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    • Day 3

      Pratunam Market

      September 24, 2019 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Das war das eigentliche Ziel meiner Reisebegleitung. Hier ging es ganz schön troubelig zu, viele Menschen, enge Gassen, in den engen Gassen Motorräder und Garküchen. Spannend zu sehen aber auf Dauer nichts für mich.

      Nachdem ich meine Freundin in ein paar Shops begleitet habe, kaufte ich mir ein leichtes Oberteil zum Sonnenschutz und beschloss allein weiterzuziehen.
      Wir verabschiedeten uns herzlich und gingen getrennte Wege.
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    • Day 17

      BTS Skytrain

      October 8, 2019 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Heute haben wir neben einem Minivan zum Flughafen nach Krabi, dem Flugzeug von Krabi nach Bangkok und dem Taxi vom Bangkoker Flughafen ein weiteres öffentliches Verkehrsmittel genutzt. Den BTS Skytrain. Ein Zug, der oberhalb von den Straßen Bangkoks fährt.Read more

    • Day 18

      Shopping extreme

      October 9, 2019 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

      An unserem letzten Tag haben wir uns vorgenommen unsere Rücksäcke mit Souvenirs und schönen Erinnerungen für uns zu füllen.

      Unsere erste Station war ein Supermarkt mit dem Namen Big C Supercenter. Und der Name war auch Programm. Ein riesiger Supermarkt auf mehreren Etagen. Die Auswahl war riesig doch wir müssten uns sehr beim Einkaufen zusammenreißen. Erstens ist der Platz im Rucksack nur sehr begrenzt und zum zweiten dürfen viele Lebensmittel nicht in die EU eingeführt werden.
      Nachdem wir aus dem Gewusel von hier raus sind ging es in das nächste Extrem - das MBK. Ein Einkaufszentrum mit 8 Etagen und mehr als 2500 Läden. Wir haben hier noch letzte Souvenirs besorgt, sind durch Läden gebummelt, ich habe mir nochmal eine Brille machen lassen (selbes Modell wie beim letzten mal, nur eine andere Farbe) und zu guter Letzt habe ich mein kaputtes Display vom Handy wechseln lassen.

      Nach mehr als 5 Stunden Shopping glühten unsere Füße und wir machten uns zurück zu unserem Hotel, um unser Gepäck abzuholen und die Einkäufe zu verstauen. Nun begann das Tetris-Spiel - viel Platz blieb nicht mehr aber es wurde jeder Winkel effektiv genutzt 🙂

      Auf zum Flughafen!
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    • Day 66


      November 2, 2019 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Bevor wir morgen für drei Wochen in das Hinterland bei Kanchanaburi gehen, genießen wir noch einmal die modernen Teile von Bangkok in vollen Zügen. Wir gönnen uns ein unglaublich leckeres japanisches Büfett inklusive Sushi und allem was das Herz sonst noch begehrt. Vor allem die Kinder lieben es. Pfannkuchen kommt aus dem Automaten. Witzig.

      Aber auch neben diesem hochpreisigen Highlight gibt es immer leckeres Street Food.
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    • Day 2

      תמונות 3

      November 4, 2019 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      קצת עוד תמונות מארמון המלך. יש קטע ממש הזוי בבנקוק שהם מאוהבים במליכ שלהם. אתמול ראינו את הג'וקר ולפני הסרט הייתה מצגת של המלך, עם פוטושופ גרוע. וכולם עמדו... אסור להם לדבר על המלך וצריך להתלבש צנוע כדי להכנס.Read more

    • Day 155

      Bangkok - Markt und Park

      February 2, 2020 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Nach einer nicht so erholsamen Nacht, da die Personen im Zimmer neben uns wirklich sehr laut waren, aber auch die Zimmerabtrennungen nicht wirklich schalldicht waren, mussten wir uns erst einmal beschweren.
      Glücklicherweise saßen unsere Nachbarn gerade beim Frühstück, so dass das Personal gleich mit ihnen reden konnte. Wir konnten es nämlich nicht, es waren Chinesen, die kein Englisch konnten. Diese Leute haben einfach überhaupt kein Gefühl für ihre Umgebung. Schon komisch... Was lernen wir daraus: Nimm niemals eine Unterkunft mit Chinesen drin bzw. in der Nähe von Chinatown! 😝 Aber die nächste Nacht wurde dann wenigstens ruhig!
      Fürs Frühstück ging es diesmal zum Café „Baba Mama“, bei uns in der Nähe. Da wir gerade zur angegebenen Öffnungszeit kamen, mussten wir natürlich erst noch ein wenig warten... Denn in Asien ist die Öffnungszeit die Zeit, zu der die Angestellten kommen und daher sollte man lieber eine halbe Stunde später kommen. 😉
      Gestärkt ging es zuerst über den ursprünglichen Markt bei uns ums Eck und dann mit der Metro auf den „Chatuchak Markt“, dem größten Markt in Thailand. Sonntag ist eben Markttag. Es gab so das übliche, aber auch eine Abteilung mit Tieren, die wir lieber hätten nicht sehen wollen, da dort von Vögel, über Fische, Katzen und Hunde, auch Igel oder Nagetiere verkauft wurden.
      Danach fuhren wir mit der Metro und dem Skytrain zu einem sehr großen Einkaufszentrum namens „Centralworld“. Uns ist aufgefallen, wie geordnet es in Thailand abläuft. Hier wird sich z.B., im Gegensatz zu China, an „Erst aussteigen lassen, dann einsteigen“ gehalten. In der Mall dann war ein Japan Special, wo auch unzählige Musikdarbietungen stattfanden. Mit den verkleideten Fans zusammen, war das wirklich sehr interessant zu sehen. Jetzt haben wir etwas Angst vor Japan bekommen... 😝
      Nach dem ganzen Shopping ging es zu einem schönen Park, den „Lumphini Park“. Dort entspannen wir und beobachteten die Tiere, wie Katzen, Vögel und Warane (!)...
      Zum Abschluss des Tages gab es noch ein leckeres Abendessen in Chinatown bei dem Straßenrestaurant „Kruaporn Lamai“, wo das Essen auf heißen Platten serviert wird.
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    • Day 226

      Bangkok, Thailand

      November 2, 2022 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 86 °F

      We arrived at Bangkok after a long day of travel yesterday. Went out exploring the city today! Southeast Asia continues to surprise me. I have the preconceived notions of what a city or country will be like, and then I find I am very wrong.

      Bangkok is odd. They have an intricate mass transport system, but then a whole large area is just blacked out. Nothing but buses which aren’t as nice to get around on as metros. Of course our hotel is right in the middle of that blacked out area. So we spent some time just seeing how to get around and we’re pleasantly surprised. Bangkok has a great water taxi system, that mainly the locals use to get around in this area. So we jumped on and did our best to negotiate it. English is not spoken near as well here so we’re back to miming or using a lot of google translate to try to communicate. The people are very helpful tho.

      So while we were figuring out the boat/SkyTrain system we found ourselves in a modern section of the city so ran with it. Went into the malls and found they’re just as amazing as Singapore’s. They have a full aquarium in their mall! And so many stores from the USA that surprised me to see. A Sizzler?? Crazy. We had a late lunch at a hotpot place - fun to finally try it. And then we headed to the skywalk. A 77 story tower with a glass roof! Really scary to walk out on. Beautiful sunset again, and then a wonderful ride back to the hotel on the water taxi at night.

      It was a great day of just figuring out how the city works and playing it by ear.
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    • Day 19

      Motorbikes and Movie theatres

      November 16, 2022 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 88 °F

      So I was awakened by a light knock at my door this morning. It was my breakfast. I had an omelet, some toast and coffee. It was delicious. My movie doesn’t start today until 3:30 which has given me plenty of time this morning. I found a cool store a few blocks down, and I wanted to get a few things. The neighborhood is really cute. More touristy, than my 1st neighborhood I was in. Lol, I really threw myself into the deep end on that one.
      So I took my stuff back to the hotel and went back out on the street to hail a GRAB. I waited a minute or 2, as I’m watching the Grab, come closer. Then a motorbike pulls up and asks if I want a taxi. I say no, that I’ve ordered Grab. He’s says, yea. I ask him if he’s grab and he says yea. I then tell him I’ve ordered a car, and show him my phone. (Hindsight, I shouldn’t have done that. ) He says, yeah, Siam Paragon. Which is where I’m going. So I said so you are with Grab, and I don’t have to pay anything because I’ve paid it with Grab right? He said Yea.
      So a few things here. I’ve really wanted to take a GRAB motorbike through the city and haven’t had the nerve. I was dying too. So he hands me a helmet, I jump on and we take off. It’s about a 15 minute bike ride, and it was a blast. Once I settled my feet right, I felt more comfortable. He was nice, asked where I was from, I told him the truth. He asked if I was here by myself, I said I was (I figured, it wasn’t a car, and if I got in trouble I could jump off at the next light,) He said, “I can come home with you and drive motorbikes?” We both laughed. The bikes can really get around the city much better than cars can and it was fun.
      So he gets to the mall, and I thank him, and he says, “Wait. You have to pay me”. And I said, remember when you said you were with Grab? Remember?” He goes, Yea. Lol, all of a sudden he’s back to basic English. I said “You told me you were with Grab, that’s why I got on. You know that. I know you know that”. I didn’t raise my voice, I didn’t get mad, but I let him know that I knew he was scamming me. So I said, how much? And he says 450 baht. Well, on Grab it’s only 87 baht for the trip I took, and 137 baht in a grab car. I only has about 200 baht on me, and told him so. I gave him 180 (which ends up being $5.21) which is fine. He got more money out of me than normal and I let him know I was on to him. So whatever, it ended up fine.
      I had been reading up before I left about scams that involve the taxis. (not Grab, but the city ones) They quote you one price and then as the trip continues, they quote you more. And it’s not about trying to nickel and dime someone, it’s the point that they are not being fair or trustworthy and they have earned a bad reputation for it. And then, locals use them and they do the same thing to them. So there is a big movement in the city to hold these guys accountable, within the local community.
      That’s why I’ve been taking Grab, you don’t have to deal with that. And if I had wanted to use this guy on the motorcycle, I would have negotiated a price before I got on. And I wouldn’t have gotten on for 450 baht. But it was my mistake to not delve a bit deeper before I got on. But it was the middle of the day, and I knew where we were going and what the way there looked like. . But, that’s how you learn. And that’s the thing about it here. They don’t rob you at gunpoint, they waste your time to get more money out of you. But, Grab didn’t charge me for the car trip I had ordered, and I had a really good teachable moment. . 🤷🏻‍♀️
      I figured something would happen at least once, and there it was. I still had a blast on the back of the bike going through the streets on Bangkok.
      So I had a great little Vietnamese lunch at this mall I was at. It was huge. And one floor was a food hall and it was massive! And packed. On a Wednesday!
      It looked most like tourists and high school kids.
      So I go in to the movie theater, and the one I chose was listed under the “Top 10 best VIP movie theaters in Bangkok” by a Bangkok magazine. It was called the “Honda Ultimate” (they must sponsor it?) and all the seats were squishy recliners with a pillow and a blanket. With my ticket I got 2 free snacks and a drink. So I got Hagen-Das chocolate ice cream, (just the individual cup), popcorn and a coke. So the movie starts and they bring it to me.
      Well, 1st of all, I’m the only one in the theater which was great. So I go for the ice cream 1st. I take the top off, and then try to take the paper lining between the top and the ice cream off, and I can’t. I’m chewing on it, trying to stab it with my wooden spoon, thinking am I going to have to get up and go find someone to open this for me? Finally I get it open, but have you tried to eat ice cream with a wooden flat spoon in the dark lately? I had this image of me flinging it everywhere and getting it all over this nice blanket I had been provided. (The pillow and blanket were sealed in a bag, so I figure they are sanitized, which is really nice.)
      So I safely finished the ice cream and settled in for this great movie with popcorn and a comfy blanket. It is definitely the way to see a movie. But even some movie theatre in the states have the recliners, and it’s really nice. One thing about this theatre is you had more space between seats. Again, it’s all about space.
      So as the movie was finishing, I started thinking about how I was going to get back to the hotel. The experience with the motorcycle taxi unnerved me a bit and I was irritated that I had let that happen. And then I realized, there is NO WAY I could let that be my last experience with local transportation on this trip. I was going to have to get a Grab motorbike taxi for the ride home. So after the movie finished, I went out to the entrance, and got me a Grab motorbike taxi. And he said my name, and had a green GRAB jacket on. So I got on and we took off. It was a beautiful night, the streets were busy and I had a blast riding on the back of that thing through the streets of Bangkok. And he got me back to my drop off point, and I gave him a huge tip on the app afterward. He helped me set getting a motorbike taxi right. And he had no clue. 😆
      So tomorrow check out is 11 and my car service picks me up at 11:30. There a big summit (I think it’s APEC- Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) going on this week here, and roads are closed and the metro has certain lines that are closed, so I’m just going to get to the airport early and hang out in the lounge and read.
      I really like the vibe of Bangkok. I like Thailand more than I liked what I saw of Malaysia. Next time, I’d like to see a bit more of Penang, and they say Malaysia has really amazing beaches.
      I just felt more comfortable in Thailand. Now the house in Penang wins hands down. And the host and I really enjoyed chatting back and forth. But overall, I found I was happy when I got back to Bangkok. It’s an easy city to get around, there is plenty of public transportation, and lots to see and do. And I barely scratched the surface. There is a rhythm here. It’s a swirling, chaotic , layered, deep, historic wave of energy that works. There is definitely and order to the chaos. Everyone does the dance and it works. With the traffic especially, it flows.
      I didn’t get a feel for Penang’s flow. The traffic seemed much more dangerous, chaotic, jerky, unsettling. Like everyone had a car, but couldn’t drive very well. Again, maybe getting out of Georgetown next time. We will see.
      But in that house, in the evening, when it was raining, I felt the magic of Penang. The rain hitting the tin roofs, all the beautiful green plants, the history surrounding you. I definitely felt it then.
      So I’m packed, and heading to bed. I’m taking off Thursday evening from here and will be at JFK Friday morning. Gotta love the time difference. I’ll gain a day heading back. I don’t understand it, but it works. ❤️
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    • Day 247

      Our last day together

      November 23, 2022 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 86 °F

      After 247 days, today was the last full day Jordan and I have together on this trip. Sadly, tomorrow (Thanksgiving day) we part ways. I’m heading back to the states, and she is continuing her adventures solo.

      We flew from Cambodia back to Thailand today. Bangkok seems to be a major hub for SE Asia and all flights seem to go thru here.

      We had a fun time - went back to Chinatown to enjoy the wonderful street food and then I headed to the mall. Jordan won’t be with the family for Christmas this year (for the first time ever) and after I leave her tomorrow, it will be close to impossible to send her anything - so, I went Christmas shopping!! Now she’ll have a few gifts Christmas day to open from the family.

      It was much more fun than I expected. Bangkok is all decked out for Christmas and to my surprise, the mall was playing tons of Christmas music (in English) as I shopped. Really made it special and got me in the mood for the holidays. I was even able to find a place where they were doing gift wrapping. Not quite as nice as I would have done at home, but it will do! ❤️

      5.6 miles
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    • Day 4

      Neujahr in Bangkok

      January 1 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

      Angefangen hat der Tag mit super leckeren Mochis
      Durch verlaufen sind wir dann im Sea Life gelandet
      Der Pokemon Baum war dann gleich ums Eck und das Hard Rock Cafe Shirt war ein Muss
      Bangkoks größter Park, der Lumphini Park durfte auch nicht fehlen
      Der Tag endete mit einem großen Auaflug durch China Town mit sehrrrrrrr vielen Menschen
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