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    • Day 3

      London tag 3

      December 3, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ -2 °C

      Heute sind wir zuerst zur london bridge gelaufen und haben von dort einen Bus zum covent garden, wo wir uns heiße Schokoladen gekauft haben. Danach sind wir noch kurz nach Chinatown gelaufen und dann zurück zum hostel gefahren.Read more

    • Day 6


      July 31, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Auf dem Weg in Richtung Schottland liegt die Kathedrale von Durham. An diesem Ort wurden Aufnahmen für die Verfilmung der beiden ersten Bücher gemacht. Der Innenhof inkl. der Arkaden diente als Vorlgae für Hogwarts. Natürlich haben wir uns die "restliche" Kathedrale auch angeschaut. Auf dem weg nach Durham haben wir noch in Ripon und Fountain Abbey angehalten.
      Am Abend haben wir uns in der hiesigen Pizzeria Anregungen für die Zwischenstopps am nächsten Tag geholt. Das Programm ist eng getaktet.
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    • Day 78

      Delightful Durham

      August 24, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Had a relaxing start to the day with A working on his puzzle, and J pacifying Spike with lap cuddles. She's the most vocal cat we've ever heard! Today planned to visit cousins in Wylam mid-afternoon, so decided to make a day of it: a stop and explore Durham on the way.

      Our first stop was slightly north of Durham, in Sacriston, to pick up locally roasted coffee from Durham Coffee Roasters! Their industrial warehouse shop is nicely done up. Multiple roasting machines, lounge area, coffee machines and a large selection of coffee! Needing to stock up for a few weeks, we couldn't turn down the deal on three small bags 🛍️

      We then returned to Durham to explore the historical downtown area near the Castle and Cathedral. We wandered down High Street and found Durham Gin Distillery, sampling a few of thier products. The staff member was very helpful, including generously offering samples 🤪 we supported local and purchased some delicious spirits to enjoy later 🍸

      Eventually found our way over to the Cathedral. The interior was quite spectacular between the gilding, the grandiose pillars, and layers of history. This is a very revered location due to St Cuthbert's shrine and the Venerable Bede's tomb.

      Before we left Durham we stopped into a pastry shop to grab treats for tea with the relatives.

      We arrived in Wylam just a little passed four. After a quick walk around the garden, we enjoyed a casual visit over tea and pastries in the courtyard ☺️ of their 10th century country home. It was formally a monks summer retreat, but now lives on as a few private dwellings with spectacular gardens.
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    • Day 25


      August 8, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Durham, luštno mesto za jutranji sprehod, s katedralo od Harry Potterja, privat gradom, dovolj velikim starim mestnim jedrom za en krog, na obrobju pa lepo skombinirano moderno poslovno in bivalno okolje.

      Greva naprej proti vzhodni obali. Končno je sonček in prijetnih 20+ v senci...
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    • Day 23

      Durham Exhibition

      July 7, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Vom Kreuzgang aus komme ich in den ehemaligen Schlaafsaal der Mönche. Noch während ich die Treppe hinauf gehe, fängt die Holzdecke meinen Blick. Aus massiven Eichenbalken gebaut wie ein umgekehrtes Schiff ist sie das absolute Highlight dieses Saals. Eine Ausstellung verdeutlicht das Leben und Arbeiten der Mönche hier.
      Durch eine Schleuse komme ich in die isolierten und klimatisierten Katakomben, in denen wahre Schätze von Büchern ausgestellt sind.
      Die meisten mittelalterlichen Bibliotheken enthielten Kataloge von Tieren oder Pflanzen und Enzyklopädien. Die Mönche in Durham interessierten sich ebenso für die Erde wie für den Himmel. Um Gott näher zu kommen, wollten sie ihn besser verstehen, und glaubten, er habe ihnen dazu alle wichtigen Werkzeuge gegeben: zwei Bücher.
      Das eine war das Buch der Heiligen Schrift – die Bibel –, das andere aber
      war das Buch der Natur, die Welt, die Gott geschaffen hatte und alles darin. Anstatt nur Objekte zu sein, wurden lebende Kreaturen zu Zeichen, die gelesen und interpretiert werden mussten. Durch das Verstehen der Schöpfung fühlten sie sich Gott näher.
      Diese Ideen wurden über die Reformation hinaus fortgesetzt, viele frühe „Wissenschaftler“ im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert nutzten die hiesige Bibliothek.
      Nach diesem schönen Erlebnis schlendere ich durch die Gassen Durhams zurück zum Auto.
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    • Day 24

      The travellers rest

      August 7, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Danes prespiva na parkplacu puba... Pivo ajd, ok, ni blo ravno izbire. Wc za zvečer bo, ostalo pa kot da bi spala na parkplacu (kar tudi je).

      Ob pivu planirava jutrišnji dan... Čaka naju sonce, končnooooo :) in menda temperature nad 15C...Read more

    • Day 11


      May 23, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Gekleidet als echte Gentlemen hatten wir die Ehre, die Siegerehrung und Abschiedsparty an Bord der Fähre zu beschallen. Als DJs muss man natürlich bis zum Schluss durchhalten. Aber nach der Runde Rudern mit einer verrückten Holländertruppe waren auch die tapferen Zylinderköpfe platt und reif für die Koje. Gute Nacht 😴

      PS: Aufs Treppchen haben wir es leider nicht geschafft, aber eine geniale Rallye war es allemal 😉👍🏼
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    • Day 15

      Sunderland and Around

      September 19, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      We were treated to a private viewing and meeting with Ian from the Sunderland Maritime Heritage. Such a committed group who are preserving the rich ship building and merchant sailing heritage of Sunderland. They have built numerous replica boats. They have restored others. They were hoping to restore the clipper City of Adelaide, but a group from Adelaide pinched it. Importantly have a very extensive library. There were several references to ships of the Elders fleet, Torrens particularly and the Sanderson name appears at times.

      We dropped by the The Saltgrass Inn, I'd be confident by great grandfather's generation had a drink here. He was born here. He went to sea doing eleven return voyages between various english ports and Adelaide as skipper of the Collingrove for what was to become Elders. Three of his brothers also held master's tickets.

      Another Vera stop at Seaham with lunch at the Black Truffle cafe.
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    • Day 13

      On the road again 🎶

      June 22, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Today we left York behind and made our way to Newcastle. However, before we left Dani prepared a picnic and on the way we stopped at Gibside, an old Georgian era estate that is now effectively a national park.
      It was much less touristy than all our previous stops. We had a lovely picnic lunch, the kids played on a playground and then we went for a 4.5km walk around the estate (it was supposed to be 3.5 km but our navigator took a wrong turn and it took a while to realise that we were heading in completely the wrong direction).
      Along the walk we found a low ropes course that we all tried, and also went past the ruins of the old homestead and orangery. Near the end we stopped for a cuppa and the kids had an ice cream.
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    • Day 77

      Commendable Crimdon

      August 23, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Today was our long run day, so decided to run a different route. While A was enjoying his hot air balloon puzzle, J was looking for trails. With the running destination settled upon, we headed off to Crimdon Beach and a portion of the Coast Trail. Most of the trail was fine to run on, but there were sandy sections while running near the dunes. We opted to do a section on the hard packed beach sand, which made a nice loop route. The beach and weather was spectacular!

      By mid afternoon we enjoyed a light lunch of crackers, cheeses, and veggies. Finally rested up and content, we walked towards town again, this time to the mall. Surprisingly, the mall was nicer inside than expected. On the return, we stopped by Cameron brewing, and enjoyed a drink in there visitor center tap room, The Anchor. A half pint tasted great while we watch a horse race on the telly.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    County Durham, Durham, DUR

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