Gouvernorat de Médenine

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    • Dag 8

      Houmt Souk i powrót do Taguermes.

      18. mai 2023, Tunisia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Na targu męczą żółwie w słońcu. Niedobrze...
      Czas na kawę w kawiarni na głównymi placu, potem herbatę z miętą w przydrożnej, prostej i klimatycznej knajpce dla tubylców. Jak dla mnie właśnie to ma moc! Ale nie dla wszystkich...
      Dogadujemy się z taksówkarzem i wracamy przy arabskich dźwiękach z radia do hotelu. Po drodze młoda arabka prowadzi nas pomiędzy posesjami do pizzerii - ot tak po prostu, z dobrego serca i wolnej chwili. Szukram!
      Zjawia się właściciel i odpalą dla nas piec, ugniata ciasto a za godzinę pochłaniamy smaczną pizzę. Wcześniej pożyczył od Karoliny ładowarkę, której potem zapomnieliśmy odebrać. Gdy już dochodziliśmy do hotelu dopadł nas na motorze i ją oddał z rozbrajającym uśmiechem. Szacun! Jeszcze tylko kilka nieporozumień z ochroną przy wejściu do hotelu i już jesteśmy w środku.
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    • Dag 2

      Poranek po 2 godzinach snu.

      12. mai 2023, Tunisia ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

      Ciepło choć rześko. Śniadanie o 6⁰⁰. Potem szybki rzut oka na plażę obok resortu Hari Club po wschodniej części wyspy.
      Przed nami 480 kilometrów i masa pierwszych wrażeń. Grupa zwarta i punktualna a to już połowa sukcesu! Za chwilę opuszczamy Dżerbę na prawie tydzień.Les mer

    • Dag 7

      Tozeur to Djerba

      9. mars 2023, Tunisia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      This day is the funniest and also the worst.

      Our friend Tarik told us that normally it is easy to get a Louage from Tozeur to Gabes in the morning. We went with a good mood to the station and were expecting to find a louage straight away.

      We found one but couldn't fill the seats. We waited for 3 hours and I told the driver that we will buy 4 seats and we only have to wait for one more person. 8 people can usually go with a louage but we only had 5 so far with us included. Half an hour later the driver offered us that we can buy the last seat for 10 dinar which is equivalent to 3 Euros and we decided to buy that seat. So we bought 5 seats in total and paid 25 euros which already was a very annoying start.

      One of the guys in the louage was also going to Djerba, he didn't speak neither good French nor good English but seemed to be a difficult guy. The type of person who always causes trouble at school. At the course of the story we will call him the difficult guy.

      We followed him in Gabes and got our tickets for Djerba and were waiting in the car. Only one seat we had to fill we would leave for Djerba. There was a guy from Lyon in France he tried to convince us to share the costs of the last empty seat. We told him that we already had to pay for 5 seats before and that I really don't want to buy any further seats. The difficult guy supported us and they splitted the costs and we took off.

      The driver was driving, we got stopped twice and they interrogated the difficult guy for half an hour, which we found weird but later on he told me that it was due to that he didn't go to militery and paid money not to go at all.

      The French guy talked to the driver and told us that the driver doesn't want to take the ferry. The ferry from Gabes is waaaay shorter than taking the bridge therefore the price is already included in the ticket price.

      Once the difficult guy found out what he was planning, he started discussing with the driver and could convince him to take the ferry. The driver stopped somewhere and got some shoes. I checked with the GPS everything seemed alright.

      When I checked the next time the GPS I realised that we went more than 20km the wrong way, the driver stopped to give a woman the shoes and was thinking if he takes the next left we would have done a detour of 20 km which is alright. But the driver turned right because he wanted to take the bridge again.
      I realised that he is lying to us and told it to the difficult guy, he started arguing with him again, he kept driving the wrong way and shouting. If he follows his plans we would have done 120 km wrong ways for his business + the way over the bridge is additionally 100 km longer. I was very tired and I exploded. I started shouting at him that he should stop the car and give us our money back and we will share a taxi. He kept driving, the French guy and the difficult guy were shouting too. We passed at a police station and of course they stopped us.

      We were all soo angry the driver was shouting and we were all shouting in front of the police. In the beginning the police said that he can drive the way he wants if he tells us and we told him that there is only one price which is the one with the ferry and we did a too big detour for his shoe business and that we are sure that he has more business plans on the way.

      After all the discussions they gave us right and he had to take the ferry. I took a Foto of the driver and his car, you will find it attached and the sunset from the ferry. Later on we took a taxi with the difficult guy to our resort and he left before the car. On the ferry he made fun of me that I am very aggressive, I am pretty sure he never heard a woman shouting. Normally I don't but in that moment, it just made me too angry and I couldn't hold it anymore. Sometimes it's surprising how good you get in a language when you're angry. I was shouting in French.
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    • Dag 1

      Ankunft im Hotel

      18. juli 2022, Tunisia ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      Ankunft 🛬 Djerba 18.30uhr (+1h von der Schweiz) nach 2 1/2 std. Der Flug war so anstrengend, aber nur weil hinter mir und vor mir soviel Unruhe war. Kinder spielten mit den Tischen an der Rückenlehne. Abflug galt einen Achterbahn Spektakel. 🤦‍♀️ … angekommen, ging alles reibungslos. Wieder Zertifikate zeigen, Visum, Kontrolle… dann das kofferband, alle Koffer da ausser einer. Der kam mit drei letzte von anderen zum Schluss. Beim Ausgang wurden wir dann gestoppt, unser einer Koffer ganz ausführlich inspiziert und bewusst nach etwas gesucht.. und dann ….Trommelwirbel… oh nein, die Spione aus der Schweiz mit Walkie-Talkie im Gepäck. Die wurden konfisziert, bei Abreise dürfen wir sie wieder holen. Dann die Busfahrt zum Hotel. Alle waren langsam müde….Les mer

    • Dag 7


      14. februar 2020, Tunisia ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Das Abenteuer geht dem Ende zu. Nur mehr eine kurze Nacht im Hotel. Um 5 Uhr morgens holt uns der Bus und bringt uns zum Flughafen Djerba-Zarzis.

      Die Dusche vor dem Abendessen war die genussvollste meines Lebens. Das Abendessen entspricht nicht diesem Attribut, war aber ok.

      Tarek und Albert besorgten eine Geburtstagstorte 🎂 und wir feierten Gabls Geburtstag vor. Mit tunesischen Rotwein stießen wir an und nahmen damit auch Abschied von einer für mich unbeschreiblich beeindruckenden Reise.

      Das wars. Unser letzter gemeinsamer Abend in Tunesien. Um 5 Uhr kommt der Bus.
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    • Dag 7

      Gouvernorat Tataouine

      14. februar 2020, Tunisia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Am Freitag unserem letzten Wüstentag waren wir nur mehr 2 Stunden zu Fuß unterwegs, bevor wir den Abholtrefdpunkt erreichten. Wir überquerten die große Düne. 100 km lang, bis nach Libyen reichend, bildet sie quasi eine Mauer zwischen Wüste und Nicht-Wüste. Dann war unsere Meharee - die Wanderung - zu Ende.

      Nach der großen Düne beginnt wieder Zivilisation, sprich touristisch erschlossen durch Motorrad- und Quad-Touristen. In diesem Teil des Landes gibt es viele verschiedene Bahnen (Straßen wäre zu viel gesagt). Auf einer davon wurden wir von den beiden Jeeps wieder angeholt und zur Oase Ksar Ghilane gebracht.

      An dieser Stelle durften wir eine kleine Runde auf einem der Kamele reiten. Die Bezeichnung Wüstenschiff haben Kamele berechtigt.

      Mein Abschied von unseren drei Nomaden war tränenreich und sehr herzlich. Es hat sich in diesen 6 Tagen ein emotionales Band zwischen uns entwickelt. Es hat uns zusammengeschweisst und gegenseitiges Vertrauen gegeben. Wir sehen einander wieder!
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    • Dag 46

      Durch das Dahar-Gebirge nach....

      27. desember 2023, Tunisia ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Ksar Haddada Drehort Star Wars, war nichts besonderes.....
      Weiter ging es durch das wirklich beeindruckende Dahar- Gebirge zu unserem Übernachtungsplatz mitten im Ksar Hallouf ☺️

    • Dag 3


      25. april 2007, Tunisia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Avevamo voglia di vacanza e di mare per l'allergia di Syria. Mia suocera in quel periodo andava in Tunisia frequentemente in tutti i periodi dell'anno e ci ha consigliato che sarebbe stato perfetto per noi, bello ed economico.
      Invece siamo capitati in una settimana di maltempo talmente insolito che nessuno ricordava di aver mai visto giorni così, anche in televisione trasmettevano immagini di alluvioni e disastri. Pioveva e faceva freddo.
      Poi quando ha smesso di piovere ma faceva ancora freddo a Syria è venuta la febbre alta per un paio di giorni.
      In pratica la nostra vacanza è durata due giorni. Un giorno nuvoloso e un giorno misto. Sono riuscite comunque a fare il bagno in piscina, nel mare impossibile.
      Siamo andati a fare una gita con il cavallo e con il cammello. Sul cavallo Syria era felicissima, infatti poi l'abbiamo iscritta ad equitazione perché le dava serenità.
      Noemi era schifata dal cammello e io non sono voluta andare a cavallo e ho preferito fare la strada a piedi, mentre sul cammello mi ci hanno messo di forza.
      Grazie a questa gitarella abbiamo almeno visto il paese attorno al villaggio turistico.
      Dovevamo anche andare a portare i saluti ad una famiglia del posto con cui mia suocera era diventata amica ma il figlio che mia suocera aveva aiutato a guarire da una brutta malattia alla pelle non c'era più nel negozio in cui normalmente lavorava e quindi non abbiamo potuto fare nemmeno quello...
      Giona e Noemi sono riusciti a fare un giro al mercato con un'escursione del villaggio mentre io ero in camera con Syria ammalata...

      Noi siamo sempre piuttosto ottimisti quando siamo in vacanza e anche da questa ci siamo portati a casa le risate su quei cammelli puzzolenti e sulla nostra sfortuna...
      Perché tra l'altro non ci eravamo nemmeno portati l'abbigliamento per il freddo...nessuno se lo aspettava!
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    • Dag 12

      Djerba, "die Schöne"

      17. april 2022, Tunisia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Wir fahren zur La Rose Snackbar, an dieser Bar haben meine Frau Anna und ich schon vor ca. 15 Jahren als wir mit dem gleichen Mottorrad hier waren unser Zelt aufgebaut, haben hier gegessen und getrunken und zwei schöne Tage direkt am Strand verbracht. Von hier aus laufen Anton und ich ca. 5-6 km immer am Strand entlang hinaus auf die schmale Landzunge, unterwegs sehen wir noch ein paar wilde Kamele. Später fahren wir in die Hauptstadt Houmt Souk, gehen durch die Gassen und essen noch etwas. Danach fahren wir 20 km zurück zum Restaurant Lagune wo wir in einer schönen Bucht, im Meer baden und anschließend noch in unserem HotelpoolLes mer

    • Dag 44

      Nach vier Wochen Genesung auf Djerba ...

      25. desember 2023, Tunisia ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Es war schön aber zu lange nach unserem Geschmack.
      Jetzt geht es weiter Richtung Wüste☺️
      Nach Sonnenaufgang noch gemütlich gefrühstückt und los geht's

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    Gouvernorat de Médenine, Gouvernorat de Medenine, Médenine

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