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    • Päivä 4


      20. syyskuuta 2022, Turkki ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Heute morgen lassen wir uns mit dem Wecker aus den Träumen reissen, damit wir den Bus in Richtung Kos Stadt erwischen. Danach gilt es, den Fährhafen zu finden. Wir haben nämlich vor, mit einem Katamaran einen Besuch in Bodrum zu machen. Das Gedränge vor dem Ticketschalter ist gross. Doch wir können Tickets für die Überfahrt ergattern. Dann gilt es, in der langen Schlange vor dem Zoll anzustehen. Natürlich geht's nur bei der anderen Schlange vorwärts, während sich unsere keinen Millimeter bewegt, ja, nicht einmal einen halben. Gefühlte Stunden später werden wir darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass die Schlange für unser Schiff die andere ist....
      Die geplante Abfahrtszeit ist bereits vorbei und wir stehen immer noch vor dem Zoll. Mit einer 20minütigen Verspätung und mit uns an Bord, legt das Schiff in Richtung Türkei ab. Nach einer relativ kurzen Fahrt heisst es schon wieder anstehen. Der Katamaran entleert sich nur zögerlich, weil natürlich noch eine Passkontrolle ansteht.
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    • Päivä 4

      Ancient Theater

      20. syyskuuta 2022, Turkki ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Das Theater von Halikarnassos, wie Bodrum zur Zeit der Griechen hiess, ist gut zu Fuss zu erreichen. Vom Landungssteg herkommend muss aber eine vierspurige, bei unserer Ankunft relativ stark befahrene, Strasse überquert werden. Danach kann man sich im rund 10'000Personen fassenden Theater umsehen. Auch heute finden hier noch diverse Vorstellungen statt.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 4


      20. syyskuuta 2022, Turkki ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Um nochmaliges langwieriges Anstehen zu umgehen, treffen wir bereits 30 Minuten vor der vereinbarten Zeit beim Pier ein. Bei der Gepäck- und anschliessenden Passkontrolle gehören wir zu den ersten. Dies gilt auch beim anschliessenden Boarding. So gelingt es uns, Plätze gleich beim Ausgang zu ergattern. Die Abfahrt erfolgt planmässig. Die Überfahrt dauert aber wiederum statt der angepriesenen 20, etwas mehr als 30 Minuten. Aber wir haben ja Ferien und sind nicht auf der Flucht...
      100erte Meter, bevor der Katamaran wieder am Pier anlegt, bildet sich vor der Ausgangstüre bereits ein dichtes Gedränge. Ob die Leute zur Quaimauer schwimmen wollen? Wieder bei der Passkontrolle angekommen, stehen noch die letzten Leute von einem früheren Schiff an. Bald sind auch wir an der Reihe und können den Hafen kurz darauf via Zollkontrolle verlassen. Wir müssen nicht befürchten, neuerworbene Fakewaren abgeben zu müssen. Bei einigen unserer Mitpassagiere bin ich mir da aber nicht so sicher. Offenbar sind die kontrollierenden Personen hier aber nicht ganz so bissig oder man kennt sich. Jedenfalls darf unter anderen auch ein neuer Louis Vuitton Rucksack das Gelände unbehelligt verlassen.
      Wir schlendern anschliessend noch durch die schmucke Altstadt von Kos Stadt, bevor wir uns in einem hoffnungslos überfüllten Bus auf den Heimweg machen.
      Das Fazit dieses Ausfluges ist ein Satz mit X; Das war nix. Bodrum ist meines Erachtens höchstens für den Erwerb von Fakewaren von Interesse. (Letzteres dürfte dann auch der heimische Zoll an den Waren haben....) Sehenswertes haben wir in der uns verbliebenen Zeit nicht entdecken können.
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    • Päivä 87


      25. lokakuuta 2022, Turkki ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      I had a really good sleep and it was easy to get up in the morning, which is nice for a change. :) So I wasn't rushed with packing, breakfast, and the checkout and got to the ferry terminal in time. It was a pretty big chaos there actually since multiple ferries were about to depart but all passengers going to Turkey had to pass the same border control check point and were gathered in the same crowded waiting area. Not much fun with a bicycle. 😅 The ferry ride took only 25min but again we had to queue for a check point once we arrived in Bodrum. They let pass without checking luggage or anything at all.
      I then cycled into town and searched for a Turkish simcard. Since prices for the tourist packages vary depending on the shop, I asked around multiple stores and ended up getting a vodafone 25GB/4 weeks free whatsapp usage package for around 17€. The people in the store were super helpful and friendly. Once everything was set up I went to marina for a second breakfast/lunch, I was pretty hungry. I was sharing the bench with a guy, who I eventually asked where I could store my bicycle safely while I'm off sightseeing. Via google translater he recommended me to ask the people working in a supervised parking lot nearby, which turned out to work fine! 😁 I'm usually not into museums that much, but there's an underwater acheologic museum in Bodrum!! That's where I spent the next two hours, looking at 2000 year old sunken wrecks that they've recovered and stuff they found with it! It was certaiy worth the visit. After the museum, I strolled around the bazaar area and got some amazing bakery goods that I'm still trying to find elsewhere again. :D I then picked up my bicycle and cycled to the mausoleums and theater a little outside of Bodrum. The mausoleum is one of the seven old world wonders and it's probably the only one where you can wander around between its remains and actually touch the stones!! It was pretty cool. :) I also met a Brasilian guy there and we talked a little, which was nice.
      Around 7pm I arrived at my couchsurfer's place Onur. He accepted my last minute request the day before since my former couchsurfer got sick. Just after I dropped my stuff, we were almost immediately heading to a batchata/salsa dance class that he's currently taking. It was so much fun and luckily only the second lesson, so it wasn't too hard yet. We were around 9 people and the course was held in Turkish, of course. 😅 Such a fun experience. :)) After the dance class we went to a bar together with the dance class people, where some of them were participating in a darts competition.
      Around 11pm we took a taxi back home, we both had to get up early, Onur for work and me to get out of the building. 😅 It was a really fun time with Onur and his friends and the best first day in Turkey I could have imagined!! 😁
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    • Päivä 4–6

      Bodrum, Turkey

      13. marraskuuta 2023, Turkki ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      So, we finally made it to our destination after a long and tiring overnight bus ride. Surprisingly, the bus was pretty comfortable considering the circumstances. After all the stress of catching the bus the night before, we were both completely exhausted. Thankfully we were able to get some rest (with a little help from Valium, I must admit).

      To start our day off right, we decided to find a cozy cafe where we could grab some coffee and breakfast toasties while killing time before heading to our hotel. It was around 10 am when we stumbled upon Asmin Hotel, the place we had booked in advance. Despite having a confirmation for our reservation, we discovered the entire hotel had closed for the season. Thankfully, our credit card hadn't been charged yet so I quickly cancelled the transaction before anything went through.

      By luck, as we stood there lost and unsure of what to do next, the receptionist from the hotel next door happened to be passing by. They informed us that Asmin Hotel had shut down a week earlier but luckily they had an available room for us. Talk about being in the right place at the right time!

      Since it was quite chilly and rainy outside, we decided to relax in our room for a while before venturing out to explore. Eventually, when there was a break in the rain, we strolled down towards the marina waterfront. Luckily as another storm rolled in, and brought with it pouring rain, we found a small bar called "Hot Pub" tucked away on a side street.

      This bar turned out to be quite amazing! Not only did they have an awesome playlist filled with yacht rock classics playing in the background but they also served some fantastic beers. We were able to kick back, relax, and enjoy a few drinks while waiting for the rain to let up.

      So, as we were getting pretty hungry, the whole town's electricity suddenly went out. We had to settle our bill at the pub using just the light from our phone torches. Luckily, some places along the Marina were running on generators, so we had a few options for a quick and easy dinner before heading back to get some much-needed rest in an actual bed this time.

      The weather was much better the next day, so we decided to explore some other sights in Bodrum. The Marina led us to a castle situated on a headland that we strolled down towards. While trying to find an entrance, we ended up on the opposite side of town, where there was a long stretch of beach and a cool strip of beach bars and boutiques lining the narrow pedestrian streets.

      Just like everywhere else we visited, many places were closed. But fortunately, we found a spot on the sand for a swim and enjoyed a simple chicken burger for lunch. Despite the storms the day before, today was hot and sunny, making it seem like summer hadn't ended yet.

      For dinner, we opted for another simple meal along the Marina. We noticed several tables with clear glass bottles and discovered they contained Raki. It turns out that it's common for people to drink Raki as a digestiv after their meals.

      All in all, despite a few bumps along the way, it turned out to be a pretty eventful and enjoyable town. Who knows what other surprises await us on this adventure!
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    • Päivä 9

      Türkei Bodrum

      24. heinäkuuta 2023, Turkki ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Von Athen bin ich mit der Fähre in die Türkei gefahren was mich 17 SFr. kostete. Es war spannender Weg. Ich bin 3 Nächte im Canna Garden Hotel. Der Pool ist sehr schön und ich war jeden Abend gegen 7 Uhr für 1-2 Stunden darin und habe mich erholt. Das waren die bequemsten Tage die ich seit langem nicht mehr hatte. Das Hotel kostete mich 105 SFr.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 6


      20. heinäkuuta 2023, Turkki ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Arrived at the Turkish port of Bodrum. The ship is moored around 15 minutes walk to the town - a long way back in the 35+ heat. Usual knock off designer stuff everywhere you look in the local shops but a lovey harbour and beach resort.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 148

      Thanks Türkiye, its been real

      30. elokuuta 2023, Turkki ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      We’ve spent the days since our trip to Ephesus just chilling by the pool, having our ears blasted with Turkish EDM at the beach, and catching up on homework.

      We managed to sneak in a third Wonder of the World with the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus ✅🏛️ and a little shopping along the way as well.

      Turns out today is actually Victory Day for the Turkish people with a national holiday, tons of Turkish flags everywhere, and possibly celebrations in town (the tourism staff at the mausoleum weren’t sure… 😳). Lucky we had figured that out else we would have been even more surprised by the show that was put on at the hotel that night!

      Türkiye has been great. So much to see and really lovely people. Such a big country though - we really only seen a tiny bit despite the month here!

      Off to Dubai for tomorrow - time to practice saying hello and thank you on another language again!!
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    • Päivä 109

      Last beach day for a while

      15. syyskuuta 2020, Turkki ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      This is the end of our Turkish Aegean adventure for now, the last day at the coast before heading to the center of Turkey. So we wanted to make the most of it and explore the wonderful bays around Bodrum by boat.
      As there were only expensive private boat trips from Güvercinlik, we had to cycle to Bodrum in the morning and get a boat from there. At least we got to see this nice and vibrant harbour town. We were amazed by how much money was lieing in the harbour: some of the yachts were bigger than houses.
      The boat trip was great! We went to some bays and islands to swim in the turquoise water. For lunch, we had chicken with unlimited salad and pasta. Interestingly, we were the only ones taking a second round while everyone else on the boat didn't even finish the first plate 🤔
      We got later than expected as they put us on the longer tour than we paid for. The guys were nice and we didn't complain. But in the end we had to cycle very fast back to our campground as the sun already set. Back in Güvercinlik, we enjoyed some Turkish food and a beer for dinner. Definitely a perfect last day at the coast!
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    • Päivä 108

      Hot climb

      14. syyskuuta 2020, Turkki ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      When we left Didim, Serkan was still asleep, so no photo of our host this time (as we forgot yesterday). But we had some serious climbing ahead of us today, so an early start was necessary! After some kilometres along the bay, we had to cross the mountains to the next bay. Steep climbs, the heat and bad asphalt made it quite tough! On the other side, we had to stop for a cold drink before we could continue. Unfortunately, we had to go on a very busy highway as there was no alternative road in order to head to Bodrum. We ended up in Güvercinlik, a small fishing village in a calm bay. The owner of the campground welcomed us with a cold lemonade and some almonds, the other neighbours brought some sweet Turkish dessert. So we spent the rest of the day swimming, eating and strolling around the harbour before watching the sunset (again).Lue lisää

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