Kio Mae Pan

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    • Day 74

      Lew Mae Tan Nature Trail

      November 21 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Der Lew Mae Tan Nature Trail Rundweg führt durch dichte Wälder, am Mae Klang Wasserfall, gold-gefärbte Wiesen und einem Aussichtspunkt vorbei.
      Den Panoramaview konnten wir zwar aufgrund der starken Bewölkung lediglich erahnen, jedoch war es trotzdem ein schöner Wanderweg. Merkwürdigerweise bekommt man hier am Anfang einen einheimischen Führer zugewiesen, der jedoch kein Englisch spricht 😅 und scheinbar lediglich aufpassen soll, dass man auf dem Weg bleibt.Read more

    • Day 7

      Das Dach Thailands - Und Pizza

      February 8 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Der Kew Mae Pan Nature Trail im Nationalpark Doi Inthanon, westlich von Chiang Mai gelegen, war heute unser Ziel. Auf bis zu 2307m Höhe wanderten wir, auf dem sogenannten Dach Thailands, überwiegend durch atemberaubenden Dschungel. Natürlich hatten wir auch diesmal einen Privatguide an unserer Seite - Wanderführer find ich toll! Die dort wachsenden, mit Moos und Ranken bedeckten Bäume fungieren als Wolkenfänger und beziehen auf diesem Wege ihr Wasser, wodurch auch die restlichen Pflanzen und sogar ein kleiner Bach versorgt werden. Die ständigen Wechselwinde, Temperaturschwankungen und verschiedenartigen Gerüche waren kurios. Gegen Ende erwartete uns eine Freifläche mit phänomenalem Ausblick. Anschließend ging es noch zum Wachirathan Wasserfall, ehe wir wieder Richtung Chiang Mai zurückfuhren und bei Softdrinks, Bier und Pizza diesen sehr schönen Tag Revue passieren ließen.Read more

    • Day 10

      Doi Inthanon

      January 4 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Wir stehen auf dem Dach Thailands - Doi Inthanon - dem letzten Ausläufer des Himalaya Massivs. Ab jetzt wird Thailand flach. Wir wandern durch den Nebelwald mit seinen Flechten und Farnen und genießen herrliche Ausblicke auf die Bergwelt. Schließlich erreichen wir die Pagoden von King und Queen. Sie thronen ganz oben und überblicken ganz Thailand. Auch der Wasserfall Wachirathan gefällt uns sehr gut.Read more

    • Day 39

      Tag 39 Doi Inthanon Nationalpark #2

      November 7, 2019 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Auch sehr sehenswert sind die zwei Pagoden des Königs und der Königin. Unschwer zu erkennen welche wem zugeordnet ist😅. Erbaut zum 60ten Geburtstags des Königs und der Königin und ein sehr wichtiges Heiligtum für alle Thais.👍Read more

    • Day 11

      What Goes Up Must Come Down (Pt. 2)

      May 20 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      The first stop on the way down was a short trail that was not far from the peak. Although it was short, there were quite a few steps down to the path's boardwalk. So once we finished the boardwalks loop, we had to climb back up those same stairs. The high elevation didn't make things easier either. The nice thing about the elevation though was that it was roughly 16 degrees cooler where we were compared to the city of Chiang Mai, so we were actually the coolest we had been this whole trip!

      After that first trail, we went down the mountain some more to go on a longer hike, which is just a bit uphill from the Pagodas. From our research, it seemed this trail takes roughly an hour and 10 mins. Another thing about this trail is that you are required to pay 200 baht for a guide. It's probably to ensure hikers stay on the trail or just to keep an eye on them in case the elevation causes issues for hikers. This trail was pretty spectacular! It was pretty well maintained with boardwalks and bridges over any crevice or stream, and steps for every uphill and downhill that needed to be traversed.

      The hike started in the forest and the first point of interest was a waterfall, which at that height must've been sourced by rain runoff. After some time, we breached through the forest and came to an opening of long grass. It was crazy how instantaneous the forest changed to a field. With the lack of trees also came the opportunity to see some amazing views! There was a lookout point where we got to see the landscape of the National Park and the view of the valley below. Although it was still hazy in the distance, it didn't stop us from being amazed by the view. From there, we walked along the mountain ridge (with fences thankfully) and got to see even more views. We began hearing booming thunder from behind (would it really be a hike up a mountain with Sarah if there isn'ta thunderstorm), so we started expecting some rain to reach us soon. Before heading back into the forest, we reached another viewpoint where you could see the Pagadoas from. It was cool to see them from a different (and higher) perspective. Then, almost like clockwork, as we stepped back into the forest, it started to rain. The forest sheltered us from the majority of the rain, so we remained pretty dry (other than our sweat). After some more steps going up and steps going down, we reached the end of the trail. To continue on the hike's theme of great timing, the rain seemed to putter out just as we finished!

      We hopped back in the car and continued our descent down the mountain.
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    • Day 11

      Fog-et About It! (Doi Inthanon - Pt. 1)

      May 20 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      So, as you may have noticed, there is a "Pt. 1" in the title. Yesterday was quite the doozy of a day and we have lots to show, but due to the 20 image limit of FindPenguins, this day will probably be split into 3 parts.

      The day started with our complementary breakfast. Not included in the picture was a yogurt cup, a banana, and a sizeable portion of fried-rice. We didn't end up getting to the rice during breakfast so we attempted to communicate if we could have a to-go container. We did seem to make a breakthrough in the language barrier as we received a little box that we scooped the rice into. We then headed back to the cabin to sunscreen up, and then checked-out and started our drive to the Doi Inthanon National Park.

      The place we stayed at was just outside the park boundaries, so getting in was no issue at all. The park has many trails and waterfalls throughout it, but the first stop we wanted to make was to see the main attraction of the park, the Pagodas near the peak. So we planned to see that first, then go to the peak, and then on the way down, stop at whatever trails or waterfalls we liked. That rental car of ours definitely got a workout that day, as we had a 40-odd km drive uphill to get to the Pagodas (and a bit more to get to the peak). We arrived at the Pagoda parking lot and hopped out of the car and into the back of one of the free shuttles from the lot to the Pagodas.

      When we first arrived at the Pagodas, it was looking pretty clear, but as we marched up the staircases, a cloud of fog seemed to roll right in. This is where having the rental car came in handy, instead of having only a certain amount of time at the Pagodas, we were able to be patient and really look around as we waited for the fog to clear up. After climbing up and down the staircases to the Pagodas and looking inside them, the fog finally seemed to clear. It was still a bit hazy in the distance, but the view was still astonishing! We basically retraced our steps since we saw everything once in the fog and then again once it had cleared. Once we were all finished at the Pagodas, we took the shuttle back to the parking lot and puttered up the rest of the mountain to the parking lot at the peak.

      We walked up the path, which was pretty short, and reached the highest point in Thailand. There was a shrine, as well as a little box that had coins in it. We overheard someone else mention you put a small offering there as it's meant to be good luck. So we pulled out a Canadian nickel and flicked it in the box. From there, we went back down to the parking lot, sat down, and enjoyed the leftover bananas and rice from breakfast (along with some snacks we had from the Elephant Sanctuary).

      Now it was time to work our way back down the mountain and go on some trails!
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    • Day 17

      King & Queens Pagodas

      March 5 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      De letschti Stop vorem Lunch isch de Tempel vum König und de Königin gsi.
      Irgendwelchi Knocheteili schiints ono i denne zwei Tempel dinne z ha, me hemmer aber o ned verstande.
      S aktuelle Herrscher-Päärli bsuecht die Tempel zweimol im Johr.Read more

    • Day 17

      Kew Mae Pan Nature Trail

      March 5 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Wiiter ischs gange mit de „Wanderig“ wo aber me en 2h-Spaziergang gsi isch.
      Über e Wägli und vill Stufe hemmer üs dur de Wald gschlänglet, bismer uf e Hochebeni uficho sind, wo de Bode ufgrund vumre Waldbrand nümm nährstoffrich segi. Drum hets dete nume Gräser und Farn.
      D Ussicht isch zimli trüebt gsi, wells etzt noch de Riis-Ernti überall d Riisfelder abbrenned.
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    • Day 22

      Doh Inthanon - Das Dach Thailands

      November 15, 2023 in Thailand

      Heute ging es auf dem höchsten Berg Thailands, den Doi Inthanon mit 2565 m. Kurz vor der Spitze wanderten wir noch auf dem Kaw Mae Pan Trail, welcher auf ca. 4 km zu zwei Aussichtspunkten quer durch den Urwald führt. Trotz der vielen Wolken sehr beeindruckend.

      Anschließend ging es zurück nach Chiang Mai, Mietwagen abgeben und in das gebuchte Hotel.
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    • Day 8

      Chiang Mai - day 8

      October 28, 2023 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Io, Cornelia e la sua amica tedesca Elena, prenotiamo tramite l'ostello una visita al parco nazionale di Doi Inthanon a 80 km da Chiang Mai.
      - Cascata Nam Tok Wachirathan
      - Punto più alto della Thailandia (2,565 metri).
      - Twin Pagodas, costruite in onore del re e della regina, le cui terrazze offrono una vista molto bella (peccato fosse nuvoloso, comunque ci siamo goduti i giardini)
      - Hmong hill tribe market: turistico, vendono tutti le stesse cose, frutta secca o candita, vini (non di uva, ma con diversi frutti)
      - Trekking di circa due ore nella foresta del parco, cascate, torrente, ragni, serpenti (forse messi lì apposta)
      - Karen hill tribe e vista sui campi di riso a Ban Mae Klang Luang
      Tutto molto bello!
      La sera vado con Cornelia e i due ragazzi tedeschi conosciuti in aereo al Saturday Night Market, un mercato enorme con prodotti davvero belli di artigianato e tanto street food.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Kio Mae Pan, กิ่วแม่ปาน

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