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River Foss

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    • Tag 16


      18. Mai 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Yorkshire, here we come! Today we drove through the Midlands and into Yorkshire and the historic city of York.

      York has been here since before being invaded by the Romans and then by the Vikings, so has a rich history.

      We looked for the Grand Old Duke of York and his 10000 men, but they were nowhere to be found. But we did find York Minster, the Roman city walls, historic buildings and some ancient medieval pubs.

      The Shambles, which is a 14th century market, was fun to visit and we walked around the Roman city walls and along the River Ouse.

      We also checked out some very old 16th century pubs - the Golden Fleece and the Ye Olde Starre Inne, which has been continuously licensed since 1644.

    • Tag 4


      Gestern in England ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Petit coup de coeur pour York. Cette ville fait plus industrielle que la précédente. Il y a des briques rouges de partout et ça donne un charme fou à cette ville. Il est possible de faire une balade paisible le long des quais ou bien flâner dans des rues plus ou moins étroites.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 35

      May 26 York

      26. Mai in England ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      We had a relaxed start to the day and drove to the local shopping centre where we had lunch at the Marks & Spencer cafe and did a bit of shopping. We decided not to go back into York and after catching up on some computer work we wandered down the road to the Toby Carvery which it turned out you could walk to after all. The carvery was everything you would expect of a good English carvery and we enjoyed it.
      After that it was a wander back to the camp for an early night in anticipation of an earlyish start tomorrow. Our second to last night in the motorhome.

    • Tag 18

      York walk about

      23. August 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      York is a walled city in northeast England that was founded by the ancient Romans. Its huge 13th-century Gothic cathedral, York Minster, has medieval stained glass and 2 functioning bell towers. The City Walls form a walkway on both sides of the River Ouse. The Monk Bar gate houses an exhibition tracing the life of 15th-century Plantagenet King Richard III.

      The Shambles is a historic street in York, England, featuring preserved medieval buildings, some dating back as far as the 14th century. The street is narrow, with many timber-framed buildings with jettied floors that overhang the street by several feet.

      Snickelways are alleys, ginnels, snickets and lanes, many of them ancient, that run between York’s streets. First coined by author Mark W. Jones in 1983, snickelways are often hidden and require some effort to discover. Jones’s specific definition of a snickelway is:

      “…a narrow place to walk along, leading from somewhere to somewhere else, usually in a town or city, especially in the city of York.”

    • Tag 5

      Diagon Alley

      30. Juli 2023 in England ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

      Von unserm Zwischen-Stop aus geht es heute nach York. Neben der fast 2.000-jährigen Geschichte von den Römern, den Angelsachsen und den Wikingern gibt es natürlich auch einen weiteren Grund hier Halt zu machen. Die Shambles, eine ehemalige Fleischergasse, soll neben anderen kleinen Gassen in London und Edinburgh als Inspiration und Vorbild für die Winkelgasse gedient haben. Auf jeden Fall konnten wir uns es nach unsrem Besuch gut vorstellen. Einige Geschäfte zeugen auch von der magischen Vorstellungskraft und bieten alles feil, was der Fan begehrt.
      Bevor wir uns zu den Shambles gemacht haben, waren wir noch in der alt ehrwürdigen Kathedrale mit ihrer Geschichte bis in die Römerzeit.

    • Tag 11

      York Day 2

      20. Juni 2023 in England ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      It is raining today, but that didn't stop us. Everyone put on their raincoat and stepped out into the 🌧.

      First stop was the JORVIK Viking centre which is a museum that taught us about the Viking history of York around the 10th century. In addition to a collection of artefacts from archaeological digs in the area, it included a ride down a recreated Viking street that showed us what life was like in a Viking village. The mannequins they used were very life-like, in a freaky kind of way.

      Next, Annabelle and Dani went off to visit the Harry Potter shop in the Shambles, while Tom and Simon played a round of putt putt golf at the "Hole in Wand" golf centre.

    • Tag 16

      The Day of Rest

      11. September 2022 in England ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Waking up this morning took some time. We did not rush it. In fact, today we did not rush anything.

      Having an extra day in York that wasn't on the original itinerary was absolutely liberating. There was no pressure to "do Yorkminster," or "do Jorvik" or "do the Shambles." We could just live.

      Moving from a hotel to our Walmgate AirBnB felt like really moving up in the world. The slick white lines and wide open spaces of the AirBnB with its view of a duck-patrolled canal were nothing like the mouldy peach storage box of the Pavilion Hotel. In fact, once we had undergone the tribulations of getting keys and navigating the car park, we realised that we had hit the jackpot with this AirBnB. It is so central, so large, so well appointed in a way that Vauxhall was not.

      We went for morning coffee and anything-but-a-Bap in the old part of town. Then came back home for a shower and a nap. We were unconscious for quite some time.

      When the evening came, we rushed to Waitrose for some achingly perfect comestibles, then we walked back down into the old part of town for some tapas and beer. I had an Estrella which I learned from the waitress is pronounced "estreya" and that sounds exactly to me like "austraya." Dinner was arancini balls, pomegranate salad, and squid. We toasted to Betty Edser on the anniversary of her death (this is the new meaning of 9/11 for us now) and strolled home.

      Tonight we watched the first episode of Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power because our AirBnB has all the streaming services available to guests. It was hard to watch because our building is directly facing the student accommodation's windows and I felt like Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window, hurty leg and all. (That makes Stuart Grace Kelly, not Barbara Bel Geddes) When a shirtless guy closed his blinds I was determined to pay attention to the TV, and I'm glad I did because Lord of the Rings is the best looking TV fantasy I've ever seen. And I already loved Morfydd Clark after seeing "Love and Friendship," "The Personal History of David Copperfield" and "Saint Joan," but I'll be damned if she didn't equal Cate Blanchett for superb narration and unmatched pronunciation of the Tolkienian language.

      I caught up on some writing while I supped on Fentiman's Rose Lemonade and some white chocolate morsels I bought at Hotel Chocolat in Nottingham. Life is peaceful. And York is being very nice to me indeed.

    • Tag 30


      29. Mai 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      Dena arrived from Portland. We met her at Paddington, zipped over to King’s Cross and caught a 2 hour train to York. On arriving, we were surprised that the boarding passengers gave us almost no chance to get off the train with our luggage. I literally had to rudely push through people who were giving us no chance to move. A big surprise for the normally respectful Brits. as we exited the station, we saw throngs of dressed up people. Once we got into a taxi, we asked the driver about these people. He said it was people who had come to York for the horse races - apparently a big drunken dress-up party. Explains the deboarding issues.

      York is lovely. Our flat is just off one of the rivers and a short walk to the old town which is all narrow winding, mostly pedestrian streets filled with all sorts of shops. Also just a 15 minute walk to York Minster, the huge cathedral. Despite that cathedral, there are many other old, but smaller churches in the city. We have a tapas restaurant literally across the street, a couple of coffee shops within 5 minutes, groceries also close by. Really good location. The flat itself is in an old building, has pretty wonky, settled floors and is for the most part charming. The only glitch is that the hot water is funky. Sometimes it is hot. If it is not, there is a button in the kitchen that you have to press and wait 30 minutes for hot water - annoying, but not a deal breaker, I guess.

      Our first full day we went to a Cold War era bunker for the Royal Observation Corps. Only one remaining in the UK Not a place to shelter, but a place for volunteers to monitor the course of a nuclear war. Note to Audrey: the main computer of this bunker is named AUDREY. We also took a tourist boat trip on the larger of the 2 rivers running through York. We also walked the old town and had a lovely lunch at a riverside restaurant. All touristy, but fun.

      We also went to the Jorvik Viking center. A bit of a museum, but also a bit of touristy kitsch. Vikings settled the area for several hundred years. There have been numerous excavations by archeologists and one happens to be under a shopping mall that was built a number of years ago. So they put this museum at the bottom of the mall and you can see under the glass floor some of the old ruins. Jorvik, pronounced yor-vik, hence eventually York. 

    • Tag 31

      Last Full Day in York

      27. Mai 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Suzie - Well, all good things must come to an end, but you can bet I will be back to my beloved York when I can.

      Today, we went to the York Castle Museum, had lunch at The Golden Fleece pub (did you know that there are 125 pubs in York?!), went for a boat cruise along the River Ouse, had ice cream in the park and we have now collapsed with sheer exhaustion in our room. I'm so tired! This sun is so bright and hot and I don't know how English people can be out in it! But they are, in their droves!!!!

      Tomorrow it's London for the afternoon and night, catch the 10.05am flight from Gatwick to Dubai the next day, spend 14.5 hours in Dubai before coming back to Brisbane.

      We have dug really deep on this trip and I'm so proud of Nik and I,- we said we could and we almost have finished this epic journey that's taken us through history, to Eurovision, more history, fun, learning and teaching. Travel is character building and while I'm sad I have to leave the land of my ancestors , I know I will be back - perhaps one day to stay.

      I'm looking forward to seeing my family and friends, my own bed and starting the savings journey again for the next trip!!

    • Tag 20

      York ...

      1. September 2019 in England ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Heute früh entschieden wir direkt nach York zu fahren. In der Stadt gibt es einen Campingplatz. Für Nichtmitglieder im Campingclub kostet dieser um die 40 £. Also für 2 Nächte um die 100 Euro . Es wäre es uns wert gewesen.
      Als wir gegen 12:00 den Platz anfuhren wurden wir gefragt ob wir gebucht hätten. Wir verneinten. Es wurde geschaut, Daumen hoch. Dann zeigte ich unsere ADAC Karte .... und es gab Prozente. Wir Sparten 12 £ pro Nacht 😃😃
      Wir gingen nach York hinein, stoppten als erstes am York Tower. Es geht nicht ohne alte Steine 😂😂. Natürlich aus dem 11. Jahrhundert. Um York drum herum verläuft die alte Staftmauer, auf der wir später auch noch ein Stück liefen.
      Dann war Stopp. Es gibt gerade eine Art Sommertheater mit Stücken von Shakespeare .
      Davor war ein Foodmarket aufgebaut. Die Sonne schien (jähhh) und so holten wir uns gegüllte Yorkshirepuddings und ein Bier.
      So gestärkt ging es hinein in die Stadt. Weit kamen wir wieder nicht...der nächste halt war der Shambles Market. Da tranken wir einen Kaffee. Hier bekommt man alles mögliche zu kaufen.
      Dann blieben wir im wahrsten Sinne in der „Harry Potter Gasse“ hängen. Man fühlte sich wie im Film. Fachkundige Beratung der Zauberstäbe incl.
      Ein Spaziergang zum Münster. Dieses gucken wir uns morgen an.
      Ein leckeres dunkles Maltale aus dem Eichenfass beendete den Tag in York.
      Somit haben wir jetzt unsere letzte Woche Urlaub eingeläutet.

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