Sai Gon Port

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    • Tag 31

      Ho Chi Minh

      7. März 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Abbiamo trascorso i primi due giorni in Vietnam nella città di Ho Chi Minh, un tempo chiamata Saigon. Una città molto caotica ma che a noi, nonostante questo, è piaciuta tanto ☺️
      Abbiamo visitato il museo dei residuati bellici, museo sulla guerra in Vietnam, e i tunnel di Cu Chi, tunnel usati dai Viet Cong per resistere e combattere la guerra. I Viet Cong, nonostante avessero un’esercito meno modernizzato e organizzato degli americani riuscirono a difendersi per lungo tempo, stremando l’esercito americano. Quest’ultimo inizió tra il 1961 e il 1971 ad irrorare il Vietnam del sud con erbicidi diversi, (il più noto è l’agente arancio o diossina) seguendo il motto “spray and bomb, bomb and spray”. L'impiego militare ufficiale era finalizzato alla rimozione delle foglie degli alberi così da privare i Viet Cong della copertura del manto vegetale. Si scoprì che l’agente arancio era altamente tossico per l’uomo. La diossina è ritenuta responsabile di malattie e difetti congeniti, malattie carcerogene, parkinson e molto altro. L’agente arancio rimane nel tempo, i suoi effetti si tramandano di generazione in generazione. Ancora oggi, 40 anni dopo, molte famiglie (anche di superstiti americani) sono affette dagli effetti della diossina.
      Attraverso queste visite, che ci hanno scosso e colpito molto, abbiamo conosciuto la storia sulla guerra in Vietnam un po’ più da vicino.

      “Se comprendere è impossibile, conoscere è necessario, perché ciò che è accaduto può ritornare, le coscienze possono nuovamente essere sedotte ed oscurate: anche le nostre.”
      (Primo Levi)

      Miar hend die ersti zwei Täg in Ho Chi Minh Stadt verbracht. A chaotischi Stadt, die aber eus sehr guat gfalla het. Wir haben das Kriegsopfermuseum besucht; es isch interessant und bewegnd gsi. Zusätzlich simmer au ide Cu Chi Tunnels gsi. Jetzt kennemer die tragische Geschichte von Vietnam und den Vietnam-Krieg a kli besser.

    • Tag 135

      Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - MASSAGES

      29. Mai 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 90 °F

      Day 2 in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) - We were here 6 years ago and seen the “tourist sites”. Yesterday we took a tour and went to the Museum and the Caves as well as drove around town for a long day here (see posting), so we decided today would be an easy day of walking around. What a strange day. Why?

      - We are in Saigon. Always torn as to how Americans feel coming back to this city after “The Conflict”.
      - Today is Memorial Day in the United States - a day where we are usually with American Flags at a parade and BBQ … neither today.
      - We have just spent an entire 10 hour day immersed in discussions of the war, visiting the disturbing government museum that very blatantly exhibits a one sided story of how Americans “acted inappropriately” here with very graphic illustrations of “what we did”.
      - We went to the jungles and caves where the VC hid, areas where torture went on. We saw the actual torture devices and devices used to camouflage and then kill soldiers in ways that are beyond almost anyone’s imagination.
      - So what do you do as a dichotomy from this? Get an incredibly, indulging massage in Vietnam!
      - That’s what we did!

      The Vietnamese style of massage is rooted in Chinese (and a few Thai, Japanese and Swedish) traditions. Focused on working out knots in muscles through kneading techniques, the prime focus is de-stressing the body (most people are more familiar with Thai massages using muscle stretching techniques). The traditional Vietnamese massage technique, or “Tam quat” (body), is a technique focusing on stimulating blood circulation by punching and clapping on the treatment areas. It relieves pain by putting pressure directly on the afflicted muscle to help you relaxed. We did have lots of punching and clapping/percussion! Other techniques they applied with oils were sustained hand-palm pressure, acupressure on Qi acupoints (using thumbs, fingers, and knuckles), and a variety of stretches.

      Our therapists (I had a woman and Karen had a man) began with cucumber wrap on our faces. Then they focused on the scalp, back, neck, shoulders, and head for immediate relaxation. After working rather intensely on the back muscles and spinal region, our legs and feet were treated to an incredible foot massage and reflexology, cracking every toe “knuckle” and massaging every nook and cranny. This was followed by legs, arms, hands, stomach, and chest. Next were hot stone treatment on our backs …oooooh.

      Were we done? Oh no! The last step of the treatment was when our therapists climbed all over us with their knees, legs, arms, elbows, and feet. Yes, they walked on our backs and cracked parts that I didn’t think are supposed to crack! After that up close and personal adventure, she picked me up on her back (back to back) and pulled me and stretched my body over hers. Hard to describe. When she was done and let me down, I asked this, petite girl, if I hurt her. In her “only English words the entire session, she said, “Yes, you killed me!”. I thought I might have. Whew, we were finished.

      Wow, this full 90+ minute massage surely relaxed, and invigorated, relieved foot pain I had as well as neck issues and detoxed, “cleared” my digestive system out (if you know what I mean), and relaxed both of us (hard to stand up) but then gave us energy to sprint back to the ship that was leaving in half an hour!

      Now, that was a fun experience....... I feel great the next day (when I am writing this footprint).

    • Tag 82


      24. Juni 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      Aus Japan ging es zurück nach Südost-Asien, nun nach Vietnam. Zu Beginn haben wir uns das geschichtlich bedeutende Museum zur grausamen jüngeren Vergangenheit Vietnams angeschaut. Ho-Chi-Minh-City, ehemals Saigon, ist zwar nicht die Hauptstadt aber die größte Stadt Vietnams. Der Verkehr ist deutlich verrückter als wir ihn in anderen Ländern bisher erlebt haben! Dann gab es noch Tessas 30. Geburtstag zu feiern. Die vielen süßen Cafés mit wirklich gutem vietnamesischen Kaffee und coole Rooftopbars sind perfekt, um einen tollen Geburtstag zu verbringen!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 198

      Ho Chi Minh City - Saigon

      5. Oktober 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 88 °F

      We spent the day exploring Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) today. I’m not a huge fan of big cities, but this one isn’t half bad. I kind of like it. It definitely has a different feel from Hanoi. To me, Hanoi feels more ancient - HCMC feels more modern.

      We went to the War Remnants Museum. It is a Museum of artifacts and things from the Vietnam war. It was fascinating, upsetting, heart breaking, educational … so many emotions felt being there and seeing the ramifications the war had on the people of Vietnam. Then, because of the war crimes that the US soldiers committed and generations later because of the lasting horrors of Agent Orange that had been dumped on the civilians here. We left very sad and ashamed.

      From there we made our way through the town - we stopped at the “reunification palace”, the Notre dame cathedral (which was under massive construction), the Central post office (which was 150 years old), Ho Chi Minh square, walked the Nguyen Hue pedestrian street, and ended on the 46th floor of the Bitexco tower to see the city from above.

      Overall it was a good day, and we got a good feel for the city. It also felt good walking around a city again.

      5.3 miles

    • Tag 199

      Ho Chi Minh City

      6. Oktober 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 88 °F

      Jordan and I split up for a portion of the day - she took it easy in the hotel while I went in search of some new clothes. I walked through a really beautiful park, and went to the Ben Thahn market on the way to the mall. Later in the evening we went to “Vinh Khan Street food” street - it’s a street of mostly seafood.

      Jordan is obsessed with Sushi but on this trip it’s been out of our budget in most cities. But here, we found good sushi at a great price. Then we stopped for crab legs, too. We really enjoy eating at these street food places.

      6.9 miles

    • Tag 1

      Saïgon 1

      1. März in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 35 °C

      1er jour au Vietnam - Ho chi Minh Saïgon
      J’aime bien prendre les Hop n Hop of pour découvrir une ville. J’ai fait plusieurs fois le tour 🙃 beaucoup de touristes ici, mégalopole surchargée de voitures et surtout de scooters. Le smog empêche de voir le coucher de soleil 🌇
      J’ai besoin de dormir 😆

    • Tag 135

      Memorial Day - Remembrance Service

      29. Mai 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 90 °F

      Home of the free because of the brave!

      Our Ship's Memorial Day tribute to all those that we lost in Service to our Country was held this afternoon. Our Cruise Director read a beautiful statement that helped everyone recall the wars fought for freedom and remember the ultimate sacrifice made by so many.

      We then had a moment recognizing all those that Served in all of the Branches of the military and a moment of silence for those no longer with us. We had a representative of the Army and Air Force read poems and then they played the National Anthem of the UK, New Zealand, Australia and the USA (attached). It was an important Remembrance Service for those so far from home. Thank you.

    • Tag 2

      EEA Saigon Hotel

      18. September 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Um die halbi 10 hemmer üs mitm Taxi uf de Weg zum Hotel gmacht. Im Hotel hemmer den üses Gepäck hinder dReception chöne due, hend üs schnell i bequemi Chleider gschmisse und hend üs ufd dStrasse vo Ho Chi Minh begeh. De Jetleg sitzt tüf aber mir hend gwüsst dassmer bis am 14:00 Uhr durehebe müend willmer erscht den im Zimmer ihchecke chönd. Mir sind üs einig gsi dass zerscht mal en Kafi here muess demit mir die paar Stunde irgendwie überstah chönd. Mit ufgschwullne Bei, ufquillte Füess, müede Auge & em Mulegge am Bode hend mir üs dur dStrasse vo dere dreckige, stinkige aber glich ihdrückliche Stadt gschliffe.🥱 Wommer üs den immer und immer wieder verloffe hend isch den de letschti Funke Humor auno verschwunde. Chrüchend & fascht uf allne 4e hemmer den sHotel nach mehrere Versüech doch no gfunde.😮‍💨 Am Namittag am 3 wo den endlich alli frischduschet aber au nudelfixundfertig im Bett ahcho sind, hemmer über de qualvolli erschti Tag umso meh chöne lache.😂🤷🏻‍♀️Weiterlesen

    • Tag 3

      Witers Richtig Mûi Né

      19. September 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Nach paar erholsame Stündli im Zimmer hemmers den am Abig für de zNacht doch no id Stadt gschafft und hend üs glich nöd müesse vom Zimmerservice bediene lah.🤭🥡 Nach wenige Stunde Schlaf het üs de Wecker hüt am Morge am 6i wieder usem Bett gschellet. Ahschlüssend isches mitm Taxi witers richtig Busbahnhof gange. Imme chline heruntergekommene Hüttli miteme Kabelsalat ah de Wänd, emne Plastikhöckerli as Bürostuehl und öppe zwölf verschiedene Telefon ufm Tisch, hemmer sOrganisatorische für die knapp 5.5 stündig Fahrt Richtig Mûi Né chöne erledige.☎️🫣 @Moni @Ele @Nina, ich glaube mir münd mit üsm Bürostandart und em Thema „Ergonomie am Arbetsplatz’ mal e Stufe abefahre, wie ihr gsend gats nämlich au anderscht.😂🤪 Mit lange Hose und emne dicke Pulli hemmer üs für die vermuetlich übermässig klimatisiert Busfahrt usgrüschtet.🥶🍦Ez simmer gspannt was üs für e Busfahrt mit Sapa Vietnam erwartet.🚌Weiterlesen

    • Tag 146

      Saigon - Ho Chi Minh City

      24. Februar 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      Auf diesem emotionalen Moment hat meine Mutter 45 Jahre lang gewartet. Sie kehrte heute an den Ort zurück, an dem sie aufgewachsen ist und den sie damals aufgrund der Kommunisten verlassen musste.
      Mit der Unterstützung von einigen Bekannten vor Ort, geht es besser mit der Verarbeitung.
      So ziehen wir mit diesen Bekannten umher. Sie zeigen uns einige bekannte Sehenswürdigkeiten und laden uns zu sich nach Hause ein. Köstliches Essen abseits von den Touristen, der wahre Puls der Stadt.

      Ein schönes Wochenende euch allen!

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