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    • Dag 11

      To Pitlochry

      16 maj, Skottland ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      We departed Fort William after a visit to the supermarket and a couple of caches, on the road to Pitlochry for the night.

      Our first stop was Spean Bridge, and the Commando Memorial. It was a popular stop for the tour buses, and had the obligatory busking bagpiper setting the mood.

      Next stop was Cille Choirill, a 15th-century Roman Catholic church situated in Roy Bridge, a picturesque setting on the side of a hill overlooking Glen Spean.

      We stopped for lunch at the local pub and were the only patrons in the bar.

      We arrived in Pitlochry around 3pm, checked into our hotel and walked down the hill into town to visit the dam and fish ladder.

      The fish ladder is a series of 34 pools over 310 metres which allow the salmon to travel upstream during breeding season, bypassing the dam.

      Dinner was at a local cafe, before the walk back to our hotel.
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    • Dag 19


      22 september 2022, Skottland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Und als letzter, abendlicher Stop, waren wir dann noch in Pitlochry. Dieser Ort arbeitet viel mit Wasserenergie, was aber weniger moderne Gründe hat, als das so in den 1940er überhaupt das erstmal Elektrizität hierher gekommen ist!
      Wir haben den malerischen Sonnenuntergang genossen und sind dann die letzten 2 Stunden nach Edinburgh wieder zurückgefahren. 🚙🌅

      Hier gab es noch essen und dann haben wir uns schnell auf den Weg ins Bett gemacht! 😴
      Ich hoffe, dieser Nachtrag hat euch auch gefallen! ☺️🥳♥️ Bis später! ☺️
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    • Dag 13

      Pitlochry #Day13

      24 augusti 2022, Skottland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Partenza da Inverness questa mattina in direzione Pitlochry, un piccolo villaggio di età vittoriana nel mezzo della Scozia. Ultima tappa prima di Edimburgo, scelta per omaggiare il compleanno del Lord Christian (che al momento è un po’fuori uso).
      Dopo un’imprevista camminata in direzione del villaggio di Moulin e delle rovine del Black Castle, ci siamo ritrovati in una foresta MOLTO fangosa fino alla cascata di Black Spout.
      Abbiamo quindi proseguito fino alla diga di Pitlochry, dove è presente anche un canale secondario in salita (Salmon Ladder) per consentire ai salmoni di risalire la corrente. Ovviamente anche qui tutto di età vittoriana, se no non piace ai locals…
      Da qui in poi giornata tutta in discesa con visita e degustazione di ben cinque Whisky, di cui uno di 27 anni, (più un cocktail) alla distilleria Blair Athol. E ora meritata cena accompagnata da una esotica bottiglia di vino spagnola 🥃🍷 Slàinte! 🥂
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    • Dag 27

      Pitlochry Highland Night

      27 maj, Skottland ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Eine tolle Folklore Veranstaltung, zu einem sehr günstigen Preis (7£). Die Pipeband ist der Gewinner der diesjährigen Championchips für Großbritanniens Pipes & Drums Contest.
      Die Sängerin ist in den späten 1970gern beim Eurovision Song Contest für Schottland angetreten. Die Tänzerinnen waren sogar beim Edinburgh Tattoo dabei, jedenfalls die Älteren. Leider musste die Veranstaltung in die Town Hall verlegt werden und konnte nicht unter freiem Himmel stattfinden. Das Wetter war dafür zu unbeständig.Läs mer

    • Dag 21


      26 augusti 2023, Skottland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Pitlochry is a town in the Perth and Kinross council area of Scotland, lying on the River Tummel. It is historically in the county of Perthshire.

      It is largely a Victorian town, which developed into a tourist resort after Queen Victoria and Prince Albert visited the area in 1842 and bought a highland estate at Balmoral, and the arrival of the railway in 1863. It remains a popular tourist resort today and is particularly known for its Pitlochry Festival Theatre, salmon ladder and as a centre for hillwalking, surrounded by mountains such as Ben Vrackie and Schiehallion. It is popular as a base for coach holidays. The town has retained many stone Victorian buildings, and the high street has an unusual period cast iron canopy over one side.Läs mer

    • Dag 7

      Ankunft in Pitlochry

      19 september 2023, Skottland ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Im Nieselregen haben wir diese letzte Etappe vom Rob Roy Way hinter uns gelassen. Entlang am River Tay ging es in Richtung Grandtully. Dort haben wir Kaffee und Kuchen gekostet. Für die Highland Schocolatier neben an blieb keine Zeit mehr. Der 400m Anstieg war auf dem schlammigen Weg zum Teil anstrengend. Wenn man ausrutscht, liegt man eben in dem Gras, dass das Schaf zuvor gegessen hat. In Pitlochry endet dieser Wanderung. Morgen erkunden wir das Örtchen. Übermorgen geht es mit dem Zug nach Glasgow.Läs mer

    • Dag 82

      Picturesque Pitlochry

      28 augusti 2023, Skottland ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      We enjoyed another delightful breakfast with Great Uncle-D, then tried to help him with troubleshooting an issue with his solar voltaic energy system. We weren't able to fix anything, but we did help verify a couple of items to look into.

      In short order we rearranged our luggage, leaving the motorcycle gear behind, and freeing up space for the items we need in the Faroes.

      For our route to Pitlochry, we decided to avoid the busier narrow coastal roads, and take the middle road just passed Kilmartin. The road was single track with multiple passing areas, luckily we only needed to stop for a few oncoming vehicles. The drive north was quite relaxing with stunning views of Loch Awe and surroundings hills. Large sections had been logged, but lots of pockets of old Oak groves dotted the way. You know it's a wet area when thick moss is growing on the Oak, which has ferns growing from the moss too...

      Eventually we reached the A85 just east of Tynuilt. Heading further east, passing along the northern end of Loch Awe, we came upon a gorgeous old church. St Conan's Kirk was only built in the 1880s and expanded in the early 1900s. The exterior architecture appeared more Medieval, and apparently it's interior is quite eclectic in a multitude of styles.'s…

      Continuing on, we eventually passed through the town of Kenmore at the top end of Loch Tay. The sun was magnificent, so we stopped for a walk across the single track multi-arch stone bridge. Another quick stop just up the road in Aberfeldy to get a few grocery items. The town was very orderly, and the buildings were either rough or blocked stone. We also passed the Dewar's Distillery as we left the town.

      Finally arriving in Pitlochry we settled into our hostel room. It was quite unique and colourful, literally. This is our first hostel stay this trip. We were motivated by the amazingly high prices for last minute bookings in this tourist area. We benefited from the use of the kitchen area too 😋

      Needing to stretch the legs after a long day of driving, we went for a walk to explore town, stumbling upon a marching bagpipe band! Turns out they have a Highland Night every Monday during the summer. We paid our admission for the 1.5hr show, hoping to win a bottle of scotch with our lucky number in the Program. A hotdog snack tied us over until a later dinner. The bagpipe marching band won third place in the World Championships this year! What a treat! We were entertained with a variety of dances, folk songs, and of course bagpipe music. We weren't the lucky winners of the bottle, but enjoyed supporting their club.

      Luckily we found an Indian restaurant that was still serving, for our later than expected dinner. It was scrumptious!
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    • Dag 43

      Day 2 Pitlochry.

      15 maj 2023, Skottland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Our last day of holiday in Scotland.
      Spent the day looking around the town and some shopping. I bought myself a wee Harris Tweed cap.
      Pitlochry has a village feel although very busy. Most of the buildings are stone giving it loads of character.
      Again a lovely sunny day so we had lunch out side the old mill.
      Back at the hotel we had a look through the museum in the basement which had all the history of the hotel.
      Spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing. We have enjoyed a great time in Scotland. I will be sad to leave.
      Early departure tomorrow morning 6am.
      Drive to Edinburgh airport, return the hire car and catch 11am flight to Athens.
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    • Dag 42

      Day 1 Pitlochry. Atholl Palace Hotel.

      14 maj 2023, Skottland ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Set off from Invergarry Hotel at 10.30am.
      Drove through the Gairngorms National Park to Laggan and on down to Dalwhinnie and on to Atholl Blair where stopped and had lunch and shopping at The House of Bruar.
      Arrived at Pitlochry at 3.45pm.
      Atholl Palace Hotel is such an amazing building surrounded by beautiful gardens high above the town.
      Very grandly appointed, tastefully decorated and extremely comfortable.
      An excellent choice for our last two nights in beautiful Scotland.
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    • Dag 12

      Tag 12

      11 april 2023, Skottland ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

      Wir wachen auf mit fantastischen Ausblick auf die Klippen der Ostküste. Während wir aufstehen, hören wir Meeresrauschen - ein perfekter Start in den Tag!

      Tobi fiebert unserem nächsten Halt schon lange entgegen, denn es ist die Glenmorangie Destillerie. Leider können wir derzeit nur den Visitor Shop mit angrenzendem Tasting Room besichtigen, doch das hält uns nicht davon ab den Besuch zu genießen.

      Ein weiteres Wunsch von Tobi ist der Besuch einer Kilt Näherei. Wie gut, dass dies in Inverness möglich ist. So erreichen wir das Ziel unserer Tour auf der North Coast 500 nur mit ein klein wenig Wehmut und viel Vorfreude auf ein weiteres Erlebnis.
      Das Scottish Kiltmaker Visitor Center entpuppt sich als echter Geheimtipp. Es ist unauffällig im ersten Stock eines Geschäfts untergebracht. Im Einführungsvideo sehen wir zunächst lustige schottische Popsongs, die den Kilt anpreisen. Anschließend werden uns die Schritte der Handwerkskunst demonstriert. Wir können viele verschiedene Tartans bewundern und historische Outfits an Modellen bewundern.

      Auf dem Hügel über der Stadt thront Inverness Castle. Die
      Innenstadt selbst wird von vielen Kirchen dominiert, die sich ansprechend in die Häuserfassaden einfügen. Während wir durch die Fußgängerzone schlendern, zerrt Tobi Nina in jeden Tweedladen. Schließlich muss auch er zugeben, dass langsam alles gleich aussieht. Als wir an einem Pizzaladen vorbeikommen, freuen wir uns sehr über die kulinarische Abwechslung nach den vielen Fischgerichten der letzten Tage. Die Vielfalt der Speisekarte überfordert uns zunächst, doch das bestellte Essen erweist sich als lecker.

      Eine Enttäuschung ist dagegen unsere nächste Station. Der berühmte See Loch Ness „ist für schottische Verhältnisse doch eher eintönig“, um es in den Worten unseres Reiseführers auszudrücken. Auch die Geheimnisse Nessies bleiben uns verborgen, da das Visitor Center zu Zeit renoviert wird.

      Mit vielen Eindrücken machen wir uns auf den Weg zu unserem letzten Halt in Schottland, die Hauptstadt Edinburgh. Auf halber Strecke suchen wir uns einen Campingplatz unweit des Cairngorms National Parks.
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    Du kanske också känner till platsen med följande namn:

    Pitlochry, Baile Chloichridh, Питлохри

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