Da Loi

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    • Dag 40

      Da Lat day 1

      19 april, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      I liked Ho Chi Minh a lot, but it's so nice to be out the city, it was a bit chaotic. Crossing the road was a minefield, cars and buses you had to watch out for, but with motorbikes, you're just meant to walk across at a consistent pace so they can predict your movement and drive around you. Sometimes I think just walking across with your eyes closed would be the easiest way to cross 😂
      Da Lat is a city high up in the mountains so it's much cooler and less humid too. The area we're staying in is so hilly and a maze of small alleys, which motorbikes still find their way through.
      We only have one full day here so did a tour to catch all the sights. Got picked up around 8.30, much to probably the dismay of the other 4 passengers, I ate my egg breakfast bahn mi in the minivan, and it was delicious.
      One of the morning stops was a village coined 'chicken village', where a Vietnamese folk story took place. Long story short, was about a couple wanting to get married, the girl's family would only allow the boy to marry her if he brought them a rooster with 9 spurs, and he died trying, then she died looking for her. A Vietnamese Shakespeare tragedy of sorts, but there was a big chicken statue there to commemorate the couple. The village itself was home to one of 54 what they call minority groups in Vietnam, similar to tribes in Thailand, they have their own language and traditions. The village was surrounded by beautiful scenery and was very peaceful.
      We stopped at two waterfalls which were nice, though the highlight of those stops was seeing pineapple's growing! I'd never seen one on a plant before, almost looked fake, like someone just glued a pineapple on a cactus!
      In the afternoon we visited a coffee plantation. They had 40 weasels there which they use for 'weasel poo' coffee. Sounds gross, but the weasel eat the coffee beans and apparently some enzyme in their stomach breaks down/ ferments the beans making the coffee taste smoother. After the beans are collected from the weasel they're thoroughly cleaned and then the husk is removed, so it's hygienic process. Was first discover by tribal people. I did try some of the coffee, was tasty but wouldn't say it's the best coffee I've ever had, but the view from the coffee shop was pretty good.
      We then visited a silk factory, cricket farm, and rice wine making cellar, and had the option to try the latter two delicacys.
      In the evening we found a cute pub to play cards at, but was also to people watch as it was right on the corner of a two busy streets. After dinner, we went back to the dessert place from lst night as it was so good and they had a puppy there this time having the time of his life playing in the coconuts.
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    • Dag 160

      Da Lat - Weasel Coffee Farm

      11 november 2018, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      The organic weasel coffee farm was our perfect start in the day today. We had a very expensive but also very great coffee there and a private guide who showed us the weasels and the coffee farm.

      Der Wiesel Kaffee aus Da Lat gilt als einer der besten und wahrscheinlich teuersten Kaffeesorten (Für 5 Gramm haben wir ca. 4 Euro bezahlt) der Welt und so haben wir den Tag auf einer der Wiesel Farmen in Da Lat begonnen. Wir hatten eine kurze private Führung und durften sogar ein Wiesel streicheln. Gekocht wurde der Kaffee dann mit uns zusammen auch wenn das eher an ein Experiment aus dem Chemie-Unterricht erinnerte.Meer informatie

    • Dag 32

      Jedes einzelne Böhnchen

      16 oktober 2023, Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      Heute war ich ein hervorragender Touri.
      Es begab sich zu einer Zeit wo ich mich auf einer exotischen Farm in den entlegenen Ecken Vietnams begab, um die Produktion des teuersten Kaffee hier zu erkunden.
      Inmitten scheinbar endloser Kaffeeplantagen, auf denen die knuffigen Nager angeblich als Baristas agieren, offenbarte sich eine Szenerie, die selbst George Clooney und seinem nur von Marketing gezeugtem Nespresso vor Neid erblassen lassen würde.

      Eine surreal anmutende Kombination von Naturidylle und dem Gedanken, dass diese flauschigen Gesellen die Kunst des Kaffees beherrschen.


      Okay reicht mit der Beschönigung - den Wieseln werden die Bohnen ins Essen gemischt - sie scheißen es aus - es wird eingesammelt und geschält und dann wird EXQUISITER Kaffee daraus zubereitet, um es für den fünffachen Preis zu verkaufen.

      Wie sie die Leute bezahlen, die den Kot sieben, weiß ich nicht. Jedenfalls geht es den Wieseln wohl ganz gut und sie haben viel Platz.

      Ich bin mittlerweile erwachsen und möchte nicht einfach negativ über etwas herziehen.
      Genau deshalb habe ich mir den Arabica Weasel Coffee entgegen meiner Prinzipien bestellt und gekostet.

      Die von Verkäufern angesprochene, rauchige Note war erkennbar. Rein subjektiv möchte ich äußern: Unsterblich werde ich jedoch nicht davon und mein Karma wird auch nicht positiv beeinflusst. Reizt mich also nicht, ich bleibe beim Alten.

      Wo es wirklich geilem Kaffe gibt, wo man das gute Karma auch schmeckt:
      (einer meiner Vorbilder in Sachen Entrepreneurship)

      Hier sind die Outtakes wie ich meinen Genuss auf schnorrige Art erst beschreiben wollte:

      "Der erste Schluck dieses einzigartigen Elixiers offenbarte eine Geschmacksexplosion, die meine Geschmacksknospen verwirrte und faszinierte. Ein Kaffee mit einer surrealen Note, begleitet von der Frage: "Ist das wirklich passiert oder ist dies nur das Ergebnis einer überbordenden Fantasie?" Gewiss, der Wiesel-Kaffee ist mehr als nur ein Getränk; er ist ein Erlebnis, das die Grenzen des Vorstellbaren überschreitet.

      Wahrscheinlich zu viel für jemanden wie mich, der keine gute Beziehung zu seinen Geschmacksknospen führt."
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    • Dag 5

      Weasel Poop Coffee

      10 september 2017, Vietnam ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Following to a weasel coffee plantation we arrived to find a whole litter of puppies that Rachel and Luke went crazy for, I didn't want to touch one because I honestly though I'd break it somehow. We saw the weasels all caged up, about 40 of them and felt a bit bad for them. We got to speaking to the lady who was showing us around and she was saying how they are solitary creatures and would actually kill each other, be killed by dogs or other predators or by humans if they lived in the wild. Whether this was true or not I'm unsure but we tried a coffee anyway, it came out in a laboratory-like contraption and was sucked up against gravity twice before suitable for drinking! Never heard anything of the sort before. The coffee...well it was alright but just alright. When in Vietnam right?!Meer informatie

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    Da Loi

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