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Le 10 migliori mete di viaggio Shropshire
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    • Giorno 17

      Narrowboat time!

      2 settembre 2017, Galles ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Off to Bettisfield today to pick up our Narrowboat, about a two hour drive from where we spent the night near Bristol. We stopped in Whitchurch to visit a little market in the Main Street, bought some cheese, pepperoni and sour dough and a couple of pork pies! What more could you ask for! There was a narrow boat show on not far from town and we called in to have a look at them. Some pretty cute ones!

      They were waiting for us with the boat already when we got to Bettisfield. And after a few instructions and demos we were off! Beautiful day for us to set off, the sun is shining and it's quite hot! Took us a while to get the hang of steering this thing, because it so long it doesn't take much to put it off course! But after cruising down to Ellemere we were doing pretty well. Lots of bridges on the canals too and they are only just wide enough for the Narrowboat so that's pretty interesting trying to line them up!

      We stayed the night in Ellesmere, walked down the canal and had a lovely chat to a young guy who was entertaining his daughter catching a few fish in the canal! Think she was more interested in collecting rocks and showing them to me really but she did like to hold the little fish he caught and chuck them back in. She was only about three and giving me heartaches dancing around the edge of the canal! Dad didn't seem the least bit phased though!

      The next morning and it's a different story, the skies look very threatening and we had a few hours to do today so we made an early start before it actually started to rain. Luckily we'd packed raincoats and beanie and scarves, what a contrast to yesterday, it is freezing today and a constant drizzle. We stopped about ten for a cuppa and to wait for the worst of the rain to pass.

      Once we set off again it just drizzled the whole way to Chirk, we had a bit of fun getting through the locks. I was the one working the locks and was supposed to be listening yesterday when Nick explained it to me, umm don't think it really sunk in. Oh well luckily when we came to the first one there was a few people in front of us and I got to see how it all worked. Seemed like there was plenty of people to help so I wasn't too worried but they all disappeared when it was my turn and left me all alone. Luckily I'm a fast learner or it was pretty simple and I managed to get it sorted.

      There are two locks very close to each other and at the next one I had to help these two ladies who had no clue what they were doing! Ha ha reminds me of work, watch one, do one, teach one! Then some old dude asked me if I was the lock keeper, Yep, fake it till you make it! we made it to Chirk and after tying up we walked uptown to look for a beanie for Graham (he left his at home somehow), but we forgot it's Sunday so nothing was open except a gorgeous tea shop where we had tea and the the most delicious chocolate cake, almost better than I would cook myself.
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    • Giorno 97

      Chirk Castle Gardens

      6 agosto 2018, Galles ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      The gardens were neglected during World War II. They were revived almost single-handedly by Lady Margaret Myddelton, who moved in with her husband after the war.

      There is a beauty around every corner of the garden!Leggi altro

    • Giorno 20

      LEJOG day 20

      26 aprile 2023, Inghilterra ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      17.9 miles 377.9miles. Penkridge

      Last morning at Tenbury with Ged and George and last lift from Ollie for a while. The dogs were trying to be invisible so they could rest. Thank you all very much. Another bright morning and off on lanes so good progress to Codsall for Greggs tea and bacon butty. Fantastic! Then onwards on flat farmland to the Staffordshire and Worcestershire canal to Penkridge where we were met by Gill.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 2

      London to Chipping Campden, May 31

      31 maggio 2018, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      So the flight crew just woke us up for breakfast. Early, way too early, but a new day and we saw bright sunshine outside the plane's window. I believe the absolute worst part of international travel is international travel. Hate not being able to stretch out, relax, and get a good night's sleep. Arlene is groggy and so am I. We now sit on a train for a couple of hours so perhaps a snooze or two will help overcome the jet lag.

      We touched down at 0804, about 40 minutes late due to a late water to flush the toilets, so it was a very good delay. More later, and yes, the toilets worked great!

      Had some difficulty getting the train tickets, but after asking several helpful folks, we got the tickets and were on our way. Had to change twice, but made it.

      At Morton-in-Marsh, we fumbled around trying to get a taxi. Last taxi we called told us that she was at the train station and we should walk around the station to find her. We did and she told us the sights to see and some places to eat while we traveled to Chipping Campden.

      At the B&B, we checked in early and got some good advice on where to eat. Eight Bells on Church Street gets my vote. We'll eat there tomorrow evening as we like what's on their menu. Also there is a mini "Olympics " tomorrow night, a local festival with fireworks and all of that so we plan to enjoy it. There is a candle light parade at 10 PM that goes by our B&B so we will have a ring side seat from our bedroom window!

      Saw the old market place where they auctioned sheep years ago, and Saint James Church which is the official start of The Cotswold Way. Town is geogous to view with so many yellow sandstone colored buildings. This is a jewel!

      We enjoyed dinner at Huxley's. Had an antipasti plate followed by tomato and herb soup, and topped it off with sharing a wonderful sticky toffee pudding. Better than what I remember from two years ago. It is absolutely the best dessert ever! All should try it. When we walked the Westmoreland Way two years ago, we could hardly wait for dinner to enjoy it. At one of our stops, Arlene was given two recipes that we have tried and it is yummy.

      Time to close this day and catch up on some missed sleep. Tomorrow, more of Chipping Campden and more pics.
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    • Giorno 60

      Last day in Ludlow

      7 giugno 2018, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Our main aim today was to have lunch at the Green Cafe down on the river under Ludlow Castle. This we achieved in some style with a delightful meal. The day came over a bit cool in the afternoon after a sunny morning. Spent the afternoon organising ourselves for the next part of our trip. Pat leaves us tomorrow for London and we are moving on to Shrewsbury for 2 nights them a farm stay in the Lakes District for 4 nights. Bought some fish for tea so a nice home cooked meal and an early night are in order.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 55


      2 giugno 2018, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      On our first morning we found it difficult to get out of our very comfortable beds. Eventually we got up and made ourselves some lovely breakfast. The markets are in in town on Saturday so we walked up and got some supplies for the next day or so. Very buzzy in town with lots of people out shopping and sightseeing. The town centre has a great feeling about it with the old buildings leaning over the footpaths.
      Kept the day pretty quiet to build up some energy for the next 6 days. Cooked up a local chicken roast for tea which we all enjoyed.
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    • Giorno 57

      Ludlow Day 3

      4 giugno 2018, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Today we got the car out again and went to explore the Shropshire country side. First stop was Bridgnorth where we walked the town centre, looked through the old Town Hall and rode the funicular railway. The railway connects the upper and lower parts of the town and is the steepest rail in Britain.
      Next we drove over to Ironbridge which has the first iron bridge built in the world. It is currently undergoing restoration and covered in a big plastic sheet. However they have provided a viewing platform to see the restoration works which gave a great insight into the construction of the bridge.
      After a late lunch in Ironbridge we moved on to Much Wenlock then home via Church Stretton.
      A good day out all round.
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    • Giorno 56

      Ludlow Day 2

      3 giugno 2018, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Started today with a nice feed of Shropshire bacon and eggs all round.
      Walked up into town to the antiques market being held in the main square. Had a look around the cathedral in the centre of town. Stopped at the Green Cafe down by the river, it looked good so vowed to come back for a bite to eat.
      Took the scenic route back along the other side of the Teme River and stopped off at the Charlton Arms for a beer.
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    • Giorno 58

      Ludlow Day 4

      5 giugno 2018, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      We started today by going into town to have a look at Ludlow Castle. On the way we called in to Dinham House which is next to the castle walls. This 18th century house is being used as a shopfront for slow combustion heaters, but has been set up like a museum so people can wander anywhere within the house. We had a good look around even into the basements.
      The Castle was well worth a look. Even though it is a ruin, there is enough left to give a good feeling of how it would have been when in use. The views from the towers over Ludlow and the countryside were impressive. We followed up with a visit to the Green Cafe on the edge of the Teme where a lemon scone with lemon curd and clotted cream was enjoyed. Yum!! We vowed to come back for lunch later in the week.
      Later in the afternoon we went for a short drive to see the towns and countryside to the west of Ludlow. First stop was Bishop's Castle which is another nice market town. We then drove on to Clun where we walked up the hill to the remains of Clun Castle. Not much left of the castle but great views over the town and cows in the fields around.
      On the way home we found a nice pub (Hundred House) where we stopped for a good dinner.
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    • Giorno 54

      Ludlow here we come

      1 giugno 2018, Inghilterra ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today is our drive to Ludlow where we have a cottage booked for a week. We are looking forward to spending some time in one place and having a relaxing time. Sue drove us to the car rental yard close by. This was the first time we had hired from Enterprise Car Rental, and we were pleasantly surprised by the service and pick up process. They gave us a Nissan Qashqai (with satnav) which was better than the car I was expecting. We drove back to the house to pick up Pat and the bags then took off to Ludlow. The drive was about 5 hours mainky because the M25 was like a carpark for much of the first part of the drive. Once we got onto the more minor roads all went well.
      Vineyard cottage in Ludlow is more than we ever expected. It is down a little lane on the edge of town and is beautifully presented. We would like to stay here for the rest of our time in the UK.
      After unpacking we walked into town to get some food for brekky tomorrow then to the Wheatsheaf Inn next door for a lovely English dinner. The Inn was full of locals with broad country accents which added to the charm.
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    Shropshire, SHR, OSP

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