Packed and ready to go!

Here we are again…. Airport waiting for delayed flight! We are joined by our friends. We are not suffering as we are sitting the lounge biding our time.
Flight to Toronto uneventful. In a coupleRead more
Here we are again…. Airport waiting for delayed flight! We are joined by our friends. We are not suffering as we are sitting the lounge biding our time.
Flight to Toronto uneventful. In a coupleRead more
So this is what the airport looks like at 4am. Bogota airport terminal has upgraded since the last time I was here. Admittedly, a long time ago, when I was on the B767.
We have had our masks on forRead more
After a 2 hour flight we breezed through the health check stop and vaccine proof, the passport check to be greeted by our luggage already on the carousel waiting for us.
Now that is efficiency! TheRead more
After breakfast we looked at a couple of options for the day. One was a trip to Cerro Blanco protected forest, the other a cab ride downtown to see Iguana Park and a nice Cathedral. Cerro BlancoRead more
There is much to see downtown. In Guayaquil there are many bronze statues of historical figures in Ecuador.
We continued along the river promenade where we all got inexpensive portraits sketched of ourselves. All in all we were happy with the art work, even though I look like a baby faced grocery boy whileRead more
We met the rest of our fellow tourists this morning. All together we are a group of 16, everyone except us Canuks are US citizens. They all seem friendly and most have gone on multiple trips with thisRead more
Just as we got hungry, we stopped at a fruit stand get some finger bananas, guaba and seedy tangerines. Guaba looks like an ugly cucumber that twist to get apart. You eat the sweet coating of theRead more
We had lunch at an Organic Cocoa plantation. As you might expect, there is a long winded explanation of the value of organic farming and the co-operative they belong to. They are preaching to theRead more
Traveler I look forward to following you on your journey. Have fun!!