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Seyahat Edilen En Popüler 10 Yer Diyarbakır
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    • Gün 12

      Karavanserei in Diyarbakır

      31 Temmuz 2022, Türkiye ⋅ ☀️ 40 °C

      Erhohlung pur nach 40 Grad!

      Zuerst hiess es, es gäbe kein Zimmer mehr - full. Dann nach einem Anruf wird uns per Übersetzer mitgeteilt: ‚Wir haben einen Milchraum‘. Na gut, dann nehmen wir den Milchraum :-).

      Nach einer kühlen Cola ab zum Pool - nöööööö, der wird grad geputzt. Neeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiin! Warum grad heute?
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 24

      Military welcome

      11 Mayıs, Türkiye ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      So when you are in a region with a high military presence, and a soldier waves that you should come over, you come over.
      A few questions… and then… “Chai?”. Alice says yes: it is raining and it sounds a bit different. With Chai, we are served a late and freshly cooked breakfast of chili eggs, cheese, bread, tomato, olive and honey. They are friendly and good natured. They get the giggles when one of them demonstrates to Alain how to eat honey without cutlery. They teach Alice the turkish version of thumbs up.

      We google-translate-chat. Why is such a high military presence needed, why are we in Turkey (as well as the age/married etc queries). They are clearly impressed at our different approach to retirement. They say there are terrorists around with machine guns and tell us to take care - it seems that things are more tense because of the situation with Israel.

      Then its back into the rain and a few more miles on the road.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 26

      In Turkiye’s green and pleasant land

      13 Mayıs, Türkiye ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      We wake before 6am after a wet night to the bleating of a large flock of sheep and goats that are passing the tent. Today we have the remaining 600m of climb to polish off, and then will descend into the next town of Muş with some afternoon time to clean up and catch up before our next leg.
      Despite a gloomy and wet forecast we have sunshine and clouds and views to high snow-covered mountains. We pass more herds of sheep and cows, military checkpoints, and nomadic shepherd tents. Once over the pass the scenery shifts. A big flat plain below with mountains in the distance. And it is so green. Not just bits of green but thoroughly green. We had not expected this of Turkey.
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    • Gün 45–46


      9 Mayıs, Türkiye ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Die Fahrt runter zum Euphrat war spannend, denn sie war sehr steil. Nicht asphaltiert, auch kein Schotter, sondern die sehr häufig verwendeten Betonpflastersteine. Als wir schließlich nach ca. 500 - 600 Hm unten angekommen sind, waren wir sehr überrascht, dort tatsächlich ein Restaurant vorzufinden. Wegen der steil abfallenden Berghänge gab es so gut wie keine Abfahrten zum Fluss, geschweige denn mit Restaurant. Sonst war hier allerdings gar nichts los. Sofort wurden wir freundlichst von zwei Männern empfangen. Dem Besitzer des Lokals und dem Fischer, dem hier unten auch Land gehört. Später aßen wir dort sehr lecker zu Abend.

      Der nächste Tag begann mit einer Bootsfahrt auf dem aufgestauten Euphrat, 550 m hochgelegen, der eingebettet zwischen den bis ca. 1300 m hohen Bergen liegt. In einem kleinen Plastikboot mit stotterndem Motor schipperte uns der Fischer zwei Stunden lang herum. Bei einem Bekannten von ihm machten wir eine Cay Pause, bevor er uns den Wasserfall zeigte, der in den Fluss plätschert. Dann passierte es. Das Seil, das vorne am Boot befestigt war, viel ins Wasser und wickelte sich im die Bootsschraube. Nichts ging mehr! Das Seil musste abgeschnitten werden, doch niemand hatte ein Messer dabei, ausser mir! 😁.

      Sepp schwärmte uns von einem Badesee vor, an dem er vor 10 Jahren war, da soll es so schön sein, dass man da durchaus zwei Tage verbringen kann. Also, ab an den Hazar Gölü. Dieser gilt als Quelle des Tigris. Nachdem wir den See fast ganz umrundet hatten, fand Sepp die Stelle wieder. Eine sehr schöne riesige Wiese mit Bäumen auf einer Landzunge. Ausser einem campierenden Paar im PKW, drei streunenden Hunden und sich ums Revier streitende Wiedehopfe waren wir völlig alleine. Nur das Wetter hätte besser sein können!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 166


      3 Kasım 2022, Türkiye ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Diyarbakir was our last stop in Turkey. And we really loved it. We met incredible kind kurdish people. There are a lot of beautiful small restaurants with live music in the evening. We met so many great musicians and artists. Sadly life for them isn’t easy. It’s not allowed to play kurdish music or to paint non-nationalistic art…

      After 2.5 months Turkey we where so glad to find a vegetarian and vegan restaurant! (way tooo many Kebabs) Oh and a coffee place which actually sells coffee! (Chai is fine but we really missed coffee)

      So after all we stayed for more than one week to prepare ourselves for the next adventure - since we didn’t get our Iran visa….
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    • Gün 2

      Gunay Kurtalan Express nach Diyabarkir

      5 Temmuz 2023, Türkiye ⋅ 🌙 31 °C

      Um halb acht fährt der Zug ein, unser Waggon ist der letzte. Wir haben das Abteil mit den Plätzen 3 und 4: Ein ganzes, wenn auch kleines, Abteil für uns! Luxus!
      Während wir uns einrichten, fährt der Zug langsam los - und wird nicht viel schneller. Wir beginnen zu verstehen, warum wir erst morgen früh um 10 in Diyabarkir ankommen. Egal, wir haben ja Zeit. Abendessen im "Bordrestaurant" während wir in den Sonnenuntergang und die Nacht zuckeln. Sehr entspannt. Später klappen wir unsere Betten herunter und ich lasse mich in den Schlaf schaukeln.
      Am nächsten Morgen fahren wir durch karge Hügellandschaften und an mehreren Seen entlang, ab und zu hält der Zug an kleinen Kleinstbahnhöfen. Deutlich besser ausgeschlafen als gestern gehen wir zum Frühstück!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 135

      Cold and hot

      11 Ekim 2020, Türkiye ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      The first time on this Europe trip, it was below 0°C during the night and our tent was frozen when we got up. It was hard to get out of the warm sleeping bag, but we hurried up to start cycling.
      After about 20km, we reached Karliova where we bought some bread for breakfast. People greeted us in a language that didn't sound like Turkish, so we assumed it was Kurdish. At the exit of the village, we saw a gas station with a bench, so we stopped here to eat our breakfast. The guys at the gas station were so friendly. When they heard our story, they brought us tea to warm up and some cake.They even got more bread from the bakery for us. One of them used to live in Hamburg, so he could translate. He told us that the majority of the people in Karliova are Kurds and speak Kurdish. When we finally left, they gave us a bottle of water each.
      The next 45km were rolling, up and down all the time, but with nice tailwinds from the North. Then, the wind changed to South unfortunately, so the rest of the day was harder. There's also much more police and military presence in this area. Unlike anywhere else in Turkey, we got stopped twice today for a passport control.
      We stopped in Genc for lunch before conquering the hardest part of the day: 3 steep climbs (around 10%) of about 200m each. And by now, the afternoon sun was burning, so we sweat a lot. Shortly after the top of the last pass, we found a spring to fill up water. And as we like camping up in the mountains, we decided to pitch the tent nearby, have dinner and watch the sunset. At least, it's already a lot warmer than last night.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 10


      22 Ekim 2023, Türkiye ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Dieses mal haben wir uns für ein Fleckchen abseits der Landstraße entschieden. Am frühen Morgen wurden wir von Kühen geweckt. Sascha füllte noch schnell Öl nach und entdeckte ein großes Leck an einer Leitung. Nun ging es an die Reparatur.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 137

      Big wall

      13 Ekim 2020, Türkiye ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      This morning, we had a very special tour through Diyarbakır or Amed, how the Kurds call the city. Fırat grew up in the impressive old town and showed us the most interesting places, cafés and viewpoints. The old town is surrounded by a huge wall. It's the second biggest one in the world after the Great Wall of China and dates back some 2000 years. It's massive, when you stand in front of it.
      First, we visited the castle with some typical Diyarbakır style houses and had coffee with a view over River Tigris. Fırat gave us some background information about the history of Amed and Mesopotamia. Next, we saw the markets, some blacksmiths, mosques, a minaret on 4 "feet" and a Kervansaray. We had tea at a couple of places, talked to Fırat's friends who gave us some delicious spiced bread and ended up in another tea shop at the South gate of the city centre. We overlooked Hevsel Gardens that are - as the city itself - UNESCO world heritage site. Here, agriculture has been practices for some 8000 years.
      In the afternoon, we relaxed at the bike club before meeting again in a Kervansaray for a glass of wine and some cheese. Fırat had invited some friends as well as Atakan and his dance partner. The atmosphere in the bar was great - lots of young people, almost everyone drinking wine and laughing. Could have been in a wine bar in Germany (in summer though...) 😉
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    • Gün 136

      Checkpoint adventures

      12 Ekim 2020, Türkiye ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Today, we had to cross 5 military checkpoints on our way. At the first one, they looked serious and checked our passports. At the second one, they just waved and asked us where we were going, at the third, where we were from. And at the forth, they invited us for cold Fanta and buiscuits. They were even happy to take a photo with us (where they put on their mask 😉). At the fifth checkpoint, all of them stopped all other activities and came for a chat. But when they only had Turkish, Russian and Arabic to offer which didn't match with German, English, French nor Spanish, we all laughed and they wished us a good day.
      We also left the mountaineous area and came into a rather flat and dry region. It was really hot again. What a difference to those freezing temperatures just a day ago! At one of the gas stations, we were invited to tea and buiscuits again. However, we were happy when we arrived in Diyarbakır where we relax in the shade in a park to wait for Atakan. Atakan is a German teacher at a private school and member of the Diyarbakır bicycle club. Firat, our host from Güzelyani at the coast, had organized this contact. And we experienced Turkish hospitality at it's best: First, he took us to his apartment to have a shower and do laundry. Then we went back to the bicycle club, where we could stay. The manager of the club had already ordered food for delivery for us. Then, one by one, more members of the club joined our round. They knew from their WhatsApp group that we were in town and wanted to get to know us. We had tea and fruits and many nice talks. Some spoke a little bit of English and Atakan was busy translating.
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