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    • Day 14

      Enfin réunis chez les cousins à Bristol

      July 19 in England ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Après une traversée tranquille.
      Les petits ont squatté ma salle de jeux et une mer très calme ouf
      Croyez le ou non mais il aura fallut d'arriver en Angleterre pour avoir notre journée la plus chaude depuis notre départ.

      Nous sommes arrivés cette après midi ( vendredi 19 ) pile poil pour la sortie d'école des cousins. ( Timothy, Alice, Amélie ) Ont s'est tous sauté dans les bras tellement on était content de se voir.

      Ensuite après avoir passé la soirée a jouer et rigoler on a aussi profiter du soleil qui était au rendez vous car demain ils annoncent pluie ici.
      Foot , pétanque , 1.2.3 soleil , parc a jeux, lego, couture ...... Les petits se sont vraiment bien amusé ensemble.
      C'était un plaisir de les voirs s'entendre aussi bien.
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    • Day 8

      Chew Magna Day 2

      May 21 in England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Omigawd, what an incredibly fruitful day!! After breakfast, I walked west along High Street to see if I could recognize any building names from my research travels. I did see a few, but I'll have to wait til I get home to verify.
      I came to the intersection with Chew Lane, the road that leads to Westend Cottages, that great great great grandfather John Atheal owned. The 1841 census found Charles living here with his parents, John Atheal and Sarah, and young cousin Elizabeth. I had a date to meet the church warden at Stowey at 2:30 this afternoon, which would leave me with enough time to walk back to the inn, jump in the rental car and drive down for a visit.
      I had found these cottages on an 1840ish ordinance map. However, current maps showed it in the same place, but it was labeled Chew House, and there was another smaller building behind it. I knew that the smaller one was an AirB&B rental, and I had tried contacting the owner but didn't get a response. So I thought, what the heck!
      I went back for the car and drove south, finding the laneway or driveway (was this private property?) easily. I drove in and headed towards the first building, and as I got closer, there was a man standing near a driving mower in dusty old clothes, and I assumed he was the gardener. He watched me approach warily, so I started getting my 'lost' story in mind. I lowered the window and called out something like "Hello. My name is Beverley, and I think my ancestors used to own this property a long time ago. The name was Chiswell."
      Immediately, recognition dawned in his eyes, and I told him some more of the details. He told me that he was aware that Chiswell's did own it once upon a time and told me to go park over there and I'll show you around!!
      His name is Clive, and he took me inside to meet his wife, Margaret. I showed them the descendancy chart I had put together, and he told me that when they bought the property in 1977 from a fellow named Albert Weaver, the original Westend Cottage building was in derelict condition. He said that one of the documents he received was a copy of a Chiswell will!!
      Clive ended up restoring the building, adding rooms on the west side, and renamed it Chew House. Another mystery solved. He showed me around the house and said that he had converted it from 4 attached cottages to a single home. He carefully pointed out the original rooms of each cottage, which consisted of a single large room on the Main floor with a large fireplace that would have served as kitchen and living room, and the second floor that was a smaller footprint which would have been where they slept.
      Then he climbed up into the Attic to retrieve a framed tribute to the upgrades he made that included a photo of the original building in its dilapidated state. In the meantime, he sent Margaret down to the safe to find the purchase documents from all those years ago. They weren't able to find the will, but he was happy for me to take pictures of the sale documents with Weaver.
      In all, I was there for probably 45 minutes. I think they were as happy as me for this encounter. I'm so glad I made the trip there!
      This has been another rather long post, so I'll share details of my trip to Stowey in my post tomorrow.
      Fun fact: In the retail environment, eggs are not kept in refrigerated conditions!
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    • Day 7

      Chew Magna Day 1

      May 20 in England ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Finally, my first restful sleep of the trip so far! Woke up around 8ish, and after a shower, I went downstairs for breakfast. I'm afraid it's not likely I'll try blood pudding. They did have a nice Eggs Benedict. I sat in the front window of the pub and watched all the street activity going on.
      Afterward, I walked north of South Parade and made my way to Silver Street. My great great great grandfather, John Atheal (father of Charles), must have been fairly wealthy as he owned a number of properties in The Village, including one on Silver Street that was described as 'houses and gardens' and was perched at the north side of the graveyard at St. Andrew's parish church. He lived in one of these houses with his son, John. There is only one house remaining, but I'm not sure it's his former abode.
      I carried on up the road past the Church Hall, crossed a stone bridge over the River Chew, and found a quiet spot to contemplate my surroundings. The sun was shining brightly down on me and the quiet sounds of the birds, insects, and rippling water was very soothing.
      I wandered back down to the church and began looking at the tombstone inscriptions, looking for Chiswell's. It wasn't long before I found Thomas (Charles' younger brother) and his wife, Sarah, in what I thought was a prominent location on the east side of the church by the footpath!
      The grass was rather long (the Rector had informed me that it hadn't been cut yet), and it made for an unsteady traverse as I occasionally stumbled on a rock or brick that wasn't visible. I had planned to return in the afternoon when I was to meet the Rector, so I didn't search much longer.
      I returned to the inn to rest for a bit and had a light snack. I set out again around 2:30 to explore more of the graveyard prior to my 3:30 meeting with Reverend Richard Greatrex. To my delight, there were a couple of gardeners with weed whackers working away on the 10-inch high grass.
      I wandered around to the north area, checking the areas that had been trimmed. It wasn't long before I came upon the stone for John Atheal (Charles' eldest brother) and his wife, Elizabeth. Photos of both stones for John and Thomas can be found online on Find A Grave.
      It was great meeting Richard. He had a couple of really old volumes of Chew Magna history, I shared the limited printed material I brought with me regarding my Chiswell research, and we had a good chat. He showed me around the building, making sure to point out the more interesting things. We parted with the agreement that I would share my findings with him.
      Now I'm lazy again after a big plate of fish and chips. I hope to sleep well again tonight and look forward to tomorrow's adventures.
      Fun fact: there's a restored headstone of a fellow who was murdered in the early 19th century. Picture included!
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    • Day 9

      Chew Magna Day 3

      May 22 in England ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      It was a rainy day . . .
      Not sure if I'm going to venture out to the Stanton Drew Circles and Cove today. The rain is forecast to continue all day, so I'll likely go tomorrow.
      Yesterday, following my visit to Westend Cottages, I drove south to meet Jill Broadhead (church warden) and her husband Graham at St. Nicholas and the Blessed Virgin Mary church in Stowey. The church is very small and was built in the 13th century. No Chiswell's were found in the graveyard. However, I was informed that over time, as decaying occurs, new graves are placed on top of old. Only the wealthy could afford a grave marker all those years ago.
      Afterward we went to their nearby home for cake and a cup of tea. I shared my descendancy chart with Jill, and she, in turn, had some information for me regarding the Vicar James Chiswell, Rector of Stowey, from 1661 to 1709. I'm pursuing how he may be part of our ancestry.
      Before I returned to Chew Magna, we took a walk around their beautiful English garden - 1.5 acres of lovely plants and trees, some from as far away as Australia! Very nice couple. So glad I contacted her.
      This afternoon, I just wandered around the village, taking in the sights. The rain had stopped earlier this afternoon, but now I'm sitting in the front window of the pub sipping on my lemon iced tea, and I see it's drizzling again. It is England, after all.
      Not so Fun Fact: this morning, in my room, I accidentally tipped my coffee cup over, and the hot liquid spilled all down my right leg and onto the floor.
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    • Day 37

      Day 36 Kirby Stephen to Bristol

      June 28 in England ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Freezing cold and raining this morning in the Dales.
      Car packed and we headed for coffee before our 4.5hr drive, but alas, 745am is too early for the bakery. So we hit the M6 and went south stopping at the one of the service centres for a coffee and something to eat. 70 mi/h makes the distance go quickly but a very boring drive. Lots of traffic but moving, and roadworks in sections which slowed us down. Also, rain on and off for the first part of the drive.
      Aerospace museum in Bristol was first stop. Peter and Chris went in, while Janet and I drove to our accommodation, 458 Gloucester Rd. Yummy lunch across the road followed by a wander up and down the street. Lots of cafes, pubs and barbers! It has warmed up and the sun is out in Bristol.
      The Royal Oak pub for dinner out in the beer garden with the locals.
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    • Day 3

      Sleeping point

      May 14, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Bei Bristol nahmen wir heute Nacht einen ganz ruhigen und gepflegten (😉) Rückzugsort: Mercure Bristol North, The Grange Hotel! Und es tat richtig gut!
      Und mit Jochens Joker, dem geliehenen Jackett, wurden wir auch noch extrem freundlich aufgenommen!Read more

    • Day 6


      May 14 in England ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Da ich noch etwas Zeit habe, habe ich noch einen Zwischenstopp in Weston-super-Mare eingelegt. Bei dem Namen muss das ja super sein 🤔 Naja, liegt halt am Meer, obwohl das gerade nicht da war...... Die Seebrücke hatte schon zu und der Rest ging so. Also, gut für die Schritte und ab dafür. Zum Glück hat es nicht auch noch geregnet, obwohl der Himmel fast so aussah. Weiter geht's nach Ashton.Read more

    • Day 11–13

      Chew Magna to Weston-super-Mare

      May 24 in England ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      I arose early, and after a light breakfast, I packef and left the Village to return the rental car to the airport. Took the Bristol Airport Flyer back to Temple Meads station in Bristol and boarded my train to the seaside.
      It's quite cool today with some wind that only adds to the chill. My cab dropped me at the Royal Hotel with the Bristol Channel and beach adjacent. I'm earlier than planned, and my room isn't ready, so I'm sitting in the pub gazing out the window with a mostly cloudy sky. Forecast for tomorrow is a bit warmer with 30% chance of rain. England, right?
      Well, the afternoon turned out quite sunny, which warmed the air. I went for a long walk along the promenade. It's just one hotel and restaurant after another! The tide was low, and there were lots of kids and young people wandering around the beach. There's a long pier that extends out to the sea, but I think it's an amusement park. I may check it out tomorrow.
      I'm going down to the pub soon for a bite to eat, then it's early to bed. Still struggling with my sleep rhythm.
      Fun fact: this is a long weekend as Monday's a bank holiday, and someone told me 'they' expect there'll be 10 million cars on the road throughout the country!
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    • Day 12


      May 25 in England ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      Nothing exciting to report today. I finally got another good night's rest and went downstairs for the buffet breakfast. You know, when you dine out, you never get much in the way of fruits and vegetables, so I loaded my plate with fruit and yogurt.
      I went for a leisurely walk around the shops near the seaside. Most of the tourist shops are pretty lame; the majority of their offerings are for kids - buckets and shovels for the beach, sun hats, and cheap trinkets. I haven't seen one souvenir t-shirt! Instead, I picked up a newspaper - a decent one, not one of those rags - and found the news here mostly about politics.
      In the afternoon, I wandered back down to the seaside promenade. The hotel adjacent to mine has a large outdoor 'park' where one can sit at a picknick table to enjoy a beverage and bite to eat. My hotel has one too, but theirs was packed! I found it chilly and had a sweater and jacket on, but the number of people wearing shorts and t-shirts was unbelievable. Guess I haven't adapted to the recent climate.
      I had an early supper at The Old Thatched Cottage, then returned to my room for the evening. I'm getting hooked on British TV!
      Fun fact: the large rock in the distance is an island called Steep Holm that sits in the Bristol Channel. What you can't see behind it is another island called Flat Holm (part of Wales) that has an abandoned isolation hospital they used to use for treating cholera when this illness was fairly common back in the day due to poor water quality.
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    • Day 1


      January 28, 2020 in England ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Da ich den ganzen verregneten Tag arbeiten musste hab ich mir nur kurz das Wahrzeichen von Bristol angeschaut.
      Die Suspension Bridge ist eine Hängebrücke, die nicht an Seilen sondern an riesigen Kettengliedern hängt.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Bristol, BST, Bristón, Bricgstōw, بريستول, Горад Брысталь, Бристъл, Bryste, Μπρίστολ, Bristolo, Brístol, بریستول, Briostó, בריסטול, ब्रिस्टल, Բրիստոլ, ブリストル, ბრისტოლი, ಬ್ರಿಸ್ಟಲ್‌, 브리스틀, Bristolium, Bristolis, Bristole, Бристол, Bristo, Бристоль, ਬਰਿਸਟਲ, برسٹل نگر, Bristullu, பிரிஸ்டல், บริสตอล, בריסטאל, 布里斯托尔

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