Travel is a real motivator for Sheree and I. 37 years married and loving our chances to adventure annually somewhere in the world. Why not join us on our latest excursion? Baca lagi Drewvale, Australia
  • Hari 27

    Most exciting news on this trip

    20 Mei 2018, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Welcome Juliette Rose Clark
    Born 20/5/18 at 1746
    3.2kg 50cm long

    Over the moon for Jess and Jono and Jordan. It’s a happy time as they build their new family.

    I needed a good Seattle coffee to absorb the news. To realise it’s grandchild number four for us... WOW!

    I think we will remember her as our ‘Seattle bubba’!! What a wonderful gift to the world!!
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  • Hari 26

    Pike Place Market

    19 Mei 2018, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Is it the brilliant flowers, the original Starbucks, the masses of people or the huge salmon being thrown around by buff young guys? Yes, it’s all of these things and much much more.

    Sheree is great at choosing well when planning and she chose a hotel between the market and Seattle’s famed Sky Needle. First we rose 40 floors to get a 360 view of Seattle. Sadly the clouds limited the views but this city reminds me somewhat of Sydney for its harbour, waters and treed suburbs.

    Then the market called. Immediately upon arrival we were absorbed by the colours, the smells, the sounds, the diversity of people. The energy in this place is magnetic.

    We paused in an urban garden overlooking the bay for a moment and were amazed at the community spirit here as well.

    There is rule in this place - all marketeers are to be the creators of their craft. Be it painting, sculpture, glass, leather or T-shirt, the originality holds the freshness and ownership well.

    With cruise ships now beginning to arrive and a reputation spanning decades Pike Place Market continues to draw the crowds with its mystique and magic.

    We got drawn in... and loved it!! You will too!
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  • Hari 26

    Finished one chapter... onto the next

    19 Mei 2018, Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    The words of many family and friends rang true this morning. "It will go quicker than you can imagine..." They're right! 21 days in the RV and another big tick off the bucket list. It's been a great time. The RV way gives flexibility and choice that other styles of travel don't. It's not the cheapest option, but worth the investment.

    Our next chapter saw us cross into USA, via bus, It soon became obvious that we were entering a different country. With military precision we were mustered through a checking process and then onwards to Seattle. With lush growth along the way, the three-hour trek was comfortable.

    Arriving in Seattle was a shock. At the main train station the rubbish on the streets, the many homeless camping, sitting, sleeping, begging was 'in your face'. They were everywhere. What's happening with this country - 'the land of the free'?

    We are here for two days only, so we are going to make the most of every moment. Let's suck it and see...!!
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  • Hari 24

    A whole new world

    17 Mei 2018, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Thick moss-covered branches, a hint of sunlight, fern-covered ground and moisture-laden air - this is the world of west coast forests. Our doorway in is via Bridal Veil Falls. We'd been 'out east' exploring the Rockies and other mountain ranges Now the reality of work drew us west.

    The drive from Princeton to Hope, through EC Manning Park was spectacular. Over several snowy passes and then this huge descents into narrow valleys surrounded by vertical shards of thick green forest. We couldn't see the mountain tops from our windows... too tall!

    We'd entered a world of mist, cloud-covered monoliths surrounding Hope, a town we'd already visited. Today our final stop was at Bridal Falls, on the edge of Highway One, out of Vancouver. It's a delightful stream plummeting from the mountains above.

    We entered a mysterious dimly-lit enclave - the forest - enchanting! The sounds, sights, smells and sensations you don't get living in the Rockies. This is more subtle. Precious little flowers, decomposing logs, unfurling green ferns, tall thick trees, creating a mysterious illusion.

    The Falls were a photographer's paradise. In the late afternoon sun they were showing themselves off proudly. This whole new world allowed us to pause and become snap happy.
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  • Hari 23

    Smaller towns... what is it?

    16 Mei 2018, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    As we look back over our travels we begin to see a few patterns. Always heading to colder climates; liking independent travel; searching for the quirky and unusual [especially in coffee shops, gift stores and architecture]; often drawn to smaller towns.

    Let’s explore the magnetism to smaller towns. A few communities spring to mind around British Columbia and Alberta. Fernie, Princeton, Revelstoke, Waterton, Hope - all seemed to fit the criteria of acceptability in our minds.

    We found communities that were proud of themselves; had enough uniqueness to make them was noticeable; weren't shy of speaking about their qualities; did things with a degree of excellence we admired; and finally, were friendly and wanted to serve, knowing that part of their existence comes from us, the visiting guest.

    I don't know what things you use to judge how you travel, but we find ourselves much more fulfilled when we recognise things we do or don't like, and trust what we gravitate to is what is meant to be!

    Vacationing is about the experience... living every moment, living and learning as you go!
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  • Hari 23

    Myra Canyon Rail Trail

    16 Mei 2018, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Getting out of the cities and towns and into the mountains gives me energy and insight. I followed a hunch that the Rail Trail reformed from an old line from Vancouver to Grand Forks would be intriguing. I was not disappointed.

    At 1000m above Kelowna, this Rail Trail was a 12 kilometre section built around a very deep canyon. Though not having much change in elevation, the construction of this line provided plenty of engineering challenges - 18 bridges [all wood trestles], 2 tunnels and who knows how many cuttings and filled valleys.

    Wonderful views of rushing snow melt, the distant city and lake below, hints of the remaining snow, avenues of fir trees creating dark alleys, jagged rock cliffs above and below, dark tunnels and clear skies made for happy cycling.

    The 24km return trip was completed within 2 hours. But it was the fresh air, the pauses for breath and photos, the regular chats with other Trail users, the exhilarating views and amazing feats of engineering was like icing on the cake.

    A well invested two hours... and Sheree got to continue reading her book!
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  • Hari 22

    Too hot... we're off

    15 Mei 2018, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    The Okanagan valley fulfills its claim - the warmer, dryer and fruitier part of Canada. We arrived to lakes, girded by orchards and vineyards, and a myriad of rocky slopes.

    Despite being steep and rocky in many parts on both sides of a 100-kilometre lake, It's an amazingly productive area. It seems like every pocket of land is given to growing something.

    The farmers of past generations were resilient in harnessing the soil, adding water [of which there is plenty] and producing. With the bonus of a milder Canadian climate, spring comes earlier and summer is longer, giving a more longer growing season.

    If you are into wine, fruits or golf, you’d love Osoyoos (say that 3 times quickly) to Vernon, towns at the bottom to top of the Okanagan Valley. Kelowna is the capital, where we spent one night in an apple orchard RV park.

    BUT for us when it got to 31 degrees was just too hot. We didn't come here for Brisbane temps, so our two night stay was shortened and off we went to greener, cooler pastures. A half hour's drive saw us again back in snow at 1700m.

    Our new town for the night, Princeton, a small country hideaway on Highway 3, famous for.... [I'll get back to you on that one!] Another day well spent!!
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  • Hari 21

    It had to happen sometime

    14 Mei 2018, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    "No, it's only $9," said the caretaker as he counted out the $18 Sheree had put in the envelope. It was the next words I never expected to hear.

    "Yes sir, you are correct," replied the caretaker, "but for seniors," he said with a pause looking straight into my eyes, "it's half price." The knowing smiling on his face didn't match the blank look on mine as he handed back a note and some coin.

    Did he just say senior? Do I look that old already?

    Before I could think of words in reply, he'd moved on. "So you're from Australia?" He queried. "What part?" The conversation left money and age behind, but his words were worthy of more contemplation.

    Our stay at Boundary Creek Provincial Park was as far off grid as Sheree was happy to do. With no power or water it was still OK - the site was next to a flowing stream in the Canadian bush, you couldn't ask for more... right?

    It's finally happened. I've been considered a senior. If it means 50% discounts, I suppose I'll take it!
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  • Hari 21

    Where does all that water go?

    14 Mei 2018, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Our trip through the southwestern portion of Canada allowed us to experience a few incredible river systems. The Fraser and the Columbia Rivers go to the Pacific. The Athabasca, Bow and Oldman Rivers make their way into the Arctic Ocean.

    Many times during our visit locals reported the highest snowfall on record. Which begs the question - where does all that water go?

    Racing down gullies and gorges, tumbling over falls, filling dams, trickling through wetlands between the peaks. Eventually, all this water ends in the ocean. All tributaries are draining the mountains of the Rockies and the trip is epic!

    We followed the Fraser River, the world’s biggest salmon river, several times. From Lillooet through Hells Gate to Hope was mighty, amazing, spectacular. We met the Fraser again at Tete Juane Cache, near it's headwaters at Mt Robson. This is where the strongest salmon, the Chinook, end their 1200km migration from the Ocean.

    The Columbia River, the largest river of the Rockies, carries huge volumes of water. It heads both north and south between tall peaks, through many kilometres of wetlands. It goes through BC, into the USA and enters the ocean near Portland, Oregon.

    What an incredible ecosystem!
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  • Hari 21

    Spring has sprung

    14 Mei 2018, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    Daffodils, tulips, azaleas, crocus, iris, snowdrops… the list is long! All great blooms. But our main reason for going to a Northern Hemisphere spring was the cherry blossoms festival. Vancouver has the biggest festival outside Japan.

    This city presented us with four days of sunshine and gorgious temps, with ample opportunity to walk the streets, soaking up the seasonal ambiance of Canada's third largest metropolis.

    Heading away from the coast and rising in elevation the season quickly reversed. At 2000m spring was only just beginning. The tulips were just pushing through; the leaves hadn’t started unfolding; the flowers buds weren’t even open!

    Many locals throughout our trip repeated the same phrase, “This has been the heaviest snowfall on record.” Therefore spring was a tsunami, bursting forth with clarity, energy, and delight.

    As we left the Rockies spring returned with increasing boldness. The trees were covered in thick brilliant greens; the gardens overflowed with a rainbow of colours; the bees, the birds, and the gardeners were all busy.

    The finale of our five-week Springfest was Butchart Gardens on Vancouver Island. Someone had pressed the ‘summer' button and the gardens were being sown with another brilliant display.
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