Curacao Again

novembro - dezembro 2023
We loved Curacoa so much the first time we are back for a second trip. Different resort but same old ladies! Leia mais
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  • Dia 1

    Here we go again...

    28 de novembro de 2023, Curaçao ⋅ 🌬 30 °C

    We loved Curacao so much last year we are back but in a different resort.

    Our day started back on a cold November morning with Gabi getting picked up by the limo service at 5:50 am. They were at my place by 6:20 am. Our drive to the airport was slow most of the way due to accidents and volume. Surprise. The ride was very comfortable in a Toyota Highlander hybrid. It was -5 Celcius or 24 F for our friends south of the border. Of course, when we landed it was 29 C or 84 F.

    Once at the airport, we were through security in no time. We went to the Maple Leaf lounge to bide our time. However, apparently, we could not enter even if we wanted to pay. I am an Aeroplan member, but apparently, we had to pre-purchase our passes on the phone. Would have been nice to read this somewhere on the Air Canada website when I checked a few days ago. We ended up in the Priority lounge. The food was meh, there was very little service but it was quiet and comfortable for the couple of hours to wait. The flight boarded quickly and we actually left early. Gabi and I had aisle seats, which gave us marginally better leg room. The flight was smooth, the food for purchase in the economy seats was also meh. We were traveling with Rouge, which is a subsiduary of Air Canada. The seats are tight but doable.

    We landed early in Curacao, but immigration and customs took a while. I had booked private transport to our resort and they were indeed waiting for us. It was nice to have a whole van for just the two of us. We could leave immediately and not have to wait for others. We are staying at the Dreams Resort this time. A step up from last year. This resort has one main building with 5 stories. There is an elevator, so we aren't climbing the stairs. The room is nice with 2 double beds however, it is not an ocean view. The young lady that booked us in is going to change that tomorrow. We were given a welcome drink and then shown to our rooms. After we got out of our long pants, socks and shoes, we wandered around to check out the resorts. Unfortunately, we arrived when all the food places were closed so we had to wait until 6:30 to get dinner. It is just a long day without proper meals for us two old ladies.

    Our first dinner was as the Ocean Grille. Here is where our first issue with the resort starts. The lady who checked us in told us to download the app for the resort to get a map and menus for the restaurants. This is easily done. So we ask our server for our choices to find out that the menu on the app is not the correct one. We then had to download another menu. Really? Get it together Hyatt. Our meals were very good. I started with a salad and Gabi had the soup. I had the Maui Maui for dinner while Gabi chose the Surf and Turf. Both were very good. I had another pinacoloda and Gabi ordered a Dirty Monkey. Desserts were also nice and light after our meal. We did have friend drop by to join us for dinner. I'm thinking this is going to be a nightly thing. There are several other restaurants on the resort, so we will have to try them all.

    We headed back up to our rooms after the long travel day. See you tomorrow.
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  • Dia 2

    First full day in paradise

    29 de novembro de 2023, Curaçao ⋅ 🌬 30 °C

    We woke early (for us) around 7 AM. The sun was hiding behind some clouds. Not real heavy cloud but enough to diffuse it. We still enjoyed the view. A little more about the room now. We are in a generous size room with two double beds. It is on the 5th floor and the balcony has an east facing view with partial ocean view. The bathroom is a good size as well with a bathtub this time. There is blessed air conditioning which also dehumidifies the room very well. It is actually very quiet here which is nice for afternoon siestas. The beds are very comfortable with 5 pillows each. I use only 1 but Gabi likes the horde of them. Mine end up on the floor. The room has everything you need from dual plugs (European and North American) and usb ports to coffee maker (but no tea). It doesn't seem fair that I can enjoy a coffee in the morning and Gabi can't have her tea. Today while out here, we spotted a cruise ship in port. Looks like a Royal Caribbean but hard to tell at this distance. There is a very nice breeze which makes the temperature bearable this early in the morning; a mere 28 Celsius or 82 F. The curtains in the room are very good at blocking out the light as well. There is plenty of closet and drawer space, safe and mini fridge filled daily. (Non-alcohol only) The bathroom is well appointed with towels, face clothes (we were missing those last year), shampoo/conditioner, soaps and toothbrushes. Hyatt has done very well here to make you comfortable.
    Once up and out of the room, we head down for breakfast. The buffet is right off the main lobby area, very convenient. They have everything you need for a healthy or less healthy breakfast. They will make omelets or fried eggs as well. They were a little shy on sweet rolls (Gabi’s favourite) but they did have everything else from fruit to meats to baked beans (for breakfast?).

    After breakfast Gabi heads upstairs and I find the nearest place for a Frappuccino. Then I find the nearest pool. I set myself up with a lounger and head into the pool. Ah yes, water. I’m home now. I think I should have been born a fish or at least a turtle. I just am more at home floating around in the water. I did manage 4 lengths of the pool in various forms of swimming which is pretty good for me. The pool has stairs going in and gradually gets deeper, I think I might get Gabi in the water this time! The loungers are comfortable but very low to the ground. There was no way I could get out of the thing without help. I am switching to the sun beds from now on.
    Gabi joins me after my swim because we have the almost obligatory sales pitch for their vacation club. We already belong to the lower level but the upsell to a higher level is obnoxious. It was very good at the first with a review of what we already have and how to use the app more. However, the upsell part is really pushy and the word no is not in their vocabulary. The answer was still no when we left.
    After a wonderful lunch at the buffet, we headed upstairs for a siesta. After which we head back to the pool. I manage another 4 laps, yay that's 8 for me today! The sunbeds are much easier to get out of. We read for a while and people watch. All of a sudden, it’s time to shower up for dinner.
    The shower has dual heads and plenty of hot water. What more could a girl want? The buffet closes after lunch around 3 pm then the specialty restaurants take over. We head to Portofino, the Italian restaurant. It is nicely tucked away in a courtyard with palm trees and twinkling lights. The food was exc ellent. I had the Caesar salad and the linguini with shrimp and salmon. Gabi had the cablese salad with the shrimp risotto. We both had the panna cotta for dessert. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised last night. I went with a glass of merlot and it was very, very nice. Last year as Sunscapes I tried several different wines and could not find one that was palatable. I guess coming from the wine region of Niagara has its drawbacks. However, way to go Dreams!

    After dinner we headed to the Casino. Yes, I try my luck. Gabi of course won, I of course lost. Back up to our room for some reading and then bed time. Tomorrow is another day and another adventure.
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  • Dia 3

    New Friends and a Relaxing Day

    30 de novembro de 2023, Curaçao ⋅ 🌬 29 °C

    I called down to the front desk for a kettle for Gabi's tea, they said they would have one sent up. I then had to call again half an hour later. An hour later, we are still waiting. I'm not happy with the service on this. I realize that we are on ‘Island Time' however, these kinds of requests should not take this long. Once again, we are greeted to a beautiful morning. No cruise ship yet but sunshine and 27 C (80 F) outside.

    We had another wonderful breakfast in the buffet. Some things were different but they still had all the staples. I try to eat healthy (no carbs, no sugars) in the mornings, it gets progressively worse during the day. After breakfast Gabi and I took a walk around the grounds. We found the kiddy splash pool, the entertainment stage, the dive pier and shop and the beach area. This place was once a fort protecting the island from those pesky British. It was called For Piscaderabay. They had simple batteries built with cannons in place. They were supposed to fortify the batteries with towers but that never happened. In 1804 some English guy named John Bligh landed and took over the place. In 1819 the Dutch came back and retook the island.
    I stopped by the dive shop and asked about getting some snorkel gear. It is available for rent so that might be on the books for Saturday. We then headed over to the pool area and found a sun bed. These are much more comfortable than the loungers and I can get in and out of them unassisted. Whew!

    We met a nice couple named Jason and Kendra, who are from Guelph, Ontario. Neighbours to us in the grand scheme of things. The pair of them are a hoot. Kendra loves being in Curacao and has been a repeat offender for 7 or 8 times. We start to talk about travel and well there goes two hours. We hit it off immediately. Maybe someone to start travelling with? Time will tell if they can handle my kind of crazy. I sent her a link to this blog, so hopefully we'll see them again.

    I took a swim and then Gabi headed back up to the room and I laid around reading. I went back up to the room to get Gabi for lunch and she told me she couldn't get into the safe. Yesterday we couldn't open it, so I called down to the front desk and they sent someone up. Apparently the batteries were loose. I didn't even know they were battery operated. Today, I asked if we could get the batteries changed. After a wonderful lunch, Gabi went to the pool area and I headed up to wait for the safe to be opened. It had no power again and all our stuff was inside. The person who came up had to go and get a master unit to get into the safe. He changed the batteries and everything is good so far.

    We have booked a facial for Saturday at the spa and tomorrow we are going to try to do the sunset cruise again. Last year we went but the boat broke and we couldn't leave the dock. Let’s hope this year is better!

    Gabi and I spent the afternoon by the pool, they have great music going on. Everything from the 70’s, 80’s and 90's. Gabi could name every song and artist with just a couple of bars. Gabi went back up to the room and I spent some time jumping in and out of the water, chatting with Jason and Kendra and reading. This is a very relaxing trip so far.
    After a shower, we head down for a late dinner. Let's try seafood today. Gabi is not really a seafood people but she was a trooper for me. Gabi had the crab cake and lobster bisque while I had the crab cake and the chef’s special which was fish with rice and grilled vegetables. Both were amazing. Gabi was pleasantly surprised that the seafood was something she could like. Gabi had the key lime for desert and I had the coconut layer cake.

    Last night as we were coming back from dinner, they had a parade with drums and horns and people dressed in brightly coloured Mardi Gras costumes. It was fun to watch and listen to.

    Well tomorrow is another day.
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  • Dia 4

    Sick as a Dog, Even in Paradise

    1 de dezembro de 2023, Curaçao ⋅ 🌬 30 °C

    Last night I started to feel unwell around 4 AM. This continued and I was wondering if I had too much sun or if it was something I ate. Well by 7 AM it was full our flu like symptoms. Fever and chills, vomiting and diarrhea. That was my day. Trying to rest in between bought of being sick. I tried to get some ginger ale but after two calls down to the front desk, I gave up.
    We were supposed to go on the sunset cruise but that was a no go. I feel bad for Gabi, since this is the second year in a row that we didn't get to go.

    Next…At 10 PM our air conditioner decided to give up the ghost. We tried to settle down with out it. Two hours later, we are both up due to the heat and stuffiness. The windows don't open and I don't want to open the door because of bugs and lizards. I tried to call down to the front desk but there was no answer. I tried room service, also no answer. So I got dressed and went down to the lobby. No one was around. I found someone who was closing up the bar. He told be to sit and be patient, maybe they went to eat. Really? Only one person for nightshift? After 10 minutes the lady came back looking like she just woke up. She called three different numbers to find someone to send up. The young man came promptly and had to leave. Now at 2:00 AM in the morning, we have to pack up and get reassigned to another room.
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  • Dia 5

    Spa Day Today

    2 de dezembro de 2023, Curaçao ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

    Well today started out better than yesterday. I am feeling much better, just a little queasy. Therefore, I'm thinking it was something I ate. We'll stay away from the seafood restaurant. Our new room is nice, a little more updated and we have ocean view now.

    Today we had our trip to the spa. Gabi and I loved our facials last year, so we are playing the same game today. We are both a little tired from our 2 AM moving but the facial will be relaxing. After a very light breakfast of scrambled eggs and fruit for me we head over to the spa. Our facials include a neck and shoulder message and a foot message as well. These are just so nice. I don't know what they put on my face but it feels so very refreshed and moisturized. After an hour and a half Gabi and I are ready for a nap. We have a bit to eat first and then head back to the room for our siesta.

    I didn't get in the water today but with the way I was feeling, I thought I would have a slow day.

    We went back to Portofino for dinner. We kept it light again with bean and veggie soup and a calabrese salad. We may have forced a tiramisu down for dessert.

    After dinner we went to the casino. Gabi is still working on her initial investment; I of course leave a donation to their establishment.

    We call it an early evening. Tomorrow, I see about grabbing some snorkel gear and head out to the ocean.
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  • Dia 6

    Another Day in Paradise

    3 de dezembro de 2023, Curaçao ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

    Today is another great day. We haven't seen any rain yet. Gabi thought she felt 2 drops but I don't believe her. We start off slow, Gabi had a restless night and neither of us were moving too fast. We did head down for breakfast. I'm still eating light but Gabi is having a good breakfast. I stare longingly at the bacon, ah well, that is memory from a distant past.

    After breakfast we sat out on the balcony so I could try and get some more bird pictures. I have seen these 3 green parrots but they are too far away for any good shots. I have seen pelicans and these beautiful black, orange birds with blue eye shadow. They love to steal sugar packets from the dining tables.

    We had some lunch at the Hideaway. Just nachos, burgers and fries. However, we finally spotted our iguanas. Picture time. We had two of them. Also checked out the ocean and found a ton of fish. I just had to grab a couple of bananas and go out and feed my little fishies. I had so much fun, I think I will rent that snorkel gear tomorrow.

    I have included a couple shots of the room. I finally got a picture of when the room was cleaned and the beds made before we destroy it.

    We came back up for showers and to read for a bit. We had dinner at the Oceana again. I tried the roasted eggplant with the beet and tomato salad. I wasn't really impressed with either. My fault for trying to eat something different. I'm sure that they would be good for someone who was a vegetarian. Gabi did the empanada and buffalo chicken wings. They were very good according to Gabi.

    Well, check out the pictures of my little friends and the sunset that was just beautiful. Talk to you tomorrow.
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  • Dia 7

    Last Full Day in Paradise

    4 de dezembro de 2023, Curaçao ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

    We had a good night last night. Both of us slept well. Today is our last full day here. We don't leave until 2 PM tomorrow, so we can still go for a swim, have a good breakfast and lunch before we leave. Since Rouge won't feed the peasants in economy; we plan to take some of the buffet with us to eat on the plane.

    After breakfast we head to nab a cabana by the pool. These are so comfy and provide shade from the sun. We lounge around and read, people watch and chit chat as usual. Yes Ken, we can find things to talk about every day for hours. Then something happens that we haven't seen yet. Moisture comes from the sky. I think its rain. Why yes, yes, it is. It actually lasted for about 10 minutes off and on. Then it is gone and we have blue skies and puffy white clouds.

    So, I’m lying there reading and what to my wondrous eyes happens? Gabi is in the pool! Yes, that’s right everyone: Gabi is in the pool. You see Gabi doesn't do water (other than showers). I have tried to get her in the water before but it is a no go. So, on our last day she goes in. The main pool has an entrance that is literally a walk in to the pool. I guess this made Gabi more comfortable. I quickly got some pictures and video of this rare sighting. Well, I just had to join her. I go I find someone to grab a picture of the pair of us in the water for proof that this is possible. I'm slowly corrupting Gabi. You never know what’s next.

    After our swim, we lounge a bit more enjoying the day. Then it is lunch time. After which I head back to the pool and Gabi goes up to start packing for tomorrow.

    I'm sitting by the pool and something strange starts to happen. It's raining! Yes, that's right it is raining in Curacao, quick check it out! It only lasts for maybe 5 minutes and then it stops. The funny thing is that it looks sunny while it's raining. Check out the picture.

    We enjoy our last dinner at Portofino. Gabi had the mushroom soup and the spaghetti carbonara. I went with the Caesar salad and parmesan chicken. This was by far the best meal I had this week. The chicken parmesan was beautiful. The chicken moist and tender and the sauce and vegetables the perfect combination of texture and spice. Desert was the panna cotta that was light and the perfect end to the meal.

    One thing to note today was the power failure. It started in the afternoon with the power kicking off for a few minutes here and there. Then we went down for dinner and found the restaurant in darkness. They have generators that powered most of the hotel (the air conditioners, thank goodness) but the restaurant was without lights. This was okay since there was enough ambient light coming in. Half way through dinner we got the power back on and everything was back to normal.

    We finished off the night with the casino. Gabi has managed to win or stay even every night. I however, think it is important to support the local economy and leave my donation with them.

    Good night for now, tomorrow will bring such sweet sorrow as we leave this lovely island for another year.
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  • Dia 8

    Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

    5 de dezembro de 2023, Curaçao ⋅ 🌬 29 °C

    We have to go home this afternoon. We get picked up at 1:50 from the hotel for a 4:20 flight home. We were granted late checkout until 1:00 PM, yeah! That means that we have more than half a day to play in the sun. After our breakfast, Gabi heads back up to pack, I head to the beach to play with my fish. I stuff 3 bananas in my suit and off I go. The water is calm, and the temperature is perfect. Just a little below air temp so that it is slightly refreshing without being a shock to the system. Once out a little way, I peel my banana and squish the flesh. The fish love this. If you hold the peeled banana at arm’s length they will come and peck at the flesh. Once I finish my play time and get back to shore, I sigh knowing that I also have to shower and get packed.

    Once showered, dressed for the flight home, and packed, we take one more look around the room. Check all the drawers and safe twice. Make sure all our documentation is within reach for the airport. Then we head down and check out. We still have time for some lunch. I packed a couple of sandwiches and cookies to eat on the plane.

    All to soon our car for the airport arrives. Curacao has a small airport, so it is not too difficult to check in and then head to security. The security line is a mad rush of someone yelling to take off your watch, laptops in the bin, take off your shoes, etc. I hate the whole cattle herd system. Come on people, read the signs, and come prepared. Have your liquids bag at hand, have your shoes untied, whatever. I’m sure that this is not the first rodeo for 90% of the people here.

    Once through, Gabi decides to get some duty-free shopping done. Unfortunately, this means a few extra bags of stuff to carry. We headed up to the lounge for some peace and quiet and a little bit of wine and food. About ½ hour before we head down to the terminal for boarding. This is where you see the people at their finest. We have 4- and 5-year-olds running around screaming. I assume the parents think this will tucker them out. I think it winds them up. Then you have the other people thinking that the floor is their personal garbage can. Really? If you drop it, pick it up, don’t just push it under your seat and think it disappears.

    We get on board, stow our carry-on, and prepare for takeoff. We have booked aisle seats to make it easier to get up and stretch or go to the bathroom. Unfortunately, in front of Gabi is a family of 4. The little girl looks to be around 4 and the baby is maybe 7 months. As suspected the baby starts to cry from the get-go. I feel bad for the child because the pressure from the accent plays havoc with their ears. If the mother had given the child a bottle during takeoff, this would have equalized their ears. The crying did continue for a couple of hours, with the mother trying to bounce the child in the aisle and comfort the child. The 4-year-old thought that she could also play in the aisle. These people were from the Montreal area, so they must have travelled down on a plane. Didn’t learn anything? Needless to say, the flight home was not as enjoyable as the flight there. We didn’t land until about 9:30 pm and this family had to catch a connecting flight to Montreal. That would mean that these kids had another 4 hours of travel. Maybe an earlier flight where the kids’ schedules were considered would have been better?

    Once we land, we have to do the customs, immigration gauntlet that is as convoluted as trying to put together a desk from Ikea. Lots of pictures and instructions just complicate the process. Hey Customs bring back real people instead of having computers. Most people who enter an international airport either can’t read English or can’t use a computer! Okay rant done.

    Our car is ready to take us back home. It is a nice quiet ride back; the roads are not that busy this late at night and I am home by 11:00 PM. The weather was a mix of snow and rain in Toronto, but Hamilton had none. Gabi said that Grimsby had snow and rain when she was dropped off.

    The final comments are that Curacao does not disappoint. The weather is great, the resort is great, and the company was great. A nice relaxing week prior to the Christmas rush. We will indeed be back next year.
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