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    • Day 262

      London Day 3

      September 13, 2018 in England ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      We leave this morning headed to Paris. Another big day yesterday with our first stop the Natural History Museum then a short walk to Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain for a little rest and then back on the underground to to please a Harry Potter fan by lining up for an hour to take a photo at platform 9 and 3/4! I didn’t get all the fuss but there were adult and children alike standing in line. Then to London Bridge, the Shard and Tower of London. We all loved exploring the Tower of London! We took a Thames river cruise back to London’s South bank near were we are staying and had a lovely tapas meal. My good mate Prue told me 3 years ago on our first trip that traveling is different from holidays! We were all tired and fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow.Read more

    • Day 261

      London Day 2

      September 12, 2018 in England ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      It’s our first time in London so we are checking out all of the iconic places and one or two less so. Today we started at Buckingham Palace and used the London Underground with our first experience of the Tube station and were impressed and with the buses. We got off at St James Park and that was a lovely walk to the palace. Watching the changing of the guard was too “touristy” for my liking and we moved onto Westminster Abbey. We were debating about which was more impressive Notre Dame in Paris or Westminster and I’ll reserve my judgment till we arrive in Paris again soon but I’d say Westminster. Then we did some walking past Churchill War Rooms and headed down Fleet Street had lunch at a pub and then to St Paul’s cathedral- that’s impressive also. Lots of wonderful buildings mixed in with some modern. We headed home on the underground Bank station for the big event watching the Lion King on London’s West End. That was a fantastic show and experience.Read more

    • Day 4

      Imperial War Museum II

      October 29, 2016 in England ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Das Imperial War Museum (englisch für Kriegsmuseum des britischen Reiches) in London ist eines der bedeutendsten Kriegsmuseen weltweit.

      Das Imperial War Museum entstand noch während des Ersten Weltkrieges auf Grund einer Initiative von Privatleuten, zu denen der Industrielle Alfred Moritz Mond, der Schriftsteller Sir William Martin Conway und der Kurator der Waffensammlung im Tower of London, Charles ffoulkes, gehörten. Die britische Regierung sah in dem geplanten Museum vor allem eine Möglichkeit der Propaganda und unterstützte die Arbeit finanziell.

      Im Jahre 1917 sammelte das Museumskomitee mit Hilfe der britischen Botschaften im befreundeten und neutralen Ausland und mit Hilfe von Privatleuten Material. Conway begab sich persönlich nach Frankreich, um Gegenstände, die nicht mehr benötigt wurden, für das Museum zu sichern.

      Im Tower of London gab es keinen Platz, zudem wollte man in den Royal Armouries keine Artefakte der modernen Kriegsführung in die Sammlung aufzunehmen. Das Imperial War Museum hatten den ersten Standort Crystal Palace, dann im Science Museum und schließlich in Lambeth.

      Von Anfang an gingen die Planungen über ein reines Militärmuseum hinaus. Es sollte gezeigt werden, wie der Krieg Menschen aller sozialen Schichten in allen Ländern des Empires betrifft. Die ersten Ausstellungen des Museums thematisierten dann auch die Arbeit des Roten Kreuzes oder Frauenarbeit im Krieg. Zudem beauftragte das Kriegspropagandabüro einige Künstler, direkt an der Front den Kriegsalltag zu dokumentieren. Hierzu gehörten die Maler William Orpen, Paul Nash, Muirhead Bone und Wyndham Lewis. Heute besitzt das Museum über 15.000 Gemälde, Zeichnungen und Skulpturen.
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    • Day 260


      September 11, 2018 in England ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      We departed Singapore 11.30pm Monday night and arrived in London Tuesday morning at 6am 13+ hour flight. Checked in at 8am and we were on our way to beat the jet lag by staying up and active as much as possible. First stop Trafalgar Square then walking down Whitehall to see iconic buildings like the cabinet offices the premises of the PM and the iconic Westminster palace. Westminster Abbey was closed but we’ll check it out tomorrow. Jewel tower is an amazing building a thousand years old. Back to our room to freshen up at 3.30pm and despite my warnings Kaiyen falls asleep... I go out for a walk to explore some funky street food and bars for later this evening past the London Eye on London’s Southbank. Then back out again to have a lovely meal and crash. Tomorrow night we’re looking forward to seeing the Lion King on London’s West End.Read more

    • Day 4

      Tour of London - British Museum

      April 18, 2016 in England ⋅ ⛅ 52 °F

      Slept like a rock. Had to set three alarm clocks to get up. Went down for a fabulous breakfast buffet in the hotel. Then we headed out for the Tower of London to see the crown jewels. Excellent tour guide explained many sites as we headed that way. I tried to nick (steal) one of the Queen's headpieces which I thought would befit my lovely wife but they saw it poking out of my backpack at the last moment. You were almost Queen for the day my dear! (to get a tour of the tower yourself - check out this youtube video - www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5raGfZXCEU)

      Afterwards drove to Buckingham palace to see the changing of the guard. It looked like it was going to rain but held off. Good thing as they cancel it when it rains. Lotta people there compared to when I was there on Sunday. I can imagine that in the summertime it's a total zoo. Took a video of the changing of the guard.

      Headed back towards the hotel where they dropped us off and then I and some friends went via taxi to the British Museum for the afternoon Back at the hotel, we departed again for High Tea at a very posh hotel - the Milestone (bit.ly/1MOZmkI) It will cost you a sixpence or two to stay here for the night. Very engaging General Manager gave us a Tour of the hotel. It's one of the Red Carnation properties , which are high end. Then they bought out the goodies - Little sandwiches, scones, and other little pastry like items-all of which were incredibly delicious and will probably cause a stroke to happen shortly. Somewhere I lost my blood sugar testing kit - think it slipped out of my backpack on the plane, which I'm now kinda glad I lost! What you don't know, can't hurt you, right? Yep, that must be it!

      Back again to the hotel for a respite from that attack on the senses before we head out once again to see a Key ceremony put on by the Beefeaters.

      Of to the Tower again around 7:30pm to see the Key ceremony. Bit chilly - nice nighttime photography opportunities along the Thames of the Tower Bridge and a few other iconic landmarks. Beefeater guy was hugely entertaining chap - toured us around the grounds of the Tower regaling us with various stories until we saw the actual ceremony itself, which itself is done in total silence, except for the clacking of soldiers' shoes on the cobblestones and loudly barked commands. Started off with a soldier striding along the cobblestones, carrying just a lantern. No photos allowed, so you will have to come to London to see for yourself. But I believe the ceremony is booked up through 2017 so you'd better start planning now!
      Finished up around 10:30pm and headed back on the bus to the hotel. Before crashing , we headed to a nearby pub for food and beer. Good beer I might say. :) More pics to follow
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    • Day 3

      1st Day London

      April 17, 2016 in England ⋅ ☀️ 36 °F

      Actually a continuation of Flight Day because I never went to bed till 11pm ! I think I was up for 27 hrs - felt amazingly good for that actually. Entertained by our tour director (Michael Doughty) on the the ride back to the hotel. Love the accent. He will turn out to be a fabulous guide.

      After a brief get together back at the hotel (rooms weren't ready at 10am), I headed out on my own through Hyde Park , stopping briefly at the Speaker's Corner where anybody can stand u and rant and rave about their favorite topic. Quite interesting - they got into some spirited discussions - would have liked to stay longer , but the shopping Mecca of Harrod's awaits, so I am off.

      Lot of people out in the park today - nice way to spend a Sunday. Harrod's is awesome - you could spend a month in here and still miss half the stuff - never had any idea where I was but the food displays were awesome!

      Decided I might walk down to the London Eye and started off that way. Walked and walked and walked and decided that I was crazy. Stopped at a neat little restaurant along the way and had a Mediterranean panini - very tasty. That gave me a bit more energy. Finally decided the Eye was going to be too far and went to Buckingham Palace instead. Looks the same way it looked 40 some odd years ago, when I was last here. After a few pics, took the hike up alongside the east side of Hyde Park back to the hotel.

      Afraid to go asleep, talked some via Facebook video chat with my wife - worked surprisingly well. Of a technical note, my AAA adapter plugs for England didn't work properly in their socket - will have to investigate that further. (as it turns out, I wasn't flipping up the 3rd prong - well , duh...) Didn't really matter in this hotel, as fortunately, plenty of USB sockets in the room and even 1 American plug-in. Also of interest, is that as you enter the room, the key card you use for the outer door, is also used to slip into a key card slot just inside the door. That allows you to turn the lights on - when you leave, you take the key card out and the lights go out - geez, not sure if I've seen this in the States, but maybe my Motel 6's just don't offer that quite yet. LOL

      Went for drinks around 5 - few glasses of the ol' vino ya know - met the rest of the AAA crews from the Midwest and and Florida - moved on to dinner (steak dinner) - then a group of us decided we were going to the London Eye at night. So we hailed a few taxis and headed that way (hell of a lot easier than walking!). One of the Insight directors was kind enough to foot the bill for all of us which was incredibly generous as it's about 30+ Pounds to ride it. Great views of the skyline at night - the Eye moves very slowly - you almost wouldn't know you were moving at all.

      Finally grabbed some more coffee and headed back to the hotel, where it took no time at all to crash.
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    • Day 4

      Imperial War Museum III

      October 29, 2016 in England ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Das Museum beschäftigt sich in erster Linie mit den beiden Weltkriegen. Neben der Ausstellung von Waffen, Fahrzeugen und anderem technischen Gerät im Atrium des Hauses ist eine Etage der Militär- und Kulturgeschichte beider Kriege gewidmet. Gezeigt werden weniger Schriftstücke oder Fotos als vielmehr Uniformen, Alltagsgegenstände und Ähnliches. Einen herausragenden Stellenwert im Museum nimmt der Holocaust ein, über den eine eigene Ausstellung angelegt wurde. Weitere Abschnitte beschäftigen sich mit anderen Kriegen des 20. Jahrhunderts, in die britische Soldaten involviert waren. Darüber hinaus werden regelmäßig Wechselausstellungen erarbeitet.

      Das Imperial War Museum gestaltet seine Ausstellungen aus der Perspektive des britischen Militärs und der britischen Gesellschaft. Dies äußert sich beispielsweise im Ausstellen von erbeutetem Kriegsgerät, der intensiven Beschäftigung mit der Bombardierung Londons durch die deutsche Luftwaffe im Zweiten Weltkrieg oder der westlichen Interpretation des Ost-West-Konflikts.

      Im Herbst 2012 wurde aus Anlass der damals bevorstehenden Gedenktage zum Ersten Weltkrieg ein Umbau für umgerechnet 50 Millionen Euro begonnen. Vor allem gestaltete das Museum die First World War Galleries völlig um , die neuen Ausstellungsräume wurden am 17. Juli 2014 von Prince William eröffnet.

      Außenstellen[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

      Imperial War Museum North
      Das Imperial War Museum hat eine Außenstelle in Manchester namens Imperial War Museum North. Es wurde von dem Architekten Daniel Libeskind entworfen.

      Das Museumsschiff HMS Belfast in London gehört zum Imperial War Museum. Die Cabinet War Rooms und das Churchill Museum gehören ebenso zum Imperial War Museum.

      Flugzeuge zeigt das Imperial War Museum Duxford bei Cambridge.
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    • Day 3

      Garden Museum, London

      May 8, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      5 Lambeth Palace Road, London

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