Forenede Stater
Hollywood Franklin Park

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    • Dag 20

      Los Angeles🇺🇸

      25. april, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Nachdem wir den ganzen Tag in Santa Monica und Venice Beach verbracht haben sind wir gegen Abend in unserem Hotel in Los Angeles angekommen und was soll ich sagen? Holy shit was für ein Luxusschuppen direkt am Walk of Fame😎 unser Zimmer ist im 18. Stock und wir haben eine grosse Fensterfront. Zur linken sehen wir das Hollywood Sign und zur rechten die ganze Stadt🤩 wir waren allerdings nicht lange im Zimmer da wir direkt weitermussten ins legendäre Whisky a Go Go, die Geburtsstätte vieler grossen Metal- und Glamrockbands! Wir konnten sogar ein Konzert besuchen und Silas so einen grossen Traum erfüllen🥰 Er durfte dann sogar auf die Bühne und stand so quasi in den Fussstapfen all seiner Idole!🤩
      Wir gehen jetzt schlafen damit wir morgen den ganzen Tag die Stadt erkunden können😎
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    • Dag 13

      Exploring LA

      10. februar, Forenede Stater ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Today we explored LA on the hop on- hop off bus! Darraghs head was spinning with all the flash cars in Beverly Hills! We enjoyed a lovely walk down Santa Monica pier, which marks the end of route 66.
      Barry loves LA and reckons he could live here!
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    • Dag 20

      The last day🥺

      25. april, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Heute sind wir noch durch Los Angeles gewandert, von Hollywood bis Beverly Hills und Umgebung. Sind noch etwas durch die Läden gestöbert und haben den letzten Tag genossen! Nun heisst es langsam Koffer packen denn morgen Nachmittag geht unser Flieger wieder back to Zürch!😩
      Wir hatten drei wundervolle Wochen hier in den USA und eines ist sicher: wir waren nicht das letzte mal hier!🥰
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    • Dag 168–171

      Tag 168 - 171 | Los Angeles

      15. februar, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      In LA bezogen wir unser Hostel direkt am Walk of Fame. So war es für und einfach Hollywood zu erkunden...😊

      Ebenfalls waren wir in Beverly Hills/Rodeo Drive (Pretty Woman🎬), am Santa Monica Pier🎢🎡, am Venice Beach💪🏼, Griffith-Observatorium und besuchten den berühmten Famers Markt.

      Wir verbrachten auch viel Zeit im Hostel... Stichwort: "Akkus aufladen" 🔋

      Jetzt sind wir auf dem Weg an den Flughafen, denn heute Nacht fliegen wir nach Guatemala🌞🌎
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    • Dag 2

      Erster Blick aufs Hollywood Sign

      2. februar, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Beim spazieren sind wir eher unerwartet auf einen tollen Blick auf das Hollywood Sign gestoßen. Als wir am Einkaufszentrum Ovation Hollywood vorbeigegangen sind, haben wir durch den Torbogen zum ersten Mal das Hollywood Sign gesehen. Also ging’s die Treppe aufwärts und durch den Torbogen auf eine Terrasse mit wirklich tollen Blick! Der Blick ist in echt nochmal besser als auf einem Bild, da der Schriftzug natürlich etwas in der Ferne liegt. Das Hollywood Sign ist ein weltberühmter weißer Schriftzug in den Hollywood Hills über Hollywood. Die Bestandteile des Schriftzugs in Großbuchstaben sind etwa 14 Meter hoch und zusammen 137 Meter lang. Der gesamte Aufbau wiegt rund 220 Tonnen. Sehr spannend ist die Geschichte. 1923 stellte eine Maklerfirma für 21.000 Dollar den Schriftzug HOLLYWOODLAND auf städtischem Grund in den Hollywood Hills auf, um für den Kauf von Grundstücken in dieser damals öden und abgelegenen Gegend nördlich des noch wesentlich kleineren Los Angeles zu werben. Die Buchstaben wurden mit insgesamt etwa 4000 Glühlampen beleuchtet. Der auf dem Mount Lee montierte Schriftzug war eigentlich nur als Provisorium für eine Dauer von eineinhalb Jahren geplant, blieb aber erhalten und wurde ein Symbol für den aufstrebenden Filmstandort Hollywood. In den 1940er Jahren kippte das H um, und auch die anderen Buchstaben begannen zu verrotten. Im Jahre 1949 entschied die Handelskammer von Hollywood, die Silbe LAND zu entfernen und den Rest der Schrift zu restaurieren, dabei entfernte man auch die Beleuchtung. 1978 war der Schriftzug wiederum weitgehend verfallen. Für einen kompletten Neubau wurde eine Viertelmillion Dollar veranschlagt. Hugh Hefner veranstaltete eine Spenden-Party in seiner Playboy Mansion, und in diesem Rahmen wurden symbolische Rechte an den einzelnen Buchstaben versteigert, um die Renovierungskosten zu decken. 2010 kaufte Hugh Hefner mit der Unterstützung weiterer Prominenter rund 56 ha auf dem Mount Lee, die seitlich und teilweise hinter dem Schriftzug liegen, um eine Bebauung zu verhindern, die den Gesamteindruck verändert hätte. Super gute Entscheidung!Læs mere

    • Dag 5

      Dolby Theatre

      10. november 2023, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C


      La partiamo col dire che la cerimonia di premiazione 96ª edizione degli Oscar si terrà il 10 marzo 2024, come al solito nella cornice del Dolby Theatre di Hollywood e sarà trasmessa in diretta sulla ABC negli Stati Uniti

      Il Dolby Theatre è un teatro situato a Hollywood, in California, all'interno del complesso commerciale Hollywood and Highland.
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    • Dag 18

      Last day in Hollywood

      29. september 2023, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      So on my last day in Hollywood, I did some of the most touristy things here, starting with a tour of Paramount Pictures Studios, the only major studio actually located in Hollywood.

      Due to the strike, there is currently nothing filming on the Paramount lot, so it was rather empty there. But it's always interesting to get a guided tour of such a major movie studio, where countless films and tv shows have filmed over the years.

      Among other things, we saw a location that was used for a scene in the 4th Indiana Jones movie, and The Godfather movies also shot several scenes there.

      After Paramount, I went on another tour - this time a guided bus tour around the Hollywood and Beverly Hills area. I have actually been friends with the tour guide since first doing a tour with him back in 2011. He is quite entertaining and has a wealth of knowledge of all things Hollywood.

      He is now doing a brand new tour called Hollywood Dreams and Nightmares. I think today was the first day they did the tour actually, and there were only two of us on the tour!

      While I have previously visited most of the areas we passed on the two-hour tour, the tour guide pointed out many points of interest along the way, and lots of fun facts. We also visited a cemetery (!) where many celebrities have been laid to rest, including Marilyn Monroe and Dean Martin.

      In the evening, I had dinner at Yamashiro, located up in the hills, with a stunning view of Los Angeles.

      I ended the evening with a movie at the Chinese Theatre, the one used for most Hollywood red carpet premieres over the past many decades.
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    • Dag 17


      28. september 2023, Forenede Stater ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      After relaxing at the hotel this morning, I went to Walt Disney Studios for a tour. I have previously done tours of Warner Bros, NBC, Paramount, Sony and Universal but this was my first time doing the tour of Disney's studios, where countless Disney productions over the years have come to life.

      Among other things, we visited the animation building where animated classics like Cinderella and The Jungle Book were created. It was fun to hear more about the laborious process from pre-production, production to post-production, and how much things have changed as technology has evolved.

      We also visited the rooms that served as Walt Disney's private office for over 25 years. It has been restored to resemble the exact way it looked in the late 60s, with all of Walt's original books, scripts, etc. Very fascinating to visit this historic place.

      We also saw the outside of several massive sound stages where Disney productions, such as Pirates of the Caribbean, filmed scenes.

      After my last Disney activity on this trip, I made my way to Hollywood to stay at the Magic Castle hotel, one of my favorites.

      Then I did what nobody else does in Los Angeles: a long walk! While I have often passed by the same locations on previous trips, it was fun to walk by many legendary spots on the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood. Many rock bands started out in venues like the Whisky, Roxy, and Rainbow - all of which still exist.

      In the evening, I had dinner at Musso & Frank Grill, the oldest restaurant in Hollywood, which also appears in many movies and TV series. Very cool place with a rich history.
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    • Dag 17

      Tag 1 in Los Angeles

      16. juli 2023, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Heute machten wir 2 Grosse Busstouren die einte ging 2 Stunden und die andere ging 3 Stunden dann gingen wir am Abend auf eine Nacht Tour wir spazierten bis halb 10 und dann gingen wir noch etwas TrinkenLæs mere

    • Dag 41

      Los Angeles

      30. maj 2015, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      We planned that our first day after Trek America would be a 'rest day' thinking that we would need it. However after spending most of yesterday sitting in a van from Las Vegas to Los Angeles we felt restless and wanted to get out in the California sunshine. With our hostel situated in Hollywood we are well placed for views of the Hollywood sign as well as getting to the Griffith Observatory, both situated high on the hills of Griffith Park. Our hostel had information on three hike routes of varying difficulty and we chose the moderate climb. However even this started with an ascent of 600 feet over the first mile of the trail. Furthermore it was a two mile walk from our hostel to the trailhead. As said, we felt restless...

      We arrived at the trailhead in good time, leaving paved streets for sandy tracks which quickly rose above nearby houses. Being Saturday morning there were a number of families, dog walkers and hikers out on the trail, there were even groups of horse riders whose shit stank in the rising heat (the horses' not the riders at least). With the city below us we moved up and around ridge lines of hardy thorny shrub.

      When we reached the junction with the Hollyridge Trail (the first and more gentle ascent) we thought we were getting close, however as we moved closer to the Hollywood sign we could see the trail continue to rise and switchback across the hills. Midday was closing in and the trail simmered in the 26C degree heat. We would approach a blind bend in the trail with only bright blue sky visible over the lip. Approaching, we were poised to turn the corner and see something to indicate that we were closer to our goal. Yet we only found another steep rise to another blind bend. We trudged on, determined to get to the top and eventually we did. To our surprise we found that we had actually risen above the sign and made it to the peak itself. We sat under some scant shade to greedily drink from our water bottles before making the descent. From our position we could see Los Angeles stretch out to the horizon in all directions, however heat and air pollution obscured much of this.

      We could see in the distance, across the ridge lines, The Griffith Observatory, built in 1933 to observe stars in the night sky but made famous by stars of other kind from its use as a location in films including 'Rebel Without A Cause' and 'The Terminator', leading it to become an emblem of the city.

      Whilst at the observatory we managed to meet with Matti from Trek America, who is staying in Santa Monica before he begins his surf school tomorrow. Matti has been a very good friend on our trip so it was brilliant to see him as we toured the observatory with its exhibits on space. However it was also bitter sweet because it involved a further goodbye. We really hope Matti has a great time at surf school and that we are able to keep in touch.

      By the time we returned to the hostel it was after 6:00pm, having hiked a total of 11-12 miles. We arrived back proud but exhausted. So much for a 'rest day'!
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