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    • Day 20


      September 28, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Ich kann lange nicht einschlafen und bleibe morgens bis zum Checkout liegen, weil ich es kann :D

      Danach geht es in die Whitby Abby.
      Ein altes Kloster in das ich mich tatsächlich ein bisschen verliebe. Was muss das früher für ein mächtiges Gebäude gewesen sein, hoch auf dem Berg in einer sehr belebten Küstenstadt.

      Im Tourishop wandern dann gegen meinen Willen zwei Keksdosen in mein Gepäck.

      Weiter geht es an den Strand und durch die belebten Fußgängerzonen in derer ich mich in einer tollen Kunstgalerie verliere und durch die Läden schlender.

      Ein bisschen Reisesentimentalität kommt hier auf. Berührt doch der Norden mein Herz mehr als jede Karibikinsel dieser Welt.

      Es folgen drei insgesamt 6 Stunden lange Busfahrten mit einem Zwischenstopp in Scarborough, wo ich auch nochmal an der Strandpromenade entlange schlender und im Cafe sitze.

      Ich liebe Busfahrern, ich sitze im Doppeldecker ganz oben und vorne.
      Schaue aus dem Fenster, futter aus Langeweile, mache ein Nickerchen, und betreibe ein bisschen Shopping auf Ebay Kleinanzeigen ( Deko und Bücher damit der Urlaub zuhause weiter gehen kann)

      Ich checke in sehr gemütliches Airbnb ein, wo ich die heiße Dusche genieße und danach mal wieder nicht schlafen kann.
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    • Day 73

      Whitby & Saltburn

      June 13, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Bit of a slower day as we have been feeling a little bit flat (possibly a hangover from being unwell a couple of weeks back). So we visited the Whitby Abbey on the hill and made sure to sample a crab sandwich and smoked kippers before leaving.

      We stopped in at Saltburn and walked up and down the pier. There was a gaggle of surfers braving the cold to catch a ride - definitely wetsuit weather. We wanted to catch the funicular up the hill, but unfortunately it was under repair so we had to put our legs to work instead. The view was pretty cool, with flat farmland going right up to the 90 degree drop straight down into the North sea.

      After we'd had enough wandering around, we made the short hop over to Newcastle and chilled out for the evening.
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    • Day 29


      May 25, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Suzie - What a beautiful little place!! From the Abbey ruins to the 199 Steps, to the cobblestone streets filled with stops selling Whitby jet, fudge, fish and chips, ice creams, charming coffee shops and an exact replica of the HMS Endeavour, this village has everything!! I'm so happy to be here!

      I will be back!
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    • Day 3


      March 3, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Piccola città sul mare dove sono ambientati alcuni capitoli di Dracula di Bramh Stoker. Passeggiata fino al pontile, pranzo in un posto molto famoso inglese dove ho mangiato ottime cozze. Poi minigolf dei Pirati e visita all abbazia. Ho avuto un momento molto bello sul pontile, canticchiando city of starsRead more

    • Day 100

      Whitby England

      September 25, 2017 in England ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      We've arrived in the U.K. 🇬🇧 After a very early start this morning we caught a flight to London, picked up our car and headed north for a 4.5 hour drive to Whitby on the coast in the Yorkshire Downs & Moors. The weather is a little bleak today but great scenery.Read more

    • Day 100

      Captain Cook

      September 25, 2017 in England ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Captain Cook came to Whitby when he was 18 years old to start his seaman training. All the boats, including the Endeavour, where built here in Whitby. There is a memorial to him given jointly by Australia, New Zealand and Canada.Read more

    • Day 9

      Bakewell to Whitby via York

      September 9, 2018 in England ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Really loved our time in Bakewell. Cheryl was a friendly host and her house was so quaint. She put on a good breakfast for us and David then retrieved the car from up the hill. Packed it up and located car park in town. The town was gorgeous especially the river with its large fish, swans, ducks and two beautiful bridges. We looked around the shops and bought two small Bakewell puddings from one of several shops selling them. We then headed off towards York but following the route suggested by Cheryl which kept us off the motorway and took us past Chatsworth House. We paid to enter the grounds, but not the building as so expensive. The grounds themselves were amazing and hard to believe it is owned by a private family, the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire. We carried on towards York through numerous little villages. By this time the rain had set in but luckily we were in the car! Found another park and ride at York and decided to use it. This time it was free parking with the ride into town. York was amazing even in the rain. We quickly found the Jorvik Centre (Viking Museum) and almost decided against going in as it was already 4pm and we had to queue in the rain. So pleased we persevered as once inside we boarded a ride which took us around an amazing Viking display of a town as it was. The figures, all moving, and the sounds, were so lifelike. It was just so cleverly put together. We were pleasantly surprised to find on leaving that the rain had stopped. We spent the next hour roaming around, viewing The York Minster, the wall and The Shambles. Amazing history everywhere. We were back at the car by 5 45. Headed off and again pleasantly surprised to find the motorway was small and not that busy. Our drive took us up over the Yorkshire moors with its low cloud and expansive views of the surrounding area. We arrived in Whitby at 7 and were greeted by the most amazing view of the old town as we crossed the bridge. We followed the directions for finding the house and a carpark, both with great difficulty as the street was not on the GPS since you can’t drive on it and the parking was horrendous. Paid for a 24 hour park and then dragged our luggage about 10 minutes along the cobbled street. Knew there was reason I wanted to be fit before we left! Once again the cottage is gorgeous and very small. We are very close to the main area so walked down for dinner and a wee stop at a bar on the way home. Went to bed with the sound of loud seagulls outside.Read more

    • Day 9


      September 9, 2018 in England ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      A wonderful day in Whitby. Warm and windy as we set off to locate a laundromat, due to there being no anticipated washing machine at the cottage. Walked about 25 minutes to the one we knew of and left our machine going while we had a coffee down the road. 30 minutes later and it was all done! Returned to set it up to dry before heading off for a walk up the 199 steps to the Abbey. The audio guide at the abbey was excellent and the scenery stunning. We stopped at the White Horse and Griffin for a drink before heading to the Captain Cook museum. It was in his original lodgings and very nicely laid out within the house. We left there for a fish and chip lunch (every restaurant specialises in them!) Numerous pirates were around including a couple with two brightly coloured parrots. The streets were so busy with people everywhere. We then made our way back to the cottage for a lovely rest and some downtime. We headed out again at 5 and topped our walking steps up to 20504 as we walked along the Whitby cliff tops and along the pier. Dinner was in the tiny pub at the end of our street overlooking the port. Whitby is a beautiful town, so full of character and seaside atmosphere.Read more

    • Day 10


      September 10, 2018 in England ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Well what a bonus the extra day in Whitby was. Last night as we packed for Edinburgh we realised we had another night here! Got up a bit later and headed off in the car. Stopped for coffee and one of “ Dotty’s fruit scones’ at Staithes, a gorgeous little town on the coast north of Whitby. Best scones ever! Carried on up the coast to Middlesbrough to visit cousin Jane and her daughter. Over 30 years since I had seen her and was so pleased we went. Left there for the drive back over the North Yorkshire moors to Goathland, the location of Heartbeat and The first Harry Potter movie. The drive was up and down very narrow country roads and was very picturesque . Goathland was just beautiful with Aidensfield Hotel, complete with sheep wandering loose on the road outside, and the railway station straight from both. We were lucky to be there just as the steam train arrived. Such atmosphere! We carried on to Scarborough but it was a complete surprise, firstly because of its size( 600 000 people live there) secondly we were in the 5 pm traffic and thirdly it seemed pretty unattractive and hard to see its appeal. We drove on to another beautiful spot, Robin Hood’s Bay where we had dinner. This would be a good place to explore further in the daytime. Have re-checked our schedule and know we are off to Edinburgh tomorrow!lRead more

    • Day 11

      Whitby - Ballerman

      July 21, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Ok, das ist etwas übertrieben. Aber der Ort bzw. im neueren ‚West Cliff Quartier‘ hats viel BlingBling, Spielhöllen, Touristen-Bootsfahrten, IceCream-, HotDog-Stände etc.… Aber der Reihe nach: Wir parken in der Nähe von Whitby Abbey, einer stattlichen Klosterruine auf dem Hügel. Zuerst kochen wir uns eine Mahlzeit - es ist schliesslich schon Nachmittag. Über Treppen vorbei an einem grossen Friedhof gehts runter nach ‚Old Town‘ - ein sehr hübsches, altes Quartier mit Blick auf die Hafenmole und die beiden Leuchttürme! Wir laufen über einen Holzsteg und -brücke bis ganz raus zu den zwei Leuchtfeuer, die den Hafeneingang markieren & haben einen tollen Blick auf die Steilküste, den Hafen und die Stadt! So viel laufen gibt Durst! Wir schnappen uns was Hochprozentiges und Rahel kriegt bei Ihrem Drink eine Show geboten 🤩 genüsslich schlürfend beobachten wir die Ruder-Teams, die in 2er, 4er, 6er Booten in der Hafenanlage rauf- und runter rudern 😎Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Whitby, Strēoneshalh, ویتبای, ウィットビー, 휘트비, Vitbis, Уитби

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