États Unis
Craven County

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    • Jour 8

      8th day, Bärn, Bärn, Bärn, i ha di gärn

      20 décembre 2023, États Unis ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

      Dr hütig Tag het üs fasch id Heimat gfüehrt. Mir hei ä Abstächer nach New Bern gmacht. Isch no luschtig, wennmä imne frömdä Land Bärner-Fahnen gseht… Z‘Mittag heimer o grad dert g‘ässä, u das si Wäutä im Verglich zum Ässä in New York. I däm Restaurant isch no äs Biud ufghänkt gsi, wo üs sehr bekannt isch vorcho...
      Am speterä Nami simer uf Wilmington zum nächste Hotel. Dört am Strand heimer de no chli dr Sunneungergang gseh…
      (Distanz ca. 240km)
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    • Jour 85

      New Bern, Raleigh & Charlotte

      9 novembre 2019, États Unis ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Ja du hast richtig gelesen- Bern:)). Im Bundesstaat North Carloina gibt es eine Stadt die New Bern heisst. Die Stadt hat 30’101 Einwohner und wurde 1710 durch Auswanderer aus der Schweiz und Deutschland gegründet; massgeblich beteiligt waren Christoph von Graffenried und Franz Ludwig Michel aus Bern sowie John Lawson aus Deutschland. Die Stadt hat zwei Gemeinsamkeiten, sie liegen beide am Wasser und sie besitzen Beide die gleiche Flagge. Es ist eine schöne Stadt. Wir mussten schmunzeln als wir die Plastikbären, die überall aufgestellt sind sahen. Auch fast an jedem 2. Haus ist die Berner Fahne mit der USA Flagge daneben zu sehen.
      Leider gab es kein Fondue oder ein Raclette für uns🙈

      Nach New Bern fuhren wir wieder ins Landesinnere nach Raleigh. Dies war ein Stopp, um nochmals einen Eishockeymatch erleben zu können. Der Match fand zwischen den Carolina Hurricanes (mit dem Schweizer Nino Niederreiter) und den Ottawa Senators statt. Es war ein torreiches Spiel, welches mit 8:2 für die „Canes“ endete.
      Anina genoss in Raileigh zudem noch eine Yogastunde- dies war super😊.

      Als wir am nächsten Tag in Charlotte ankamen wars „arschkalt“. 5 Grad, Wind und Nieselregen sind nichts für mich (Anina). Nachdem wir eine Stunde durch die Stadt geschländert sind, entschlossen wir uns ins Kino zu gehen. Da wir dies beide sehr gerne machen und das Wetter pefekt dafür war, genossen wir dies sehr. Wir haben den Film Midway gesehen. An alle die sich für den 2. Weltkrieg interessieren- geht in den Kino. Auch ich (Anina) fand ihn sehr interessant. Zudem wars nochmals eindrücklicher, da wir in San Diego auf der Midway (Flugzeugträger der Army) selber waren.
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    • Jour 6

      North Carolina

      13 février 2022, États Unis ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Sind heute 410 km gefahren runter nach North Carolina. Sehr flaches trockenes Gebiet, und trotzdem immer wieder Sumpfgebiete. Flora v.a. Laubbäume und Föhren.
      Eher dünn besidelt mit ca. 10 Mio. Einwohner. Hauptstadt Raleigh
      Im Radio: ununterbrochen biblische Songs und Diskussionen. Ist ja auch Sonntag, oder?⛪🛕
      Viele Kirchen (Bapitisten, Protestanten).

      Kühkschrank läuft nicht, Walti "mechet".
      Grill wird ausgepackt, Poulet geht ohne Kühlung sonst flöte.....
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    • Jour 56

      Bye Oriental, We're On The Road Again

      15 novembre 2015, États Unis ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Lastly and the greatest news in our haul out was the fact that everyone said our rudder was fine ….. and we should stop being a pair of Nancies about it and sail on over to Bermuda already.

      A few months earlier before our shake down sail in September, we hauled out in Salem MA. The inspector mentioned a bit of “play” between the rudder post and rudder and saw water bubbling out of the post. We had a wet rudder and he showed concern about it. We contemplated and researched all our venues of possible outcomes on the way down. We learned that FossFoam (in FL) was our go to for a new rudder. And if they had a mold already set for a Pearson 424 they just had to reconstruct the rudder which would be a HUGE cost savings. Unfortunately (or fortunately …) Pearson boats aren’t known for rudder problems. We have a skeg rudder that is essentially built solid with epoxy on the perimeter and has two or three metal arms attached to the rudder post and act as the skeleton of the rudder. Next to the metal skeleton is foam. The concern would be if the welds attaching the arms to the rudder post were corroded and broke in heavy weather. Then we would be left with a free spinning helm and no Shit-happens-cough-it-uprudder control. We drilled a hole in the top outside of the rudder in case of a rudder
      emergency. The idea is to tie a rope through the hole and steer Captain Ron style. The following day we also asked if Turtle, expert mariner, would take a look at our boat. He did and explained how boats like ours were born (made). The woven fabric of fiber glass allows the boat to heave and move with the ocean whereas the epoxy acts as the solid rigidity. Both sides of the equation will change meaning your hull will change and you’ll see “age lines”. Over the years, your boat takes hull shuddering hits, enormous gusts bending and testing the rigging and the keel. What I found interesting was the fact that the hull shape will change when it moves from water to land. You’re engine / Vdrive shaft alignment is different on land than it is in the water. After looking Gaia over, and talking to us about boat construction for a better half of an hour, he looked at us point blank and spoke honestly. He said ocean worthy boats like this are overbuilt. The boat will last, it may sail differently if the hull were to be waterlogged balsa core but she’d still sail. He looked at our rudder and shook his head. “I wouldn’t touch the rudder if it’s working right now. If it’ll help you sleep at night, then sure. Do it if you want for that reason but other than that, you’re fine to go to Bermuda.” And it dawned on me, most of my fears were mental or because I was still novice.
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    • Jour 53

      Oriental, That Small Town Feel

      12 novembre 2015, États Unis ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Another character and incredible wealth of knowledge was the fiberglass genius, Turtle. One day I was half way on my mile walk into town to get a propane regulator when he pulled over and offered me a ride. I said sure. He pointed out historic sites in the town and recited the history. He drove me to the hardware store and then drove right past it saying I had to cross the town bridge and get a good view of the entire town... I learned his great great grand daddy founded the town and the origin of the town name came from a Civil War era ship! A few laughs later and a great tour of the town I found myself at the the hardware store.

      My small town story continues with the hardware store…. I found two identical products that would work for the propane tank but wasn’t sure about the sizing. The owner agreed it could be either size and after a few minutes of deliberation he set his car keys on the counter and said ‘Why don’t you take my car to your boat and test out which one is right for you. When you’re done, just come back with the packaging of the one you need and the one you didn’t use. I’ll be here until 5, so no rush.’ I’d just like to mention, I’ve been living in cities for the past 13 years and am in no way accustomed to an offer as this. I let him know, I was perfectly okay with walking, my legs worked fine, it was sunny and warm… why was this man trying to lose his car and give away his products…. I would never dream of stealing a car but still…. this kindness didn’t sit right with me, it felt bizarre. And yet…. 10 minutes later I drove into the marina where Mike had a few questions for me… Yes we fixed the regulator to the propane unit. (As a side story, the damn thing began malfunctioning on the coldest night of our entire trip. I was going to fight the cold with BAKING! Terrible timing but that’s the way the cookie tends to crumble on a boat).
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    • Jour 50

      Oriental, It's All About BOGO Night

      9 novembre 2015, États Unis ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Let me start this post with the P to B ratio of Oriental (the Population to Boat Ratio)… 1:3ish. That’s right, 900 people and just about 2,500 boats.
      Our two weeks was made wonderful by the amazing establishment and closest bar, ‘Silos’. Open Tuesday-Saturday there’s always something on the calendar. Tuesday was BOGO day (Buy One pizza Get One free), Wednesday was open mic night, Thursday was dollar drafts, Friday was live music in the back yard (Lake Street Dive played there), Saturdays are party nights. For a community that is increasingly becoming dominated by retirees looking for a good town, this place was wildly fun. Tuesday pizza night was easily the towns favorite. We went into the hardware store and the clerk felt it necessary to alert us ‘transients’ of the phenomenal BOGO day. We also ran into two separate friends who informed us we should get to Silos early tonight to secure a good seat for BOGO. It’s pretty great to see a community come together over pizza.

      Sitting in Silos, everyone is in the boat world, you work for the boat yards, you work as a fisherman, you teach boating, you race, you do canvas or boat related services (West Marine / Radio Shop). In some capacity EVERYONE we met in town is tied into this interwoven community.

      In general, a great thing about boat yards are seeing all the other boats and if you’re lucky enough, meeting the owner and having a few beers together. We met a fellah named Mike from Canada and he was finishing up redoing his entire interior. He bought his boat as a fixer-uper and the entire below deck had mildew problems (ceiling, floor, and cushions). He was a wealth of knowledge and we were grateful for all his tips on engine alignment.
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    • Jour 47

      Oriental, Where We Live On The Hard

      6 novembre 2015, États Unis ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Dust and woods bits will inevitably find there way into your bedroom sheets, kitchen and salon with any form of drilling or sanding. To unearth needed power tools, epoxies, varnish, sanders, and materials you need to tear through cabinets & mattresses to access storage units. All of this equates to a temporal work room war zone. I’m sure we’ve all been there whether it be moving, or buying a new house, it’s the first week of sleeping on a few cushions or camping gear. That was us for the past three weeks. But to be honest as sour of a situation I paint, I love the people, I love the stories, and honest to god I even love the work (Sometimes. As long as there’s a good podcast. and it’s sunny. with a beer. and beer koozie. and I have help…)En savoir plus

    • Jour 44

      Oriental Where We Work Hard For It Honey

      3 novembre 2015, États Unis ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      For the every day life. You walk up and down a ladder to get to your home, get a drill, forgotten power cord you name it.
      Every morning you wake up get dressed and walk to go to the bathroom. Since the plumbing filters out into the yard gravel; I’m not a fan of brushing my teeth where I work. It’s not a far walk to the bathrooms thankfully but enough to make you skip your polite hellos to friends and power walk. Most people understand. When we did dishes, we carried the dishes in a tub down the ladder and past the docks. When we showered we climbed up and down the ladder with our shower bag and towel. And lastly, the little problem of having NO cell phone service and little to no internet.

      I took a few pictures of our work in the yard seen below. We also varnished the bowsprit and toerail, rebedded the stanchion and inserted epoxy in the deck to reinforce soft balsa wood, install new aft cabin and kitchen lighting (led strips!), there was a bunch of parts ordered and one passport expedited. Thankfully, there was a car at the marina we were able to use to drive 30 minutes into a neighboring town for the nearest CVS for a passport photo.
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    • Jour 42

      Gaia Gets Hauled Out

      1 novembre 2015, États Unis ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Oriental NC had previously been this unseen golden city that boaters would wistfully sigh over and preach the good works of the peerless marine services conducted here. It’s where anyone with major boat issues trudged their vessel to so the expert mechanics, riggers, glass workers (fiberglass), and electricians could work their magic. So when we arrived in Oriental, I could finally feel our goal, Bermuda, was within reach! Our rudder would be new our propeller would be fixed and our boat would be prepped for departure!

      We chose SailCraft Marine Services, known for their fiberglass work as opposed to Deatons. The two rivals sit literally within throwing distance of each others travel lift.

      Upon entering the SailCraft dock, Alan, the owner, showed us the layout, the bathrooms, amenities, the different offices and tool sheds, he introduced us to the employees, and other boats hauled out from our neck of the woods! Really above and beyond and we learned of the catastrophic boat overhauls they had completed. One man, came in days earlier with a keel partially torn off. Remember the Dismal Swamps we went down and my post on watching out for deadheads (= dislodged logs pinned to the bottom of the canal pointing upward)? Yeah, the boat hit a deadhead straight on and busted a hole in the boat. And if your curious, yes it was a fin keel.

      So being on the hard, on the stilts, stuck on the dirt… it’s not fun. The marina backs you up into a slip where they lower two thick nylon slings and synch it snug around your 22,000 lb vessel and hope the sling is far back enough it doesn’t catch on your ruder, prop, or shaft but not too far back that the slings don’t capture the weight of the boat evenly. And then you watch as your 22,000 pound home is raised, above your head; OUT of the environment you’ve learned to keep your boat safe and protected. And then you watch as your baby is driven away by a complete stranger from you, it’s very emotional (*this end part was overdramatized by the author in case you’re not familiar with her*).

      But really, Alan, was very professional and maneuvered the travel lift perfectly. He’s been around boats his entire life and it shows. He put us down on the block and put a few more extra stilts under the hull than what we’re used to. Alan mentioned they do this for added protection. As someone who has slept on a boat on stilts… let me tell you, it can be REALLY unnerving when you first feel the boat move on land, so I was quite pleased to see this. He also kept the boat level on the blocks which was nice.
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    • Jour 10

      C-Traveler layout

      16 mai, États Unis ⋅ ☀️ 64 °F

      Some of you may be wondering what living on C-Traveler for several weeks might be like; what’s the layout. So this post is a description of what’s available to me and Rosanne on C-Traveler. The V-Berth where we sleep has a shelf down both sides. When I’m solo, I get both sides. LOL! In which case, I use Rosanne’s side to store my camp chairs, my toiletry bag, and anything else I don’t have room for on my side. Like an extra tub of clothes. When she’s along with me, then her clothes tubs are on her side, and I just have my side for my tubs. We found tubs that fit perfect for storing our clothes. I also have my C-Pap on my side. It’s not in the photo, as it’s right up against the helm end of the V- Berth. We sleep with our feet towards the bow. The dinette has a sink with running water, and there is a small 2.5 gallon water heater. I need to be plugged in to shore power or run the generator to heat the water up. There use to be a stove (electric and butane) next to the sink, but I pulled it out and replaced it with a butcher block. (Basically a nice 1” piece of Oak.) We have a small portable one burner butane stove that we can use on top the butcher block, or better yet, on a small table set up in the cockpit (actually a fish cutting board, but it gets more use as a stove table). That keeps the heat and condensation out of the cabin! We have an enclosed head that I replaced the marine toilet with an Airhead composting toilet. We also have a shower in there (behind the small compartment door), but to conserve potable water, I have two large solar campshower bags I place on the roof. (The boat’s potable water tank only holds 20 gals.) The one on the starboard side I can bring the shower hose in through the head window and I have the toilet set up on a platform whereby I can remove it to give us more room for showering. (We can get 2 ½ showers out of each bag, and when the one bag is empty, I move the bag from the port side over to the starboard side.) We have a small table we can eat at. Along with the small refrigerator, we also have a portable Engle Freezer that when I’m solo, I usually strap down on the port forward seat. Otherwise, the freezer just stays in the cockpit (back of the boat). Rosanne made a nice insulated cover for it, and that’s what around it in the photo. With the freezer inside, I leave the seat and convertible back rest at home. I have two 100 watt solar panels on top the roof that are hinged so that I can lift them to clean the roof, or even take them off if I need to. If you look close, you can see we have several fans around the cabin and V-Berth. And since we do some cooler weather boating, I have a small webasto diesel heater. I also recently installed a 1200 watt inverter, just big enough to run the microwave if I don’t have shore power or want to start the generator. Also nice for charging up this laptop. :-) Anyway, that’s my home away from home in a nutshell.En savoir plus

    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Craven County, مقاطعة كرافين, Крейвън, ক্রাভেন কাউন্টি, Condado de Craven, Craven konderria, شهرستان کریون، کارولینای شمالی, Comté de Craven, Craven megye, Contea di Craven, クレイブン郡, Craven Kūn, Hrabstwo Craven, کراوون کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Craven, Крейвен, Округ Крејвен, کریون کاؤنٹی، شمالی کیرولائنا, Quận Craven, Condado han Craven, 克雷文縣


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