Verenigde Staten
State Game Lodge

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    • Dag 9

      Mt Rushmore

      20 mei 2024, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 43 °F

      425 steps let’s go! This was our second hike of the day after a treacherous 2 mile hike on steep climbs and rocky hills at Custer state park. More on that later. We ended up our day by driving allll the way to Crazy Horse Monument only for it to be covered by the thickest blanket of fog, turned around and found the Mt. Rushmore brewing co and had a much deserved dinner, beer and fries!Meer informatie

    • Dag 7

      Badlands National Park.

      18 mei 2024, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      Oh the places you’ll go! The views just got better and better. We had a fantastic hike off the beaten path and my kids were like goats on the rocks! So fun… I wasn’t too far behind. We even saw a bullsnake on the trail eek!Meer informatie

    • Dag 264

      Rapid City and Black Hills

      4 augustus 2021, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      So MANY motorcycles. Sturgis Bike Rally starts in a few days. Met up with Kyle and Nikole for dinner at Firehouse Brewing. They live in TC and are on a road trip. So much fun to see them! Rapid City downtown is cool. Met a local (originally from MI) at Lost Cabin Brewery that tried to convince Tyson to line dance. 🤣 Sushi had to spend the night in the Rapid City Animal hospital. ☹️ She stopped eating and drinking while we were at Yellowstone. She’s all better after a night getting IV fluids and other meds. 💸 Thank goodness. If something were to happen to her I would fall apart. We also had a truck tire replaced. Slow leak that Discount Tire could not fix. Stayed at Rapid City RV Park and Central Lake Campground in Custer SP. Drove by Crazy Horse, Mt. Rushmore and through the small towns of Custer and Keystone. Lost Trails hike around the lake in our CG was nice. Needles highway in Black Hills is super cool. Iron Mtn highway okay. I should mention that Tyson has biked in almost every single spot we’ve stayed. The trail he tried to take at Custer SP was closed so he opted to go on a hike with me and Kaline around the lake which, of course, we both loved. We did A LOT of driving in the Black Hills area. Or I should say Tyson did a lot of driving of those winding narrow roads.

      Tyson: Is this where everyone in Lake Havasu goes for the summer?
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    • Dag 9

      Wildlife Loop Sunset Ride

      2 september 2024, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 90 °F

      I became aware of a new term on this trip. 

      "Touron" is a derogatory term used to describe tourists who act foolishly while on vacation.

      Tourists in Custer want to see the buffalo.  And there are signs everywhere. "Do Not Approach."

      One of the attractions at Custer State Park is the Wildlife Loop Road.  A 17-mile loop (with interior roads) where you are likely to see buffalo, deer, antelope, big horn sheep, etc, in a natural setting.  People drive the loop in hopes of seeing the wildlife.  The herd moves and the rangers track them.  At the visitors center, they actually have a map showing where the buffalo herd will likely be found. But "Do Not Approach."

      We wanted to do the Wildlife Loop, but on our bikes.  If we found the buffalo, we'd just keep our distance.

      We were still feeling our hike up Black Elk Peak yesterday, so we rested in the afternoon and went for our Wildlife Loop bike ride in the evening. 

      The buffalo were not where they were supposed to be.  At least not according to the map at the visitors center. But we saw some antelope and a few deer.

      We kept riding, and we saw 1 buffalo in the distance.  We were looking for the herd - about 350 of them.  Then we saw a group of about 40.  Again, far in the distance.

      We had gone out just before sunset, expecting that our chances might be good to find them as they moved at sunset.

      As we rode further, we got to a turnaround point.  The sun was setting... but....Just one more hill, one more turn, we said. 

      Then the payoff. After that last hill and that last turn,  just as we had hoped, we found the herd migrating from one field to another, crossing the road in the process.  Crossing between 2 trucks stopped on the side of the road about 40 feet between them.

      Yes, we kept our distance and yet got a fabulous view.

      But there was one Touron.  He got out his truck and stood in the road.  Not just in the road, but in the path of a herd of buffalo.  In the path between the 2 trucks 40' apart. I guess maybe there needed to be 1 more sign.

      A jeep tour guide passed by us and paused to mention that we had done it right.

      It was fun to watch the buffalo, but then we headed back.  We got more great views of the antelope.  There were a few that were feeding just on the edge of the road.  Truly enjoyable.

      The best view of the day was not the buffalo but of the antelope.  One in specific. 

      There was a group of the antelope near the road, and another smaller group up on a ridge.  Suddenly, a fawn comes running down the ridge to his momma.   It was feeding time.  She nursed him.  It was an awesome view.

      We never know what we are going to see.  We find fun in whatever comes our way.
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    • Dag 7

      The Sound of Silence

      31 augustus 2024, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      The Sound of Silence.

      Up early to get ahead of the crowd? To see the wildlife stretching their morning legs? To see the sun break over the trees and rocks?

      Yes, all of those, but mostly so we would not be blocking traffic as we biked up mountain.

      We rode Needles Highway to Sylvan Lake, about 10 miles almost completely uphill (1500 feet elevation gain).

      It was cool and crisp at 50°. On the way up, we were passed by 3 cars and 2 motorcycles. Other than that, it was a quiet early morning ride. We can talk to each other through our helmets, but that was limited, too. We were just taking it all in.

      Well, there were some ooohs and ahhs - it is a gorgeous ride. And we did talk to the deer and a lone bison on the side of the road.

      But mostly, it was quiet appreciation.

      Before today, my favorite ride to date was the Virginia Creeper Trail.

      Today, this ride, is the new benchmark. The Spires, the trees, the tunnels, the overlooks, the clear, clear, clear blue skies, and the quiet, the peace, the aloneness. Oh yeah, and the zoom zoom back down. That was good, too.

      We got out at a good time. We rode up peacefully, hiked Sylvan Lake (different footprint), and then rode back down. The return trip was almost all downhill. We weren't too worried about the cars because we were mostly cruising at their speed.
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    • Dag 7

      We Missed It

      31 augustus 2024, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      Cathedral Spires Hike

      Challenges are great, but if we are not careful, they can come with a cost. I actually prefer the challenging hikes. I enjoy watching My Lovely attack a rock climb.

      This was a moderate hike. An out and back about 2.4 miles round trip, with a couple of challenging sections.

      Nobody got hurt. Not even a near miss unless you count what we almost didn't see. The issue is that we have to pay closer attention to what we are doing in the challenging areas - we are looking down and not up at the beauty all around us.

      This was a fabulous hike for both the young and 'mostly old like us. Trails filled with rock formations, Forest views, elevation changes, and the trails sparkled with silica crystals. And my favorite kind of trails, mostly natural with just a little help from the Park Service.

      The Cathedral Spires showed themselves through the trees and at the overlooks. And just over a mile in, we reach the end of the trail at the base of the Spires. It was fabulous.

      Then came the trek back. And we saw some of what we missed. On the way up, there were a few places where the scenery was behind us while we were watching our step. We missed it . . . But then we saw it. An unexpected bonus.

      This is a beautiful place.
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    • 3-Part Day Starts with the Wildlife Loop

      1 september 2020, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

      After two long days of sightseeing, we planned today as an easy day. A later departure from the campground ... an earlier return. Nonetheless, we managed to squeeze in three different places into our day before returning to the Cruiser.

      This footprint, part I of today’s story, covers another drive on the Wildlife Loop in Custer SP. We’ve determined that it is a good alternative to staying on US-16A to reach the SD-87 junction. It doesn’t add that much more distance or time, and seems like a less-curvy road with wide open vistas.

      As anticipated, the heat had driven the animals into the shade, so sightings were few. We saw the burros — not unexpected since they are used to being fed and always show up — and a couple of pronghorn antelopes.

      Then we got on the section of SD-87 that runs south through Custer SP and started seeing big piles of fresh dung all over the road. A sure sign that the bison were somewhere in the vicinity. Sure enough ... we rounded the curve in the road and there they were ... spread out on both sides of the road, but mostly on my side. Excellent! That was the direction in which the light was good!

      This is now the third time we’ve driven the wildlife loop. In every instance, we’ve found the bison herds elsewhere 😉

      P.S. On our way back through Custer SP later in the day, the only critters we saw were some bighorn sheep ... so well hidden in the shade of some trees that we almost drove by them. The dappled light provided them with perfect camouflage. Can’t say as I blamed them for seeking the shade ... it was so darned hot at that hour!
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    • Exploring Custer State Park

      30 augustus 2020, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      Last night we decided to skip exploring Custer State Park today and head north to check out a couple of towns ... maybe Hill City and Lead ... maybe loop back around via Deadwood and Sturgis. We left the Cruiser around 9:30a to do just that.

      It was a warmish-day ... blue skies and sunshine ... quite calm wind-wise. Conditions would change later ... at least in regards to the winds and temperature. But we did not know that when we drove away from the campground.

      To get up north from where we are camping, we have two possible routes. Either take some winding roads up to Keystone first. Or, drive US-16A through Custer State Park to the town of Custer to connect to US-16/US-385. We decided on the latter.

      Once we entered the park, we jiggled our plans ... a bit. Instead of staying on the thru-road, why not take the Wildlife Loop Road. It was probably too late to see much in the way of wildlife, but we could reconnoiter the road. After all, our “special license”, as the admission pass is known, was now active. We were legit, so why not check out one of the park’s major attractions?

      So, plans changed again to accommodate the Wildlife Loop Road and add the infamous Needles Highway to exit through the north entrance to check out the northern towns.

      As expected, we saw little in the way of wildlife on the loop road ... some pronghorn antelope (which we see plenty of on the plains across the arroyo from our house) ... a lone bison way off in the distance.

      The only herd we encountered on the Wildlife Loop were the friendly burros mingling with at least 30 people ... who had parked their cars all across the road to feed them. Any other time, we might have joined them to get some photo ops. But this is pandemic times. We don’t do crowds ... and we stay away from people who refuse to wear masks when social-distancing is not possible. So, we carefully negotiated our way through the mix of burros and people to continue on our way.

      We were sorry the herds of bison seen in photos of Custer SP were nowhere to be seen. But truthfully, as it was almost 11:00a by this time, we weren’t expecting to see them. Hah! Little did we know that we’d see them a several-hundred strong at the junction of the Wildlife Loop Road and SD-87.

      What a sight! I didn’t even mind the cars parked along the road, creating a maze for the bison to negotiate as they went from one side of the highway to the other. I had plenty of tatankas that were close to our car, grazing in the meadow ... I could photograph them with a natural setting as a backdrop.

      We spent nearly ½-hour with the bison ... photographing and taking videos ... and just watching the interactions between the animals. Eventually, though, it was time to move on ... with another change in plans. As late as it now was, we figured, we’d best just enjoy Custer SP today instead of driving north to Hill City et al.

      Continuing on SD-87 for a bit, we saw the sign for the Mount Coolidge Fire Tower, with an overlook promising some expansive scenery ... and the possibility of lunch with a view. The one-mile dirt road was easily negotiated. We arrived to only one other car in the parking lot. Excellent!

      The tower, built of local stone, is one of the last projects of the Civilian Conservation Corps. We climbed up to the observation terrace, noting that there were indeed expansive views ... even very distant glimpses of the Crazy Horse Memorial and Mt Rushmore. Alas, the guy-wires securing the two massive antenna masts made it impossible to get any decent shots. We banked the memories in our grey-matter and returned to the car. By this time, several more cars had arrived and it was getting crowded. No shade area for a picnic, so time to move on.

      Back on SD-87, which became the Needles Highway near Legion Lake, we continued our drive north. I had read quite a bit about this National Scenic Byway, which runs through Custer SP and is another one of the park’s major attractions.

      At first, I couldn’t see what made it so special. It looked like any other road through pine and spruce trees ... lots of curves and slow speeds. But then we got into the “needles” and I could see the attraction of the road, which was completed in 1922. With the granite spires rising high into the sky, the scenery captured our imagination ... as it did the imagination of state historian Doane Robinson ... and eventually inspired the carving of the majestic monument at Mt Rushmore.

      When we reached the Cathedral Spires Trailhead, we were tempted to do the hike. It was certainly cool enough to tackle a short but strenuous trail. But the tiny parking area right on a tight switchback was already filled. So we had to take a pass ... after finding a wide enough spot to park for a minute or two to take some photos. Then, we continued on, driving through the “Eye of the Needle” ... one of the two single-lane tunnels blasted out of the granite in order to make the highway a reality.

      Next up, we continued on to Sylvan Lake for a picnic lunch and a walk around the lake to enjoy the scenery. Hah! We arrived to find it packed with visitors. That’s when our plans went awry.

      It wasn’t that there was nowhere to park. We found a spot ... not once, but twice. It wasn’t the crowds so much ... though they were a slight deterrent since few were wearing masks, there was space to social-distance. It wasn’t that there wasn’t a picnic table to be had along the lake front ... we had our own portable table, after all. No, it was the wind and the temp that was dropping like a rock that was wreaking havoc with our plans. We’d been expecting the latter, but the strong winds — with some very stiff gusts that had the trees and the shoreline vegetation dancing — had not been forecasted.

      We were just about to give up when we spotted a rickety picnic table on the slope behind the general store. It was hidden amongst the trees. There was just enough sunlight streaming through the canopy to keep us warm, and the bend in the hill deflected the wind. So, we snagged the table. We were at a steep enough angle that our water bottles would not stand upright, but we managed to eat our sandwiches without mishap.

      It was after 2:30p when we left Sylvan Lake to return home. The wind was just too unpleasant ... and neither of us had a jacket to stay warm. We weren’t quite ready to call it a day, though. So, on our drive through Custer SP to get to the campground, we decided to detour by way of the Wildlife Loop again.

      Yup, the herd was exactly where we had left it this morning. There was no one around for me to confirm, but I am guessing they are preparing for the annual round-up (this year on 25 September) by starting to corral the bison. Hence our lucky encounter finding the herd in the same place twice in one day. Regardless of the reason for them staying put, we stopped to enjoy the company of the tatankas for about an hour.

      Once back on the Wildlife Loop, the only animals we encountered were the pronghorn and burros again. A few quick photos, and we were on our way back home, arriving around 6:00p. The day was not what we had planned, but it was a delightful one nonetheless. No complaints whatsoever.
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