United Kingdom
Round Pond

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    • Day 3

      Day 3 Kensington Palace Hyde Pk The Mews

      June 2 in England ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Seen princess Dianna Menorial, & childtens playground
      Itslian gardens, Peter Pan monument
      Squirrel in a tree can u spot it
      Lots of flowers & lots of what we call weeds
      Kensington Palace was amazing & the gardens people everywhere beautiful day outRead more

    • Day 12

      You know when you are in London......

      May 29, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      You know when you're in London when you see...........( photos)........

      Hey Arfer, you seen anything of Graeme?

      I haven't Terrance, I haven't! Thought he might have called at the Safari club for a pint of Ruddles and to off-load some expired Immigration permits he had from 1986.

      Reason asking Arfer is that Delboy said Graeme wanted to rent the Reliant Robin.

      I hope Delboy charged him a pretty quid Terrance. He never can trust those Colonials to deliver it back in one piece.
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    • Day 13

      It's been a hard days night........

      May 30, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      ....and I've been sightseeing like a dog...........

      My first full day in London and I had to make a stop at Abbey Road Studios. While tours of the studio were not running, I did the famous walk across that crossing and visited the gift store.

      After checking out Abbey Road, I went to the Natural History museum. Whoever would have thought that such a museum of old bones, rocks, and skeletons would hold so much interest. I had to queue for 2 hrs to get in the door, and then it was a " bun fight" to get around inside. Altogether I spent 3 hrs there and could go back for more. I saw the oldest and largest complete skeleton of a dinosaur ever discovered, and that only occurred in 2014 in Argentina. It has only recently gone on display. It's called a Titanosaur. It's massive, and you wouldn't want that running through the Redwood bush in Tawa... NZ got a mention as to some very old rocks, etc, and I saw some of the worlds biggest uncut diamonds and jewels. The museum was just amazing. I was fascinated that Britain has so many mineral deposits that they are trying to mine for electric car batteries.

      Speaking of cars, I passed by the Lamborghini sales office, and they also sold Maseratis as a side line. Very nice!

      Those excertions filled my day, I forgot about crowds in London, the time on the underground and busses and those queues!
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    • Day 14

      He works on the Thames Barrier!

      May 31, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Hello John, got a new motor? Hello John, got a new motor?
      He works on the Thames Barrier. He works on the Thames Barrier.
      Is there life in Peckham? Is there life in Peckham?
      ..........with apologies to Alexi Sayle ( 1980's muso) but that song of his fascinated me in the 1980's about the Thames Barrier and I never went to see it, so I finally made the pilgrimage. Yes, I know what you're thinking (has this lad got nothing better to do?) but it was worth the visit as the Barrier is one of the great modern wonders of the world. London flooded in the 1950's causing a lot of deaths and since the barrier has been in place, it has been activated 3 times, saving serious flooding. London is very low lying, and it's hard to imagine it flooding, but it has.
      While in Nth Greenwich, I took the opportunity to go on the Thames Gondola, that too was amazing.

      The area where the Gondola is, used to be a waste land in the 1980's and now there are endless luxury apartments and an international London airport which was created by a NZer who convinced the Brits there was room for an airport closer to London. I can remember the day he flew his prop plane onto the makeshift runway to prove his point.

      I took the opportunity to do a London river cruise back(while having G&T) from Greenwich, which is a fitting way to return from that part of London.

      Today has been a day for British engineering feats as I also visited the old Battersea Power station that has been restored into a hotel, shops and apartments along with a lift in one of the old chimney stacks. The power station in its time was the largest coal powered station in Europe, powering 20% of London. The station was decommissioned in 1983, and I can remember when they were contemplating knocking it down. However, a Malaysian group bought it and spent galzillions of dollars upgrading it, and what a great job. I had heard of the lift in the chimney, and that alone was an experience not to be missed, better by far than the London Eye (and no queues).
      The shopping centre represented the top end, so purchasing anything from the shops was slightly out of my league.

      Later in the day, I just had to stroll up Oxford Street in the maddening crowd. That was hard work.

      I do love the British sense of humour and it came out in the "graffiti " photo I took.

      After dinner, I walked around Kenningston Gardens and walked down a street housing a large number of embassies.

      The end of day walk was a perfect wind down to yet another exciting day in London.
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    • Day 3

      Our First Morning

      April 29, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Nik - We're both early risers and it's no different here on the other side of the globe. After 4am call home we ventured out for an early morning walk and explore all rugged up. Google told us it was 8° and yes it was cold...but not as bad as I thought.

      With no real plan to speak of we just wondered through Bayswater and Notting Hill Gate. We found an old church, coronation flags flying and even signs of fellow Eurovision tragics. Then a lovely breakfast at a place called Dr Power.
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    • Day 3

      Kensington park and Palace

      May 11 in England ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Enjoyed a beautiful walk through this huge park. Enjoyed seeing cheeky squirrels and flowers. Went very near Kensington Palace didn't see Kate and Wills though. Lots of walking today!
      Pictures of memorial garden with statue of Diana with her boys.Read more

    • Day 12

      Kensington Palace Fashion Exhibit!! 🏰

      July 9, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

      So today we went to Kensington Palace, where 4 royals lived, including Princess Diana! We expected it to be more like Leeds Castle (traditional palace/castle) when we went inside, but they had an exhibit going on that showed the fashion of the Royal court throughout the years compared to the fashion of the Red Carpet. It was a little random, but super cool to see the things people actually wore back in the day as well as seeing the dresses and suits that celebrities like Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Billie Eilish, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Billy Porter, the Kardashians, and Beyoncé!! We also got to see the Crown Jewels of Queen Victoria, who was born in Kensington Palace, and they were BEAUTIFUL!!!! 😱😍 we got to walk through some of the apartments in the palace, specifically Victoria’s rooms, and learned a lot about her life! Overall, it was a great and super unique experience! And the best part is, we both matched the interior of most of the palace so we fit right in hahaha!! 😅Read more

    • Day 3

      Hyde Park, Museen & Theater🌳🎭

      February 29 in England ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Conclusion of events of February 29th:
      - morning run through Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park 🌳🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️
      - breakfast at Pret a Manger ☕️⭐️
      - British Museum (best part: museums shop)
      - National History Museum (cool dinosaurs)
      - Pizza 🍕
      - Theater: The Play That Goes Wrong (very funny, would recommend) !! 🕺🏼
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    • Day 2

      Kensington Palace

      May 30, 2018 in England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Von Albert Memorial aus nehmen wir einen Weg am Rand des Kensington Gardens entlang in Richtung Kensington Palace, denn der ist unser nächstes Ziel. Wir können schließlich nicht in London gewesen sein und keine Wohnstätte der Royals gesehen haben.

      Auch der Kensington Palace Ist Teil des London Passes, so dass die 26£ Eintritt pro Person nur eine gefühlte Schnappatmung auslösen. Eintrittstechnisch ist London echt sehr teuer und wir sind mittlerweile froh, uns für den London Pass entschieden zu haben. Natürlich suchen wir auch gezielt Sehenswürdigkeiten aus, die wir jetzt nicht mehr bezahlen müssen, aber insgesamt gibt es so viel zu sehen und zu entdecken, dass das kein Nachteil ist.

      Der Kensington Palace ist seit 1689 eine königliche Residenz. Derzeit leben hier William und Kate. Der Palast besteht aus einem öffentlichen und einem privaten Teil. Im öffentlichen Teil kann man 300 Jahre königliche Geschichte Revue passieren lassen. Los geht es im King's State Appartement aus dem 18. Jahrhundert. Hier sind verschiedene Räume des Hofes von König George II. und Queen Caroline zu sehen. Weiter geht es dann im Queen's State Apartment mit den Stuart's aus den 1690er Jahren. Dies ist der älteste Teil des Palastes. Die Räumlichkeiten würden einst für Queen Mary II. und ihren Gemahl König William III. Geschaffen.

      Vom ältesten Teil geht es in die neueste Ausstellung. Diana - her fashion Story zeigt eine Kollektion von Diana Outfits Inden Räumen ihres früheren Zuhauses. Die Entwicklung ihres Kleidungsstiles und der Geschichte, wie sie diese Aufmerksamkeit zu nutzen wusste, ist Inhalt der Ausstellung.

      Der letzte Teil der Ausstellung ist mit 'Victoria revealed' betitelt und beschäftigt sich mit dem Leben der Königin Victoria im 19. Jahrhundert.

      Insgesamt eine sehr interessante und gelungene Ausstellung über verschiedene Jahrhunderte hinweg.
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    • Day 30

      Notting Hill

      July 31, 2018 in England ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Decided to walk to Notting Hill today, tried to look like Julia Roberts but couldn’t find Hugh Grant so had to give that up!!! Ha ha. Walked the length of Portobello Road, looking very drab and every stall holder was either Indian or Middle East. I was a little disappointed but it has been done now. Very busy today. Went across to Hyde Park again, today very busy, probably because the weather is a little better. I spent some time organising to do research when I get back here and rang a couple of relatives, so all good. Catch the train to Ely in Cambridgeshire at 10 tomorrow morning. Looking forward to being up there again.Read more

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