Roaming Rome

Today was our first big day in Rome! After brekkie we headed towards the Colosseum where we met our tour guide! We headed off to the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill, and then finally the ColosseumRead more
Today was our first big day in Rome! After brekkie we headed towards the Colosseum where we met our tour guide! We headed off to the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill, and then finally the ColosseumRead more
Le Colisée, à l'origine amphithéâtre Flavien, est un immense amphithéâtre ovoïde situé dans le centre de la ville de Rome, entre l'Esquilin et le Cælius, le plus grand jamaisRead more
This morning we made our way to the Arch of Constantine to begin our guided tour of the Roman Forum, Palatine Hill and the Colosseum.
The first 2 stops were beautiful and filled with history butRead more
Kurz vor 10 Uhr durften wir dann los ins Kolosseum. Das Kolosseum ist das größte der im antiken Rom erbauten Amphitheater, der größte geschlossene Bau der römischen Antike und weiterhin dasRead more
I can confirm that the contiki cough is stronger than copious amounts of wine. The cold just keeps getting worse. For some reason, instead of having a sore throat, my tongue hurts. I couldn't evenRead more
Day 2 began with a walk around the surrounds to watch Rome come to life and to find a coffee while Jeremy slept. Espresso had... parted with €1 and headed back to accommodation. Took a right,Read more
Today we woke up early and caught the metro to Colosseo. Can you guess where it took us? What is in Rome and has Coloss in it? That is right, the Colosseum!
When we walked out of the station weRead more
Heute morgen um 10.30 Uhr hatten wir Tickets für das Kolosseum. Gott sei Dank hatten wir diese im Voraus gebucht, da es voll war und wir sonst nicht reingekommen wären.
Im Kolosseum gab es vieleRead more
Hallöchen ihr Lieben,
Heute schreibe ich euch zum letzten Mal aus der ewigen Stadt. Doch bevor wir morgen unsere Rundreise erst so richtig beginnen, galt es heute nochmal alles aus Rom und unserenRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Colosseum, Kolosseum, Coloseu, كولوسيوم, কলছিয়াম, Coliséu, Kolizey, Колизей, Калізей, কলোসিয়াম, Kolize, Koloseum, Colosseu, کلۆسیۆم, Kolezyum, Κολοσσαίο, Koloseo, Coliseo, Koliseoa, کولوسئوم, Colisée, An Colasaem, Coliseo de Roma, Koty tesaroryrã Rrómagui, કોલોસીયમ, קולוסיאום, कोलोसियम, Kolosej, Կոլիզեում, Colosseo, コロッセオ, Colloseum, კოლოსეუმი, 콜로세움, Coliseum, Amphiteatrum Flavium, Koliziejus, Kolizejs, Колосеум, കൊളോസിയം, कलोसियम, ကိုလော့စီယမ်, कोलोजियम, Colisèu, ਕੋਲੋਸੀਅਮ, Colossé, کولوزیئم, Coliseu, Culusseu, Koloseumi, கொலோசியம், โคลอสเซียม, Koliseo, رىم گىلادىئاتورلار مەيدانى, Колізей, Đấu trường La Mã, קאלאסעום, 鬥獸場, 罗马斗兽场
Traveler Beautiful pictures. Looks like you had a nice day too ☀️
Traveler Stunning!!! Love that blue sky, too.
Traveler I mean, when it Rome I guess??? But also, why does the weather look so good?!? Isn't it meant to be cold and horrible? 😉
Traveler Right? I don’t think Italy knows what winter is
Traveler Silly Italy
Traveler Special