  • 日34


    2023年4月2日, イタリア ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    I just got to spend one entire day in rome. However I enojoyed a lot. I stayed with this Turkish guy that's estudying Art History in Rome. I arrived late at the city. I took the train and then walked for about 40 minutes to get to Barkay's house.
    The next day he had to go to work so he dropped me in Vatican City. I started walking in that area. I got to this place where surprisely (for me) there was gonna be a mesa. The Pope was there. I didn't have idea this was gonna happen and I was shocked about the idea of me being in Rome, few meters away from the Pope.
    I couldn't see the Capella sistina cause it was sunday (the only day they don't open).
    I stayed there half mesa and then walked towards the city center.
    Luckly I could enter to many places for free cause it was sunday. I went to the Pantheon, the Mercati di traiano, Fontana di trevi, Piazza Venezia, passed by the Foro Romano, walked on Via dei Fori Imperiali and finally arrived to the Colosseo. The line for to go in the Colosseo was huge, fortunately it went fast. I could spend enought time to walk around the place. Besides seing the structure there is a lot of information about the Colosseo; the different uses that people gave it throughout the time, the changes that has sufferred, especially because of the earthquakes. I liked the museography here, they use parts of the original structure and complete it with other materials so you can see they way it was at the beggining.
    At the end it started pouring rain and even ice balls. It was quite an experience!
    When it stop a bit I walked to a coffee shop to eat something and cover from the rain. I got a panini, water and after that tiramisù and a spresso. It was delicious.
    I spent long time there due to the rain, I left at 9:30 to meet Barkay that was gonna pick me up in his vespa. We finally got to his place, we were really tired.