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    • Day 21

      Kusadasi, Turkey. Happy Thanksgiving

      November 23, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      With most guests on board hailing from the USA, I'm greeted rambunctiously today with "Happy Thanksgiving!". It's lovely, but I a) didn't know it was thanksgiving, and b) didn't know it was a greeting like happy birthday; and c) I'm too tired to explain that in Australia, we are abundantly grateful, but Thanksgiving is an American holiday.

      None the less. I'm taught my reason to be thankful over breakfast. I enjoy a piece of bacon. I'm hungry. Food hasn't settled well the last few days and I've not eaten enough. I don't chew a piece of bacon properly. I soon realise I'm actually not able to swallow it, and it's stuck in my throat. I can't breathe. I stand up, no concept of time though it's been a bit since last breath, and point to onlookers at my throat, panic setting in. Miraculously, the bacon dislodges and I'm both immensely relieved and extremely humiliated. My throat is swollen. Bruised. The idea of breakfast is pretty much abandoned.

      I rest most of the morning (you've got to love that part of cruising - the capacity to rest!), and we arrive at Kusadasi sometime around 2pm.

      Too fatigued to book an excursion (I am dissapointed not to have seen Ephesus - The temple of Artemis (See images from good old Googley), I did explore the old markets (bazaar!), and ponder the world in a beautiful turkish Cafe. I watched as some young women chatted over a game of backgammon, sipping their turkish coffee.

      I enjoyed mine too, with a side of beautifully cooked spinach and cheese gozleme. The most beautiful moment arose when I paid the bill. The lovely restauranteur spoke English well and asked where I was from. I tried to thank him in turkish, but the word wouldn't stick in my tired brain. Teşekkürler. He kindly said you can say tea? You can say sugar? Say them together, like tea and sugar. That's how it sounds. I thanked him and his wife for the beautiful food.

      He then said most Australians come here in April. The realisation of where I was sunk in. I said of course. Anzac day. Gallipoli. Tears had already sprung to my eyes as the significance of where I was overwhelmed me. I composed myself and promised him I would return to Kusadasi in April sometime soon. He said to me in his thick accent. You have a beautiful heart. I can feel it. Don't ever lose that as it's special. I was moved beyond words and marvelled at the beauty in life that sometimes comes not from incredible landscapes or architecture. But from the connection we have with others.

      I returned to the ship and on this thanksgiving day. I'm overwhelmingly thankful.
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    • Day 5

      Ausflug nach E

      October 20, 2022 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Heute sind wir um 06 Uhr aufgestanden. Frühstücken sind wir ins Bella Donna gegangen. Es war sehr diesig als wir Richtung Küste kammen.
      Um 8:30 Uhr begann der Ausflug. Ali Unser Reiseleiter hat uns viel erzählt. Nach 20 Minuten waren wir da und sind durchdie Ausgrabungsstätte Stätte gegangen. Es war sehr interessant. Daswetter war inzwischen sehr gut. Nach 1,5 St sind wir Richtung Ausgang. Auf dem Weg zum Schiff, haben wir noch bei einer Lederfabrik Halt gemacht. Dort haben wir uns eine Modenshow angesehen und etwas zu trinken bekommen. (Rot Wein) im Anschluß ging es in einen Verkaufsraum. Dort hätte man jacken für bis zu 2300 € kaufen können runter gehandelt um die 60 € . Nein dankeRead more

    • Day 2


      March 22, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Heute sind wir in Kusadasi angekommen und mit Bus nach Ephesos, einer antiken Stadt, gefahren. Lange Zeit war die Stadt Teil des hellenistischen Reiches. Ab dem 1. Jh. spielte Ephesos eine bedeutende Rolle bezüglich der Ausbreitung des Christentums. Der Heilige Paulus war da. Hier sehen wir die Überreste des Tempel der Artemis, eines der 7 Weltwunder der Antike,
      die Celsus- Bibliothek, den Hadriantempel und die Hanghäuser
      sowie das Amphitheater.
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    • Day 15

      And back to Kusadasi!

      April 29, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Ahhhh Mykonos.
      After all the beautiful photos and posts from friends that have traveled to the Greek islands we are finally here. And it is just perfect. One of those places that needs seeing to be believed. The restaurant we choose is playing Love is the air. Those of you who know that “what a wonderful world “ ( a song I associate with my dad) has followed me everywhere and in very obscure places… in a restaurant in Turkey as soon as we walk in there is a musician playing - you guessed it. It feels like a blessing from dad. And when we board our new ship we hear our wedding song - Richard Marks - Oceans Apart. Very special!
      Anyhow sunset in Mykonos from a little bar window in little Venus looking at the windmills and a wander through the streets and we have had a very magical Mykonos moment.
      Early night even though there is finally entertainment on board - cirque du soleil style.
      Breakfast and a wander through Kusadasi - we were here on the last cruise and know the city so we visit a cute cafe for Turkish tea and baclava and we see our waiter Habib who helped us yesterday sitting nearby. We wave hello and when we go to pay he has paid our bill - way too kind! What a lovely man.
      I buy some things from the market and back to the ship for lunch with our already favorite waiters. The food is really delicious and they have great vegan options.
      This afternoon we sail for Patmos where we will tender to Scala take a look around and head back for our special Greek dinner.
      Royce is realizing the special touches from Silversea but is enjoying this cruise very much.
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    • Day 1,653


      July 15, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      6. Tag im Golf von Kusadasi
      Der Name Kasadasi leitet sich von den türkischen Wörtern kus (Vogel) und ada (Insel) ab, da die Insel, vom Meer aus gesehen, die Form eines Vogelkopfes hat. Das Römische Reich nahm die Küste im 2. Jahrhundert v. Chr. ein und machte sie in den Anfangsjahren des Christentums zu seiner Provinzhauptstadt.
      Kasadasi ist ein grosser Ferienort.
      Da unternehmen Andy, Liz und Christian einen Ausflug zu den archäologischen Stätte von Ephesus und zum Haus der Mutter Maria.
      Die antike Stadt Ephesus ist reich an griechischer und römischer Geschichte und beherbergt viele historische Stätten, wie den Tempel der Artemis, ein Amphitheater und eine Bibliothek.
      Das Haus der Mutter Maria nahe der antiken Stadt Ephesos ist ein restauriertes byzantinisches Kirchen- oder Klostergebäude, das von Pilgern als zeitweiliger Wohnort und mögliches Sterbehaus Marias, der Mutter Jesu, betrachtet wird.
      Das Schiff wird um 15:00 Uhr weiterfahren nach Istanbul.
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    • Day 48

      Big day out in Kusadasi Turkey

      September 28, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Big day out to Ephesus to the last known home of the Virgin Mary high in the hills, drank the holy spring water, walked the ruins of the Ancient City of Ephesus, visited the Ephesus Archeological Museum, got to watch beautiful Turkish Carpets being hand woven (some taking 6 to 9 months with over 1 million stitches) and enjoyed a delicious lunch of Turkish delicacies. Returned to walk through a small section of the Kusadasi Grand Bazaar and browse through the Fake Genuine merchandise (how it is advertised 😄).Read more

    • Day 8


      April 9 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Zurück in Kusadasi haben wir noch eine Tour durch die Stadt und den Basar gemacht und ein sehr gutes Türkisches essen gehabt. Der Basar war eindeutig der größte Fake Basar den ich jemals gesehen habe. Danach ging es noch zur Uferpromenade.Read more

    • Day 7

      31.10.2015: Kusadasi/Türkei

      October 31, 2015 in Turkey ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Unser erster Hafen in der Türkei ist Kusadasi. Die Stadt liegt an einer schönen Bucht in der türkischen Ägäis, direkt gegenüber der Insel Samos und hat rund 80.000 Einwohner. Wir besuchten die eindrucksvollen Ruinen des majestätischen Tempels von Apollon in Didyma. Anschließend Weiterfahrt nach Milet, eine der ältesten und einst mächtigsten Stadt Kleinasiens. Nach Besichtigung des dortigen Archäologischen Museums besuchten wir die Ruinen des Theaters.Read more

    • Day 11

      Kusadasi / Ephesus

      May 8, 2022 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

      We docked today in Kusadasi and took a bus to see the ruins of Ephesus. An important Greek city, it had the Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Most of the ruins are from the Roman city built later. The ruins are expansive. St. Paul sent epistles to the Ephesians. We also saw the area where it is said Mary lived in her elder years.Read more

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