing you to enjoy the diverse ecosystems once more.

      Day 7: Mweka Camp to Mweka Gate

      • Distance: 10 km (6.2 miles)
      • Elevation: Start at 3,068 m (10,062 ft) and descend to 1,640 m (5,380 ft)
      • Duration: Approximately 3-4 hours
      On the final day, you will trek from Mweka Camp to Mweka Gate, marking the end of your trek. The descent through the rainforest is a wonderful way to reflect on your adventure and appreciate the lush surroundings. Upon reaching the gate, you’ll complete your trek with a celebratory certificate presentation, commemorating your successful ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro.

      Price includes:

      • Trekking tour according to the itinerary
      • Accommodation in tents and hotels as indicated in the itinerary
      • Professional English-speaking guide
      • Personal porter
      • Meals as indicated in the itinerary
      • Drinking Water
      • Transfers as indicated in the itinerary
      • Camping equipment – tents, sleeping mattress and camping furniture
      • National park fees
      • Rescue fees

      Price excludes:

      • Flights (international and domestic)
      • Meals not indicated in the itinerary
      • Beverages other than water (alcohol and soft drinks)
      • Visa, tips, personal expenses, travel insurance
      • Sleeping bag (can be rented, please ask us at the time of the booking)


      1. What is the Machame Route?
      The Machame Route, often called the "Whiskey" route, is a popular and scenic path to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. It features diverse landscapes, including rainforests, moorlands, and alpine deserts. The 7-day trek allows for better acclimatization and a more enjoyable experience for climbers.

      2. What are the accommodations like?
      Accommodations on the Machame Route are typically camping. Trekkers sleep in tents at designated campsites, with porters setting up and taking down the camps. While tents provide shelter, climbers should expect basic amenities and shared facilities at each campsite.

      3. How can I prepare for altitude sickness?
      To prepare for altitude sickness on the Machame Route:

      Acclimatization: Allow your body to adjust by following the itinerary and taking it slow.
      Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the trek to stay hydrated.
      Fitness: Engage in aerobic exercises and hiking prior to the trip to build endurance.
      Awareness: Be aware of altitude sickness symptoms and be ready to descend if they worsen.

      4. What wildlife might I encounter along the Machame Route?
      The Machame Route passes through diverse ecosystems, offering chances to see various wildlife. Common sightings include blue monkeys, colorful birds, and unique plants. While larger animals are rare on the trekking paths, the variety of flora and fauna adds to the experience.

      5. What is the best time to climb the Machame Route?
      The best times to climb the Machame Route are during the dry seasons: January to March and June to October. These months usually offer more stable weather, clearer skies, and less rainfall, enhancing the overall trekking experience. Climbers should still be prepared for temperature fluctuations.

      Webpage :https://www.kilimanjarobikecyclingtours.com/tou…
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    • Day 1–6


      October 26 in Tanzania ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C


      The 6-Day Mt. Kilimanjaro hiking via the Machame Route provides a challenging yet rewarding journey to Africa's highest peak, characterized by its stunning landscapes and varied terrain, including lush rainforests and rocky ridges. This route is well-known for its excellent acclimatization schedule, allowing climbers to fully enjoy the breathtaking views while increasing their chances of successfully reaching Uhuru Peak.

      Day 1: Machame Gate to Machame Camp

      Elevation: 1,811m (5,942ft) to 3,021m (9,911ft)
      Distance: 10.75 km (7 miles)
      Hiking Time: 5-6 hours
      Habitat: Rainforest
      Upon arrival at Kilimanjaro International Airport, you will be transferred to the Machame Gate after a brief drive from Moshi. After registering at the gate and receiving your permits, you will start your hike through the lush rainforest. The trail can be muddy and slippery; therefore, gaiters and trekking poles are recommended. You will enjoy the beautiful scenery while your guide shares insights about local flora and fauna. Overnight at Machame Camp.

      Day 2: Machame Camp to Shira Camp

      Elevation: 3,021m (9,911ft) to 3,839m (12,595ft)
      Distance: 5.3 km (3 miles)
      Hiking Time: 4-5 hours
      Habitat: Moorland
      After breakfast, you will leave the rainforest behind and ascend along a rocky ridge towards Shira Plateau. The temperatures begin to drop as you gain altitude. You will reach Shira Camp in time for dinner and overnight stay.

      Day 3: Shira Camp to Lava Tower to Barranco Camp

      Elevation: 3,839m (12,595ft) to 3,986m (13,077ft)
      Distance: 10.75 km (6 miles)
      Hiking Time: 5-6 hours
      Habitat: Semi-desert
      This day is crucial for acclimatization as you will ascend towards Lava Tower at an elevation of approximately 4,650m (15,250ft). After lunch near Lava Tower, you will descend back down to Barranco Camp at around the same elevation as when you started this day.

      Day 4: Barranco Camp to Karanga Camp to Barafu Camp

      Barranco Camp: 3,986m (13,077ft)
      Karanga Camp: 4,034m (13,235ft)
      Barafu Camp: 4,662m (15,295ft)
      Distance: 8.5 km (5 miles)
      Hiking Time: 6-8 hours
      Habitat: Alpine Desert
      After breakfast at Barranco Camp, you will tackle the steep Barranco Wall before continuing on a ridge towards Karanga Valley. After reaching Karanga Camp for lunch and rest, you will proceed up towards Barafu Camp where you will prepare for summit night with an early dinner.

      Day 5: Barafu Camp to Summit then Descend to Mweka Camp

      Barafu Camp: 4,662m (15,295ft)
      Uhuru Peak: 5,895m (19,341ft)
      Mweka Camp: Down to approximately 3,106m (10,190ft)
      Ascent: Approximately 4.86 km (3 miles)
      Descent: Approximately 13 km (8 miles)
      Hiking Time:
      Ascent: 5-7 hours
      Descent: 5-6 hours
      Habitat: Glaciers/Snow-Capped Summit
      You will start your ascent between midnight and early morning hours toward Uhuru Peak via Stella Point on the crater rim. This is the most challenging part of the trek both mentally and physically. After celebrating your achievement at the summit with photos and enjoying sunrise views if conditions allow it; you’ll descend back down stopping briefly at Barafu for lunch before continuing down to Mweka Camp for overnight.

      Day 6: Mweka Camp to Mweka Gate then Return to Moshi

      Elevation: From Mweka Camp at approximately 3,106m (10,190ft) down to Mweka Gate at approximately1633 m (5358 ft).
      Distance: Approximately9.1 km (6 miles)
      Hiking Time: About3–4hours
      Habitat: Rainforest
      After breakfast and a farewell ceremony with your crew members at Mweka camp; you’ll make your final descent through muddy trails back down through the rainforest until reaching Mweka Gate where you’ll receive your summit certificates. A vehicle will be waiting for you here for transfer back to Moshi where you can enjoy a hot shower and celebrate your accomplishment.

      The price for the mountain includes:

      -Accommodation (two nights) at hotel in Moshi.
      -6Days park Entrance fees
      -5night camping fees
      -6Days rescue fees
      -6Days Tanzania Government VAT tax.
      -Food 3meals everyday on the mountain refers the menu below.
      -Camping equipment these are: Sleeping tents, Mess tents, Kitchen tents, Tables and Chairs
      -Salaries to all porters, Cook, Assistant Guide and Chief guide
      -Transfer to Machame gate and return to Moshi after the climb.
      -Transfer from JRO to Hotel and return
      -Small company first aid kit.
      -Oxygen tank supply.

      Price for the mountain will not for include:

      - Tip for the supporting crew.
      - Personal things.
      - Food and drinks at your hotel.
      - Any flight.


      1. What is the Machame Route?
      The Machame Route, often referred to as the "Whiskey" route, is one of the most popular paths to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. It offers stunning scenery and diverse ecosystems, including rainforests, moorlands, and alpine deserts. The route is known for its challenging terrain and beautiful views, making it ideal for adventurous trekkers.

      2. What are the accommodations like?
      Accommodations on the Machame Route are typically camping. Trekkers stay in tents at designated campsites, with porters setting up and breaking down the camps. While tents provide shelter, climbers should be prepared for basic amenities and shared facilities at campsites.

      3. How can I prepare for altitude sickness?
      To prepare for altitude sickness on the Machame Route:

      Acclimatization: Follow the itinerary carefully to allow your body to adjust to the altitude.
      Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the trek.
      Fitness: Build endurance through aerobic exercises and hiking prior to the trip.
      Symptoms: Know the symptoms of altitude sickness and be prepared to descend if necessary.

      4. What wildlife might I see along the Machame Route?
      The Machame Route passes through diverse ecosystems, offering chances to see various wildlife. Common sightings include monkeys (like blue monkeys), colorful birds, and unique plants. Keep an eye out for smaller animals, but remember that larger wildlife is less common on the trekking paths.

      5. What is the best time to climb the Machame Route?
      The best times to climb the Machame Route are during the dry seasons: January to March and June to October. These months generally offer more stable weather, clearer skies, and less rainfall, enhancing the trekking experience. However, temperatures can vary significantly, so proper gear is essential.

      Webpage: https://www.kilimanjarobikecyclingtours.com/tou…
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    • Day 1–6


      October 26 in Tanzania ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C


      The 6-Day Mt. Kilimanjaro hiking via the Marangu Route offers a scenic and accessible path to Africa's highest peak, featuring comfortable hut accommodations throughout the trek. This itinerary allows for better acclimatization, ensuring a more enjoyable ascent to Uhuru Peak while showcasing the stunning diversity of Kilimanjaro's ecosystems.

      Day 1: Marangu Gate to Mandara Hut

      • Distance: Approximately 8 kilometers (5 miles)
      • Elevation Gain: 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) to 2,700 meters (8,858 feet)
      • Duration: 4-5 hours
      After registering at Marangu Gate, the trek begins through lush rainforest. This section features a gentle ascent, and hikers can enjoy the rich biodiversity, including unique plant and animal species. Upon reaching Mandara Hut, climbers will settle in for the night, allowing time to acclimatize and relax. Hut accommodations provide a comfortable resting place.

      Day 2: Mandara Hut to Horombo Hut

      • Distance: Approximately 12 kilometers (7.5 miles)
      • Elevation Gain: 1,200 meters (3,937 feet) to 3,720 meters (12,205 feet)
      • Duration: 5-7 hours
      On the second day, hikers will trek to Horombo Hut. The trail ascends through moorland and heather, gradually revealing beautiful views of the mountain. Along the way, trekkers may spot wildlife, including colorful birds. Upon arrival at Horombo Hut, climbers can enjoy the views of Kibo Peak and Mawenzi Peak. Overnight accommodations are in the hut.

      Day 3: Acclimatization Day at Horombo Hut

      • Distance: Optional day hikes of approximately 6-8 kilometers (3.7-5 miles)
      • Elevation Gain: Optional ascent to Zebra Rocks (4,200 meters/13,780 feet)
      • Duration: 3-4 hours for optional hike
      This day is dedicated to acclimatization. Climbers will remain at Horombo Hut to help their bodies adjust to the altitude. An optional hike to Zebra Rocks is recommended, allowing hikers to ascend to a higher elevation and then return to Horombo for the night. This acclimatization day is crucial for increasing the chances of summit success.

      Day 4: Horombo Hut to Kibo Hut

      • Distance: Approximately 10 kilometers (6 miles)
      • Elevation Gain: 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) to 4,703 meters (15,432 feet)
      • Duration: 6-8 hours
      After breakfast, trekkers will continue to Kibo Hut, which is located at the base of the summit. The landscape shifts to a more arid alpine desert environment, with fewer plants and harsher conditions. Upon reaching Kibo Hut, climbers will have the rest of the day to rest, eat, and prepare for the early morning summit attempt. Hut accommodations provide shelter from the cold.

      Day 5: Kibo Hut to Uhuru Peak (Summit) and Descend to Horombo Hut

      • Distance: Approximately 22 kilometers (13.7 miles) round trip
      • Elevation Gain: 1,195 meters (3,900 feet) to 5,895 meters (19,341 feet)
      • Duration: 10-15 hours
      Climbers will begin their ascent to Uhuru Peak around midnight, hiking through the night. The route involves a steep climb to Gilman’s Point, and then the final push to Uhuru Peak, where hikers can witness the stunning sunrise over the summit. After celebrating the achievement and taking photos, climbers will start their descent back to Kibo Hut for a brief rest, followed by the continuation down to Horombo Hut for the night. This long and strenuous day usually takes 10-15 hours in total.

      Day 6: Horombo Hut to Marangu Gate

      • Distance: Approximately 20 kilometers (12.4 miles)
      • Elevation Loss: 1,000 meters (3,280 feet)
      • Duration: 5-7 hours
      The final day involves descending back to Marangu Gate. The trek through the rainforest is easier, and hikers can enjoy the beautiful scenery that they may have missed on the way up. Upon reaching Marangu Gate, climbers will check out, receive their summit certificates, and celebrate their successful ascent of Kilimanjaro.

      The price for the mountain includes:

      -Accommodation (two nights) at hotel in Moshi.
      -6 Days park Entrance fees
      -5 Nights hut fees
      -6 Days rescue fees
      -6 Days Tanzania Government VAT tax.
      -Food 3meals everyday on the mountain refers at the menu list below.
      -Cooking and eating equipment’s.
      -Recommended salaries to all porters, Cook, Assistant Guide and Chief guide
      -Transfer to Marangu gate and return to Moshi after the climb.
      -Transfer from airport to Hotel and return
      -Small company first aid kit.
      -Oxygen tank supply.

      Price for the mountain will not include:

      - Tip for the supporting crew.
      - Personal things.
      - Food and drinks at your hotel.
      - Any flight.s


      1. What is the Marangu Route?
      The Marangu Route is one of the most popular paths to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Known for its relative ease, scenic views, and hut accommodations, it allows climbers to sleep in basic huts rather than camp. This route offers a unique opportunity to experience diverse ecosystems, from lush rainforests to alpine deserts.

      2. What are the accommodations like?
      Accommodations on the Marangu Route consist of simple, dormitory-style huts at Mandara, Horombo, and Kibo. Each hut features bunk beds and communal dining areas. While the huts provide shelter and basic amenities, climbers should be prepared for limited facilities, such as shared bathrooms and limited electricity.

      3. How can I prepare for altitude sickness?
      Altitude sickness is a significant concern on Kilimanjaro. To prepare:

      Acclimatization: Follow the itinerary carefully, especially the acclimatization day at Horombo.
      Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the trek.
      Fitness: Engage in aerobic exercise and hiking in the weeks leading up to your trip.
      Symptoms: Be aware of altitude sickness symptoms, such as headache, nausea, and dizziness. If symptoms worsen, descend immediately.

      4. What is the best time to climb the Marangu Route?
      The best times to climb are during the dry seasons: January to March and June to October. These months typically offer better weather conditions, with less rain and clearer skies, making the trek more enjoyable. However, temperatures can vary significantly, so climbers should be prepared for both warm days and cold nights.

      Webpage: https://www.kilimanjarobikecyclingtours.com/tou…
      Read more

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