United States
Gillespie County

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    • Day 13


      October 11 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Heute haben wir den überwiegenden Tag auf der Farm von Shookie, Liron und Henry verbracht.

      Leider ist Fredericksburg derart "explodiert", dass wir keinen Spaß daran hatten auf der Mainstreet dieser eigentlich so schönen und urigen Stadt zu flanieren.

      Abends haben wir Henry an seiner Arbeitsstätte, er ist Koch in einem sehr pompösen wachsenden Resort, besucht und sehr lecker gegessen. Auch das Ambiente, die Livemusik und das selbst gebraute Bier waren ein Genuss. Zum Abschluss bekamen wir noch eine Privatführung durch Küche, Brauerei und die hauseigene Destillerie.

      Diese Location kann bis zu 600 Personen zeitgleich bewirten und hat dazu noch eine Freilichtbühne für bis zu 6000 Gäste.
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    • Day 14

      Luckenbach ⭐️

      October 12 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Heute haben wir als Abschluss unseres Besuchs bei unseren Gastgebern einen Ausflug nach Luckenbach, einer alten Poststation von 1850, gemacht. Die Männer sind per Harley dorthin gefahren. Die Frauen, Kinder und Hunde haben das Auto bevorzugt.

      Gegen frühen Nachmittag
      haben wir wehmütig unsere Sachen gepackt und sind zu unserer letzten Station nach Luling aufgebrochen.

      Wir möchten uns hiermit nochmals ganz, ganz herzlich für die tolle Gastfreundschaft bei Yaron, Shay, Liron und Henry bedanken!!! Wir hatten eine richtig geile Zeit bei euch!
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    • Day 24

      Getting ready to head back home

      May 3 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Haukur's giving our bike a good wash and wax before he leaves to go back to Munich tomorrow. I'll be staying on to spend time with my brother and sister- in-love in Fredericksburg and Austin and then heading out west to Redding, California to see our daughter.Read more

    • Day 3

      Fredericksburg 🇩🇪 🇺🇲

      October 16, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Der Tag startete mit einer kleinen Reitsession und anschließendem Besuch eines Westerngrosshandels 💰💸. Später besichtigten wir das Pioneermuseum. Ein Freilichtmuseum mit Objekten der Geschichte der Deutschen Siedler im 19. Jahrhundert. Fredericksburg (Friedrichsburg) wurde übrigens 1846 von dem aus Dillenburg (Lahn-Dill-Kreis) stammenden Otfried Hans Freiherr von Meusebach gegründet 🇩🇪. Der deutsche Einschlag ist bis heute noch sehr deutlich zu spüren.
      Anschließend "flanierten" wir entlang der Mainstreet, die auf uns einen leichten Südstaaten-Eindruck machte. Abschließend legten wir noch ganze, teils sehr abenteuerliche, 120 km zurück um in "Junction" in einem typisch amerikanischen (aber auch urigem) Motel abzusteigen.
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    • Day 2

      Lukenbach mit Liron & Family

      October 15, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Wow... die Ranch von Liron & ihrer Familie ist richtig schön 😊!
      Zusammen haben wir Lukenbach besucht - war damals 1850 nur eine Poststation und ist heute ein cooler Ausflugsort mit täglich Livemusik, Outdoorspielen und Biergarten.
      Abend waren wir noch in Fredericksburg lecker essen.
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    • Day 21

      Just Another Rest Stop

      January 21, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

      Slept last night at a rest stop right off Hwy 10. The exact opposite of the previous night. Lots of road noise etc but a little melatonin and I can sleep through almost anything. Tonight I am just west of Johnson City Tx. I could have driven another hour and a half but I was hungry and tired of driving. And I found a really nice rest area so I am happily settling in for the night.Read more

    • Day 18

      Family time

      September 7 in the United States ⋅ 🌬 25 °C

      Watching the big game with my brother and his wife in Fredericksburg, Texas. I don't think I've watched a football game for 40 years.

      Don't mind the hand gesture. That just means "Hook 'em, horns" for the Texas Longhorns. They're playing against the Michigan Wolverines today.

      It's "just" college football, but it brings in big, Big, BIG bucks for these university athletes. I mean into 7-digits.
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    • Day 61

      Day 61 - Ride 'Em Cowboy

      June 21, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Texas is very hot & humid & is a bugger for flies, ants & mosquitoes. I managed to get bitten a couple of times on my feet that are really irritating. To console myself, I had a few salted nuts in the middle of the night & managed to tip the whole tub upside down in my bed!

      We allowed ourselves a leisurely start to the morning. Our main priority was to secure tickets for tonight’s Rodeo in neighbouring Stonewall. After checking out of our clean hotel, we headed to a tiny hamlet called Luckenbach, which carries the tag “Everybody’s Somebody”. This may have something to do with the size of it’s population.......just 3.

      Luckenbach was a delightful little place that had somehow created itself into a must-see tourist destination. It is just a collection of barns that house a Post Office, a Saloon Bar, a Food Kiosk & a Hat Shop. It is now a country music venue that attracts thousands & the bar is open from 9.00am! It appeared customary to buy an early morning beer, so when in Rome.........

      We continued along Route 290 to Stonewall to try & purchase our rodeo tickets in advance. It took a bit of detective work, but eventually we located the site for the 58th Annual Stonewall Peach JAMboree & Rodeo. I went to the office & bought our $15 bright pink wristbands for the Friday Nights events, apparently they are expecting a crowd of over 3000.

      Chuffed to bits, we drove back to Fredericksburg, bought a few bits in Walmart, including a new Cowboy belt, then checked in early to our new motel, Windcrest Inn & Suites, which I booked & apparently is quite acceptable! We spent the remainder of the afternoon on sun beds by the pool.

      At 5.30pm we set out for Stonewall wearing our token nod to Cowboys / Cowgirls. I was wearing my red checked shirt, jeans & boots with my new cowboy belt. Jackie was wearing jeans & her Daisy Duke top. 20 minutes later we arrived & parked up in the field. We were one of the 1st to arrive so queuing wasn’t an issue.

      After having a look round, we bought a peach cobbler & ice cream & chose our seats in the stand. We managed to select seats which were in a prime position so that we had a perfect view of the evenings proceedings. We didn’t look out of place, but over 50% of the crowd wore stetsons or cowboy boots or both including the kids. There also quite a few blokes in the full get-up.

      First up was Mutton Bustin’, which for those not familiar with Rodeos, is kids weighing less than 65lb sitting on the back of a sheep & hanging on for as long as possible when released from the stalls. This might sound weird, but it was hilarious watching 30 kids between 4 & 8 years old, one by one falling off sheep. The guy commentating did a really good job & he was a good double act for the World Famous Rodeo Clown, Leon Coffee.

      Next we were treated to an introduction to the 6 contenders for this years Peach Queen. Bless them, I’m sure their parents tell them they are beautiful. We then watched a quite impressive horse display by some Cowgirls.

      Then it was time for the real business. The commentator asked everyone to pray & we thanked god for making America such a great country. We thanked the troops & veterans for making us safe & free. It was all slightly vomit inducing. Then an operatic voiced lady from Fredericksburg sang the Star-Spangled Banner, whilst everyone around us was stood with their hands on their hearts. Embarrassingly the microphone packed up & she had to start all over again. Whilst this was all happening, a Cowgirl galloped around the arena with a massive American Flag.

      The 1st proper event of the night was the Bareback Bronc Riding, with Cowboys hanging on for dear life for as long as possible. This was Rodeo as we had envisioned it and it was totally absorbing & thrilling. The Bronc Riders were youngsters around 20 years old & were incredibly brave or just stupid.

      Next was Cowgirl Breakaway Roping which involved the Cowgirls giving a calf a 12 yard head start out of the traps then chasing it & lassoing it around the neck. The most successful took just 2 & a bit seconds. The Cowboys then did the same, but after lassoing the calf they had to jump of their horse grab the calf & tie 3 of it’s legs together, known as Tie Down Roping.

      Kids were then invited to enter the arena & go to the fence at the far end. There were hundreds of them, then 6 calves each with a ribbon on their tail were sent out in to the arena & the the kids were told to collect the ribbons. It was several minutes of utter chaos, but absolutely hilarious.

      Next was Saddle Bronc Riding, which allowed the Cowboys to hang on for a lot longer, but still with the Bronc going crazy for several seconds. In fact most lasted to the buzzer. This was followed by the 2nd round of Mutton Bustin’, where 3 of the kids managed to hang on to the far end.

      It was then back to the Cowgirls & Barrel Racing, which involved Cowgirls, some quite surprisingly plump, racing between 3 barrels & completing a 360 degree turn all at breakneck speed.

      This was followed by Team Roping, where pairs of Cowboys chased down a calf, the 1st had to lasso it around the neck, then the second lasso both its hind legs, whilst it was still running. This was as difficult as it sounds & out of at least a dozen pairs of Cowboys, only 2 pairs actually fully completed the job.

      Over 2 hours later of non-stop Rodeo action, we arrived at the big finale, the Bull Riding. About 10 lunatics, rode the bucking Texas Longhorn Bulls until they were thrown off under the thundering hooves. It was scary stuff. The final ride of the night was a young black lad, who had an incredible ride & stole the show.

      The Rodeo was a fantastic spectacle that we both loved & I have to say that the commentator & Leon Coffee brought it altogether perfectly. We would definitely go again given half a chance.

      But that wasn’t the end of the night, at 10.30pm, Kevin Fowler (couldn’t think of a more boring name), took to the stage. He is obviously big in Texas & has millions of hits on Spotify, with his 5 studio albums. His country & western songs are mainly about drinking & girls. They sounded quite good, but slightly creepy & if not paedophilic, for a 53 year old man.

      We listened to 6 of Kevin’s finest including 100% Texan, Butterbean & his new single, Country Song To Sing, but at 11.00pm we called it a night & drove back to our motel for a nightcap.

      Song of the Day - Rhinestone Cowboy by Glen Campbell.

      Bonus Songs of the Day :-

      Luckenbach, Texas (Back to the Basics of Love) by Waylon Jennings
      Everybody’s Somebody by Don Diablo, Bullysongs
      Rodeo Clowns by Jack Johnson
      How ‘Bout Them Cowgirls by George Strait
      100% Texan by Kevin Fowler
      Butterbean by Kevin Fowler
      Country Song To Sing by Kevin Fowler
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    • Luckenbach, Texas

      October 3, 2004 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Luckenbach ist eine Siedlung im Südosten des Gillespie County und liegt im Texas Hill Country. Gegründet von deutschen Siedlern

      3 Einwohner (Stand 2006) :-)
      Luckenbach wurde bekannt durch das Lied: Luckenbach, Texas (Back to the Basics of Love) von Waylon Jennings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EKHUA1aBLA

      Am Wochenende tobt da der Mob. Samstags spielen Bands und Sonntags kommen viele Motorradfahrer.
      2004 amtierte Sheriff Marge, die leider im Somer 2004 gestorben ist. Aber ihre Tochter war da bei unserem Besuch.

      Anscheinend haben meine Augen noch nie so geleuchtet wie in Luckenbach. LOL

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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Gillespie County, مقاطعة غيليسبي, Гилеспи, গিলেস্পি কাউন্টি, Condado de Gillespie, Gillespie konderria, شهرستان گیلسپی، تگزاس, Comté de Gillespie, Gillespie megye, Գիլեսպի շրջան, County Gillespie, Contea di Gillespie, ジルスピー郡, Gillespie Comitatus, Gillespie Kūn, Hrabstwo Gillespie, گیلسپی کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Gillespie, Гиллеспи, Округ Гилеспи, Гіллеспі, گلیسپی کاؤنٹی، ٹیکساس, Quận Gillespie, Condado han Gillespie, 基利斯比縣

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