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Taunton Deane District

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Top 10 Matkakohdetta Taunton Deane District
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    • Päivä 6

      Elworthy, England

      12. toukokuuta 2019, Englanti ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Und noch eine AONB - Area of outstanding natural Beauty
      Wir haben eine kleine Scheune als Unterkunft in Elworthy, nahe dem Exmoor National Park. Auf dem weg dorthin stoppen wir in Lyme Regis, eine wunderschöne Küstenstadt (ich kaufe den ersten regionalen GIN nach reichlich Verköstigung)
      Wir wollen im exmoor NP wandern und uns noch mehr Cottages und Castles angucken. Zu erwähnen ist hier auch das kleine Dorf Selworthy (geiler Kuchen) und die kleine Mittelalterstadt Minehead.
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    • Päivä 76

      Taunton Housesit

      16. heinäkuuta 2018, Englanti ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

      We moved to Taunton to care for two 5 year old cats named Darcy and Lizzie (brother and sister). They are very affectionate. We are staying in a new townhouse; the owner just moved into 2 weeks ago. We are looking forward to exploring a new area!Lue lisää

    • Päivä 2

      Everything: It's What's for Breakfast

      29. toukokuuta 2019, Englanti ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      I might actually be dying.

      The food was amazing, but there was so much of it. I ate until I was in physical pain and still only ate about half of it. I've learned that I do not enjoy black pudding. I tried, I really did. The taste wasn't even unpleasant, it tasted a bit like Thanksgiving. But the texture put me off and then there's the mental factor of knowing what exactly you are eating and I just couldn't get past it. I gave it a go, but I think my relationship with black pudding may be at its end.

      Another new experience for me was thick British bacon. Not thick because it is British bacon. Thick compared to OTHER British bacon. All the food we have eaten here has been locally sourced, which means that if you want your bacon cut thicker, you just ask your butcher to cut your bacon thicker. The shopkeeper did just that and I learned something new about bacon. There is actually a bacon spectrum. At one end is streaky bacon, what we think of as Americans when we hear the word "bacon." At the other end is back Bacon, what they understand to mean bacon in the UK. For your reference, it's on the left side of my plate in the picture. If you blow right past back bacon and THEN decide to slow down, you'll end up somewhere juuuuust outside of pork chop territory. That's this bacon. It fights back.

      I also already got lost. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I should have turned left. I did, in fact, NOT do that and as a result nearly ended up behind the bar. Which, although not an inherently bad place to find yourself, is not where respectable young women (I'm talking about me) are located before 9 AM. Hopefully this is a one and done situation.
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    • Päivä 29

      Barrington Court

      29. elokuuta 2018, Englanti ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      The trouble with staying in rural Dorset is that you are in rural Dorset.

      The Fox was a good price in a picturesque rural setting with absolutely shitty roads in and out.

      The road rules are:
      Tractors win, you move for them, they just keep going,
      All Audis are driven by women with a death wish and focussed vision
      Any blind corner will have a white van in the middle of the road
      Semi drivers are knights of the road and very patient with obvious tourists

      It was miles and miles of 0.5 lane hedged lanes, tractors, cars, JOGGERS and of course white vans.

      Having asked for best way out of Ansty and the way to Yeovil,the barman's reply was "I don't really really know north Dorset. "
      We were travelling about 12km form where he lives!!!!

      Eventually got to Barrington Court itself which of course was up a 4 mile lane.

      Amazing place. (Getting sick of that description yet?)

      Built as a great Tudor House built in thr 15502 with a stable block built in 1675. As these it was in very poor state by 1775 and went down from there as a tenanted farm.

      Chickens in the Great Hall, cider barrels stored in the main room and hay in master bedroom, rain and owls on the top floor.

      The newly formed National Trust were asked if the wanted it and they said yes in 1907.

      Then they got the builders report and the roof repair was more that their total assets.

      Enter Colonel Lyle.

      In 1917 he offerd to lease it for 99 years, pay 400 pound a year rent and undertake all repairs.
      It appears we was a multimillion site and spent the equivalent of 5 million pounds on the project.
      His problem was he collected architectural salvage particularly wood panelling and had ton as of the stuff in storage. A few present persons come to mind.
      First he built a house to live in, then he converted stables, then he renovated the Tudor house.
      Then he moved in with all his wall panelling.

      Glad he took it on.

      In 1991 his grandson called it a day and handed it all back to the Trust.
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    • Päivä 10

      LEJOG DAY10

      16. huhtikuuta 2023, Englanti ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      19.5m to Bridgwater. An overcast day but good walking. Muddy paths and roads but good going. Almost got stuck at some dykes on Somerset Levels but slithered down and across. We’re getting used to Sunday am Greggs- Taunton this time. Very nice too!
      Met by the ever faithful Majji bus and Colin in a wee village for hotxbuns- still on these! Stopped at Bridgwater, some cider and chips. Drove to the coast for the evening and parking up spot. Lovely. Finn delighted with the millions of pebbles.
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    • Päivä 3

      You Are Now Leaving Destination 1

      30. toukokuuta 2019, Englanti ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Here is what was supposed to happen this morning:

      6:00 AM - Wake up and have a cup of tea
      6:30 AM - Pack up our bags and load the car
      7:30 AM - Explore St. Mary's
      8:30 AM - Breakfast
      9:00 AM - Checkout and explore Ilminster
      10:00 AM - Tea with Will's Granddad and Nan
      11:00 AM - Leave Ilminster and drive past the house where Will's family used to stay when visiting
      12:30 PM - Arrive in Lyme Regis
      1:00 PM - Meet Will's Grandma for tea

      Can you picture it happening? Neither can I. I don't know what we were thinking. Here's what actually happened:

      8:20 AM - Woke up. We were already off to a really good start. We traded our pajama pants for actual pants and did literally nothing else before going down to breakfast.
      8:35 AM - Arrived at breakfast.You may be thinking, "How did it take 15 minutes to change your pants?" And that's an excellent question to which I do not have an answer.
      9:00 AM - Got dressed in actual clothes and went to explore St. Mary's
      9:30 AM - Packed up and loaded car
      10:00 AM - Checked out and did not explore Ilminster
      10:15 AM - Arrived at Will's Granddad's and Nan's for tea
      11:30 AM - Left Ilminster
      11:45 AM - Attempted to drive past the house where Will's family used to stay when visiting
      1:00 PM - Arrived in Lyme Regis

      Only half an hour behind schedule, which isn't too bad. However, we didn't make it into Ilminster which means that we still have not picked up cash. Thankfully, pretty much everywhere we've been we've been able to use contactless pay, if not our cards. We're moving a little better today than we were yesterday, probably because we dialed it back on breakfast this morning. A full English is not meant for daily consumption I've realized.

      St. Mary's was a nice detour. The church was pretty, but it undergoing renovations so we were unable to go in. What is interesting is that they still seem to be using the graveyard, which makes sense for such a small town, but is not something you commonly see.

      Tea was very nice. We met their friend/neighbor Steve. The first thing he said when we introduced ourselves was "Oh I've met William, don't you remember?" After teasing him a bit for forgetting him, Steve finally explained that he had met William when he was approximately four. If you ask my family, they will explain to you that I am fully capable of recalling memories from that age. I am very impressive when it comes to strength and detail of memory. However, most of the common people cannot recall that far back, so I don't understand why grownups (that is, anyone older than my current age because my current age will never be considered grown up) like to play this game of "Don't you remember me?? I passed your mom once on the street while you were in utero. I can't believe you don't remember!" In any case, we met (or remet) Steve and sat down to have tea.

      The weather was very nice again today, so we were able to have tea outside. Will's Nan brought out several HUGE slices of cake to have with our tea. It turns out my understanding of "teacake" is incorrect. Will and I both nearly finished our slices, but couldn't quite get there after breakfast. We had a nice time chatting, I did not hit my head on a hanging planter (this time) and we took some ipad pictures, which are always excellent. It's unfortunate that we had to leave, since it would have been nice to stay and visit longer.

      On our way out of town, Will wanted to stop by the house they used to visit in, just so that I could see it. He knew that it was in Broadway, he just couldn't remember exactly where. So we turned down a windy hedge maze road into Broadway. And he knew things looked familiar, so he knew we were in the right spot. Several times, he would say a landmark and say "I remember that house!" or "I remember that tree!" only to then realize that it was not the house or the tree he thought he remembered. After several minutes of turning down many different streets and doubling back on ourselves many times, we decided that we were not likely to find the house and decided to drive on to Lyme Regis. As we were turning out of Broadway, we passed a sign for the neighboring town, Horton, at which point will realized "Ohhhh we used to stay in HORTON, not Broadway!" We may never know whether that's true, as we didn't have time for another side trip. We'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say that it was.

      Once we had the Horton/Broadway (mostly) sorted out, we continued our windy hedge maze journey to the sea!
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    • Päivä 1

      The George Inn

      28. toukokuuta 2019, Englanti ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Cups of tea: 0
      Pints: 1
      Beds: 1.5
      Number of times getting into the wrong side of the car: 2

      The George is amazing, once you get inside. (Side note: EVERYTHING here is named George. The Foreman family would fit right in). As I was saying, The George is an incredible mixture of a pub in the front and an inn in the back.The pub is warm and welcoming, and the walls are decorated with sassy quotes about alcoholism. My kind of place. Through the back and up a set of very steep, very narrow steps are four bedrooms, just large enough to hold a VERY large bed, two bedside tables, and a desk offering an electric kettle and tea fixins. Apparently this is a common thing here. There is a string hanging from the ceiling above the bed, and another in the bathroom. The string is how you turn on the lights. Again, apparently a normal thing. I'm not sure whether the building has always been a B&B or if it was converted from a house. It has the kind of feeling that wouldn't leave me surprised either way. It actually reminds me a lot of my uncle's house in the upper peninsula of Michigan. From the upstairs window, you can see down into the grounds of St. Mary's Church which has been around since the 15th century. The bathroom window looks into the garden of the adjacent house. We peaked out the window when we arrived and saw two elderly women drinking tea in their pajamas (it was approximately 5 PM, mind you). I can only hope to be on their level someday. I wouldn't mind staying here for the length of the trip.

      As you may have noticed, I placed a caveat on the glory of The George. You must first figure out how to get inside. This took us an embarrassingly long time to figure out, though to our credit, we had at that point been traveling for a lot of hours. I couldn't tell you how many, exactly, but I know it was a lot of them. We parked in the small lot behind the inn, and walked up the gravel pathway towards the street. The first door we encountered had approximately 50 small chains hanging down in front of it, creating a pseudo screen door effect. We did not attempt to open that door. Good job, go team. The second door we came to seemed much more welcoming, until we got closer and realized there were no handles on the outside. We quickly ruled that door out as well. Continuing onward, we reached the end of the alley and hung a left, putting us in front of the pub's main entrance. Surely, this is where humans are meant to enter the pub. Except those doors were locked. There was one more door even further down the street. An old wooden door with an iron loop for a handle. We trekked down to it and...pulled? pushed? turned? How does one open a door with an iron loop for a handle? We tried the obvious choices although, to be fair, we did not attempt to use the iron loop as a knocker. Confused in that special way that you can only experience in times of true sleep deprivation, we decided to head back to the car and sit. Or something. At that point, we probably had the combined mental capacity of a sweet potato. However, as we were walking back past the mysterious, handle-less door, out popped the innkeeper who let us enter through what we now know to be a fire door. No need for exterior handles, since it is technically meant to be exit only and used just for emergencies. Once inside, we got the grand tour and a set of keys which allowed us access to our room and ALSO the door with a ring for a handle. You turn the ring. That's how you open the door. After the tour, I knew one thing with certainty. The question is not IF I will get lost in here, but rather, WHEN I will get lost.

      After hauling all of our belongings up the aforementioned steep, narrow stairs, we cleaned up a bit and went out to meet William's granddad and nan for tea. If you read the Cups of Tea counter at the top of the post, you'll see that we did not actually have tea while we were there. We ended up just sitting in their cozy sunroom and talking for awhile. The sunroom was actually fairly warm, which was a nice change from the cold outside. Texans, eat your heart out.

      After a very nice visit, we returned to the pub where we had dinner before winding our way back through the tables and through a back door granting access to the stairs. Knowing that our electronic gadgets were likely just as drained as we were, we pulled out all of our miscellaneous charging accoutrement to plug in all the things. ALMOST all the things. The one thing missing, the one thing that would be the hardest to replace, the one thing that in no way resembles all the other cables, was my camera charger. After packing and repacking to ensure that I did not carry on more volume than a loaf of bread so that I could carry my camera on, I forgot the flipping charger. My camera is dead and I have no clue how to replace it. All things considered, not the worst hiccup to have in a day involving a Transatlantic flight AND a cross-country drive (on the wrong side of the road) but still not an awesome way to end the day. At least tonight I won't have to sleep at a 60 degree angle.
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    • Päivä 1

      Day 1 Taunton

      31. toukokuuta 2022, Englanti ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Nach Südamerika verbringe ich 10 Tage in Deutschland, höchste Zeit wieder was anderes zu starten. Dazu fliege ich am Dienstag nach London Stansted. Es wird erst Dienstag, da ich von Donnerstag bis Samstag mit 🚉🍻🥳 beschäftigt bin. Großbritannien macht bei der Einreise nun eine Reisepass-Kontrolle und es ist die Hölle los als ich dort ankomme. So wird es ziemlich eng auf meinen vorgebuchten Zug, aber es klappt dann doch noch knapp. Zuerst muss ich ins Zentrum von London, um dann den Zug zu wechseln und danach zu meinem eigentlichen Ziel Taunton zu fahren. Als kleines Willkommens-Geschenk sperrt Hanseatic meine Kreditkarte, weil sie Betrug vermuten. 4 Monate in drei verschiedenen Ländern in Südamerika erscheint denen wohl als normal, aber wer geht schon nach England? Das muss Missbrauch sein 🤣 Gefühlt das ganze Land bereitet sich gerade auf das 70. Thronjubiläum der Queen vor. Überall hängen Flaggen und es wird Paraden/Partys geben. So bin ich froh, als ich um ca. 21 Uhr ohne Verzögerung ankomme und laufe eine halbe Stunde zu meinem Airbnb, das ich gebucht habe. Das ältere Ehepaar, das mich empfängt, ist ziemlich nett und nimmt mich die Nacht auf. Die letzte Nacht in einem richtigen Bett für eine ganze Weile…Lue lisää

    • Päivä 8

      Rocket Ron

      22. heinäkuuta 2023, Englanti ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      It was WET. But only for 35 of the 37 miles. 'Could have been worse' as they say in the Outer Hebrides.

      We experienced the last of the ferocious hills....in fact, probably the worst of the ride. The photo of my Garmin screen shows my dot just about to fall off the cliff face.

      But in Tiverton we stopped at Ron's Cycles. What a lovely, kind and gentle man. What a story teller as well. He used to race BMX's all over the world and has a shop full of trophies and memories. Rocket Ron was his racing name. He started the BMX club in Tiverton in the 80s and it's still going today. Journeys are made infinitely more pleasurable by the strangers we meet along the way.
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