Day 9 - White Cap Mountain

Just summited. Only reception I'll have for a while. Unfortunately lots of cloud so nothing to see.
Want to write more content but it takes forever to type on my phone. Loads of notes. Now I know howRead more
Just summited. Only reception I'll have for a while. Unfortunately lots of cloud so nothing to see.
Want to write more content but it takes forever to type on my phone. Loads of notes. Now I know howRead more
Just starting the day. Stayed last night at the Bald Mtn Pond Lean-to.
Lean-to was a bit tilted and made sleeping uncomfortable. Also full of mossies. Got up in the middle of the night and setup myRead more
Ka-Tah-Din, Kat-Har-Din, Ka-Tard-Din... Getting the pronunciation the same as the locals on this one is taking a while. Strange, since at a glance the word appears uncomplicated.
Anyway, where was I?Read more
Heading out today from Shaw's at Monson. Just had bacon and egg croissant from the servo (gas station).
Really enjoyed the yurt style accommodation, it is just like a regular room.
Pack is nowRead more
Seit meinem AT Thru Hike Attempt in 2022 träume ich auf Katahdin zu stehen. Am Freitag war es endlich soweit! Jochen und ich waren gegen 8:10 Uhr auf dem Baxter Peak.
Die letzten Tage waren ziemlichRead more
I've got some time now to update days I've skipped so far (day 10 at the time of writing)
Started our at Katahdin Stream Campground. Was in a bit of rush to get moving as I didn't want to encounterRead more
Started out from Abol Bridge Campground and Store. A great little place with plenty of hiker supplies available.
Tried to figure out the coins. They are not distinctive sizes like Australian ones,Read more
9 Tage vor unserer Abreise von Halifax haben wir noch Zeit für 3 Tage Relaxing — und sind nun am Moosehead Lake in Maine, einem Tipp von unseren hamburger Freunden folgend. Und dieser See istRead more
Wenn man schon an so einem spannend großen See "wohnt", dann sollte man ihn auch zu Wasser erkunden ;) Und so sind wir über den 305 Quadratkilometer großen Moosehead Lake gedüst - für 2½Read more
We got up at 3 AM as planned and went directly on the trail. And the Appalachian Trail was just like always rocky, rooty and with lots of puddles. Just a usual hike except that it were our last milesRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Piscataquis County, Пискатъкуис, পিসকাটাকুইস কাউন্টি, Condado de Piscataquis, Piscataquis konderria, شهرستان پیسکاتاکیوس، مین, Comté de Piscataquis, Piscataquis megye, Փիսքատաքուի շրջան, Contea di Piscataquis, ピスカタキス郡, Piscataquis Kūn, Hrabstwo Piscataquis, پسٹاکوس کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Piscataquis, Пискатакис, Округ Пискатаквис, Піскатаквіс, پسکیٹاکیز کاؤنٹی، میئن, Condado han Piscataquis, 皮斯卡特奎斯縣
Traveler Lol GRRM! Just don’t take 15 years before the next update 😂
Traveler It will be worth it when it finally is released
Traveler Yeah, but I'll stop caring first if George's work is any indication
Traveler Ok, but why are you wearing a grey hat on white cap mountain?