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    • Day 1


      September 24, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      Ein kurzen Abstecher back to the roots und zwar nach Winchester. 🥹♥️ Dort habe ich erstmal Kevin gezeigt wo ich zum College gegangen bin und ihm die Stadt gezeigt und erzählt wie es sich so gelebt hat. Momorieeeeeeees😭
      Kevin war auch sehr begeistert 🥰
      Und von allen Orten wo wir hätten essen können hat er sich KFC ausgesucht 😂🤣
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    • Day 68

      Andover Adventures

      August 14, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      The forecasts looked to be a dreary gray day. A figured the time was best used perusing "charity shops" in our quest to acquire items for the Atjan Wild festival on the Faroe Island.

      We started off locally in Whitchurch, but the shop had a very limited selection of items, so we jumped in the car and headed west. Google maps suggested a half dozen shops within a short distance of one another around High Street in Andover.

      Parking was quite inexpensive and close, and a quick walk brought us to the Salvation Army charity shop. It was pretty tight and cramped, but we managed to find a long sleeve sport top that fit J. We browsed the other nearby shops, but without much success. There was a sporting goods store advertising a killer sale, but they too had limited stock.

      After a quick lunch at a grill cheese eatery we headed to the next town over, Basingstoke. The mall and parking complex was pretty disorientating to get around, let alone get in to, but we managed. We meandered through the mall, stopping at a couple sporting good stores. We found some success at one shop; hiking boots! The surprise at the end was paying for the parkade 🤯. Then the craziest most convoluted maze to exit to the street.

      Happy with our purchases, we headed back to Whitchurch for dinner out with H. The local pub has Pizza Mondays. We enjoyed a pint of beer too in their huge backyard area.
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    • Day 2

      Andover - Hampshire

      May 16, 2016 in England ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Route from London was past Heathrow, then onwards into the country. Pushed further than planned. Weather was good, "make hay when the sun shines" as these okes would say.
      Lesson 1 - make sure baggage is properly secured
      Lesson 2 - make sure the straps don't go into the rear wheel
      Wildlife - Fox
      Roadkill - Rabbit / Hedgehog / Squirrel
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    • Day 21

      Hampton Court Palace, England

      September 9, 2017 in England ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      The last place we visited on our 6 day London Pass was Hampton Court Palace. The building of the Palace began in the 1500s by Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, he was a favourite of King Henry VIII. The King seized the Palace when Wolsey fell out of favour. Numerous Monarchs have lived in the Palace and redesigned and extended on the original design. It is an enormous Palace with beautiful grounds with numerous manicured gardens. Not only could you do an audio tour but they also had an interactive tour with historic parts played by actors. We travelled onto Andover for our accommodation tonight.Read more

    • Day 1

      Porto bound!

      May 8, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Day 1 of mine and Sid's Pamino, starting in London to make it easier to get to Stansted tomorrow. I'm staying in one of my favourite hotels (Ibis Styles Southwark) which is movie based.
      I've enjoyed a lovely wander around somewhere (London, I know, but I'm not sure of the districts🙄) and found some new friends and Pamino inspiration🤗. I've even found the route to Liverpool Street Station for the morning! And I've enjoyed a delicious Vietnamese meal for supper and am now tucked up in bed watching telly - my idea of holiday heaven 🙄🤣.Read more

    • Day 148

      Just missing the snow!

      April 15 in England ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

      Farnham to Guildford (23km) through rain, hail and shine, but mostly wind 😂
      What a fabulous (but very weather-changeable) day to complete our final solo day of the Pilgrim's Way (we'll walk the rest of the way in groups of 2 or 3 days). The journey began with a drive to Farnham through the most torrential, almost equatorial, rain! The windscreen wipers were on max and we wondered whether we'd actually get to walk anywhere! By the time we reached Farnham, however, it'd stopped and we were able to park and do some lunch shopping as the kitchen at the pub we'd planned to stop at was closed on Mondays 🙄.
      We'd missed the church in Farnham where we could get our passports stamped so wandered into the local council offices thinking they might have one (as well as an all important loo stop before we began walking). A very nice lady (who'd never heard of the Pilgrim's Way and was astounded that we were walking to Canterbury, but not in one go!) managed to locate a very nice man who told us, no, they didn't have a stamp, but they could frank our passports. So we ended up with probably the nicest stamp of all 😊! A quick loo visit and a drive to the railway station, and we were off on the start of our North Downs section of the way. I think it was something like 1100 before we finally began the day's bimble so lunchtime arrived pretty quickly, not at the pub we'd thought we'd stop at, but at the church lych-gate in Seale, a welcome shelter from the cold wind! Each of the churches we've stopped at has had a stamp for Pilgrim Passports so we have a lovely visual reminder of each section. By this time, we'd experienced torrential rain, drizzle and hailstones, as well as some very welcome sunshine, but the wind hardly ever left us. Often, though, we were fortunate to be walking between banks of trees that afforded us some shelter. For some of the way, we followed the path of the Hogs Back so (if you know this area) there were quite a few hills to climb, but it really was a fabulous day and we kept warm with all the effort we put in to walking!
      We finally stopped for a long drink and a packet of crisps (Pam, chorizo flavour, Julie sweet chilli) at the pub in Puttenham where we'd have liked to have eaten lunch (I'm not sure I'd have lasted that long though!) then it was the final 12kms into Guildford.
      Today's walk was very green, through woods and past farms and golf greens, benches dedicated to past walkers, and little hobbit-like doors 😊. We saw a few buildings and walked through a couple of villages, but it was mainly agricultural land with sheep and lots of horses and, as we got closer to Puttenham, hops country (see pic).
      We finally reached Guildford station gone 1700 but we couldn't find anywhere for a stamp. Next time - maybe Guildford Cathedral! It's a good job Julie knew the area 😂 and the route along part of the River Wey, which led us past a gorgeous little stone bridge and a delightful bronze of Alice in Wonderland and straight into M&S for some well-deserved chocolate and alcohol 🍸 for the train journey. The train back to Farnham meant we got back to the car at about 1800 and I finally got home at 1930. Hence our next few sections will be walked over 2 or 3 days - we'll have a little holiday each time 😊😊😊 and won't have to take the train each day! And, hopefully, the sun will be shining ✨️ 🙏 😎
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    • Day 57

      Alresford to Almost Alton!

      January 15 in England ⋅ ☀️ 2 °C

      At last 🤗. Day 2 of our Pilgrims' Way, walking from Winchester to Canterbury, with today's intended hike being from Alresford to Alton.
      Despite the really low temperature (soooo cold, it was a thermal vest, hat and gloves day!), it was a fantastic day to enjoy a long walk. The sun shone on us and the scenery was just beautiful and, as we neared Chawton, it was most definitely Jane Austin country!
      The route took us through some beautiful villages and farmland, but thank goodness Julie had our route on her phone, the description in the Cicerone book was pretty poor 😂 so, fortunately, we were still able to find our way with ease.
      We lunched at the church in Ropley which, according to the guide, was a shell due to a devastating fire in 2014. However, it had been rebuilt and reopened in 2022 and is an amazing mix of ancient and modern architecture. It's just gorgeous! We sat outside in the sun to eat rather than inside, but it was a very quick lunch break because of the cold 😂, our hands were frozen! A quick visit to the very modern loos saw us on our way in no time at all.
      A walk past Charlie Chaplin (what a shock that was😂), through fields and over bridges, took us to Four Marks and past the garden centre where, next time, we'll stop for cake 🎂. But we were on a mission to walk in daylight and there was no time.
      There followed a rather muddy trudge along paths and through a wooded area which led us to Emily and Nelson 🤗 who had joined us from Chawton, and from there Nelson led us all the way back to Chawton - he really did know the way!
      We sat for a well-earned break at Jane Austin's house and enjoyed Christmas cake (thank you Julie and Mary Berry!) and a drink 👏 before the final 3km bimble to Alton. Well, our intention was to walk on to Alton, but the offer of a lift back to the car in Alresford was too good to refuse. So that's what we did!
      We'd walked about 20km and will start our next leg (to Farnham) in Chawton so we don't cheat. Hopefully, it won't be too long before we're out and about again!
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    • Thank goodness for Steve and OurJan!

      April 19, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Enjoyed a great long weekend home to celebrate my great niece Amy's 3rd birthday and chat all things camino (now called our Glamino because we've managed to book all but one night's accommodation!) with OurJan and Steve. Thank goodness for them, they checked through all of our accommodation and the route we've planned because I'd managed to book a (lovely!) casa in La Portela instead of in A Portela 🙄🤣. It was only another 100km away 🙄. Thankfully we were able to unbook one and book the other. Now the countdown's begun - just wondering how many more pairs of walking shoes OurJan will try on/buy before the big day 🤪.Read more

    • C-day minus 27

      April 11, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Phew! Have finally booked all accommodation but one for our Camino Portuguese. It's not really in the spirit of the camino to prebook your evening stay but there are four of us and we don't want to take any chances with our accommodation. It also means we can bimble and take our time to reach our accommodation, spend time taping OurJan's feet up 🙄🤣, enjoy a leisurely lunch and maybe even have a paddle in the sea.🤞

      Sadly we are incomplete 😒. There are only 4 of us instead of our usual 5 (or more). It won't be the same by any stretch of the imagination but hopefully these posts will cheer our missing peregrino up and we'll be our usual band of pilgrims next year 🙏😘.
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    • Day 1

      Early start!

      August 9, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Felt like I'd only just settled jnto a deep sleep when I was rudely awakened by the alarm 😫. 0530 and up for a quick shower before walking to the railway station. I'm off on a bit of a walking holiday, sometimes on my own, sometimes with a group of (up to now) strangers.
      I've signed up to a week's walk in the Picos with Explore! Holidays, but am taking a few days either side to relax (might need it after this hol!) and enjoy the French/Spanish 🌞shine.
      Apart from being just a tad tired (understatement), and railway staff being on a go-slow, the train journey was straightforward and easy. What worried me was getting through Gatwick looking like I knew what I was doing 😆. However, there were loads of staff (unlike Stansted) and I sailed through to airside - phew🫡.
      Biarritz was enjoying a 31° day - I can cope with that - and as Mick and I had already scouted out my hotel when we were here in June, I managed to walk straight to it (a miracle, given I'm geographically challenged and usually 180° out!) The hotel is right next to Les Halles, the market, so lots of shops! My room is up in the roof but clean and mostly comfy (lumpy pillows😖).
      After settling in I took myself out for a wander along the seafront. There was a good sea breeze so it was lovely and, of course, a 🍺 may have been involved 🙄😂
      I had a fab Japanese ramen for supper, followed by something I thought would be healthy because there were strawberries involved. How delightfully wrong can you be?😋
      There was no chance of a good night's sleep, though, with the band (see vid) playing just around the corner until about 11.00pm😫😂 and it being very hot up in the eaves of the hotel. I must have slept for a few hours, though👏👏👏, but I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep in Irun tomorrow 🥱🥱🥱
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