United States
Uncle Steves Point

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    • Day 19

      Bar Habour

      June 11, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Wir sind in Bar Habour, die größte Stadt auf Mount Desert Island. Wir parken mit unserem Wohnmobil etwas außerhalb, da in der Stadt keine Wohnmobile parken dürfen und laufen an der Promenade entlang bis zum touristischen Kern. Es ist sehr idyllisch hier. Viele Häuser sind im Kolonialstil gebaut. Grundsätzlich ist hier jedes Haus maximal 3 Etagen hoch. Die Straßen und Parks sind sehr sauber. Heute ist es angenehm warm. Wir setzen uns in einen Park in der Innenstadt mit Blick über die Bucht und beobachten das touristische Treiben um uns herum. Einige Walbeobachtungsboote fahren mit Touristen aufs Meer raus, in der Hoffnung die Meerestiere zu erblicken. Da es aber noch Vorsaison ist, entscheiden wir uns gegen eine Bootsfahrt. Marie krabbelt statt dessen auf der Wiese umher und hat nur Augen für die Hunde, die hier mit ihren Herrchen vorbeikommen. Seitdem sie so schön mit Leo, dem Hund von Bianca und Klaus gespielt hat, ist die von den Vierbeinern fasziniert. Anschließend schlendern wir noch etwas durch das nette Städtchen und steuern einen Spielplatz an, damit sich Marie noch etwas austoben kann.
      Da man hier nicht über Nacht stehen darf, fahren wir weiter und steuern einen Stellplatz an einem Wanderweg an.
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    • Day 55

      Sweets, Sunsets & Fireworks

      July 4 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      OMG! Did someone just drop us in a Hallmark movie?! Just look at this setting!

      Yay us! We arrived early enough to snag a prime spot for the fireworks. No crowded front (thanks to the bushes) or back (thanks to the sidewalk that needs to stay clear). We're all settled in to watch the sunset and enjoy a beverage or two before the fireworks. So, off Don goes to the Bar Harbor Inn to grab those said beverages!

      Now, picture this: Don's got his drink in hand, strutting back like he’s just won the lottery. Suddenly, he's stopped. He's informed that he can't take his drink off the premises due to Maine's strict laws! 😳 He has no clue that Beth's phone is almost dead and on airplane mode. 😳 So what does Don do? He texts Beth—no answer. He calls her—still no answer! What's a guy gonna do? Well, for starters, he's gonna grab that newly available seat and enjoy his drink, hoping to telepathically summon Beth. Maybe he should've taken up mime school after all.

      Meanwhile, Beth is scanning the horizon like a pirate looking for lost treasure. "Where's Don? Did he get lost? Did he join a secret society at the Inn?" And then, like a cheesy romance novel, she spots him on the balcony of the Bar Harbor Inn, waving like he's trying to land a plane!🤣

      Beth makes her way to the balcony, and after Don dramatically recounts his heroic struggle against Maine's beverage laws, we decide to stay and enjoy a few more drinks before the fireworks. After all, we can see our seats, and we're in a Hallmark setting—our chairs are basically sacred now! People around us start talking about food, and even though we hadn't planned on it, we had to check out the menu. And no, it wasn't Don who wanted dessert... Beth just HAD to have the Dark Chocolate Blood Orange Mousse Bomb! It was sooooooooo divine! Don swears he saw angels singing as it was served. The evening just keeps getting better.

      Don's luck is in full swing today! A front-row table on the balcony just opened up, so we're watching the fireworks from there, drinks in hand! What a fantastic show and evening! Don’s practically glowing with pride.

      Oh, and our chairs? They were just fine! No one sat in them, but I'm sure the folks around them thought it was odd that they sat empty all night without a trace of their owners! They probably thought we were ghosts or had mastered the art of invisibility. 🤣😂🤣
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