United Kingdom
Greater London

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    • Day 28

      Stratford Upon Avon to London

      August 23, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      We left Stratford Upon Avon this morning at 8.30am to head for Blenheim Castle at Woodstock. This is where Winston Churchill was born. We were able to get a little buggy to take us to the Castle as it was quite a hike from where the bus parked. Clarke went on the guided tour while I chose to sit at the cafe as there was lots of walking and stairs involved. Clarke said it was very interesting and he enjoyed it.

      We left there and headed for London. Our tour finishes tonight with us going to see the Jersey Boys at Trafalgar Theatre. Looking forward to this.

      Off to Paris tomorrow on the Eurostar.

      Photos of today below.
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    • Day 4

      Borough Market

      October 15, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Even though I had read and prepared for our visit to Borough Market, we were still overwhelmed by the choices. We settled on La Tua Pasta, but only after searching the entirety of the market. I had a spicy tortellini. It was so good. Tina chose a stuffed cheese ravioli with a creamy mushroom sauce. We got some flavored bites of Turkish delight (not the traditional flavors though, I had that in Turkey in 2013 and even brought some home, but we hated it. Who flavors sweets with rose?) We saved that for later at the hotel.
      For a real treat, though, I took Tina to get the famous chocolate strawberries. I'd read about them online and knew Tina would love it. We sat outside on a concrete blockade while Tina ate the strawberries, and I people watched. Definitely will repeat the experience on future trips to London.
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    • Day 1

      WATERLOO ROAD part 1

      April 6, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Wat een dag!
      We zijn gesloopt 😂
      Toen vanmorgen om 04:40 de wekker ging waren we er allemaal meteen uit.
      Trollies in de auto, m’n vader opgepikt (die nam de auto mee) en door naar t AirPort
      We waren woensdag al ingecheckt dus konden meteen door de security.
      Wat een verademing met 020 zeg, binnen 10 min zaten we bij de gate. Top! Daar hou ik van!
      Eenmaal ge-board bleek ons vliegtuig half leeg, das een vreemde gewaarwording joh!
      In een tijd van 40 minuten waren we in Londen. 😳 Wauw!

      Toen begon de reis naar ons hotel.
      Even moesten we op weg geholpen worden bij de metro maar gelukkig wees dat zich zelf snel.
      Nou zijn wij de metro in Rotterdam gewend en dat dat groot, snel en veel is maar in vergelijking tot Londen valt Rotterdam echt in het niets!! Heeeeel veel lijnen die kriskras door elkaar lopen maar ook verschillen in lagen in de grond. We zouden er vandaag nog wel een paar keer mee te maken krijgen.

      Bij Waterloo Station verlieten wij de metro en liepen in 5 min naar het Hampton by Hilton. Onze thuis basis voor de komende nachten. Inchecken was nog niet mogelijk maar nadat we de koffer mochten opbergen konden we nog van een lekker ontbijt genieten.

      Op naar part 2…..
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    • Day 2

      Checking In

      November 5, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F

      Here’s a panoramic look at the hotel’s lobby. This place looks both new and very modern. It’s a far cry from our last visit to London when we stayed at the Radisson Blu in Leicester Square. Its location was fantastic but the hotel itself seemed very small and dated.Read more

    • Day 2

      Hallway Lights

      November 5, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F

      We passed these mirrored walls on the way to our room. They are lit up and seem to have a neon glow. This sort of thing really makes this hotel look very modern and even futuristic. I’m really liking this hotel so far!Read more

    • Day 2

      Our Room

      November 5, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F

      Our room is a lot bigger than we had expected but it’s on the first floor so, unfortunately, we don’t have a view. That’s a bit disappointing but it’s okay. I’m sure we’ll get over it. The bed is already turned down because we’re feeling exhausted and wanted to lie down for a bit. I’ll have to remember to get a good photo of our future hotel rooms as soon as we enter to get that “first impression” photo.Read more

    • Day 3

      London Eye

      July 9, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      1er spot sur Londres, le London Eye pour découvrir Londres du ciel. Au top !!!!
      On a eu peur de ne pas pouvoir utiliser les billets à cause d'un probleme de date... encore....

      En arrivant, pleins coureurs qui font les 10km de Londres sous le son des tambours.Read more

    • Day 2

      En dag full av aktiviteter

      April 13, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Hotellets frukostbuffé var inte av det överdådigare slaget men vi blev mätta och det kunde behövas inför en dag full av olika aktiviteter.

      Först tunnelbanan till Imperial War Museum som omfattar krig från 1900-talet och framåt. Vi var inriktade på en specialutställning om spioneri och vilseledning. Bland annat hade de material från ’Operation Mincemeat’ som jag nu läser om. Roligt att se saker som omnämns i boken. Annars fanns det läppstift med inbyggd liten kamera, grejer med lönnfack och en massa andra finurliga saker.

      De visade också hur de hade vilselett fienden. De Havilland flygplansfabrik hade nästan kamouflerats bort. Attrapper av stridsfordon och flygplan hade konstruerats för att få fienden att tro att Britain hade större styrkor än vad var fallet. Det var bråda tider för maskörer, kostymörer och andra som även i fredstid visade en annan värld än den verkliga

      Nästa anhalt var Cabinet War Rooms, de skyddsrum som byggdes under parlamentet för att kunna säkerställa att landet skulle kunna fortsätta ledas i krigstid. Det ser i princip ut som det gjorde när när det konstaterades att lokalerna inte behövdes längre och alla bara reste sig upp och gick därifrån. Alla funktioner var bemannade dygnet runt och en del hade sovande jour. Mycket intressant!

      Sista sevärdheten var HMS Belfast, en kryssare som var aktiv i WW II men även användes vid andra strider fram till mitten på 60-talet. Imponerande bygge! Ett sådant skepp är ju aldrig mysigt och inbjudande utan bara kalt, kallt och slamrigt. Hemska trappor i massor.

      Mellan alla dessa aktiviteter hann vi med en snabb lunch/mellanmål vid 15-tiden.

      Därifrån var det inte så långt till vårt hotell så vi avslutade med att promenera dit.

      Trötta ryggar och ömma fötter hade nog de flesta och det var inte konstigt när vi hade tillryggalagt ungefär en mil och klättrat 20 våningar.

      Kvällen avslutades på en pub tillsammans med ett par ur ressällskapet. Det blev inget nattsudd utan tidig läggning i dag med.
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    • Day 1

      Rooftop Bar im H10

      September 28, 2024 in England ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Der Espresso Martini nach einem anstrengenden langen Tag, war der beste den wir je getrunken haben. Dazu diese grandiose Aussicht über das nächtliche London. Ein Highlight das uns da das H10 Waterloo beschert hat. Die 40 Euro!!! für zwei Drinks vergessen wir mal...Read more

    • Day 4

      Shakespeare's Globe and the bridge walk

      October 15, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      IYKYK: This isn't the original Globe nor is it quite in the original location of Shakespeare's Globe. However, When using Google Maps to plan a walk from Borough Market to The Globe it usually takes you passed the original site which has a large monument. (It depends on where you exit Borough Market I'm sure) Luckily, our walk did just that.

      Once at the globe, we were only able to see it from the outside but of course, the free experience allows you to visit the gift shop. (So for us that meant it was free because I bought two irreverent books, a book of Shakespearean Insults and One Of Shakespearean Profanities). I'm looking forward to perusing the books with my kids as soon as possible.

      The Globe Theatre you see today in London is the third Globe.

      The first opened in 1599 and was built by the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, the company that William Shakespeare wrote for and part-owned.

      We think the first play Shakespeare wrote for the Original Globe was Julius Caesar in the spring of 1599. Later that year he also wrote As You Like It and made a start on Hamlet. Over the next fourteen years, Shakespeare wrote some of his greatest plays, including Twelfth Night, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, and Antony and Cleopatra. Other playwrights wrote for the Globe during this time too, including Ben Jonson, Thomas Middleton and John Fletcher.

      In 1613, during a performance of Shakespeare’s Henry VIII (co-written with Fletcher), a misfired prop canon caused the thatch roof to catch fire. The entire theatre burnt down within two hours, according to eyewitness reports (miraculously, no one was killed). The company rebuilt the Globe in a year – with a tiled roof. The second Globe operated until it was closed down by parliamentary decree in 1642.

      In 1609 Shakespeare’s company started performing in the indoor Blackfriars playhouse as well as the Globe. It was here that Shakespeare conceived his final great plays, including The Tempest.

      The current Globe Theatre opened in 1997, after many years of campaigning by the founder of the Shakespeare’s Globe Trust, Sam Wanamaker.

      After The Globe, we walked across a modern footbridge, Millennial Bridge, to reach our train stop. The bridge starts at the Tate Modern, a planned stop that we needed to skip because my back needed rest, and leads directly to St. Paul's Cathedral so we took several shots in front!
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