Check-in New Orleans - zum 2ten

Heute wollten wir eigentlich weiterfahren und einen State Park ca. 2 Fahrtstunden westlich von New Orleans ansteuern.
Allerdings ging es in der Nacht auf heute los mit dem schlimmsten WinterwetterRead more
Heute wollten wir eigentlich weiterfahren und einen State Park ca. 2 Fahrtstunden westlich von New Orleans ansteuern.
Allerdings ging es in der Nacht auf heute los mit dem schlimmsten WinterwetterRead more
Trip the the downtown area went well! Busy and sunny and noisy (and a bit smelly apparently). We took the shuttle from camp which was a tour all on its own. Greg, son of the former owners, has beenRead more
Nice to find a campground so close to the city and they offered a free shuttle at 9 & 5 and a return shuttle at 5:45. Owner of the campground drove us in at 9am and gave us an amazing tour of theRead more
First stop in the bayou. Short but sweet. Nothing around but water, trees and the highway but the weather was lovely!
NOLA! Can’t wait to head to the French Quarter to do some touristy things. We will add more photos and words when we have some 🥰
Heute sind wir endlich an unserem Ziel angekommen. Von Shreveport (erstes Foto) ging es nach New Orleans. Unser Stellplatz auf dem KOA ist schön schattig und abseits von den Großen, die dicht anRead more
We made it! But disaster strickes. The ice chest drain opened up in the trunk some time during the day. The trunk is soaking wet, but nothing is ruined.
We need to decide not only what to do whileRead more
Last time we were in New Orleans, the KOA was flooded by a storm that dropped 10 inches of rain. This time the KOA was flooded by a burst water main. We had to move our trailer at 8pm to avoid theRead more
We previously shared one KOA's wonderful halloween decorations. Our hostess Beth here in New Orleans is definitely in the spirit. She painted them herself.
Well the rain finally stopped last night after an afternoon and evening of downpours and wind. There was even a tornado watch that upped our anxiety level for a while. The final total for the rainRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Little Farms (historical)
Traveler Winterwonderland 😜! Wieso gönd ihr überhaupt hei id Schwiiz? Muesch ja gar nöd so wiit gah für Schnee......😆
Traveler Für Schnee wes usgseht nöd, aber defür für di liebschte z gseh 🤗
Traveler 🥰