United Kingdom
Musée national d'Écosse

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    • Day 15

      Edinburgh #Day 15

      August 26, 2022 in Scotland ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      E anche questa giornata sta per finire, chiudendo il tour in Scozia.
      Stamattina ultima colazione tipica con pancetta, uova, salsiccia etc etc.
      Poi giro in autobus fino alla baia di Forth dove siamo saliti a bordo di una piccola imbarcazione per ammirare la piccola isola di Inchholm e la sua abbazia. Poi, immersi nei racconti della guida, abbiamo ammirato i 3 ponti storici e meno storici della città (e che ponti!). Il più vecchio è il ponte ferroviario Forth Bridge del 1890 ancora in funzione per i treni; queensfeery crossing, l'ultimo arrivato, in funzione dal 2017, che è andato a sostituire il Forth Road Bridge del 1964, comunque ancora in funzione per pedoni e biciclette.
      Pomeriggio passato prima al museo nazionale (enorme!!!). Nonostante siamo rimasti 2 ore a girare, abbiamo visto pochissimo in maniera approfondita.
      La giornata si è conclusa passeggiando nella città vecchia, tra negozi (taaaanti acquisti) e "diagon alley", fino ad arrivare alla residenza della regina (Holyrood Palace).
      Ora cena e poi un buon ultimo cocktail! O forse due... Tre... Chissà 😝
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    • Day 15

      National Museum Edinburgh

      September 18, 2022 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Nach einem kleinen Mittagessen bin ich in das National Museum in Edinburgh gegangen und habe von allem ein bisschen was angeguckt. 👀
      Das war natürlich sehr viel und ich konnte mir nicht alles merken, aber das muss ich ja auch nicht - ich darf sogar umsonst egal wann wieder hingehen und nochmal alles und auch anderes angucken. ☺️
      Auch die Architektur vom Museum war sehr beeindruckend und es gab viele Mitmach-Stationen, die auch noch sehr süß aussehen. ☺️
      Ich hab ein cooles Video über die koreanische Handwerkskunst von der Perlenstreifen-Kunst auf Dosen geguckt, weswegen ich das letzte Bild auch auf jeden Fall hier hochladen wollte. ☺️ Sehr schick und schön dargestellt. ✨
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    • Day 99

      Edinburgh museum

      July 29, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      After morning clean up and preparing veg for dinner, off I went to catch the bus into the botanical gardens. Unfortunately I asked the driver for the museum stop?? It must've been in my unconscious that I wanted to come here?

      I thought about it as I sat on the bus and thought och well I don't have to get off at that stop ..South Bridge...anyway as I sat, a lovely elderly woman, anxious on my behalf, caught my attention and said "you'll have tar get aff at this stop for the museum, ye'll have tar hurry," then the driver called me out as well...so off the bus I reluctantly got to find my way to the museum..

      It is a stunning underground cave like place and I stopped for a cuppa before further exploration....just taking in the ambiance ... I'm looking forward to exploring the history of Scotland section.

      I came across sections of the museum where James, Macayla and I had spent quite a few hours exploring, playing and having sandwiches...that I did that makes me laugh now, the children didn't complain, but it was easy to tell they wanted chips, pies, sweets from the cafe!!

      That was a few years ago now maybe 2010? The room decorated as in the 1800s, the area where people sit and try to pull their own body weight up, the rally on r racing car the children sat in... Just the size of the place is incredible and I almost couldn't believe that the skeleton of a deer, more than twice the height of an average human, was real. Apparently the skeleton was found on the Isle of Wight in the 1800s!

      It was amazing to see artefacts left of Charles Stuart the young pretender and to take in some of the history behind the "union" of England and Scotland, bought by bribes and gifts of titles and lands to a few people.

      The time was drawing close to the predicted rain so, all too soon, my legs were heading for my digs and a good horizontal stretch before a downpour. Another day tomorrow to be out and about exploring.
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    • Day 92

      Edinburgh National Museum, Scotland

      August 8, 2022 in Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      The Edinburgh National Museum is a free museum in Edinburgh Scotland. It acts as a Natural History Museum, Science Museum and a History Museum. It was pretty massive. We spent most of our time in the History area to get the story first-hand.

      They had a very interesting Geological exhibit about where the Scotland island was millions of years ago. Around the Pangaea timeframe. The said around 440 million years ago Scotland was actually joined to North America and Greenland. It was not yet connected to Britain. Later when Scotland and Britain did join (410 million years ago) it created a distinctive mountain range (now largely eroded) that acts as a natural barrier (now called the Border Hills) between these two regions.

      There was also an exhibit on how the Protestant reformation caused a complicated fracturing and merging of many different churches in Scotland.

      There were a number of other interesting exhibits which you can see in the pictures below. Truth be told we only glanced through the Natural and Science Museum areas despite them being pictured below.
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    • Day 7

      Harry Potter walk about tour

      August 12, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      I have to say this was pretty interesting. Learning more about the story behind the story. JK Rowling started these books in about 1991 and took a long time to get published.

      The first picture was the setting from the Goblet of Fire where Voldemort returns.

      Saw the grave of Thomas Riddell that inspired Tom Riddle, JK Rowling changed his name slightly so she could use the 'I am Lord Voldemort" as an anagram of "Tom Marvolo Riddle".
      Voldemort", roughly translated, means "flight of death" in Latin, French and Catalan, or "steal death" in French.

      You can just see a bit of Edinburgh Castle from the grave yard.

      George Heriot's School is a private primary and secondary day school on Lauriston Place in the Lauriston area of Edinburgh, Scotland, part of the building architecture inspired Hogwarts.

      William McGongall, has the title of being the worst poet in Scotland, ever.
      Next is The University of Edinburgh which you can clearly see why.

      Next the Grass with Victoria Street Edinburgh is a real life Diagon Alley.

      Maggie Dickson is the story behind the character Nearly headless Nick. Maggie Dickson lived from about 1702 to about 1765. She was a fish-wife who came to fame after being convicted of killing her newly born baby. She survived her subsequent execution and was subsequently known as Half-Hangit Maggie.
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    • Day 3

      National museum vervolg

      April 22, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      Wow, wat is het nationale museum gaaf zeg!! Hier kun je wel een paar uur zoet brengen! Die klok was echt bijzonder, maar ook de zaal met allerlei opgezette dieren! Een zaal met allerlei uitvindingen, zalen met tentoonstellingen over verschillende culturen etc. etc. Hier wil ik nog wel eens een keertje heen!Read more

    • Day 7

      National Museum of Scotland

      May 7 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      In a country with human history that goes back to the 600’s. Any museum that attempts to chart this history would be huge, and the museum of Scotland is indeed huge. Oh and beyond charting the history of the people the museum has floors dedicated to: aviation, animals (Dolly the cloned sheep), geology, textiles and innovation. Basically anything in Scotland! We tried to focus on the human development and sociology but after 3 floors of that and 3 more to go, our brains were tired. We wrapped up our day looking at race cars, and an incredible mechanical clock. Luckily it’s free so a second trip is possible.Read more

    • Day 3

      Altri animali nel museo 😍

      August 14, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Ed ecco la seconda parte 😂 in realtà ce n'erano molti di più ma è seriamente impossibile pubblicarle tutte, ma ho amato alla follia 😍 stavano anche varie scene in riproduzione come la caccia e, sì, anche l'accoppiamento 😂Read more

    • Day 3

      Museo nazionale scozzese

      August 14, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Dopo il giro al bar ci siamo dirette al museo che è stato meglio di quello che mi aspettavo (specialmente dopo il trauma dell'altro)
      Come ci si può immaginare non potrò pubblicare le foto di ogni singolo punto, ma ho inserito alcuni punti particolari come l'orologio a pendolo che ha diversi dettagli ovunque lo si guardi. Qui c'era anche la pecora Dolly, il primo clone ufficiale!Read more

    • Day 22

      Edinburgh Adventures!

      May 18, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Suzie - Today, being our last day in Edinburgh, we went on a trip around this fair city 😄😄

      We started off at the National Portrait Gallery, then on the City Explorer Hop On, Hop Off, then lunch at Deacon Brodie's Cafe, then back onto the bus and then to the National Museum. Then we got back on the bus to Calton Hill and then walked to dinner and then back to our cosy apartment 😀

      What a lovely day!!

      Nik - A very much needed sleep in and lazy morning. I am truely exhausted.

      The Portrait Gallery which showcased many of Scotland's Historic people of influence was interesting. Later in the day we visited the National Museum. I could have spent longer...but it was late and we were asked to leave.

      Lastly a walk up Calton Hill. An easy walk but it has some nice views of the river and over the city.

      A nice ending to our visit to Edinburgh.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Musée national d'Écosse, Musee national d'Ecosse

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