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    • Tag 2

      Das erste Camp

      30. Juni 2018 in England ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Kurz vor der schottischen Grenze, nach weiteren 8h Autofahrt, haben unsere müden Seelen die Kräfte verlassen, die Augen fielen beim Fahren zu und keiner hatte mehr Energie. Die Landschaft, durch die wir fuhren wurde immer karger aber auch immer schöner. Statt der großen 3spurigen Autobahn, kamen wir immer weiter hinein in die Ödnis, bewaldete Hügel taten sich vor uns auf, überall standen Schafe auf schier unendlichem Grün und wir wussten, unser Ziel ist schon ganz nah. Ein kurzer Blick ins Faltnavi verriet uns den perfekten Ort, an dem wir unser erstes Lager aufschlagen wollten. Ein kleiner namenloser See irgendwo im Nirgendwo. Wir fuhren von der Hauptstraße ab und schlängelten uns auf einer äußerst schlanken Straße entlang, unser etwas zu breites Auto bzw die Fahrerin hatten gut zu tun nicht links von der Straße abzukommen, wenn sich hinter einem gewundenem Berg plötzlich ein einsames Auto zeigte.
      Am Ziel angekommen wurden wir mit einem traumhaften Ausblick belohnt, die Sonne begann gerade unterzugehen und wir hüpften noch schnell in den etwas eigenartig riechenden See, um uns den Schweiß von der Haut zu waschen. Was für ein tolles Gefühl!!!
      Dann wurden schnell und fachmännisch die Zelte aufgebaut, damit wir endlich unseren wohlverdienten Schlaf bekommen.

    • Tag 15


      17. Mai 2018 in England ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Los gehts. Wir haben es natürlich nicht nach Glasgow geschafft, da wir uns noch die Überreste des Hadrianswalls angeschaut haben. Einer über 100km Langen von Hand aufgestapelten Steinmauer, die die Germanen von den Römern fernhalten sollte. Sehr imposant.

      Aber dafür sind wir in einer phänomenalen Raststätte, dem pheasant Inn, gelandet.
      Wir sind dennoch motiviert den Anschluss zu finden.
      Do schlecht stehen wir gar nicht da.

    • Tag 11

      Too Good to Leave

      4. November 2021 in England ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Upon leaving the car park, the first task was to visit Kielder Waterpark so I could purchase a parking ticket for my overnight stay. I needed coins or 4G to pay last night and I had neither so I was relieved when the Ranger had allowed me to buy my ticket today.

      Kielder Waterpark is just over 3 miles from where I was parked and the drive there was stunning. It was so stunning that by the time I was purchasing the ticket I had decided to stay until tomorrow.

      The first photo here was actually the last of the day, but it makes for a good main photo. Part of the afternoon was spent doing woodland photography (this is Kielder Forest after all) and taking some scenic shots which often look great when I take them, but somehow lose their charm when I process them. I'll wait and see.

      It's now 6.30pm and outside it's totally dark so in a while I'll look to see if my photography is over for the day. I hope the skies clear not only because I'm in one of the best dark sky areas in England, but because the KP index earlier was 8.33 - I had a brief data connection at the Waterpark. The index goes from 1 to 10 and indicates the strength of the solar wind that causes the Northern Lights. That's really high so there may well be a chance the Lights might appear tonight.

      It was fingers and toes definitely crossed but that didn't help I'm afraid. For most of the evening there was the odd area of open sky visible but later it clouded over completely.

    • Tag 35

      LEJOG Day 35

      11. Mai 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      16.4 miles 640.3m Byrness
      A longer commute for long suffering Simon and Lesley. What a splendid stay we’ve had with them. Thanks a million.
      Off back into the forest after the initial walk to Falstone that we should have completed yesterday but the pub got the better of us. Better paths and tracks took us quickly to a collection of houses where a chap said there was nowhere for a cup of tea😟. Onwards and upwards again through moorland and forest and back down along the Pennine Way to the picnic site with lovely British White cows. We saw an adder on route- a surprise for us all. Met a couple also walking LEJOG but started in Chepstow🤔. Last few pleasant miles along the river to Forest View Lodge with a very friendly welcome. Tea and cider! Lovely evening. We dodged most of the rain and lightning forecast. Feet and legs feeling tired today - but Scotland tomorrow😊Weiterlesen

    • Tag 10

      Kielder Water Car Park

      3. November 2021 in England ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Given the weather forecast for the two weeks I'm away, I'm surprised I even got the opportunity to photograph nighttime landscapes. I had no idea what the forecast was for tonight, but just fancied taking the detour to the Kielder Forest area, simply to see what it was like.

      I'm heading toward the Northumberland coast and to get to Kielder involves a left turn at the right moment, then a drive of about 20 miles to get to the large reservoir where you are allowed to stay overnight for a small charge. This includes access to toilets but there's nothing else available.

      The final part of the journey was a frustrating drive, not because of bad roads or anything, but because there was the most amazing sunset. Yes, it was the best I've seen in ages but there were no safe places to stop that also provided anything useful for a photo. When I arrived at Kielder Water the display was almost over but I snapped it on my phone, which is the main photo of this footprint. But it's nothing compared to what came before.

      You can see the car park here is quite large, especially as I'm the only person here. Photo 3 is the view from the van as it was getting dark and you can see the clouds lurking ominously. A short time afterwards though, I was amazed to see the clouds part leaving a wonderful display of stars, one which was even better than I'd seen in Goathland ... by far.

      In no time I'd set up the camera and was photographing the Milky Way to the north - a view I don't often take because it's not usually all that visible compared to the view to the south. Here though, it was exceptional. Wow!

      At about 8.30 the clouds began to appear again and that wonderful sky started to fade away. A park Ranger arrived a little later to check I had paid for my overnight stay, then I was once again the only person here.

      The clouds stayed put but I was pleased I'd been able to see a clear sky while I was here. It was a very pleasant surprise in fact.

    • Tag 11

      Morning View

      4. November 2021 in England ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      One of the advantages, or disadvantages depending on your viewpoint, is you don't always know where you will stay for the night when travelling in a campervan.

      So here I am, in Kielder Water car park having not set the alarm so at 9.30am this was the view as I peered out of the window. A solitary small van with two people preparing their bikes for the day with nothing else and no-one around except the colours of autumn lit by golden sunshine. Later, after I'd had breakfast, I grabbed the second photo before sorting things to leave.

      You may think me lazy waking at 9.30, but this place just kept giving and at midnight I was once again setting up the tripod under a magnificently clear sky. I was playing for a couple of hours then, towards the end as I photographed towards the northern sky, the camera started to 'see' the merest hints of pink and green, though to my eyes the sky was black. Was that my imagination, or was I getting the most subtle effects of an Aurora? Who knows, but there was definitely colour in the later captures that were not present in those taken earlier. Spooky or what?

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