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Township of Lower

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    • Dag 83

      Day 83 - Jersey Shore

      13. juli 2019, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      This is going to be short & boring!

      Got up, dressed & drove to the local supermarket to pick up some breakfast provisions,

      We came back & used our kitchenette to make freshly brewed coffee, English muffins & bagels. I also discovered that I can get Channel 4 on the iPad, so I downloaded & watched the superb Eng v Aus cricket semifinal.

      We then went to the beach with our Walmart camping chairs & beach towels. For the next 6 to 7 hours we observed American beach life on the Jersey Shore.

      There isn’t a great deal to say, the beach was big & wide, like a lot of the beachgoers. The beach was spotlessly clean & smoking was banned. Instead of sun beds, Americans favour the low reclining chair & even at the beach, they still like to talk loudly.

      There were manned Life Guard towers every 50 yards & they over enthusiastically peeped their whistles every time anyone went out in to the sea further than about 20 yards.

      It is the Atlantic Ocean, so the water was cold, but actually refreshing & there reasonable sized waves, particularly when the tide was coming in.

      I walked south down the beach, but after about half a mile, the hotels ended & were replaced by sand dunes. The beach was then roped off & I could go no further. It was closed to migratory birds only, giving them an undisturbed place to rest before continuing their journey. It was pretty much what we needed!

      At 5.30pm, the Life Guards started peeping their whistles & waving their arms for everyone to get out of the water. My initial thoughts were “Oh good, a shark had been spotted”. Outrageously, it turned out that they were going home & they wanted everyone out. Why? Nanny State springs to mind!

      As it happens, no longer than 10 minutes after they had gone, people started drifting back into the sea. We called it a day shortly after a woman told Jackie she was burnt or red & I was dark. Jackie will say it was the other way round!

      That evening we returned to the Crest Tavern, where shared a cheeseburger & a chicken salad, followed by an early night.

      I didn’t even take a photo all day!

      Song of the Day - Beach by Something Happens.
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    • Dag 83

      Day 82 - "Where are we?" "New JoiZee"

      13. juli 2019, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Having shared a single curry last night, this morning I was ready to abuse the breakfast buffet. It didn’t let us down, it was delicious, possibly the best yet, English Muffins, cereal, fruit & decent coffee.

      Whilst we were giving it our best shot, three lads turned up to join us (on another table). I thought I saw them checking in the night before with musical instruments. Two wore scruffy rock t-shirts & the third had long blond flowing hair & was wearing a black velvet shirt & black skinny jeans. It didn’t take much to work out who was the lead singer.

      If confirmation was needed the receptionist, approached them & asked the necessary questions. It turned out it was Kyle Daniel & his band from Nashville, who were playing a couple of gigs in Annapolis. The other two were his drummer & bass player. Kyle has a few good songs to his name, check them out on Spotify or YouTube.

      Having consumed as much as we could, we returned to our room to decide what we were going to do & more importantly, where we were going to stay for the next four nights. It wasn’t easy, because prices were exorbitant on the East Coast of America at the weekend.

      After looking at hundreds of locations & permutations, we decided on going to Cape May in New Jersey. The plan was to find somewhere there, stay four days on the beach & then drive to JFK Airport on our final day.

      Off we set, with Kyle Daniel on the stereo. We headed north crossing the Severn River Bridge, then very shortly we were on the understated ‘William Preston Lane Jr Memorial Bridge’, which crossed Chesapeake Bay. The SatNav was programmed to head north via Middle Town in Delaware, but it dropped out & when Jackie re-set it, it took us in the opposite direction to a ferry port called Lewis. Granted it was the ‘shortest’ route, but the ferry only sailed a couple of times a day, we hadn’t got a reservation & I’m not sure the front bumper of Doodle could cope with boarding a ferry.

      Unfortunately we didn’t realise this re-routing until we were deep into corn 🌽 fields in the countryside of the border lands of Maryland & Delaware. When we did realise, with a few choice expletives, we drove through the arse end of nowhere to get back on to our intended route.

      After passing through the sleepy Maryland towns of Denton, Greensboro, Henderson & the State Border Town of Marydel (Original name!) we arrived in Delaware. Our new route took us through Dover, Smyrna, Middletown (where we joined our intended route) then crossed the Delaware Memorial Bridge into New JoiZee. We followed the 55 south through Vineland (Jackie was hoping it was full of wine) to Cape May.

      We drove around Cape May & it was delightful, an upmarket Worthing or Eastbourne, but with a sandy beach. Unfortunately it was out of our price range! By the way, it was our first glimpse of the Atlantic Ocean. We had ‘Historically’ driven from the West Coast to the East Coast of the USA & a lot in between!

      After a bit of research on & other such websites, we identified a possible suitable motel just up the Atlantic Coast in Wildwood Crest. Half an hour later, we pulled up outside & it seemed fine, next to the beach & WOW it had gone down $50 to stay for the next 4 nights. Result!

      Alas, Jackie wanted to research all the other accommodation in the area, so I drove around in circles, while Jackie established that everywhere else was too expensive. We popped to a liquor store for some beers & eventually agreed that the original motel, Beau Rivage Beach Resort was our best option . We pulled up outside the Beau Rivage Beach Resort only to discover that the room we were looking at was unavailable & there was just one room now available, with a sea view for an eye-watering extra $125 per night. I was furious, apparently it wasn’t Jackie’s fault.

      Jackie, possibly feeling slightly guilty, went into the reception only to be told what we already knew. We both sat in the car tapping furiously on our phones waiting for some divine inspiration, when suddenly our prayers were answered. The room we wanted was back on the market at the discounted price. I immediately booked it & I went into reception to get our room keys.

      It was very confusing, but I think that the person who had booked our room had had some problem with payment. I paid up & we were in. Yippee!

      It sounds like we had just secured bargain of the century, no, we are in the equivalent of Torremolinos in Spain or Faliraki in Greece. There are lots of chavs, but we will hopefully experience a true American summer holiday. By the way, literally everyone smokes & permanently has a fag in their mouth except me (& occasionally Jackie!). We have 3 generations of Mexicans in the room next to us! I am saying hello to absolutely everyone to avoid upsetting anyone!!

      We ventured on to the beach, it’s wide & will enjoy our Walmart camping chairs. We then sniffed out the only decent eatery within walking distance, Fitzpatrick’s Crest Tavern. It was a proper American bar, that served food. We had a pint & an appetiser each. I had boneless chicken dippers & Jackie had a massive bowl of mussels. It was perfect & we have already planned to go back there every night.

      Walking home we said hello to a lady out walking her dog, who informed us that at 10.00pm, there would be a Fireworks display at the other end of the beach. It wasn’t Newick, but it made for a nice end to the evening.

      Song of the Day - Keep on Rollin’ by Kyle Daniel.
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    • Dag 11

      Shopping und Strand

      20. august 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Wieder ein Wochenende vorbei! Gestern (Samstag) waren wir im Outlet shoppen. 7 Stunden waren wir dort!! Und ich hab nicht mal $100 ausgegeben :) Hab ein Kleid, ein Oberteil, eine kurze Hose und Chucks gekauft. Zum Mittagessen gab es asiatisch: Reis mit Sesame Chicken und Brokkoli. War ganz lecker. Auf dem Heimweg waren wir dann noch bei Aldi. Der sieht komplett aus wie in Deutschland. Sogar das Sortiment ist ähnlich, aber natürlich gibt es nicht alles. Aber Schogetten und Moser Roth Schokolade, das ist wichtig ;) Daheim angekommen haben wir erst mal unsere Wäsche sortiert und zwei Ladungen Wäsche gewaschen. Nach ein bisschen chillen auf der Couch sind wir dann auch ins Bett.

      Heute (Sonntag) sind wir relativ bald los gen Küste aufgebrochen. Auf dem Weg dorthin hat uns unsere Restaurant-Beauftragte Corinna zu einem Spitzen-Diner (JJ's Diner) gelotst um dort ein leckeres Frühstück einzunehmen. Der Laden war echt winzig und rappelvoll, vor der Tür standen die Leute Schlange! Aber wir hatten Glück, dass wir schnell einen Tisch bekommen haben und so haben wir uns Pancakes in allen Variationen (bei mir mit Heidelbeeren) und Omlette (Spinat und Feta) schmecken lassen. Frisch gestärkt ging es dann weiter nach Cape May. Cape May ist ein relativ bekannter Ferienort (auch für Amerikaner), der Eintritt zum strand hat $6 gekostet, aber dafür war es echt schön, sich im Meer zu erfrischen. Leider hab ich mir trotz mehrmaligem Eincremen, einen Sonnenbrand geholt :/ Viel mehr als den Strand und ein paar schöne Häuser haben wir zwar nicht gesehen, aber der Ausflug hat sich trotzdem gelohnt um einfach das Wetter und die Auszeit zu genießen. Auf dem Heimweg mussten wir tanken, an einer Tankstelle, an der es keine Selbstbedienung gab! Sehr amerikanisch, dass man sich das Auto tanken lässt :D
      Zuhause angekommen haben wir dann nur noch unsere Visumsachen voll erledigt (wir müssen da so Kram ausfüllen, damit alle wissen, dass wir die Reise auch angetreten sind etc.), was gegessen (Pizza und Mozzarellasticks - ich wusste, dass der Moment für TK-Ware immer irgendwann kommt!!), Wäsche gewaschen und geduscht. Meine Haare waren nach Meer und Sonne echt die totale Katastrophe, aber Ailina hat mir von ihrem Kokosöl was abgegeben und ich glaube das Zeug wirkt echt Wunder! Will die ganze Zeit durch meine Haare fahren :D

      Jetzt geh ich schlafen, weil wir morgen ja wieder arbeiten müssen. Die Strategiephase beginnt und wir werden gebrieft, wie wir Praktikanten aussuchen und einstellen... :o
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    • Dag 12

      Cool Wheels dude!

      18. juli 2018, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      This morning after breakfast, Andrew and I went for a walk to the Harrison. In the garage at the back, he has parked his '55 MG which he restored himself. We took it for a spin in town and along the waterfront. The car was fabulous to ride in and many heads turned. Upon returning to the Ashley Rose, he took each child for a ride around the block. He is officially Cool Uncle Andrew!

      Then we drove (in the regular cars) to Beach Plum Farm which was a short drive out of town. It is a small farm specialising in Beach Plums, herbs and eggs. We walked around and fed the chickens and looked at the pigs. This farm provides ingredients for the restaurants at Congress Hall in town. It was beautifully set up and quite nice to visit. Andrew thinks I could create my own version in my back yard. Build it and they will come!

      On our way back into town, Andrew let me have a go at driving the Tesla. It was quite a different experience. Although the pedals are in the same place, the gear lever was on the steering column. Also, when you take your foot off the accelerator, it immediately applies the brake. That was a little disconcerting. Then Andrew showed me how to use auto pilot. I took my foot off the accelerator and my hands off the wheel and the car drove itself! That was really freaky! It was hard to do and quite nerve racking even though I realised that the car was better at driving than I was. The display on the dash shows you where you are in the lane so it was a bit easier for me to stay in the middle once I got used to it. Driving the Tesla was fun. It is the future of driving.

      Back in town we visited and arts and crafts market and then had a lovely lunch.
      Les mer

    • Dag 12

      Cape May Treasure Hunt,

      18. juli 2018, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      They say there is no rest for the wicked - there is even less rest for the busy innkeeper. While Andrew and Kelly attended to business matters, I took the 4 children on the Cape May Family Treasure Hunt. Organised by the Mid-Atlantic Centre for the Arts and Humanities, this was designed to make the architecture and sights of Cape May interesting for small people. We picked up a map with the clues from the Information Centre and began walking around the town looking for answers eg What is pictured on the painted mural across from the park in Decatur Street? or What colour are the doors on the church down Decatur Street etc.

      The kids took turns reading the directions and the questions and we all trooped around the streets looking for architectural features. It was a lot of fun and we learnt about cupolas, turrets, acroterian, mansard roofs and hitching posts. We took a photo at every stop for posterity.

      In the end we went to Ben and Jerry's to get the treasure!
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    • Dag 11


      17. juli 2018, Forente stater ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      Just after my last post, the heavens opened and we had lightening and thunder and very heavy rain. Despite this, we chose to drive to a Japanese restaurant for dinner Habachi style.

      Habachi is a theatrical cooking style. We sat in a square around the chef who cooked in front of us and threw food at us. We had to catch it with our mouths. It was all in good fun and we had a lot of laughs. The food was great and plentiful. I really enjoyed my meal. I sat next to Pat and we got on like a house on fire (her accent reminds me of Franny the Nanny's mother).
      By the time we finished eating the worst of the storm was over.

      Back home, Andrew and I sat on the porch and chatted for a bit.
      Les mer

    • Dag 12

      The last hurrah!

      18. juli 2018, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Tonight is our final night with Andrew and the family and we decided to go out in style. We drove to Wildwood (that is what the town is actually called) to visit a good old fashioned American boardwalk. The boardwalk runs parallel to the sea and is a huge wooden structure that you walk along. There are shops on the road side of the boardwalk selling all kinds of junk food and trashy souvenirs. There are also 3 piers which have amusement rides on them.

      We went to Pier One first and tried many of the rides. There were wild roller coasters and tamer rides for the smaller children (and me). We went on the log ride first. I can confirm that Andrew squeals like a little girl on the scary parts of the ride! We got wet but it didn't matter because it was so hot. The kids went on roller coasters while I held their phones!

      The beach is in between the piers. It is 750m from the road to the beach along a long flat stretch of sand. At high tide, it is only a few metres to the beach.

      Once we had tired of Pier One we moved to Pier Two. We timed things just right and came across a brightly coloured marching band. Poppy followed them doing cartwheels and front and back walkovers!

      On Pier Two Andrew insisted on taking me up the Ferris Wheel - it was one of the biggest Ferris Wheels I have ever seen and it was a bit nerve racking. It was also a spectacular view.

      The kids went on heaps of rollercoasters and other thrill rides while I watched from a safe distance. At 9pm we insisted on feeding them and walked back to the boardwalk to find a place selling something that resembled food. The"restaurant" we found was next to the paintball place. At the paintball, you could shoot a live human target! They had guys dressed in a ton of padding with helmets on dancing around the zone and you were encouraged to shoot them with paintballs. Only in America!

      After dinner the older members of our party returned home while Andrew and I stayed on with the 4 children and supervised them on the rides. More outrageous rollercoasters and a few tamer rides as well. By 11pm we had had enough and decided to come home.

      On the way out we passed 'The Guesser". For $5 a lady would guess either your age (to within 2 years), your weight (to within 3 pounds) or your birthday (to within 2 months). If she guessed wrong, you got a prize. She did not guess Poppy's birthday (she picked August instead of April) nor Oliver or Eva's weights and she guessed Mercina was 13 years old (how rude)! They each came away with a prize - which was worth less than the $5 we paid. Each child was happy to have a memento of their time at Wildwood Boardwalk.

      So now our trip is almost at an end. Tomorrow we begin the long journey home. It will take us 2 hours to drive to Philadelphia, 3.5 hours to fly to Houston, 15 hours to fly to Auckland, 1 hour to fly to Wellington and 1.5 hours to drive to Levin plus all the waiting in between!
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    • Dag 9

      Cape May

      15. juli 2018, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      This morning we packed up to move to Andrew and Kelly's Inn in Cape May itself. They have just bought another property and it happens to be empty this week so we have the place to ourselves. The Ashley Rose is a 7 bedroom Victorian mansion which has been converted to a bed and breakfast. The rooms are old fashioned and quite luxurious. We each have our own room. Mine has a king sized poster bed and a lovely little bathroom.

      Andrew and Kelly showed us around their other inns - The Casablanca and The Harrison. These are Victorian houses which have been converted. The rooms are stunning. Each room is different from the rest.

      After lunch we went to an historic village. We learnt about basket weaving, pottery, blacksmithing etc. They had a falconer there and he showed us his birds. He had a gorgeous baby owl which was soft to pat. We had a lovely time and we learnt a bit. They also had very nice ice cream!

      In the afternoon, Andrew, Eva, Mercina and I went to the light house. 180 steps to the top. A great view. I learnt quite a bit about the area. The hardest part about walking up 180 steps is getting back down!

      We went for a walk along the beach and I finally dipped my toes in the Atlantic Ocean!

      Back at the house now for a rest before the evening's entertainment

      Photo one is the view from the tower
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