United States
Olympic Square

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    • Day 41


      July 5, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Petit ajout de Julien sur SLC (j'avais oublié le basket oupss)

      Dernier jour à SLC passage obligé au Campervan de la ville. Au final au bout de 2h30 d'attente on repart avec un van flambant neuf et réparé. Le reste de la journée est assez tranquille on passe voir la bibliothèque de la ville en attendant l'événement de la journée : aller voir un match de basket de summer league. On se rend au stade de l'Utah Jazz, club notamment de Rudy Gobert (regardez la taille de ses pieds) et on a eu l'occasion de voir deux matchs : les 76s de Philadelphia contre les Grizzlies de Memphis et les Thunder d'Oklahoma contre Utah Jazz. La summer league correspond à la pré-saison de la NBA et les équipes font jouer leur réserve et les nouveaux joueurs drafté. Le niveau est fou et on assiste à beaucoup de 3 points et de dunk. Mention spéciale au joueur d'Oklahoma Chet Holmgren, choisi en deuxième position de la draft, qui a enchaîné les paniers. Une futur star NBA qu'on a pu découvrir en avant première.
      Pour info la draft correspond à la periode où les équipes de NBA peuvent choisir tour à tour deux nouveaux joueurs universitaires à intégrer dans leurs équipes. Être choisi en deuxième position parmis tous les joueurs universitaires de Basket aux USA est donc énorme !
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    • Day 86

      The Gateway, Salt Lake City, UT

      July 4, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      The Gateway est un centre commercial en plein air. Ce fut le seul lieu ou il y avait un feu d’artifice dans Salt Lake City, la ville ayant remplacé le sien par un show de laser (et l’a effectué le 2 juillet).


      The Gateway is an open-air mall. It was the only location where a firework was launched in Salt Lake City. The city replaced its own by a laser show (that was done on July 2nd).
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    • Day 11

      FanX: Day 2

      September 22, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Great second day at FanX! Quite a busy one, too. I did six panels, the first one featuring Karen Gillan, who plays Nebula in several Marvel movies, Alex Kingston, who I best remember from E.R. and Arthur Darvill, who is probably best known from tv show Dr. Who.

      After that, a smaller panel with Wayne Knight from Jurassic Park and Seinfeld, among other things. A great actor, and it was really interesting to hear about his life and career, and I love his Newman character on Seinfeld.

      Later, I did a panel with the amazing cast of several Marvel shows, primarily Daredevil. The actor who played Daredevil, Charlie Cox, was there as well as the villain on the show, portrayed by Vincent D'Onofrio. The gorgeous Krysten Ritter and Carrie-Ann Moss (best known from The Matrix) also joined the panel.

      My last three panels were all focused on actors from Back to the Future: 92-year-old James Tolkan who played Strictland, Tom Wilson, who played Biff Tannen, and then Doc Brown himself, Christopher Lloyd. I have seen these guys several times before, but it was nice that they each did a half-hour individual panel, even though they couldn't talk about the movies due to the strike.

      Tom Wilson, who is also a comedian, was extremely funny, and I must say he did one of the most entertaining and enjoyable panels I have ever attended.

      Seeing Christopher Lloyd again was bittersweet, as this is apparently the last convention he will ever do, and last ever panel. He was great as always, and I have been lucky to see him at several different conventions over the past few years.

      Speaking of Back To The Future, in between the various panels, I had a photo op with none other than Michael J. Fox. I have met him four times now, which is surreal to think about. He has been my hero for over three decades, so it is a privilege to meet him, and this was most likely his final convention as well.

      I also got a photo with the aforementioned Krysten Ritter who has done a lot of cool stuff - such as Breaking Bad, Daredevil, and Jessica Jones, where she plays the titular role.

      Finally, I got a photo with Hollywood legend Tony Danza! In a career spanning 45 years, he is probably best known from Taxi in the 70s, which also featured Christopher Lloyd.
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    • Day 86

      Union Pacific Depot, Salt Lake City, UT

      July 4, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Ancienne gare de Salt Lake City, datant du début du 20ème siècle, lorsque le voyage par le train était commun.


      Salt Lake City former railroad station, aging from beginning of 20th-century (when rail travel was really common).Read more

    • Day 12

      FanX: Day 3

      September 23, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Last day of the FanX convention! I started the day with a panel on the Back To The Future musical by Michael Klastorin, who has written several books about the movies, and he was the publicist on part 2 and 3.

      After that, I attended a panel about introverts in pop culture! As an introvert, it was interesting to see that there are several characters in huge films or tv shows that are actually introverted too.

      There are tons of panels going on in multiple rooms around the convention center all three days, so it was fun to attend some of the smaller ones too.

      I did another few panels in the main ballroom too though - first one of the day with cast members from one of the many Star Wars shows. While they can't talk about the show specifically, they are actors, so they know how to make a Q&A fun and interesting.

      The next panel, with the cast of Smallville, was definitely one of the most entertaining of the weekend! Tom Welling (Clark Kent( and Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor) in particular were hilarious and really knew how to get the crowd going!

      Follwing the panel, I got a photo with Kristin Kreuk who played Lana Lang on Smallville, and it was also fun to see John Glover who portrayed Lionel Luthor.

      My final panel was with the amazing Andy Serkis, who has done so many things over the years, but might be best known as Gollum in Lord of the Rings, and Snoke in the latest Star Wars movies.

      Today, I didn't have as much planned as I did over the past two days, so I had a chance to see more of the convention floor and the hundreds of vendors selling anything you can imagine. The selection was truly remarkable. So much to see!

      FanX is definitely one of the biggest cons I have attended, but I'm glad I was able to do all the things I had planned in advance. Many great panels and great people.
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    • Day 53

      Salt Lake City 1

      May 11, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      We took a break from outdoors activities in Salt Lake City and spent the day at the Planetarium and at the Children’s museum. Tamara was very happy about that! We then went out for Indian food for Nathalie‘s birthday.Read more

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