St Mary's Church

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    • Jour 54


      27 octobre 2022, Angleterre ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      York ist soooo voll......
      In einer schmalen Gasse, Winkelgasse, die wieder was mit diesem blöden Harald Potter zu tun hat, stehen die Leute ca 50 m Schlange, um in kleine Läden mit Zauberstäben usw rein zu kommen.........
      York Minster ist sooo gewaltig, keine Chance es vernünftig auf ein Bild zu bannen...
      ERGÄNZUNG: Es geht nicht nur um den Potter, in einem Laden mit Schlangestehen geht es um kleine traditionelle handgefertigte Yorker Geisterfiguren
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    • Jour 11


      2 août 2023, Angleterre ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      It is hard to put today into words ...

      It started lying in bed at 7:30am listening to the torrential rain and wondering if we should just stay home. Maybe we should have. If we hadn't prepaid the tickets to Jorvik we would have bailed for sure.

      But Ian didn't want to disappoint me, and I was just hoping it would be worth the effort. We had about an hour's drive to a Park and Ride just outside of York (which turned out to be 1.5 hours due to roadworks). Then the 20 minute bus trip turned out to be 30 minutes and we were wedged in like sardines. A ten minute walk in the pouring rain and we made it in time for our 12:20 booking but had to wait 15 minutes in the rain before we could enter. We were so wet! At least my £34 jacket earned its keep. Ian's turned out to be not as waterproof as he thought and he had a wet shirt for the rest of the day.

      When we finally got inside, it was so cramped and noisy I started to feel overwhelmed and had to fight the urge to escape. It seemed like a giant queue ... to what? Then I realised we were being ushered onto a carriage, like a very slow roller-coaster carriage. I actually had no idea it was that kind of attraction! It was extremely well done. The centre was built on the original excavation site. The wax figures are very lifelike, but there was one guy who was actually real pretending to be fake. 🤣

      Then we headed back into the pouring rain to try and find somewhere dry to sit. We felt like Mary & Joseph trying to find an inn - everyone was full up! We did find a Starbucks which was passable.

      We popped into an antiques store and then to York Minster. What an AMAZING edifice! And that organ - wow! I would have loved to hear the choir or organ rehearse, but we were out of luck.

      The bus trip back to the Park and Ride was another nightmare trip. I got a seat, but Ian had to stand down the back of the bus. Why is traffic so slow in the rain? It took forever.

      So, York: was it worth it? Ask me another day. I think it is a very interesting city, but today it was too crowded and too wet for us to enjoy it. I had a slight stress headache all day. You just can't predict the weather. At least we got there and back safely. Hopefully we don't wake in the morning with a cold.
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    • Jour 88

      War of the roses

      30 novembre 2023, Angleterre ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

      We said goodbye to the University of Nottingham this morning and scrapped off the ice on Bartholomew || and headed towards York.

      Along we way we encountered our very first snow! There was patches of it dusted around some of the towns we passed by, on the roofs of houses and in gutters where the sun hadn't hit yet. There was even a 5 minute period of the drive where it was falling and hitting the windshield, that was very exciting!

      York was a very pretty 'little' city with some very fun streets and markets. My favourite being Shambles, a 14th-century timber-framed structures overhung this landmark road, once home to many butcher shops, but now houses quirky food and nick-nack shops.

      After freezing out fingers off eating some (delicious) loaded fries we explored a bit more before heading into a hot chocolate store to warm up the soul and help Bec get feeling back into 2 of her fingers.

      Heading back to the car we detoured to see a castle and snack on a chip butty.

      We made our way to our accommodation where we relaxed and went to watch The Nun 2, when we realised we hadn't watched the first Nun movie.

      Step count: 12.9k
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    • Jour 22

      Das georgianische Fairfax House

      1 juillet 2023, Angleterre ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      Wir besuchten auch noch ein Museum in York: Das Fairfax House.
      Wikipedia schreibt dazu:
      "Vermutlich ließ es ein örtlicher Kaufmann Anfang der 1740er-Jahre errichten und 1759 kaufte es Charles Gregory Fairfax, 9. Viscount Fairfax of Emley, der den Architekten John Carr mit dem Umbau des Inneren beauftragte. Nach dem Tod des Viscounts 1772 wurde das Haus verkauft, ging anschließend durch die Hände etlicher ortsansässiger Familien und beherbergte dann nacheinander einen Club, eine Baugesellschaft und ein Kino. In den 1980er-Jahren erwarb der York Civic Trust das Anwesen und ließ es in altem Glanz restaurieren. Fairfax House ist heute ein öffentlich zugängliches Museum und English Heritage hat es als historisches Gebäude I. Grades gelistet.
      Viscount Fairfax starb 1772 und sein Titel erlosch. Die nachfolgenden Besitzer des Hauses waren z. B. Sir Walter Vavasour, 6. Baronet of Haslewood, (1780), William Danby (1787), Peregrin Wentworth (1792), Sir John Lister-Kaye, 1. Baronet Lister-Kaye of Grange, (1820) und Mrs Ann Mary Pemberton (1840–1865). Irgendwann später wurde das in St George’s Hall umbenannte Fairfax House nicht mehr benötigt und verfiel. Ende des 19. und Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts diente ein Teil des Anwesens als Tanzsaal. 1921 wurde St George's Cinema neben dem Fairfax House eröffnet und schloss erst 1970 wieder seine Tore. Von 1982 bis 1984 ließ der York Civic Trust das Gebäude renovieren und den nicht mehr benötigten Eingang zum Kino in einen Haupteingang zu Fairfax House umbauen."

      Ein Zweig der Familie Fairfax wanderte in die USA und begründete den Fairfax County, der vor den Toren von Washington DC liegt.
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    • Jour 5

      Diagon Alley

      30 juillet 2023, Angleterre ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Von unserm Zwischen-Stop aus geht es heute nach York. Neben der fast 2.000-jährigen Geschichte von den Römern, den Angelsachsen und den Wikingern gibt es natürlich auch einen weiteren Grund hier Halt zu machen. Die Shambles, eine ehemalige Fleischergasse, soll neben anderen kleinen Gassen in London und Edinburgh als Inspiration und Vorbild für die Winkelgasse gedient haben. Auf jeden Fall konnten wir uns es nach unsrem Besuch gut vorstellen. Einige Geschäfte zeugen auch von der magischen Vorstellungskraft und bieten alles feil, was der Fan begehrt.
      Bevor wir uns zu den Shambles gemacht haben, waren wir noch in der alt ehrwürdigen Kathedrale mit ihrer Geschichte bis in die Römerzeit.
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    • Jour 5

      On to York

      19 avril 2016, Angleterre ⋅ ☀️ 52 °F

      Up early to have luggage ready by 7:30pm. Love packing - NOT! Downstairs again for the BIG breakfast - enormous variety - sure beats the heck out of your avg continental breakfast.

      Heading towards York and we'll see what the day brings.

      I do have to say that the Tour Director is one really great tour director. Gracious, kind person with fabulous story telling abilities and a wonderful Irish accent. He's been doing this a long time now and is semi-retired, working from May to October and taking the rest of the year off. Had a chance sit down and have a scone and some tea with him and a fellow Tour Director for CIE who was in Stratford on Avon at the same time. They have known each other for 40 years and the gentleman from CIE mentored him in getting started in the business. You could tell they both loved the job. When I see this, I think that is what I should have done many years ago, but not sure I could ever duplicate his amazing personality. Insight Vacations picked a winner here for sure. Conrad who had toured us through much of London was also an outstanding guide. Touring is worth it when you have people with such a wealth of knowledge.

      Picked up a lot of good info on the way up to Stratford on Avon - passed through rolling farm lands covered with bright yellow flowers where the farmers are growing rapeseed and canola. Had no idea this is what it looked like. Michael gave us lots of history lessons - he does know his British history.

      Stopped in Stratford on Avon for a tour of Shakespeare's birthplace. Professional operation going on here - needed more time - once you've toured the home, you can even listen to them perform plays outside. We were watching Romeo and Juliet for a short bit before leaving. Learned a lot of expressions that came from back in the 15 and 16 hundreds that we hear often today and don't realize their origins.

      Strolled the town briefly, had my tea and scones and we were back on the bus heading towards York. On a normal Insight tour, more time would be allotted for many of these activities but in our shortened time period, they are trying to show us as much as possible.
      Glad I'm using Trip Advisor's timeline, as it is recording my entire trip including my pictures, mileages between points and time spent at each place. Nice way to have an automatic diary.

      I digress - on to York. Arriving here at the Hilton, we are treated to a glass of champagne courtesy of Insight and some very tasty chocolates (something that York is known for). As Michael our guide would say in his Irish accent - just a little "flourish" courtesy of Insight to give you a bit more energy for the rest of your day. We toss our stuff in our room and are off for a walk of the town. Beautiful town, could easily spend a day or two here. Incredible church - York Minster here. They were closing in 15 minutes so didn't get a chance to explore the inside of the church - didn't want to pay 10 pounds for 15 minutes. Still after having read Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett (highly, highly recommended), I would have loved to spend more time here. (a link to his book -

      Did some more strolling through the town - listened to some musicians who were pretty good, stopped in a chocolate and bakery shop - wonderful shop - Betty's of York. (

      Back to the hotel with 10 minutes to spare and we are off through the countryside about 10 miles to the south of York to Ye Old Sun Inn, where we were treated to multiple drinks, squash soup, roast beef with Yorkshire pudding (doesn't resemble pudding!) and an extremely rich platter of 3 different desserts. Not sure I'd want to be a tour director - would weigh about 500 lbs.

      Back to the Hotel by 10 - pounding on my journal now.
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    • Jour 5

      Jorvick Viking Experience

      26 mai 2019, Angleterre ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      We enjoyed the town again as we walked through from the minster to the Jorvick Viking experience... surprising enough their were three different Viking characters named Rodney!!! Ok, just kidding, but the staff was great in period pieces. It was Avery neat exhibit with Tay finally getting her ride and getting to see part of the excavated city under a plexiglass floor. We also saw a ton of Viking paraphernalia including swords, jewelry, skeletons (with a breakdown of what their bones said about them) and even some petrified human poop! KK wast entirely convinced that it was human as she was pretty sure it would split a person in half, but the scientists were pretty sure! We came out after the tour to some beautiful sunshine and a cool breeze. From there Denise was itching for something to chew on as we started a trek to Keswick in the Lake District. She was determined we wouldn’t do the “skip lunch as we’ll get to the next place shortly” routine I had pulled after Windsor. We stopped at a Tesco Express, a NCR customer I might add, and got some sandwiches, chips and soda for the road. Fifteen minutes later, we were off, Keswick here we come!En savoir plus

    • Jour 5

      More pIcs of Stratford on Avon and York

      19 avril 2016, Angleterre ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F

      A maximum of 10 photos per footprint allowed, so I created a new post to add some more photos of our trip up to york.

    • Jour 18

      JORVIK Viking Centre

      23 août 2023, Angleterre ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      The Jorvik Viking Centre is a museum and visitor attraction in York, England, containing lifelike mannequins and life-size dioramas depicting Viking life in the city. Visitors are taken through the dioramas in small carriages equipped with speakers. It was created by the York Archaeological Trust and opened in 1984.En savoir plus

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    St Mary's Church


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