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Brook Green

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    • Dag 13

      Day 12 London, UK

      19. december 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Day 12 has been our busiest yet and rolled into bed at 10 30pm absolutely exhausted. We left Brugge by train for Brussels South where, after a long wait we boarded the Eurostar for London. As it takes 900 people it was extremely busy. The ride itself was lovely and relaxing and even had a lovely lunch and glass of wine on board. We arrived in London at St Pancras station at 2pm. Having then found our way to the underground, we followed Alanna’s directions to get to Shepherds Bush where we are staying. All sounds easy but with two suitcases each and now quite heavy, there were several flights of stairs to manage as well as throngs of people. Was feeling my age! We finally emerged from the underground and then called an Uber to take us the last part of our journey to the Air B N B where we are staying in. Had a bit of negotiation to do with the driver after he drove off in the opposite direction and was showing a 71 minute ride, when our phones said it should be 12 minutes . Realise now how important postcodes are over here! Also struck horrendous traffic so all in all it was a relief to get to our home for the next few days. No need for the gym on this holiday - our flat was three flights of stairs up!! It’s perfect for our stay though and has everything we need. Thirty minutes later we were off again as we headed this time to meet Alanna in the middle of London. As we disembarked in town and began to make our way up to street level, Alanna spotted us as her tube had also just arrived. Such a cool moment!! Lots of hugs surrounded by crowds of people! We made our way to the Sky Garden- known as the ‘walkie talkie’ due to its unique shape, this skyscraper features a top-floor restaurant and bar. We lined up for the lift to take us up 37 floors to the largest bar overlooking London. Most spectacular was the Shard right beside us, which had the most impressive light show going on the upper half of it. We loved our two hours there. It was hard to take photos though as a lot of reflection on the glass. Because you had to book, even though it was free, there were just the right number of people and seemed spacious and relaxed and quite a cool temperature too as the tropical plants are a feature. Guess our admission was in the glass of wine as very pricey! We then headed off yet again by train ( but guided by Alanna this time) to Covent Garden, where we stopped at a cute little old bar for a drink and then waked to a beautiful Italian restaurant, Notto. ( seems you find these good places on TicToc! ) The food was amazing and great atmosphere. We left there for a walk around Covent garden which was all decked out with Christmas lights and a beautiful Christmas tree. The busker singing added to the atmosphere. The last part of our day was one last train trip to Shepherds Bush and the 11 minute walk to the flat. We were just about walking with our eyes shut !Læs mere

    • Dag 14

      Day 13 London, UK

      20. december 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      A fantastic day exploring London with our personal tour guide, Alanna. She lives 20 mins by foot from our Air B N B and arrived at 10 30am. We used two tubes (again very helpful to have her with us! ) to get to the fabulous food market, Borough Market. The atmosphere was cool but packed with people. Alanna and I had a delicious pastry and David had fish and chips. (not so good for our waist lines but no scones yet on this trip!) . We left there on foot and walked for an hour along the Thames River all the way to Big Ben. So much to see and a very mild day and no hat even needed. After many photo stops we continued on until we came to Victoria Station (another hour) and got on the Afternoon Tea Bus Tour. What a cool experience that was- being driven all around the sights of London atop a double decker bus, while eating an amazing high tea. There was some commentary but also lots of 80s music which people were singing along to. The service was amazing and the glass of Prosecco topped it off. We all loved it. The next hour was spent roaming the streets of London, viewing the Christmas lights and the spectacular window displays of Selfridges. We then headed to Hyde Park for the Winter Wonderland experience which we had booked from NZ. That was amazing- a whole theme park, rides, bars, food stalls, and fair games set up in the park for Christmas. It was massive and lots of very extreme and some tame rides. It too had a great atmosphere and everyone was out with their friends and families. The highlight for Alanna and I was going on the highest Ferris Wheel ever. We were actually in capsules and shared one with four others. The view down was amazing but too far for us to spot David waiting below! We enjoyed a cocktail in the Ice Bar and a 3D ride as well as a pork sandwich and some attempts to win prizes in the games. By 8pm we were all done and thankfully the trip back was a repeat of last night- Cental line tube and the 7 minute walk to our accomodation. Alanna is at work tomorrow so we will be making our way to Windsor Castle for the day and meeting her after work.Læs mere

    • Dag 37

      Day 36 London, UK

      12. januar, England ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      A busy day as we moved on from Bristol to London. We parked the car in a car parking building before walking 15 minutes to a cool cafe for breakfast. We then walked back down and drove to the Bristol car rental depot to happily find that we were not going to be charged for returning the car to a different town that we planned, or for returning it one hour late. Also we found that the railway station was a two minute walk so no Uber or additional lifting of the bags needed. The train was at 1 30pm so we had a long wait in the cold at the very old station and were happy to finally board and sit back in the warmth to enjoy a relaxing 1 and a half hour ride to Paddington Station. No more traffic, round abouts or Google maps and no need to drive into Heathrow to return the car and then find our way into London. The perfect solution- almost! We decided to get a black taxi to take us from the station to our apartment and it was actually cheaper than Uber. After the 12 minute ride we were dropped off with the suitcases and stumbled to the front door ready to take the 4 flights of stairs to realise my back pack was still in the taxi. After the initial shock we calmed down as I realised I’d lost a jacket, all my makeup and my book. Thankfully not my wallet, phone or passport so not the end of the world! Annoyingly there is little chance of ever seeing it again as the company has no record of our ride and the driver would not know where to return it if he even noticed it. I decided not to let it ruin my day as we were safely in London and had dinner and the show SIX to look forward to. It was Alanna’s Christmas present to us. We met Alanna at 5 30 at Tottingham Court underground station and wandered to a huge modern food court for dinner, although I did find ordering all the food and drinks on my phone challenging. We then left to go to Vaudeville Theatre for the musical about the six wives of Henry the Eighth and performed by six wonderful dancers/ singers with a 4 piece all female band. It was an excellent show and so professional. We then wandered through Covent garden to find a very cool concert going on there too, as a busker performed for over half an hour to a large group of people. Again it was excellent entertainment. We travelled home by underground to collapse into bed very tired and ready to be on the last leg of the trip.Læs mere

    • Dag 39

      Day 38, UK

      14. januar, England ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      A lovely London day with the sun shining so this morning we had a beautiful long walk down the banks of the River Thames in Alanna’s neighbourhood, Hammersmith. There were plenty of people out running, rowing, walking and lots of dogs. It’s a beautiful walk even though the shores of the muddy river are very unattractive and covered in litter. The view up and down the river was lovely though with the Hammersmith Bridge in the background. We ended up at the lovely Crabtree Pub on the banks of the river, where Alanna had booked our Sunday roast. It was delicious and just like a home cooked meal, except with the Yorkshire pudding. We then all travelled by train to Oxford Circus where we farewelled David for his trip to the Imperial War Museum. Alanna and I meanwhile headed down Oxford Street for some serious shopping. We were very relieved to find David back at the train station at 5pm and we headed back to Shepherds Bush for a much needed drink and snack at a lovely restaurant and bar attached to the huge mall. We then returned to the apartment for our last night here which also required packing our bags. Our plane doesn’t leave until 8 20 pm so Alanna has the day off work tomorrow and we will spend some of it having a walk through Hyde Park before heading to Heathrow.Læs mere

    • Dag 2

      Arrived at My Airbnb in London

      21. januar 2017, England ⋅ ☀️ 37 °F

      My flight landed in London and I took the train to Hammersmith station then a taxi to my room at an Airbnb. Met my hostess Isabella and her boyfriend Ed. It is a nice location close to the conference and tube station is not far away either < 1 mile. Its cozy but will do for my stay here in London.Læs mere

    • Dag 7

      Addison Gardens London

      26. januar 2017, England ⋅ 🌫 30 °F

      Back to Isabella & Ed's Airbnb flat for the night.

      It was a very long day and I had a great day seeing the sites though. I need to pack to fly out to Edinburgh. One thing I realized is that I PACK TOO MUCH STUFF. Note to self: Need to start minimizing what I bring on journeys as I typically end up only using less than half of the clothes, computer equipment, etc. that I bring because lugging heavy bags around is not fun especially when you're trying to plan how to get to the airport via walking and the Tube!Læs mere

    • Dag 1

      Anreise und covent garden

      6. august 2019, England ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Aufstehen um 3.30 Uhr - eine echt unchristliche Zeit. Das Flugzeug startet ziemlich pünktlich um 7.00 Uhr. Fast alle sind relativ aufgeregt. Mini: sowieso immer ein bisschen aufgedreht, Rosie: zum ersten Mal im Flieger, Viki: die einzige total entspannt und ich: Fluangsz :-(
      Es klappt alles perfekt. Wir haben alle einen Fensterplatz und der Flug ist ruhig und ohne Turbulenzen.
      Bei der Ankunft in Stansted holen wir uns erst mal einen Kaffee. Naja, die Engländer verstehen anscheinend was anderes unter Kaffee als wir - es war eher eine “Kläschn“ als ein Kaffee, aber egal.
      Weiter gehts mit dem Bus nach London. Dann machen wir uns auf die Suche nach unserem Hotel. Mit Unterstützung der netten Londoner finden wir es wirklich und es ist echt nett. Sehr klein, aber very british. Obwohl wir echt müde sind machen wir uns anschließend auf den Weg zum Covent garden. Ein toller Ort voller Leben. Straßenkünstler sorgen für Unterhaltung und viele wundervolle kleine Lädchen wechseln sich ab mit equisiten Geschäften. Die Stimmung ist einfach toll.
      Zum Abschluss unseres ersten Tages finden wir in Hammersmith sogar ein tolles Lokal. Natural Fastfood - typisch für Mini und Viki!
      So, jetzt genießen wir den Abend in unserem Hotel - morgen gehts zur Harry Potter Tour.
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    • Dag 2

      Harry Potter, Big Ben und Co.

      7. august 2019, England ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      What a day. Nach den heutigen Tag habe ich das Gefühl, dass ich schon mindestens eine Woche da bin.
      Piccadilly Circus, Soho, Chinatown, Harry Potter Tour, Shakespeare Globe Theater, Streetfood und Straßenkünstler an der Themse, London Eye, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace und zurück zum Piccadilly Circus um den Tag im Hardrock Cafe abzuschließen. Und zwischendurch kauft sich Mini auch noch einen English Breakfast Tee. Deswegen erwähnenswert, da die Auswahl aus rund 8000 verschiedenen Teesorten nicht gerade einfach war.
      Jetzt liegen wir alle im Hotel, sind Hunde müde, aber spätestens ab heute der Meinung, dass London einfach eine großartige Stadt ist.
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    • Dag 3

      Slow down

      8. august 2019, England ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Nach den gestrigen Tag, mit vollem Programm, wollten wir es heute entspannter angehen. Zuerst machten wir uns auf den Weg nach Neals yard. Ein wunderschönes Plätzchen an einer kleinen Gasse. Frisch gepresster Saft und Kaffee. Einfach nur relaxen. Mini hat einen sagenhaften Apfelsaft getrunken, der großartig schmeckte.
      Dann gings zur Abbey Road. Genau heute vor 50 Jahren entstand das Coverfoto zu “Abbey Road“ von den Beatles, was für ein Zufall.
      Wer in London echt toll essen möchte, muss nur zum Campden Market fahren. Bei unserer 3. Station durften wir dieses so richtig genießen.
      Weiter ging es zur Tate Gallery of Modern Art. Die Mädels waren beeindruckt von den Exponaten und ich genoss beim Shakespeare Globe Theater einen Kaffee. Ich brauchte mal eine Pause. Eigentlich wollten wir ja das Stück “as you like it“ ansehen, aber die Vorstellung war leider ausverkauft.
      Umso entspannter ging es dann weiter, weil ja nichts mehr auf dem Programm stand. Also überquerten wir gemütlich die Millenium Bridge und bemerkten so die wunderbaren, nur ca. 2-3 cm großen Kunstwerke, die auf den Fußweg aufgemalt waren.
      Und am Ende der Millennium Bridge entdeckten wir ein wundervolles, beeindruckendes Gebäude, das wir eigentlich gar nicht besichtigen wollten: die St. Pauls Cathedral.
      Den Tag beendeten wir im “the swan“, einem typischen englischen Lokal. Dort lernten wir, dass man zum Apfel nicht äpel sonder apel sagt. (So wie auch die mäp eigentlich map heißt :-) )
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    • Dag 2

      Das Hotel

      28. april 2018, England ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      K-West Hotel & Spa heißt das Haus, in dem wir momentan beheimatet sind... einfach ein Träumchen 👌🏻 deshalb haben wir beschlossen den Abend, im schön eingerichteten Empfangsbereich des Hotels, bei zwei Cappuccinos ausklingen zu lassen .. und wir haben es genossen. 😁 In diesem Sinne: Good night London, see you tomorrow again 😉😴Læs mere

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