United Kingdom
Tower Hill

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    • Day 26

      I 🤍 London

      September 22, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      We have made it to London! And it has been an incredibly busy and exciting last few days here. The pace in London is different from Rostrevor. There are a million things to do, places to eat, and not enough time to do it all! Thankfully we arrived here on a Friday, so we had the weekend to explore and adjust before classes resumed Monday. We’ve done lots of walking, ridden on buses and trains (which i love… the efficiency is incredible), and eaten at some wonderful restaurants. We don’t have kitchens here, so most of our meals we eat out. I’ve tried lots of new foods and drinks. I love how many options there are. We’ve gone thrifting, shopping, gotten our nails done. and went to a very interesting and bizarre shakespeare play at the globe. Big Ben was beautiful and I’m glad I was able to see it in all its glory since last time it was hidden by scaffolding. Today, we visited the Imperial War Museum which was heavy, but powerful. Love you all. It’s been hard to keep in touch with the time difference, so if you’ve texted or called me, I will respond as soon as I can. I appreciate your grace!Read more

    • Day 2


      May 4, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Our first day in London was a busy one - we walked 20,000 steps according to the Fitbit. So much so, we successfully managed a trip on the London Tube back from Westminster to Tower Hill using our Oyster cards instead of walking. We had had enough by then.

      We saw Tower Bridge, went on the London Eye, walked around Westminster and through St. James Park to Buckingham Palace and then down The Mall to Admiralty Arch and Trafalgar Square.

      Dinner was very English - a pub, a pint and cod & chips.

      This is an amazing time to be in London to see the massive crowds and preparations for the Coronation on Saturday. Everywhere is decorated and security is very obvious. It seems every Bobby in England is in central London at the moment. We are very lucky to be a part of it.
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    • Day 2

      Day 1 Borough Mkt, St Paul, Brit Mus

      July 17 in England ⋅ ☀️ 64 °F

      Staying by the tower bridge, Went to Borough market to taste the fun baked good snd things, stopped in at St. Paul Cathedral and went to the British Museum. Lots of walking with little sleep. Took a nap and went to the Dickens Inn Tavern.Read more

    • Day 4

      The Coronation

      May 6, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      An amazing day to be in London. We went in to Westminster along with a million others. We were very lucky to be in the right place at the right time and saw the Kings Guards on their way to the ceremony. Then we went to Hyde Park and watched the King leave the Palace on the big screen. It was very wet and after soaking up the atmosphere it was back to our hotel and the bar to watch the rest. It sounds simple but we walked nearly 10km getting from the train to Hyde Park and back to the train along absolutely packed roads. We feel very lucky to have been here and to be able to have experienced it.Read more

    • Day 3


      May 5, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      London is teeming with visitors, security and Police. They are here in the thousands. We walked down through Westminster after the show and they had just closed it off ready for the procession. People had already straight away set up in their chairs for the coronation procession. This was at 11:00pm on Friday night.Read more

    • Day 3


      May 5, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Today we spent the morning at the Tower of London. It was an amazing place and pretty special to be in a building that is over 1200 years old. Then we went to St. Pauls Cathedral and returned to our hotel on a river cruise down the Thames. Tonight we were off to Charing Cross to see a London theatre show - Oklahoma at the historic Wyndham Theatre.Read more

    • Day 1

      Letzter Halt, Tower Hill

      June 11, 2018 in England ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Jetzt sind wir am letzten Halt angekommen, der Haltestelle Tower Hill, hier mussten wir raus. Nachdem wir die Treppe hoch gelaufen sind, hatten wir gleich den wunderschönen Anblick von dem Hochhaus ‘‘The Shard‘‘. Von hier aus ging es aber erst mal direkt zum Hotel, zum frischmachen. Auf dem Weg zum Hotel sind uns die ersten schönen Hochhäuser aufgefallen.Read more

    • Day 1

      St. Katharine Docks

      June 11, 2018 in England ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Von der netten Dame an der Rezeption haben wir den Tipp bekommen, dass es bei den St. Katharine Docks eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants gibt, die alle eine sehr gute Qualität haben. Diesen Tipp wollten wir nachgehen, vor allem da der Hafen (scheinbar Yachthafen) direkt neben der Tower Bridge liegt. Der Hafen liegt wunderschön und ruhig in einer stillen Bucht. Umringt wird der Ableger der Themse, in dem die Boote liegen, von einigen Gebäuden die größtenteils Restaurants sind. Auch hier sind wir wieder auf eine wunderschöne Telefonzelle gestoßen. Zurecht ein Markenzeichen von London. Wir sind einmal komplett um den Hafen gegangen um eine genaue Auswahl zu treffen. Auffällig ist hier auch der wunderschöne Starbucks, der sich in einem sehr noblen Pavillon befindet. Im oberen Stockwerk befinden sich hier die Sitzplätze mit guter Aussicht, unten die Theke zum bestellen. Außergewöhnlicher und sehr schöner Sitz für einen Starbucks.Read more

    • Day 6

      Last Day in London

      June 26, 2019 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Woke to a cool, grey morning on the early side. Again trying to get ahead of the crowds to see the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London - almost a 45-minute bike ride from our flat. Per usual, we were right on schedule...which means an hour behind when I wanted to arrive.

      However, queues were modest and we beelined to the jewels in the farthest section and walked right in. They were spectacular, although I kind of thought they had more than just the coronation items and perhaps additional tiaras, jewelry, and baubles. The key part of the exhibit moves you along on a conveyer, which was clever. Walking out, there was easily a 30-minute line to enter the exhibit and the lines built during our time.

      Exiting, a Beefeater was finishing up a tour, sharing about some of the famous executions they held at the Tower, plus some info about the Yeoman Warders themselves. He kindly answered questions and I wish we'd taken a photo with him.

      We spent around three hours and found the 1,000 years of history fascinating! Rowan predictably enjoyed the armour, Logan said the jewels were his favorite, Tom perhaps unsurprisingly liked the torture devices, and my favorite were the prisoners' wall carvings and inscriptions. I took hundreds of photos, it was so beautiful and interesting. We all enjoyed it immensely and learned a ton!

      Next, we walked across the Tower Bridge, grabbed bikes, and pedaled to a nearby Indian restaurant for a late lunch. (Sure glad I packed snacks to keep the grumpies at bay!) The food was excellent, although quite different than what we eat at home. Sun burning through and the day starting to warm up, although still windy.

      Refueled, we toured the Tower Bridge which was really neat. We were fortunate to perfectly time our visit for the bridge to lift for a boat, so we strategically positioned ourselves mid-span on the glass above (installed only four years ago) and got some good video and photos. Seeing the old engine room was very interesting too.

      From there, we walked over to the HMS Belfast, which played a role during WWII, including D-Day, and a decade beyond Korea, before being decommissioned. We unfortunately only had an hour before closing, but we were quickly able to see almost the entire ship. Really needed another 30-60 minutes more to do it proper justice. The good news was that being late in the day, we had the ship nearly to ourselves. We split up, with Tom and Logan heading one way and Rowan and I heading another. The squirt was most interested in the turrets, pushing every button, trying every single phone, a d flipping every. last. switch. he could find. It was fun!

      Worn out, we started the long jaunt home, with a final souvenir stop near the Eye to add more press/squish pennies to their collection. We literally ran out of time on our bike rental, so ended up grabbing an Uber from Hyde park for the last bit. With 25K steps, I was not sad to skip 13 more minutes of biking!

      Tried to eat up leftovers for dinner and got packed up for an early morning ahead. Excited for France, but sad to say goodbye to London (particularly as it felt like we were getting it down!)

      Our only real issue was today while biking. Early in the day, I was a complete klutz and managed to take a spill from a stationary position (reminiscent to my dive into the rice paddy in Vietnam!), with several gorgeous bruises to show for it, plus pretty stiff and sore by the end of the day. More seriously, Tom took a glancing blow from a taxi and badly twisted his ankle (long story!)...he is okay, but it was scary and we are lucky it wasn't worse.

      Rowan has taken nearly 700 photos and has kept up every bit during the trip, bouncing along like Tigger most of the time. No more bickering and teasing between the boys than normal too. Both kids have been super engaged and curious in what we've been seeing. I'm excited for the rest of the trip!
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    • Day 1

      The Natural Kitchen

      June 11, 2018 in England ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Entschieden haben wir uns schlussendlich für das Restaurant ‘‘The Natural Kitchen‘‘, da es hier eine tolle Auswahl an vegetarischen Gerichten gibt. Wobei die meisten Restaurants in London, die wir bisher gesehen haben, eine gute Auswahl für uns hatten. Das Restaurant war sowohl von innen, als auch von außen sehr schön und einladend. Obwohl wir drinnen saßen, waren wir an der Schwelle zur Terrasse und hatten somit einen tollen Ausblick. Zum Essen gab es für mich Courgette Spaghetti und für Nadine, vegane Pilz-Bolognesse. Das Essen war überragend lecker, sehr frisch und trotzdem schnell. Die Menge war genau richtig, sodass man nicht mehr hungrig war, sich aber auch nicht schlecht gefühlt hat. Der Preis war, wie in London nicht unüblich, recht hoch. Mit Trinkgeld haben wir insgesamt 40£ für Essen und Trinken gezahlt. In nächster Zeit haben wir garantiert nicht jeden Tag vor, groß Abendessen zu gehen, aber hin und wieder darf und muss das auch mal sein! Wir haben es nicht bereut. Anschließend ging es auf direkten Weg zurück zum Hotel. Auf dem Rückweg sind wir an einem Starbucks vorbei und haben uns jeweils eine Zimtschnecke mitgenommen. Diese wurde nochmal extra für uns aufgewärmt und hat somit im Hotel den Tag gut abgerundet.Read more

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    Tower Hill, EC3

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