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    • Montevideo, Uruguay

      6 декабря 2019 г., Уругвай ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Viking Jupiter. 2 Tours Booked

      Montevideo, Uruguay’s capital, is a major city along the Montevideo Bay. Population of Uruguay is 3 million people and Montevideo is one and a half million. It revolves around the Plaza de la Independencia, once home to a Spanish citadel. This plaza leads to Ciudad Vieja (the old town), with art deco buildings, colonial homes and landmarks including the towering Palacio Salvo and neoclassical performance hall Solís Theatre. The southernmost capital city in the Americas, Montevideo is situated on the southern coast of the country, on the northeastern bank of the Río de la Plata.

      Montevideo enjoys a scenic setting on the estuary waters of the Plata River. The Portuguese were the first to settle here hoping to give them a strategic advantage near the open ocean. Between 1680 and 1683, Portugal founded the city of Colonia do Sacramento in the region across the bay from Buenos Aires. Within its walls some of the most impressive colonial era buildings were built, from the Parliamentary Legislative Council building to the stunning Montevideo Metropolitan Cathedral. The wall has long since disappeared, but the character of old Montevideo remains. Downtown amid modern skyscrapers, historic neo classical and art deco architecture provide more glimpses into the city’s past, and in the barrio (district) of Carrasco, picturesque private residences recall the posh neighbourhood’s days as a seaside resort.

      This Portuguese city met with no resistance from the Spanish, already established in Buenos Aires, until 22 November 1723, Field Marshal Manuel de Freitas da Fonseca of Portugal built the Montevieu Fort. A Spanish expedition was sent from Buenos Aires and on 22 January 1724, the Spanish forced the Portuguese to abandon the location and started populating the city. It passed between Spain, Portugal, Britain and France over a period of 100 or so years. It became economically important in the mid 1800’s. During the May Revolution of 1810 and the subsequent uprising of the provinces of Rio de la Plata, the Spanish colonial government moved to Montevideo. During that year and the next, Uruguayan revolutionary José Gervasio Artigas 1764-1850 united with others from Buenos Aires against Spain. He was considered the liberator of Montevideo and became their hero.

      In the morning we took A Panorama Tour of Montevideo with our guide Julio.
      This was a bus tour starting at the Independencia Plaza, that separates Ciudad Vieja (Old Town) from downtown Montevideo, with the Gateway of The Citadel on one side and the beginning of 18 de Julio Avenue on the other. July 18, celebrates the first constitution in 1830. In the center, the Artigas Monument dominates the perspective, Artigas' remains are kept in an underground Mausoleum, opened in 1977, beneath his monument. We wandered around the square for about a half hour and then bused out to see the Legislative Council, an impressive building made of national marble. It is considered to be one of the most attractive parliamentary buildings in the world. Parliament has 80 senators 160 representatives, a president for 5 years who cannot be re-elected until out of office for five years.

      We continued to Batlle Ordonez Park (Batlle is spelled correctly!) where we saw the La Carreta Monument. The Carreta was the traditional Uruguayan way to transport in the early days. The sculptor made the moulds in Uruguay but took them to Italy to be cast in bronze. Mussolini wanted to keep it, but the sculptor said no and brought it back to Uruguay.

      We continued on to see the Centenario Stadium, built between 1929 and 1930 to host the inaugural 1930 FIFA World Cup, as well as to commemorate the centennial of Uruguay's first constitution. The normal capacity is ‎60,235, but the record attendance in 1930 was ‎79,987 (Uruguay vs-Yugoslavia). On our way back to the ship we drove along the upscale beach neighbourhood of Pocitos, a long stretch of palm tree- lined beaches lapped by the Plata River. We passed many upscale hotels and high-rises as we returned to port.

      We hurried back for a quick lunch and then set out again for a 3-hour walking tour of Old Town (Ciudad Vieja) Montevideo. Our Guide was Santiago a teacher on a 3-month summer break. We were bussed to Independencia Plaza again to start our tour. Our guide led us to Palacio Salvo, the site was bought by the Salvo brothers.
      The building was originally intended to be a hotel, but this plan didn't work out, and it has since been occupied by a mixture of offices and private residences. It was the tallest building in Latin America for a brief period.
      While walking along the sidewalk looking at all the cast iron sculptures, Don posed with one like a piano player. Unfortunately, he moved forward and hit his shin on a part that stuck out. Ouch!! From there we crossed the plaza to see the monument to Uruguayan revolutionary José Gervasio Artigas. We went down into the Mausoleum, it was very beautifully done in marble. Our guide took us by several buildings that had sculptures in their main lobbies and one that had a number of photos of times in the past. We continued on foot to the Teatro Solis, Uruguay's most important and renowned theatre. It opened in 1856, designed by the Italian architect Carlo Zucchi, they claim it has excellent acoustics, probably not as good as Teatro Colon ,Buenos Aries.

      We passed through the Gateway of The Citadel, the last of the existing walls of the old Fortress, to the cobbled streets in Old Town that were closed to vehicles. We continued through the Gateway of The Citadel, the last of the existing walls of the old Fortress, to the cobbled streets in Old Town that were closed to vehicles. We passed many street vendors with their tables filled with everything you could imagine, for sale. We continued on to Plaza de la Constitution also known as Plaza Matriz, the oldest plaza in Montevideo. It is located in the first part of the city that was built. We saw a lovely fountain monument and toured the interior of the 18th century Metropolitan Cathedral. At Zabala Square we learned that in 1878, during the dictatorship of Colonel Lorenzo Latorre, it was decided to demolish the old fort and build a public square in its place. The most important landmark in the square is the equestrian statue of Bruno Mauricio de Zabala, who founded Montevideo in 1724. We entered the Taranco Palace, erected on the site of Montevideo's first theatre in the historical centre of the city which had been built in 1793. The Taranco Ortiz family commissioned the construction of the building in 1907 and it was completed in 1910. In 1943 the Uruguayan state purchased the residence and part of the furniture and gained access to its works of art, but it wasn't until 1972 that it became a museum, and it was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1975.

      We headed back to the ship noting the largest Uruguayan bank, opened in 1896. Our last stop was at the Mercado del Puerto. This building, constructed from steel, is one of Uruguay’s main attractions. It’s located in the older part of the city, right across from the port of Montevideo, and it was originally a market for fruit, vegetables, and meat. Today, it’s still called the “Harbor Market,” but there aren’t quite as many stalls and stands. Instead, it hosts a good range of restaurants with counters facing in towards the barbecue, where people can sit and enjoy one of Uruguay’s most traditional dishes: asado, which consists of a barbecue including all types of meat, sausages, and organ meats. A really interesting market and we would have liked to stay and enjoy the smells and ambiance, but our bus was waiting to take us back to the ship.

      It was a beautiful evening as we left from the port. There were lots of people out on the breakwater fishing and enjoying the sun.

      At 6:30 we went to a lecture by Dr Richard Bates about the making of South America. He started 4.6 billion years ago and followed through all the Eras and periods.

      Precambrian Era, 4.6B -540 Million yrs. From the Big Bang era to the start of the lands forming and shifting. The only multicellular life forms at the end of this were in the oceans and included some groups that have survived until the present: jellyfishes and segmented worm

      Palaeozoic Era, 540 - 251 Million. Cambria Period, 540-489 Million. Ordovician Period, 488-359 million. Devonia Period, 416-359 million. This is when a lot of the subduction of ocean basins and mountain building took place. Carboniferous Period, 359-299 million. Some trees starting to grow but South America was still in the ice age. Permian Period, 299-251 Million. Some animals evolving but It ended in the largest mass extinction the Earth has ever known. The emerging supercontinent of Pangaea presented severe extremes of climate and environment due to its vast size. The south was cold and arid, with much of the region frozen under ice caps.

      Mesozoic Era, 251 Million- 65 Million.
      Triassic Period, 251 M -202 Million. It followed the great mass extinction at the end of the Permian Period and was a time when life outside of the oceans began to diversify.
      Jurassic Period, 202-146 Million The supercontinent Pangaea split apart. The northern half, known as Laurentia, was splitting into landmasses that would eventually form North America and Eurasia, opening basins for the central Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico
      Cretacious Period, 146-65 Million. Antarctic moves south. Aconcagua subduction and highest mountain in South America formed in Argentina

      Cenzoic Era, 65 Million -0 Million
      Paleogene Period, 65-23 Million. The Americas joined Antarctica over the South Pole. Australia separated from Antarctica, India crashed into Asia creating the Himalayan Mountains, Antarctica was covered by glaciers, Sea levels were low.
      Neogene Period, 23 Million to Present - a time when the continents continued to crash into each other. Italy moved north into Europe raising the Alps. Spain crashed into France to form the Pyrenees. The Rocky Mountains and the Andes Mountains formed in North and South America during this time.

      It was a fascinating lecture and really well presented. We left and continued on into dinner and then a stroll around the ship and off to bed.
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    • Montevideo,Uruguay

      7 декабря 2019 г., Уругвай ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Montevideo to Puerto Madryn. Viking Jupiter. At Sea. Day 1

      This morning we had a quick breakfast and then down to the Star Lounge for a lecture on the “History of Argentina” by Dr. Mark Callaghan.

      Before Europeans came to Argentina it was thinly populated. In the Northwest people grew crops such as potatoes and squash. They sometimes lived in walled towns and they used metal and made pottery. However, most of the indigenous people lived by hunting animals and gathering plants. They continued their hunter-gatherer lifestyle until the late 19th century.

      Europeans arrived in what is now Argentina in the 16th century. In 1516 Juan de Solis reached the River Plata but he was killed by the natives. He was followed by Sebastian Cabot who reached the River Plata area in 1526. Then in 1536 Pedro de Mendoza led an expedition to the area and he built a fort. However, the Spaniards were forced to withdraw by hostile natives. Nevertheless, later in the 16th century several towns were founded in the Northwest of what is now Argentina. Buenos Aires was founded in 1580 to give access to the sea. Yet the southern part of Argentina was left in the hands of the natives. Finally, in 1776 a new Viceroy of the River Plata was formed with Buenos Aires as its capital.

      In 1806 the British captured Buenos Aires but they were forced to withdraw. In 1807 they attacked the city again, but they were repelled. Nevertheless, links between Argentina and Spain weakened in the early 19th century especially after 1808 when Napoleon forced the Spanish king to abdicate and made his own brother king of Spain. Finally, on 25 May 1810 the Viceroy was deposed, and a junta took control of Argentina. However, the junta did not break all links with Spain until 1816. The United Provinces of the River Plata was declared on 9 July 1816.This date is celebrated each year as Independence Day.

      Argentina in the 19th Century
      At first the United Provinces consisted of what is now Argentina, Bolivia and Uruguay. However, the new state was bitterly divided between unitarists who wanted a strong central government and federalists who wanted a loose federation of provinces. Eventually in the 1820s the new state broke up. Bolivia became independent in 1825 and Uruguay was created as a buffer state between Argentina and Brazil in 1828. In 1835 General Juan Manuel de Rosas became dictator of Argentina. He was a federalist but ironically, he introduced a strong (and repressive) central government. However, Rosas eventually alienated many people in the provinces and in 1852 a rebellion removed him from power.

      The first railroad in Argentina was built in 1857. It was followed by many others. By 1900 there were over 10,000 miles of railroad in Argentina and by 1912 over 20,000 miles. The railways made it much easier to transport produce to the coast for export. Argentina exported meat, wool and grain and by 1900 she was the richest country in South America. Meanwhile the population of Argentina boomed partly due to immigrants from Spain and Italy. By the end of the century the population of Argentina was about 4 million.

      Argentina in the 20th Century
      In the 1920s Argentina was the 7th richest country in the world. However, Argentina, like the rest of the world, was affected by the Wall Street Crash. In 1930 the army staged a coup and General Jose F. Uriburu became president of Argentina. Another election was held in 1937. Despite many accusations of electoral fraud Roberto Ortiz became president Ill health forced Ortiz to hand over power to Castillo in 1940. In 1943 the army staged another coup. After the 1943 coup Juan Peron gradually emerged as leader. In 1946 he was elected president. Peron introduced a number of welfare measures and nationalized industries. Peron was re-elected in 1951 but he gradually lost support. In 1955 a revolution called the Revolution of Liberation forced Peron to flee abroad.

      In January 1944 Argentina severed diplomatic relations with Germany and Japan. Finally, on 27 March 1945 Argentina declared war on Germany. Several short-lived governments followed. In 1958 Arturo Frondizi was elected president of Argentina but the military removed him, in 1962. More elections were held in 1963 and Dr. Arturo Illia became president. The military removed him in 1966. The military dictatorship did not bring peace. In May 1969 rioting broke out in Cordoba. The unrest spread throughout Argentina. Meanwhile inflation raged.

      In 1973 the army allowed more elections and the Peronists (supporters of Peron) won. A Peronist called Hector Campora became president. Peron then returned from exile and Campora resigned to make way for him. More elections were held in September 1973 and Peron became president. However, Peron died in 1974 and his widow Isabel Peron (Evita) took power. Under her rule inflation and unrest continued. Finally, in March 1976 the army seized power again.

      Argentina then suffered a brutal military dictatorship during which thousands of people 'disappeared' during a 'dirty war'. Meanwhile inflation continued to rage, and Argentina became heavily indebted. In the early 1980s, despite the repression protests spread across Argentina. To try and divert people's minds from their problems the junta invaded the Falkland Islands on 2 April 1982. However, the war turned into a disaster when the British quickly recaptured the islands.
      Meanwhile the Argentinean economy was in dire straits. Eventually the junta allowed elections in October 1983. Raul Alfonsin took office on 13 December 1983. Alfonsin was unable to solve the problem of hyperinflation in Argentina despite austerity plans introduced in 1985 and 1987. In 1989 Alfonsin handed over power peacefully to the next elected president Carlos Saul Menem. During the 1990s Menem managed to curb inflation and he privatized industry.

      Argentina in the 21st Century
      In 2001-2002 Argentina suffered a severe recession. However, the economy then grew strongly for a few years. Today the economy of Argentina is growing steadily.
      Meanwhile in October 2007 Cristina Kirchner became the first elected woman president of Argentina. Then in 2015 Mauricio Macri was elected president.
      Government raises interest rates dramatically in an effort to shore up the tumbling value of the peso currency.
      2019 October - Peronist candidate Alberto Fernández wins the presidential election, becoming the first challenger to oust a sitting Argentinean president. He was sworn into power December 10, 2019 and is taking a strong stance on improving the economy. So far everything going in right direction.
      Lee then did her deck walking and we had lunch at the pool grill. Don had booked himself to go to a wine tasting in the afternoon, which he enjoyed. Lee did laundry and rested. We went to the Star Theatre to hear Lou Thieblemont’s lecture “Exploring the Cosmos” -The history of Astronomy.

      This was a very low key day. We had dinner and went to the Star Theatre for an Abba Songbook presentation by the Jupiter Vocalists.

      An interesting Nautical Term was in our newsletter. Blind Eye. In 1801,during the Battle of Copenhagen, Admiral Nelson deliberately held his telescope up to his blind eye so that he would not see the flag signal from the commander to stop the bombardment. Nelson won. Turning a “Blind Eye” means to “intentionally ignore”
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    • День 337

      Montevideo, Uruguay

      8 апреля 2018 г., Уругвай ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Uruguay is a small country with just over 3 million people, It’s known to tourists for its’ beautiful beaches and for hosting the world’s longest carnival (40 days).
      Originally, we’d planned to spend more time in Uruguay, but decided beaches weren’t how we wanted to spend our time away.
      We stayed in the old town of this capital city and were surprised by the endless wall of (mostly modern), high-rise condos lining the shoreline for miles on the way from the airport to our hotel. The historic center was much more charming with many pretty old colonial buildings and churches, though many are in disrepair. Overall, we enjoyed our time here and spent our few days walking through the city (though the dog poo is possibly worse here than in Argentina or Chile – we are so over it!).
      We also visited the cowboy museum and explored a much more inventive restaurant scene than what we encountered over the past few months, with a bigger focus on fresh ingredients (finally!). It was a brief, but enjoyable visit.
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    • День 16

      Zwischenstation: Montevideo

      22 ноября 2017 г., Уругвай ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Vor der Rückkehr nach Buenos Aires legten wir einen dreitägigen Zwischenstop in Montevideo ein. Die Hauptstadt Uruguays ist sauberer als angenommen und hat ein paar super Grill-Restaurants, ist sonst aber nicht sehr spektakulär. Darum gibt's dieses Mal etwas weniger Fotos und weniger Text. 😄
      Das grösste Abenteuer war die Fahrt mit dem Mietauto durch die Stadt, denn in Montevideo gibt's ganz besondere Vortrittsregeln. So gilt oft nicht etwa Rechtsvortritt, sondern Vortritt hat derjenige, der parallel zur Küste fährt. Da man die Küste in der Regel nicht sieht, ist das für Touristen eine spannende zusätzliche Challenge im sonst schon chaotischen Verkehr. 🙄
      Dank Nadines hervorragenden Fahrkünsten (trotz manueller Schaltung...) und Janis' langjähriger Erfahrung als Beifahrer haben wir's aber gemeistert! 😊
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    • День 23

      Paris with Flip Flops

      13 марта 2018 г., Уругвай ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      We've all heard Buenos Aires is the Paris of the South, so what does that make Montevideo? Our free walking tour guide nailed it "Paris with Flip Flops". With a smaller population, Montevideo has a similar European feeling to that of Buenos Aires, but with a more casual air. Making the most of my day until my evening ferry to BsAs, I'm started out the day with a free walking tour (an activity I suggest wherever you can, and tip your guide, because it really gives you a good sense of history as well as lay of the hand).

      Curioso Free Tour is the one I joined today as I arrived at the Plaza Independencia too early for the tour I planned to take, or that I thought I'd planned to take. Curioso was actually the one I'd initially found online. Our small English speaking group headed off to explore what Montevideo had to offer. The guide was relaxed and very knowledgeable as he took us to the Mausaleo de Artigos, a hero of Uruguayan independence, Teatro Solis, through the old town streets, to the port, the market, the squares, the cathedral, palaces and past several museums. We even sampled Grappa Miel, a honey spirit that I ended up coming with a bottle of. Probably the best souvenir that I could've gotten.

      By the way, local tip. Some people come to Uruguay to reset their stay count for Argentina, and while you're here, you can also take out US dollars and break the bills to smaller denominations so you're not forced to exchange more than you want back in Buenos Aires.

      At the end of our tour, I said goodbye to the group and headed off on my own to find lunch. I'm determined to have a chivito, aka the Uruguayan sandwich. After a bit of searching, I return back to one of the squares where I'd spotted a restaurant with it on the menu. There's another spot near the southern entrance of the Mercardo del Puerto that also looked good. Eating at the square though allowed me time to head to the cemetery to check out some of the sculptures.

      Montevideo's cemetery is nowhere near as busy as La Recoleta in Buenos Aires. I much preferred this one and wish I had more time to walk around. They close at 4pm and I arrived at 345pm. Still if you plan your day well, definitely worth a visit. They also have a tour on Tuesday nights where a guide takes you around and tells you stories of some of those whose bones rest here.

      The cemetery behind me, I head back to the Old Town and Palacio Taranco, which our guide had pointed out earlier. Luckily it was still open for another hour or so. The architects of this fine place also designed the Petit Palace and Arc de Triomphe in Paris. Admission is also free. I was wandering the walls when I realized this was actually one of the few places that I had previously wrote down about to visit. With all the wandering, I'd completely forgotten til then, talk about a pleasant surprise.

      A bit more time in the southernmost capital of the world, I browsed through the artisan market near the port before checking in for a 2 hour ride ferry ride back to the Buenos Aires. A little immigration hiccup on the way - but more on that tomorrow.
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    • День 89


      28 апреля 2018 г., Уругвай ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Nach gut zwei Wochen Landluft und mit vielen Tipps unserer Gastgeber für unsere Weiterreise sind wir in die Landeshauptstadt gefahren. Wir haben uns direkt am ersten Tag und zum ersten Mal in diesem Jahr ein teures Essen in einem der klassischen Grillrestaurants (parillas) geleistet. Es war köstlich! Die anderen Tage sind wir durch die Stadt geschlendert bzw. mit Bussen gefahren, da mein Fuß noch nicht ganz verheilt ist. Die Stadt erinnert ein wenig an Buenos Aires mit ihren prunkvollen alten Gebäuden, die so langsam verfallen, ist aber deutlich kleiner und überschaubarer. Eines unserer Highlights: eine Führung nur für uns beide im Palacio Salvo - eines der Wahrzeichen der Stadt. In Buenos Aires gibt es ein sehr ähnliches Gebäude vom selben Architekten, dort haben wir die Öffnungszeiten aber leider verpasst. Positiv aufgefallen ist uns hier, dass nahezu jeder englisch spricht, das sah in Chile und Argentinien anders aus. Aber Uruguay ist auch ein besonderes Land in Südamerika. Gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe kein Problem, Cannabis legal und für Einheimische in der Apotheke erhältlich, Abtreibung erlaubt (aktuell ein Riesen-Thema und Grund für zahlreiche Demonstrationen in Argentinien), jeder Schüler erhält einen Laptop zum Lernen... Dinge, die man in unserer Presse wenig hört. Wir fühlen uns jedenfalls bisher sehr wohl. Nur auf Städte haben wir gerade nicht mehr so recht Lust. Also haben wir unsere Reisepläne nochmal neu sortiert und beschlossen Rio de Janeiro und Sao Paulo doch auszulassen und Brasilien nur zu streifen um weiter nach Westen zu reisen, wieder in die Berge. Aber vorher geht es noch an den legendären Strand Uruguays, wir sind gespannt.Читать далее

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