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    • Giorno 32

      A day of many wee parts

      28 maggio 2023, Scozia ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Today had so many different elements I couldn’t settle on what to name it.

      We awoke at 6.50am to a beautiful, cloudless morning. Breakfast, pack up and off with a deadline of 11am to attend the Sterling meeting.
      As it happened, there were two points of interest to briefly visit on our way, and very close to Sterling which lies north east of Glasgow and North West of Edinburgh which was our final destination for today.

      We drove in the direction of Sterling and called in first to see an impressive sculpture by the name of The Kelpies. The Kelpies are not sheep dogs but rather horses - in Scottish mythology they were a beast that possessed the power of 100 normal horses. However, the horses’ heads here standing over 30m tall are based on real life Clydesdale horses which were transformative in the history of this part of Scotland’s landscape and industry in bygone days.
      After a short look around The Kelpies, we headed off about 15 minutes down the road to The Falkirk Wheel which is a particularly impressive piece of Scottish engineering.
      This amazing device was invented to replace about 11 locks in the canal system to allow long river boats to move between the significant difference in height of the canals in this part of Scotland. Nothing happens quickly here, but it all happens with great precision.

      Of course, the first activation of the Falkirk Wheel doesn’t happen until 10am, so we watched this first transfer of boats and then quickly headed off to Sterling Ecclesia, arriving at 10.45am.
      We received a warm welcome and were pleased to meet some of Wendy and Trevor Maher’s children and grandchildren. (Many would remember Wendy and the late Bro. Trevor from Rathmines days.) Loriene had been in contact with Wendy who has remarried, and sadly for us David and Wendy were ‘down south’ visiting David’s family so we didn’t get to see them.
      However, it was lovely to share a ‘Meal A Day’ lunch with the members after the meeting and to become acquainted with many other members of this lovely meeting in addition to the Mahers.
      For those who are keen followers of the Royal family and the recent coronation, you may note that Wendy and Trevor’s grandson Luke (who was chairman for the meeting today) featured prominently in one aspect of the coronation - see the accompanying photos.

      While sitting at lunch with Shaun Maher, he was able to give me some tips on the most scenic drive to Edinburgh via St. Andrews which we duly entered into Waze. We bid a fond farewell to our new friends and arrived in St. Andrews with the weather still being picture perfect. I was able to get to play a little golf on the Old Course (again see photos and video for proof for the doubting Thomases out there).
      After putting out on the 18th hole, we briefly visited the vast beach area and then developed car troubles on starting up.
      Multiple orange warning lights came on and the engine was running roughly. Although none of the lights indicated low oil levels, the dipstick wasn’t registering any oil at all 😳. It took 3 visits to service stations before a litre of oil could be purchased and thankfully the rough running and warning lights all disappeared once having provided the little Fiat with this magic elixir.

      We then continued on our circuitous coastal route towards Edinburgh (including diverting off to view the Forth bridges from below before crossing over) and the scenery was worth the extra travel time.
      We finally made it into Edinburgh and to our accommodation right on 7pm and as I am typing this last sentence, the ‘wonder woman’ is placing another beautifully prepared meal on the table!
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    • Giorno 2

      Full Scottish breakfast

      24 maggio 2022, Scozia ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Guten Morgen Schottland!
      Nach einer Mütze voll wohlverdientem Schlaf, ließen wir unser erstes, leckeres, schottisches Frühstück schmecken. Hat schon was! Wobei es vielleicht nicht jedermanns Sache ist... 😜Leggi altro

    • Giorno 1

      Start ins Abenteuer

      7 luglio 2022, Scozia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Heute morgen gegen 9 Uhr machten wir uns auf den Weg zum Flughafen. Ein großes Chaos wurde vorhergesagt... aber nach weniger als 30 Minuten hatten wir die Koffer aufgegeben und die Sicherheitskontrolle passiert. So schnell waren wir nicht mal im Frühjahr auf dem Weg in die Türkei.
      Abgesehen vom Drogentest - Wischtest an der Powerbank- der heute mal wieder bei mir gemacht wurde.
      Nach nur 2 Stunden landeten wir bei Sonne und 23 Grad in Edinburgh.
      Nun Koffer holen, ohne Probleme und ab zum Mietwagen.
      Ach ja... ich verwirrte den jungen Mann von der Vermietung als ich zur falschen Seite ging... aber alles eine Sache der Gewöhnung.
      Nun hieß es Koffer verstauen und los. Und das mit einem Fiat 500 Sport, herausfordernd.
      Die Familie schreit öfter , verstehe ich gar nicht... ich lass doch alle Spiegel dran . Aber im Ernst ich muss mich erst wieder gewöhnen. Aber das wird schon.
      Nachdem wir unsere Unterkunft bezogen und das nötigste zu Essen eingekauft hatten, ging es gleich los die Stadt erkunden. Der Magen knurrte und die Neugier war, ist groß.
      Nun sind wir glücklich und zufrieden und freuen uns auf den nächsten Tag!
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    • Giorno 3

      Edinburgh Castle !!

      9 luglio 2022, Scozia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Was für ein schöner sonniger Tag in Edinburgh. Perfekt für einen Besuch des Edinburgh Castle zum Glück hatten wir schon vor Monaten gebucht, denn am Eingang hieß es ausverkauft. Wir hatten eine wirklich gute Tour und mit den Audio Guides toll erklärt.
      Höhepunkt war natürlich der Kanonen Schuss pünktlich um 13.00 Uhr .Danach ging es wieder zurück in die Old Town etwas Essen und Schopping und natürlich die Pubs der Stadt von innen betrachten 😏.
      Ella hat noch schnell die Giraffen Bilder vervollständigt und zum Abschluss des Abends natürlich in einem Pub Fish and Chips und Whiskey und Bier. Danke Edinburgh du schöne Stadt. Für uns geht es morgen weiter nach Stonehaven mit einem Abstecher über Stirling Castle.

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    • Giorno 4

      Abschied nehmen

      26 maggio 2022, Scozia ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Heute heißt es Abschied nehmen von Edinburgh. Eine lange Reise steht uns bevor!
      Zunächst bringt uns ein Bus in ca 1h nach Glasgow. Von dort geht es mit einem anderen Bus 3,5h weiter nach Kennacraig, von wo uns eine Fähre in weiteren 1,5h nach Port Ellen auf Islay bringen soll.
      Wir sind schon gespannt, ob das mit den Anschlussverbindungen alles so funktioniert, wie wir uns das vorstellen.
      Zum Glück hat uns Luke vom Touristenzentrum in Edinburgh schon am Dienstag die entsprechenden Routen mit viel Mühe herausgesucht. Er informierte uns über einen Streik der Bahn, der seit Montag viele Verbindungen stört und dass wir lieber auf den Bus setzen sollten. Außerdem buchte er uns direkt auch die Verbindungen für unser nächstes Ziel und wusste von einem Ticket, mit dem wir für all die Fahrten Geld sparen konnten.
      Im Grunde waren wir also gut vorbereitet und hatten alle nötigen Informationen und Unterlagen zusammen. 😊
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    • Giorno 33

      ‘Close’ encounters of the Royal kind

      29 maggio 2023, Scozia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      We woke to a picture perfect Edinburgh day. Mild, sunny, cloudless and calm.

      I had been very neglectful in not having pre-booked the ‘must-see’ attraction in this city, being Edinburgh Castle. I’m not sure how I’d overlooked this, but I had, and now I was kicking myself.
      Last night when trying to book some tickets online I discovered that all tickets were sold out for today for all time slots. Even when I tried some of the slightly risky third-party resellers, nothing was available for today.
      Never-the-less we thought we’d try our luck by fronting up to the Castle and seeing if there were any ‘walk up’ tickets available . If we came up with a blank, then a tour through Holyrood Palace would have to suffice as a consolation prize instead.
      We left the apartment early (is there any other time to leave?), and followed some great advice from a local lady at the bus stop to buy an all-day bus ticket. This got us down to Edinburgh Castle just after opening time and after walking around the perimeter past the sign that said ‘Edinburgh Castle Tickets Sold Out’ we approached a young gentleman on duty at the entrance.
      “We’re wondering if there might be any walk-up tickets available today?”
      ‘No sir, I’m sorry, all the tickets are sold out for today’ as he gestures toward the fairly obvious sign saying exactly the same thing.
      “So there’s nothing available at all? We are flexible - we could come back any time . . . “
      ‘It’s a very popular attraction, sir - we get upwards of 7,000 visitors per day and unfortunately all the tickets are sold out for today’

      It was time to use the last arrow in the quiver but delivered, I think, in good humour.
      “But we’ve travelled all the way from Australia just to see Edinburgh Castle and you’re telling me we’re going to miss out?”
      The young man seemed to appreciate our sense of humour and with a smile and a glint in his eye he leaned in and said
      ‘Well, there is ONE possible way - I can’t promise anything - but if you walk down the hill there to where the Hop On buses stop, you MAY be able to buy a ticket through them combined with their bus tour as they often buy blocks of Castle tickets to on-sell to their customers ’

      We didn’t want the Hop on bus tour today, and it would be an expensive way to get a ticket to Edinburgh Castle but . . .

      We thanked the young chap at Windsor Castle and then pushed through the rapidly building crowds heading smugly up to the Castle with their pre paid tickets. We spotted a Red bus, dashed across and spoke to the very good-humoured Scottish ticket seller by the bus.
      Slightly breathless, we ask “We are wondering if we buy one of your bus tickets is it possible to get one that gives us access to Edinburgh Castle?”
      ‘Yes, we have Edinburgh Castle tickets - how many would you like? Do you want it combined with a bus ticket, or just the Castle ticket on its own?
      “Um, just the Castle Ticket would be great thanks - and what time would that time slot be?” I ask as I hand him my credit card to process the transaction, expecting that the time available will be at a most inconvenient time later in the day.
      ‘Here you go sir, 2 tickets for entry for 15 minutes ago, but they give you a half hour window so if you rush back up you’ll just make it’.

      Well, we thanked our new Scottish friend very much, rushed back up the hill and gained access with a matter of minutes to spare.
      We caught our breath, picked up our audio guide and worked our way around all of the significant sites on this very impressive (and steep) attraction. Of particular interest was to see that the Stone of Destiny had made its way safely back into the Crown Jewels room under the safe guidance of Luke Maher and his fellow workers :)
      A 3D printed model sits where it was carried from The Great Hall - see yesterday’s pictures of Luke Maher standing beside it in that very spot.

      We left Edinburgh Castle and started our way down ‘The Royal Mile’ after a quick coffee stop before we proceeded any further. I had downloaded an Audio guide for a tour of the ‘Closes’ that branch off this famous street which runs for just over a mile from Edinburgh Castle to Holyrood Palace (which is the King’s official residence when visiting Edinburgh).

      The ‘Closes’ are little alleyways that run off the Main Street and is where much of the interesting history of the city took place. The audio guide was excellent and gave us step by step instructions, information and history for approximately a dozen of these ‘Closes’ as we made our way down the Royal Mile to Holyrood Palace and snapped a couple of quick photos through the gates.

      It was now time to head to our 3rd major point of interest for the day - the Royal Yacht Britannia, which was Queen Elizabeth’s favourite place since she named and launched it in 1953 and for which she shed a tear when it was decommissioned in 1997. The Brittania is now berthed permanently here in Edinburgh and is a major tourist attraction.
      Another bus trip, a very brief lunch stop and we were onboard the Brittania where access was given to almost every part of the ship.
      With the help of the detailed audio guide provided, seeing the Queen’s office, bedroom and relaxation areas was very interesting as well as all the areas that were used by other royal members and the crew.
      It was a special treat to even have afternoon tea onboard and think about the procession of world leaders who had been hosted and entertained in the very same area and other significant events that had taken place onboard.

      Two more bus legs back to our apartment, a quick visit to Aldi for some groceries for dinner and we were able to get back in the door before 7pm tonight…. just.

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    • Giorno 1

      Erste Erkundungsrunde

      23 maggio 2022, Scozia ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Nach einem ganzen Tag Reise mit Flugzeug&Bus und einem leckeren Abendessen, wollten wir uns auf jeden Fall noch die Füße vertreten um wenigstens kleinen Teil der Umgebung kennen zu lernen.
      Glücklicherweise ist es hier auch um 22.00 Uhr Abends noch hell genug für einen Spaziergang. Der kleine Fluss, der am Murrayfield Stadion vorbei führt, bot uns eine schöne Szenerie. Hier können wir uns die kommenden Tage sicherlich wohl fühlen! 😊
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    • Giorno 3

      Der Kanonen Schuss

      9 luglio 2022, Scozia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Sorry, langes Video und am Ende nicht erschrecken

    • Giorno 6

      Murrayfield Stadium

      2 ottobre 2015, Scozia ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Ein echtes Erlebnis! Wir waren bei dem Spiel Edinburgh gegen Ospreys dort.
      Ein Besuch des Murrayfield Stadium lässt sich super mit einem Edinburgh Aufenthalt verbinden.
      Die Stimmung ist super! In der Halbzeit kamen dann die Kinder aufs Spielfeld :)

      Das Stadion ist ab der Princess Street sehr gut erreichbar. Es fährt die Tram (Richtung Flughafen) und Murrayfield Stadium hat eine extra Haltestelle. Die einfache Fahrt kostet 1,50 Pfund.

      Der Eintritt für Schüler lag bei 10 Pfund (ohne entsprechenden Rabatt wären es 25 Pfund gewesen). Es war ein Bier und ein Burger inklusive.
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