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    • Day 2

      We hit the ground running

      April 28, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      After 2 uneventful flights (Loss slept solidly for at least 10 hrs during our Singapore to London flight!), we landed at Heathrow around 7.30am local time.
      We did all the usual arrival stuff, then left our bags at Heathrow in a secure facility and jumped in a pre-booked car to Windsor Castle.
      We had a bit of time to walk around exploring the quaint twin towns of Windsor and Eton before touring Windsor castle itself.
      Eton college could be viewed from the outside- the alma mater of many famous Brits including George Orwell, David Cameron, Boris Johnson and Princes William and Harry to name a few.
      The Eton and Windsor brewery was our lunch stop, and Loss couldn’t resist sampling their latest creation which has been specially crafted to be served at king Charles’ Coronation in just over a week’s time. They are the official Royal Brewers, so how could she say no?
      It was then on to Windsor castle for a tour of both St George’s chapel and the Castle itself.
      Inside St George’s chapel we joined a large, respectful crowd filing past the burial place of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip. It is also the burial place of Henry V111 and many other well known royals from the past.
      Prince Harry and Megan were also married there in 2018.
      As it turned out, King Charles happened to arrive at Windsor castle at almost the same time as us and although we didn’t see him we watched the Royal standard hoisted up the flagpole to mark his presence.
      The length and depth of the history in both places we visited is especially impressive.
      At the conclusion of our tour we caught a cab back to Heathrow, collected our bags and headed down to the Underground to train it in to Kings Cross / St Pancras.
      We’ve now settled in to a small self contained apartment in what seems to be a central yet quiet location in London.
      As I write this, it’s 8pm local time andLoriene is warming up a roast lamb dinner with all the trimmings which she had prepared and frozen at home. Amazing!- although it does help explain why my suitcase mysteriously increased from only just over 12kg when I had packed it up to a figure of about 20kg by the time I was wheeling it out our front door.
      It smells delicious, so signing off here for now.
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    • Day 4

      Day 3

      September 15, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Day 3:
      We set off expecting to see 7 major attractions...and ended the day exhausted after seeing just a few. We need more time - or a return trip. 1st stop was St Paul's Cathedral; Wow! It was beautiful without the over the top oppulance of the Vatican. I managed the 300 steps to the gallery and Matt did the extra 200 to the top. We then went to Tower Bridge, then took a boat ride to Greenwich to see the Cuttysark. After a pint, we went to Westminster Bridge to take a photo of Big Ben, then just sat and watched London pass on by, before walking to Trafalga Square - passing by Number 10 to see if the PM was home - he wasn't!Read more

    • Day 9

      Day 7

      July 7 in England ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Windsor Castle. We headed out from Moreton in Marsh - overcast and achey from some tired accomodations. Transfered at Reading train station to a taxi, saw a lot of people heading back from Henley already. Changed into our proper British clothes at the Windsor hotel and headed to the castle. Quite amazing- at one time it must have surveyed the entire countryside, now the tourist shops are immediately outside the front door. A royal home since 1200, apparently Victoria spent a lot of time here as sis Elizabeth II. Saw Henry VIII armor, beautiful art and relics of an Empire. The current royals use 1/2 the property which is closed to tourists, the half we saw is still used for State dinners and ceremonies (Elizabeth's 90 th bday and her 75th wedding anniversary). After the Castle we went for a proper tea, which was great, ending the dinner at a local pub. Princeton - both the 1V and 2V are in their respective finals today, it is an amazing accomplishment. Amazing that Noah can be a part of this, fabulous momentum for next year.Read more

    • Day 32

      Week 3 heading to Oxford

      September 14, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Left Henley and travelled up the Thames - moored at Pangbourne Meadows.
      Scenes along the river.
      Stopped for lunch at Sonning- very cute village with very old 13th century church
      Of note Kenneth Graham told the stories of Wind in the Willows, to his son, at Church Cottage Pangbourne. Toad Hall modelled on Maple Durham House which is undergoing some restoration .
      Gorgeous English countryside.
      Stopped at Goring a cute village.
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    • Day 6

      Check in Maidenhead

      April 6, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Wir freuten uns schon, die Gastgeberin Catherine unserer letzten Unterkunft kennenzulernen.
      Maidenhead ist eine Marktstadt im Royal Borough of Windsor und Maidenhead in der Grafschaft Berkshire, am südwestlichen Ufer der Themse. Die Stadt liegt 27 Meilen (43 km) westlich von London.

      Aufgrund des Fotos von Catherine und den Bewertungen waren wir auf das Kommende nicht vorbereitet…

      Wir klingelten…und klingelten… es waren viele Stimmen zu hören, doch es kam niemand. Ich versuchte anzurufen, in dem Moment ging die Tür auf und ein extrem pigmentierter junger Mann stand vor uns und begrüßte uns freudestrahlend mit einem lauten „Hello“! Eine ältere Dame mit schulterlangen grauen Haaren in einem Hippie-Look stand dahinter… ich schaute mich um, ob ich Cathrine sehe… da stellte die leicht verrückt wirkende Frau sich vor…Es war Cathrine, unsere Gastgeberin, auf dem Bild war sie scheinbar mindestens 10 Jahre jünger!
      Alles in allem fehlte eigentlich nur noch die Frage nach ’nem Joint und ein bekifftes „Peace Freunde“ 🙀🙈
      Wir waren doch etwas erschrocken! Aber…sie war wirklich sehr nett und freundlich! Catherine zeigte uns unser Zimmer, welches auch wie auf der Website beschrieben war und das Bad.
      Scheinbar gibt es in diesem Haus keine Schlüssel, denn unser Zimmer und das Bad hatten keine Schlüssel 🤔.
      Ein etwas mulmiges Gefühl haben wir hier schon, vor allem so ganz ohne Schlüssel in diesem leicht spuky Haus😬. Kurz überlegten wir den Nachtschrank vor die Tür zu schieben 🙈🤔.
      Wir hoffen und beten, dass wir alles gut überstehen und werden uns ganz früh morgen aus dem Staub machen😜.
      Auf das „kontinentale Frühstück“ verzichten wir doch lieber und freuen uns auf unsere Tour durch London!
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    • Day 5

      A walk through the Bodmin Moor

      May 14 in England ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      Today our underpaid travel guides took us on a beautiful walk through the Cornish mining district of Caradon. The rise of copper mining in the 1840s lasted barely 50 years; large-scale mining for copper had essentially ceased by 1890. Today we saw lots grazing sheep, wild horses with day old ponies and learned more about the areas mining history than I'll ever remember. Unfortunately, since they have yet to find Poldark, our guides remain underpaid.Read more

    • Day 68

      London Calling

      May 24, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We made it to London! It took around 2hrs from Madrid to London.
      We were greeted at the airport by Zoe’s mum, Louise, who has been so kind to host us during our short stay in the UK.
      Louise drove us to her place in Harefield, about a 30min drive from Heathrow north-west of London, where we were able to have a much needed shower and get changed.

      We walked around the town which is very lovely and walked to an English pub for a pint in a beer garden in the sun. Daniel enjoyed his beer though he forgot that they wouldn’t serve it cold here! We returned back to Louise’s place for a delicious home-cooked roast dinner with red wine. After talking and enjoying, we went to bed for a much needed rest!
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    • Day 5

      On To The Thames Proper

      July 1, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Ok. What a day! After being waved off by Rascal on a neighbouring boat, and Jenny feeding the wildlife one last time, we left the marina and hit the Thames proper.

      Five locks and unbelievable countryside, 2hrs of chugging under an overcast sky; followed by 4hrs of warm sunshine and we've parked up under the trees on the western bank of the Thames in Wallingford.

      Fantastic day. Narrow boating is literally the fastest way to slow down.

      Passed a beautiful pub about a mile back, and we're about to walk the dogs (Millie and Milo) there for dinner.

      Tomorrow, another day on the Thames.
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    • Day 2

      1st Day in London.

      May 19 in England ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Arrived in London at 9am which was midnight at home. Took a train from Gatwick airport to Victoria station and decided to walk to our hotel from there.
      We followed the crowed and found the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace!! It’s quite the event!!
      We walked through Hyde Park and found food for Helen, washroom for me and a drink for both.
      We then walked the gruelling 3.2km to find our hotel and literally crash!!
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    • Day 20

      End of Week 1 - Cheddington, Berhamsted

      September 2, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Left Cheddington at 7.30 to travel through the Chilterns. Beautiful countryside.
      19 locks later we are at Berkhamsted!!!
      At Berkhamsted ruins of Norman castle where William 1 offered crown of England- Norman conquest of 1066
      Sunday - down 8 locks to Hemel Hempstead
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    Buckinghamshire, BKM

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