United States
Meade County

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    • Day 315

      Work hard, play hard @ the Ranch 🐮 🥩

      June 10 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Na de drukte van de laatste dagen moeten we echt even bijkomen. Dit was oorspronkelijk al de bedoeling bij Dee en Doug maar goed. Het vreet werkelijk energie om heel de dag Engels te praten en we zijn gesloopt. We praten nog driftig na over hoe bijzonder de laatste dagen waren en wisselen elkaar wat af tijdens het rijden zodat we om en om een dutje kunnen doen. Als we bijna op ons volgende plekje zijn ontvangen we een berichtje of het nog doorgaat in verband met de naderende storm. Wij weten van niets aangezien het heel de dag zonnig is maar ineens zien we in de verte donkere wolken aankomen. Inmiddels hebben we ook een waarschuwing op onze telefoon gekregen en we worden snel op een beschut plekje achter een schuur gestald. Dan gaat het flink los, harde wind en een flinke plensbui. Gelukkig duurt het niet lang en na 2 uur breekt de stilte na de storm 🤷🏼‍♂️ aan. We staan op een Ranch en de eigenaar vraagt of we mee willen om de koeien in het veld te gaan inspecteren. Hij heeft 2500 hectare (!!!) grond waar 250 koeien grazen. Meer dan genoeg ruimte dus maar vroeger had hij er 1800, vandaar. We stappen (wederom) in een ATV en verkennen zijn inmense stuk grond. We maken kennis met de koeien (Red Angus) maar verbazen ons vooral over het ENORME perceel. Hij neemt ons mee naar het hoogstgelegen stuk en het 360 graden uitzicht is geweldig met de ondergaande zon. We vuren tal van vragen op hem af en spreken geregeld onze bewondering uit. De koeien hebben een prima leven en zien er goed verzorgd uit. We bezoeken ook de kalfjes van zo'n 6 weken oud met hun moeders. 'Helaas' worden al deze koeien over een jaar hamburger of biefstuk maar als het dan toch moet, dan maar zo. We praten met hem over het leven van een vee houder en hij verteld dat het best eenzaam is en hij het contact met reizigers enorm leuk vindt. Met zijn kinderen doet hij veel leuke dingen op de ranch zoals paardrijden en sleeën in de winter en hij laat ons z'n enorme vrachtwagen/camper/paardentrailer zien, bizar groot, we hebben nog nooit zoiets gezien. Zijn motto luidt dan ook: Work hard, play hard. Een motto dat ons ook wel bevalt! We krijgen van Arnold een paar kilo van z'n eigen gehakt mee om zelf hamburgers te maken, gratis! 😃 We vallen werkelijk van de ene verbazing in de andere.... Wat is het toch gaaf hier, we zijn behoorlijk verliefd aan het worden op Amerika!Read more

    • Day 17

      Full Throttle Saloon

      June 9 in the United States ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      Der Full Throttle Saloon, die größte Biker-Bar der Welt, ist während der Sturgis-Rallye für 10 Tage geöffnet. Mike Ballard leitet den Betrieb, seine Frau tanzt mit den Flaunt-Girls, bunte Gäste, Mitarbeiter und Jesse James Dupree besuchen den Ort.
      Reality-Show über den Full Throttle Saloon, die größte Biker-Bar der Welt, die einmal im Jahr während der Sturgis-Rallye in South Dakota 10 Tage lang geöffnet ist. Sehen Sie, wie Mike Ballard den gesamten Betrieb leitet, seine heiße Biker-Braut mit den Mädchen von Flaunt tanzt und die bunten Gäste, Barkeeper, Sicherheitspersonal und sogar Stammgast Jesse James Dupree von Jackyl, der in Full Throttle verwickelt ist.
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    • Day 21

      Bear Butte szállás

      July 10 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Egy farmon, ahol most friss terményeket is veszünk. A nagyon kedves tulaj mindent elmesélt... Ez a domb nálunk egy Somló hegy lenne, itt áll magában beépítetlenül... Az indiánok szerint van egy legenda, és ez valójában egy alvó óriás medve. És tényleg...Read more

    • Day 17


      June 9 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Die Stadt ist vor allem als Austragungsort der legendären Sturgis Motorcycle Rally bekannt, doch ihr Wesen ist tief in der reichen amerikanischen Geschichte und Kultur verwurzelt. Die Stadt ist nur einen Steinwurf vom Bear Butte State Park entfernt, einer heiligen Stätte, die zahlreichen indianischen Stämmen als Pilgerstätte diente.

      Die Sturgis Motorcycle Rally ist die größte Motorradrallye der Welt und zieht jedes Jahr bis zu 700.000 Menschen an. Während der Veranstaltung ist die ganze Stadt mit Motorrädern, Partys, Motorradshows und Live-Konzerten überfüllt. Menschen aus der ganzen Welt kommen, um zu fahren, Sehenswürdigkeiten zu besichtigen und die einzigartige Atmosphäre zu erleben.
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    • Day 11

      Sturgis - Buffalo Chip

      August 8, 2019 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      This is the Campground where most takes place. It's huge (about 600 acres). Great stage setup & the music was loud even by my standards! All the vendors were here & a fair bit of x rated other stuff which I'll choose to omit from my story. More to come! 😂Read more

    • Day 15

      One Eyed Jack's Saloon

      August 3, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Wir besichtigen den ganzen Rummel in Sturgis. Bei Indian Motorcycles gabs eine laute Stuntshow zu sehen. Interessant sind vorallem die ganzen Bikes auf und neben der Strasse in der ganzen Stadt.
      Nun geniessen wir unser Bier beim BBQ und anderem Fleisch und lassen den Tag ausklingen.

      Heute sind wir nur 30 Meilen (48km) gefahren.
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    • Day 14

      Welcome Home Bikers - Sturgis

      August 2, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Nach einem schrecklichen Zmorge in Sundance gings los Richtung Sturgis. Der Plan war eigentlich quer durch die Black Hills zu fahren statt den direkten Weg über die Autobahn zu nehmen. Leider sah der Weg nur auf dem Navi gut aus und war eine nasse Naturstrasse. Wir entschieden nach einigen Kilometern als die Strasse noch schlechter wurde umzudrehen und nahmen trotzdem den Weg über die Autobahn. Bei der Ausfahrt Spearfish gings raus und wir nahmen den Weg über Spearfish Canyon Richtung Sturgis. Bereits hier waren viele Bikes unterwegs und das Reisetempo dementsprechend bescheiden. Unterwegs hielten wir noch an einem Restaurant bevor es definitiv über Deadwood bis zum Hotel in Sturgis ging.

      Leider hat Sammys Kamera an diesem Tag seinen Dienst quittiert und wir müssen uns bis auf weiteres mit den Handykameras zufrieden geben.

      Den Abend verbrachten wir auf dem legendären Buffalo Chip Campground mit VIP-Ticket und direktem Blick auf die Bühne. Haupt-Act: SKID ROW

      Heutige Fahrleistung 141 Meilen (227km)
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    • Day 16

      Byebye Sturgis

      August 4, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Nach zwei Nächten im Best Western in Sturgis ist es jetzt Zeit zum weiterreisen. Wir haben sehr viele Eindrücke von der Main Street (einige schöne und sehr viele weniger schöne mit viel Haut) erlebt. Heute geht die Fahrt in den Süden Richtung Mount Rushmore durch die Blackhills.Read more

    • Day 29

      Rapid City, SD

      September 27 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Last evening, we met an older couple from Indiana. We saw this man looking at our vehicle and he realized we were with the truck. We made small talk, where are you from, what are you doing here, etc. It so happens they are from Indianapolis and were here for the Annual Buffalo Roundup. Our faces must have looked a bit perplexed as he said, 22,000 people will come to watch the round up, "google it". We did and according to the information we saw, there would be a mass of 1300 buffalos and as they run past the viewing area, the ground would shake, and the dust would fly. We were convinced and decided to head out, I mean, "why not?"

      We set the alarm for 5:00 am and rolled out of bed, drank some bad hotel coffee and then headed out. We stopped by a drive-through coffee shed for some good coffee and we headed out for Custer State Park. We were about 45 minutes out and the gates opened at 6:15, according to the information on the website. We timed it perfectly, as we were scheduled to arrive at exactly on time. We entered the park and saw quite a few cars ahead of us and we realized we were not the first ones in line. Before too long, the line of cars stalled. Finally, after half an hour, the cars began to move and we crawled along for the next 8 miles, bump and go. As we climbed a hill, we could see the long line of cars snaking along the road ahead of us. We finally arrived at the parking lot around 8:00. The round up was scheduled for 9:30.
      Fortunately, we had lawn chairs in the back of the truck, so we lugged them, some snacks, and water up the hill to the viewing area. The hill was already filled with spectators. We randomly set our chairs down and soon a man with a wheeled cooler set his chair and cooler next to us. It was about 8:30 when he popped his first Busch Lite and by 9:00 he was already 3 beers to the wind. By 10:00 (the buffalo had still not made their appearance) and our neighbor was somewhere between 8-10 beers for the morning. We were privileged to slurred yells of "USA", F U (not sure why), smart remarks that he thought were funny, although got few laughs, oh and several loud belches that would have made an uncouth pirate proud. Between smoking, drinking, swearing, belching, and other unwelcome antics, we waited patiently for the appearance of the buffalos. Finally, we saw a few coming down over the hill and soon a few more, until finally there was a large herd in the valley below. Because there were so many people on the hill, and they were all standing by now, we could hardly see the massive animals. I stood on my chair so I could at least see them. Before too long, the cowboys and cowgirls started to move the heard to the corral. They walked, no thundering hooves, very little dust, and not much of a spectacle. It would be like driving several hours to watch the eclipse (which we did), then just as the eclipse would happen, the skies would cloud over and not be able to see anything awesome. People started leaving and we joined the exodus. It took about an hour to get out of the park. It was, all in all, a good experience, but a bit of an anti-climactic moment. But wait, it was about the buffalos, not about us. From that perspective, it was a successful morning.

      We napped and then I went and got the truck washed. It was coated with quite a thick layer of dust and desperately needed a good washing.

      We walked to get some pizza and beer for dinner. On the way back, we passed through the Berlin Monument. It contained several large pieces of the Berlin Wall that somehow made its way to Rapid City, SD. There were a number of plaques and descriptions of the evil of the wall and how it oppressed those in East Germany and East Berlin. The pieces of the wall came from a section next to Checkpoint Charlie. Mom and Dad went to Germany in 1968, and I remember dad telling me how they crossed into East Berlin through Checkpoint Charlie. It brought them to mind and wondered how close they were to these very pieces, and the randomness of seeing them as we passed through South Dakota. Today, as we watch Russia invade Ukraine and in many ways trying to reimpose the same oppressive government inside the boundaries of their own country and grab territory that used to belong to Russia, I wonder how much more we could have done in that era to save the savagery that occurred behind those walls. I also wonder how much savagery we might also prevent by curtailing the onslaught by Putin and his minions. I admit, I am quite conflicted, because I am attempting to be a pacifist, and war doesn't sit well for me at any time. But what about this time? I just don't know.

      It was a day, to say the least.
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    • Day 30

      Climbing the Butte

      September 28 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Several days ago, we were contacted by a friend who saw that we were in the Rapid City area. She said we must visit the Bear Butte State Park. She had visited it twice, once when she was quite young and once several years ago. Since we were in the area, we thought it would be something we could do. We didn't have much of a clue what we were getting into, but why not.

      We got up this morning and grabbed breakfast and headed out. We stopped in at the Rapid City Farmers Market. We like to visit farmers markets if we can, just to see what all is available. Most of them have a variety of venders, but this one was mostly produce. We did buy a loaf of tear able pizza bread. We also bought a mushroom log. Yes, log with mushroom plugs that will give us an abundance of mushrooms next year. Well, that is the hope. Then we headed out to visit the Butte.

      Bear Butte was about half an hour from Rapid City. The morning was cool but by the time we arrived at the park the temps were starting to climb, and it was obvious the day was going to get warm. We bought our day pass and found our way to the visitor station. We knew we would be hiking up a trail, but sometimes ignorance is quite blissful. We made sure we had plenty of water and started our trek. We did see a pretty big hill in front of us and thought "we got this!" The first part of the trail was fairly easy and not too steep. We were feeling pretty good and kept hiking/climbing. Soon the climb began to get steeper, and the trail got rougher. It was often covered with rocks, broken, loose, and sometimes very solid. It was the kind of climb that was quite deceiving. We kept thinking we were reaching the top, just to take a turn and realizing there was still plenty to go. Just about the time we thought we would be getting close; we would see people on the trail in the distance and quite a bit higher than us. We took lots of breaks and kept sipping on our water bottles and kept on climbing. Finally, we met someone that was on their way down and they pointed up the mountain and said, "there is the platform, it is on the top." We weren't sure whether we should laugh or cry, it still seemed a long way off. We started out again and soon we were actually at the base, and we climbed a bunch of steep steps to the platform and joined a number of other hikers that had already completed the trek. There was a group of older hikers, well, my age as they too had their 50th class reunion and hiking Bear Butte was on the list of activities for the group.

      We rested a while and then headed back down. We walked with the old folk for a while and then finally we stayed ahead of them and finished our hike back down. One of them said it was about a 1200-foot elevation gain and then that far back down. It ended up being about 2 miles up and 2 miles back down again. It took about an hour and half to the summit and then an hour back down.

      We left the park and found an ice cream shop and enjoyed a treat. I think we both earned all the calories.

      It was a good day, but the shower sure felt good when we returned.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Meade County, مقاطعة ميد, Мийд, মিয়াডে কাউন্টি, Condado de Meade, Meade konderria, شهرستان مید، داکوتای جنوبی, Comté de Meade, Meade megye, Միդ շրջան, Contea di Meade, ミード郡, Meade Kūn, Hrabstwo Meade, میڈ کاؤنٹی، ساؤتھ ڈیکوٹا, Comitatul Meade, Мид, Округ Мид, Мід, میڈ کاؤنٹی، جنوبی ڈکوٹا, Quận Meade, Condado han Meade, 米德縣

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